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Apophyll Nation


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Well ever since out type change, haven't really been doing much with the nation yet. So here's a list of all the big ass threats we have now including some ubers. (Ubers will be bold, Mega's in italics)

Breloom, Bliss/Chans, Conkeldurr, Espeon, Mega-Gardevoir, Keldeo, Lati@s, Mega Medicham, Smeargle, Terrakion, All forms of Deoxys, Mega Blaziken, Arceus, Mega Kangaskhan, Mega Lucario, Lugia, Mega Mewtwo X-Y, Mega Alakazam, Diggersby, Hawlucha, Mega Heracross, Staraptor, Azelf, Uxie, Mesprit, Mew, Celebi, Victini, Jirachi, Metagross, Chesnaught, Gothitelle, Infernape, Lucario, Machamp, Mienshao, Porygon 2-Z, Scrafty, Slowbro, Starmie, Toxicroak, WOBBUFFET MASTER RACE, Ambipom, Braviary, Bronzong, Cincinno, Claydol, Cobalion, Cresselia, Delphox, Emboar, Exploud, Gallade, Heliolisk, Hitmon-chan-lee-top, Meloetta, Reuniclus, Slowking, Virizion, Sigilyph, Audino, Beheeyem, Boufallant, Bibarel, Castform, Chatot, Chimecho, Delcatty, Ditto, Dodrio, Dunsparce, Exeggutor, Farfetched, Fearow, Furfrou, Furret, Girafarig, Grumpig, Hariyama, Hypno, Jynx, Kecleon, Lickilicky, Linoone, Lopunny, Lunatone, Malamar, Meowstic, Miltank, Mr. Mime, Musharna, Noctowl, Pangoro, Persian, Pidgeot, Poliwrath, Primeape, Purugly, Pyroar, Raticate, Regigas, Sawk, Slaking, Solrock, Spinda, Stantler, Stoutland, Swellow, Swoobat, Tauros, Throh, Unfezant, Unown, Ursaring, Watchog, Wigglytuff, Xatu, and Zangoose.

Threats we need to look out for.

Aegislash, Breloom, Azumarill, Charizard, Clefable, Dragonite, Gardevoir, Gengar, Gliscor, Greninja, Gyarados, Keldeo, Landorus-I-T, Lati@s, Mandibuzz, Mega Mawile, Mega Pinsir, Scolipede, Mega Scizor, Skarmory, Sylveon, Talonflame, Terrakion, Thundurus, Togekiss, Tyranitar, Zapdos, Arceus, Genesect, Mega Gengar, Giratina-Regular-Origin, Ho-Oh, Mega Lucario, Lugia, Rayquaza, Shaymin-Sky, Xerneas, Yveltal, Crawdaunt, Mega Gardevoir, Hawlucha, Mega Heracross, Klefki, Salamence, Staraptor, Thundurus-T-I, Tornadus-T-I, Venomoth, Volcarona, Weavile, Mega Absol, Mega Aerodactyl, Chandelure, Chesnaught, Crobat, Florges, Forretress, Galvantula, Honchkrow, Infernape, Jirachi, Krookodile, Celebi, Lucario, Metagross, Noivern, Sableye, Scrafty, Slowbro, Starmie, Toxicroak, Trevenant, Umbreon, Victini, Froslass, Shuckle, Aromatisse, Banette, Braviary, Bronzong, Claydol, Cofagrigus, Cresselia, Delphox, Doublade, Drapion, Durant, Emboar, Escavalier, Fletchinder, Gligar, Golbat, Jellicent, Moltres, Sharpedo, Skuntank, Slowking, Virizion, Whimsicott, Yanmega, Zoroak, Sigilyph, Accelgor, Altaria, Archeops, Armaldo, Articuno, Beautifly, Beedrill, Butterfree, Cacturne, Carbink, Chatot, Crustle, Dedenne, Delibird, Dodrio, Drifblim, Dusknoir, Dustox, Emolga, Exeggutor, Farfetched, Fearow, Girafarig, Golurk, Gourgeist, Granbull, Illumise, Jumpluff, Jynx, Kricketune, Leavanny, Leadian, Liepard, Lunatone, Malamar, Mantine, Masquerain, Mightyena, Mismagius, Mothim, Mr. Mime, Ninjask, Noctowl, Pangoro, Pidgeot, Poliwrath, Rotom, Rotom-Fan, Shedinja, Shiftry, Slurpuff, Solrock, Spiritomb, Swanna, Swellow, Swoobat, Tropius, Unfezant, Vespiquen, Vivillon, Volbeat, Wormadam, and Xatu.

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  On 7/23/2014 at 2:54 AM, Bluewolf said:

Never underestimate the mighty yet mysterious


^ Watchog Best Normal type smogon pls ban nintendo pls nerf

But in all seriousness. Watchog is better than he was in Gen 5. but not still not good.

Edited by Epic C
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Medicham is the only one who got voted on soooo...

  • Medicham 1 vote

If no one else suggest another Apophyll Pokemon then Medicham will win.

It seems required to the other nations...

I won't bother with your nation then

Edited by sonic112233
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