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Volcanic Nation


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Alright. So I adopted this new policy for our channel and all that jazz.

Seeing as some people wanna chill, i'm allowing people to come by our channel and chat. We will have strategize sessions with a disclaimer to keep out at that time. If any person not of Volcanic Nation does show up we are inclined to remove you immediately. If the disclaimer isn't up then you're free to chill with us.

Also the voting is still continuing until a majority votes one side. Anybody opposed to this newer policy?

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nope, seems fine to me, I Think the disclaimer thing will do a much better job of enforcing the deserved privacy of Nation related discussions on the server than just straight tossing people not in the group out as soon as they stop by

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Forget that noise. The session is still going but now the timing is rescheduled to 7:00 Est PM today. Right here. Right now this Friday. Tier is RU. Be there or be square.

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most everyone was indeed square.

Three person turnout, folks.

impressive, most impressive.yeah, it's voluntary and all, and if you already had stuff planed for that time frame, that's fine.

but still man, only 3 out of 16 total members show? voluntary is all well and good, but you guys do realize that the only way for you to benefit from these Tier arsenal sessions is to try to attend them, right?

anyways enough on that little rant... I've got the info we came up with during the thing.when given the option by Cowtao if I wanted to do the Session with just the two of us working or just go on about my way, I figured we might as well just go ahead with the thing even if it was only three of us (Cowtao and myself initially, then Jelly joined in during the middle of the session) since that way at least the Meta-Data would exist and everyone on the team could still use it as a reference if needed.

so if any of you wants/needs it, PM me. and I trust I don't have to say this, but don't disclose it to anyone outside the nation. knowledge is the key to all power in this war.

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Yes, Notus.

Either the leader drafts people or they volunteer to enter the field of battle, then they make the roster and submit it by midnight each sunday.

after that, I do beleive that Kio creates the match roster and then gives it to the heads of the two nations that'll be fighting against each other, and from that point the leader tells us who amoung the battlers is going to be fighting whom on the opposing nations roster. I asked KIo this question and he said the actual time of the matches themselves are up to you and whoever you're set to face of against in battle. so yeah, you two decide on a time, then duke it out

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Here's the gist.

Seeing as I have limited time to evaluate everyone here's the deal. I am gonna choose whom among you guys will compete. Duke it out, fight it out, and show your stuff against your fellow members. 2-3 of the people chosen will be based on their skill. 1-2 of those people will be an experiment. Sometimes, there maybe unexplored talent we don't know about. Maybe a certain person might be rusty or they're nervous to face against their teammates. This spot is too encourage you guys to give it your all even if you aren't particularly amazing at a certain Tier. The variable between 1-2 and 2-3 is because of me. I don't know if I'm going to partake in this battle or the next one as such a leader should lead his team to victory. This doesn't mean I can go through evaluations and always be in the 5. Leaders need to be tested too. :P But I do have a bit of staying power since I am your god among men in this nation. --Or cow.-- If you have an issue with this system please let me know.

Also just added this in. If you don't battle, you don't compete. Anybody would say they are good and anybody could get to a high ladder rating if you try. I want you guys to prove that you earn this spot, as much as I will have to prove to you guys that I want a spot.

In the meantime, you guys know what to do. Get on it and try your best for victory! >:3 Save those replays for me as well.


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Alright, bumping this to let you guys know that the selection process is over! Check out the roster to see if you got selected.

For now, for those who did try and gave it their all here is a list of honorable mentions.

Honorable Mentions

Silver - Contributed heavily in the competition and edged it out versus Jellyman. Great battler and tried his hardest to reach one of the roster seeds. Realistically, he would have edged the last seed if not for one lopsided game. >>;

MagikarpKiller / GyaradosKiller - Contributed to the final selection process. Bro

Notus - Sent in the only PM for battles. Great battler and tried his hardest to reach one of the roster seed.

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Alright so...We won! c:

For 3 days you guys can take a rest. There will be no voluntary sessions or anything of that nature unless you guys want to do it in your own time. I'm gonna chill for a bit and you guys should too. c:

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hey guys, Great work in the First Challenge, may this be the beginning of a very long streak for our nation ^_^

anyways, to commorate or victory, I've come up with a bit of Motto to use in battle/ on the server, along with a banner to use on forums in folk's signatures, tell me if you all like them:

The words of the Slogan/Motto:

"Hell-Fire, Lightning, & Smog; Volcanic."

It's meant to represent the types that represent us, Hell-Fire for fire types, Lightning for Electricity, and Smog for poison. figured best to keep it simple, so instead of a rambling sentence, I kept it condensed to something simplistic and to the point, like the motto of House Targaryon from "Game of Thrones" (Which is "Fire and Blood, House Targaryon.")

And here's the Forum Banner, which contains the above mentioned motto, along with three mons whom I think would do great as mascots for each of our three type allowances (to clarify, what I'm suggesting is that we keep Camrupt as our main Mascot, then choose three more Mascots, whom will be for each of the three types)


Hell-Fire, Lightning, & Smog


the three Mascots I had for defualt are all pure types, ergo, their exclusive to our nation, though they can easily be replaced if you all want to officially vote for which mons are used.

as for the Camerupts... well... seeing as how it is already our current mascot, and the fact that it has a freaking Volcano on it's back... yeah...

So, you guys like?

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I haven't been very active on the thread but I am still on the team so i think ill try contribute more.

I would post the teams I have built with our restrictions for suggestions but that could give the enemy way to much insight into what i'm doing.

I will be open to practice battles or whatever so don;t count me out as an inactive for the nation, I was just a bit late to the party!

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Alright alright alright.

Break is over y'all. I think it's safe to start doing some strats to kick some more arse. Holding a session again at 9:00 EST with us tackling the last official tier, UU. This one is going to be fun. And probably quick because we have literally the best type advantage in this. :P

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Teambuilding session was a massive success! We came up with many many sets and scoped out a lot of various pokes we can use. If you want the link to the piratepad, just pm me or Cowtao and we'll be sure to get it to you!

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Volcanic vs Ruin

Seeing as I have limited access to the computer on Sunday, here's the deal.

I'm picking 5 of you lucky guys. I'm not gonna participate in this one and the list will probably be made for players that largely were not able to play in the OU round. You have every reason to decline on the request as honestly this is given at the short time that I have to send in the list. The people who did apply and did want a spot are Notus/Silver/GyaradosKiller. If you want a spot and you aren't named the three, give me something that I can look at to prove you are a good battler. With the unique theme this week it's gonna be interesting to see what you guys can come up with for your contribution in the roster. Send me a PM if you got something good. For our sessions and the prove yourself phase, try experimenting with 1v1s. The style for Round Two largely seems something emulated for 1v1 except with 6 pokemon and the ability to use Roar and Whirlwind. Experiment!

We are on that 4-1 train guys. Let's go for a positive record again. Let's go Team Volcanic!!!

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