Rooreeloo Posted July 14, 2014 Share Posted July 14, 2014 (edited) Hey there, and welcome to the Ruin Nation! The Ruin Nation is represented by Grass, Ghost, and Ground types. No other types may be represented in the Nation. The leader of the Nation is Rosesong! The list of Nation Members; Reveal hidden contents Fezzdog Elmo12 2tousent Abbey Street Momo EXLink32 Vertex74 Caesar Clown Nagato Nirvash Epic C. Rosesong Huggy Below is a history of the Ruin Nation's performances! Reveal hidden contents (3-7) Week 1 - Loss vs Haven (2 - 3) Week 2 - Win vs Volcanic (3 - 2) Week 3 - Win vs Apophyll (4 - 1) Week 4 - Loss vs Mythic (1 - 4) Week 5 - Win vs Aurora (4 - 1) Week 6 - Loss vs Mythic (1 - 3) Week 7 - Loss vs Haven (2 - 3) Week 8 - Loss vs Apophyll (1 - 2) Week 9 - Loss vs Aurora (0 - 3) Week 10 - Loss vs Volcanic (0 - 3) Edited October 13, 2014 by Rooreeloo Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kamina Posted July 14, 2014 Share Posted July 14, 2014 '-' worst mono typing ever (except for maybe poison) amirite anyways lgi! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Equilim Posted July 14, 2014 Share Posted July 14, 2014 I actually like the typing. Not the strongest but that just means when we win all the challenges, the inevitable victories will be all the sweeter. Nice to meet you to all my fellow Nation allies. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gaunt Posted July 14, 2014 Share Posted July 14, 2014 (edited) Oh Ghost huh? I like it EDIT: 1) don't know who to vote so you can add my vote to the majority 2) question: can we use Legendaries for our teams? Edited July 14, 2014 by Gaunt Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Kamina Posted July 14, 2014 Share Posted July 14, 2014 since i cant vote for myself i will vote for fezzdoge Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted July 14, 2014 Share Posted July 14, 2014 I am going to abstain from voting currently, other things are pressing on my mind than this at the moment. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Equilim Posted July 14, 2014 Share Posted July 14, 2014 I would also like to abstain from voting for a leader for now. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
2tousent Posted July 14, 2014 Share Posted July 14, 2014 WOOOHOOO, I get to use my favorite pokemon Trevenant :3 also i vote for Santa to become our leader Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Mikzal Posted July 14, 2014 Share Posted July 14, 2014 If the nation stays like this, the Fezz should be the leader. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanco Posted July 15, 2014 Share Posted July 15, 2014 Also going to abstain from voting. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
slant Posted July 15, 2014 Share Posted July 15, 2014 for those of you saying that forest has bad typing, just remember that you have mega-banette which can kill ANY pokemon with priority destiny bond. how OP is that?! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted July 15, 2014 Share Posted July 15, 2014 That is like one thing in a sea of eh. But have been considering it. (also it can be out played, and I don't typically like using a mon, to kill one if I don't have to.) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aishten Posted July 15, 2014 Share Posted July 15, 2014 Hmm. Semi-bad typing. I will not vote for leader for now. Nice to meet you nation teammates. I guess we will have tough hard battles. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Destinyweaver Posted July 15, 2014 Share Posted July 15, 2014 Greetings nation members! I can work with this typing. And for all you people complaining about our typing....Learn to make due with what you get. There had to be at least one Nation that got the types that aren't the absolute best...We just happen to be that Nation. But, if we want to consider us true masters of battling, we must make due with what we have. There are several things we can pull off with the typings we have, we just have to find them and figure them out...Just like every other Nation will have to do to at least some extent. Remember....Type disadvantage doesn't mean all THAT much, as any competitive battler should know....It's always possible to win even with a disadvantage. Put it this way....We are like Nuzlockers that didn't get very good catches, leaving us with a disadvantage against a gym or some other important battle....That doesn't stop most Nuzlockers, does it? It sure doesn't stop me either way. And the thing is...we have less to lose compared to a Nuzlocker. The only thing we're truly fighting for is bragging rights, and possibly a prize of Reborn Ruppees(I don't really know...just assuming). And also, if you people discourage yourselves now, and things don't change....How can you hope to win if you're already not confident you'll win? What's important is that we try our best. Ranting over. I'm holding off from voting....For now at least Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elmo the Pokemaster Posted July 15, 2014 Share Posted July 15, 2014 I love our typing, and it fits in with "forest" anyway. And I think I might vote for Fezz, whenever we do start voting. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted July 15, 2014 Share Posted July 15, 2014 P.S. guys Fezz is most likely leaving, just so you guys voting for him know that. (I said most likely for a reason. Also I decided to stop complaining already, I will fight by you guys with my Comrades, we are Forest, an indomitable spirit. Even if you end our bodies, they will return to the Earth and grow our Home. You cannot kill the Spirit of the Forest, because it itself is a living creature. Even if we are defeated, we will be back, because we strike even from the grave. SO COME FOREST BROTHERS!!! TO VICTORY!!!!!! FOR GLORY!!!!!!! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flux Posted July 15, 2014 Share Posted July 15, 2014 Just popping in to say that the Forest Nation was actually where I would have preferred to end up. Sure, your types may not be the best, but they're where many of my favorites lie, and that matters more to me. You've got Nidoking, Muk, Gengar, and Nidoqueen. Poison's where it's at. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
2tousent Posted July 15, 2014 Share Posted July 15, 2014 I dont mind our typing, but we dont have many choises as many grass types are already poison, and there are few ghosts, on top of that the nations are unbalanced, we got nothing on the sky nation Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aishten Posted July 16, 2014 Share Posted July 16, 2014 Space and Sky and Volcanic and (ice type)(Ancient) can kill us with ease.we have limited choices in pokemon species . Ofc , we could try to fight against these nations , but only worth mega is bannette and gengar thats all. and gourgesit maybe useful a bit. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Raindrop Valkyrie Posted July 16, 2014 Share Posted July 16, 2014 Breloom can pretty much single handily defeat ancient at least in an OU match. (as most Ice and Rock types are pretty slow, there are some exceptions though obviously.). We also have access to the Nidos and while they may not be perfect they have the coverage we need. We aren't as barren of choice as some people think, they are many things we have the are just weird or just outclassed, but are still good. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Aishten Posted July 16, 2014 Share Posted July 16, 2014 okay. brellom and nidos. but sky/space kills them. Because psyhic/flying/dark/ and we are done. I will fight with spirit , bur sky nation can counter us. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Destinyweaver Posted July 16, 2014 Share Posted July 16, 2014 Of course every nation has counters against the things we have....But you forget EVERY nation has those few nations that will give them the hardest time. And every type in general has SOME type of cover for their weaknesses, whether it be coverage, a Pokemon that is at least neutral to a weakness, or something else. With good teambuilding, strategy, and possibly a little luck, we can cover any weakness our types have, and reign victorious over any of our opponents. Because remember...Types aren't everything on the field of battle, nor is the species of Pokemon you're using. What matters most is the skills and strategies of the players. NOW, FOR THE GLORY OF THE FOREST NATION, WE MUST PLACE OUR FOES INTO THEIR FINAL RESTING PLACE WITHIN OUR TREES, AND THEN HAVE THEM BECOME GHOSTS TO SERVE OUR CAUSE! WE ARE THE GREAT WARRIORS OF THE FOREST! MAY OUR BATTLE CRY BE HEARD IN ALL OF THE SKY, GROUND, SEA, AND EVEN THE BORDERS OF SPACE ITSELF! LET THEM HEAR OUR CRY OF THE FOREST AND COWER IN FEAR! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Elmo the Pokemaster Posted July 16, 2014 Share Posted July 16, 2014 (edited) Quick references for teambuilding that should be useful, for your teams. I listed pokemon that we have access to that get some useful moves and stats. I didn't list pre evolutions (which doesnt mean you shouldn't use them!) Pokemon with rapid spin-Donphan, excadrill, sanslash, claydol Pokemon with defog-, Drifblim, shiftry, tropius Pokemon with aromatherapy/heal bell- Vileplum, Meganium, Parasect, Roserade, Sawsbuck, jumpluff, cherim lilligant, leavanny Pokemon with baton pass-gliscor, leavany, Sawsbuck Pokemon with Encore- quagsire, victreebell, jumpluff, sunflora, whimsicott Pokemon with perish song-Gengar, misdreavus, marowak Pokemon with Sticky web-Leavany, Pokemon with tailwind- whimsicott, drifblim Pokemon with Trick room- gengar, mismagus, dusknoir, bannette, whimsicott, cofagrigious, Chandalure, trevanent, gourgiest, claydol, Pokemon with toxic spikes- nidoking/queen, roselia, Pokemon with spikes-cacturne, roserade, frosslass maractus, ferrothorn, chesnaught. diggersby Good dual screeners- Meganium. rotom grass, serperior, leavany, claydol Our fastest pokemon- , Mega gengar(130), Dugtrio(121) Sceptile (120), Whimsicott(116) Serperior(113), Edited July 18, 2014 by Elmo the Pokemaster Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rouge5926 Posted July 16, 2014 Share Posted July 16, 2014 This will be interesting for me because me and grass types get along as well as oil and water Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Fezzdog Posted July 17, 2014 Share Posted July 17, 2014 Phwoo, okay then first post \o/ Hi and nice working with you all. There's a Forest backchannel on the PO server if you want to join and have a chat. So new typing will (likely) be Grass/Ghost/Ground. I don't know how everybody feels about that. So what do we get now? We still have access to: Grass: Mono-types: Tangela, Tangrowth, Meganium, Sunflora, Sceptile (maybe Mega), Leafeon, Shaymin, Serperior, Simisage, Lilligant, Maractus & Gogoat Dual-types: MegaVenusaur, Vileplume, Victreebel, Exeggutor, Breloom, Cacturne, Jumpluff, Shiftry, Roserade, Abomasnow, Whimsicott, Amoonguss, Ferrothorn, Virizion, Chesnaught, Celebi, Ludicolo, Cradily, Rotom-C, Leavanny, Wormadam & Sawsbuck Exclusive access to: Torterra, Trevenant, Gourgeist Ghost: Mono-types: Misdreavus, MegaBanette, Dusclops, Mismagius, Dusknoir, Cofagrigus Dual-types: Gengar, Drifblim, Spiritomb, Chandelure, Shedinja, Sableye (maybe Mega), Froslass, Rotom, Jellicent & Aegislash Exclusive access to: Trevenant, Gourgeist, Golurk And we gained... Ground: Mono-types: Sandslash, Dugtrio, Marowak, Donphan, Trapinch, Hippowdon Dual-types: Rhydon, Gligar, Flygon, Claydol, Rhyperior, Gliscor, Excadrill, Krookodile, Stunfisk, Landorus, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, Golem, Onix, Quagsire, Steelix, Swampert (maybe Mega), Camerupt, Whiscash, Wormadam, Gastrodon, MegaGarchomp, Mamoswine, Seismitoad, Diggersby, Zygarde Exclusive access to: Golurk, Torterra Immediate strategies that jump out at me that we have exclusively are Trick Room Marowak, Cofagrigus (one of our member's favourites), Mismagius (that's probably just me though, love her), Dugtrio, Donphan and access to both of the big OU Sand Sweepers. Also I'm voting for Equilim because he's active and passionate enough to lead us even when we had a sub-par typing compared to the others. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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