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azurill, moveset, happiness


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I don't think friendship berries are the best method to get happiness... I mean, you have to have EVs on your Pokemon to use them at all. So you'd basically have to get into a battle and use a berry, if you don't have any EVs on Azurill. Repeatedly.

I'd advise setting the clock forward and going to the two salons in Obsidia- it takes a while, but it's more reliable and likely easier.

As for a moveset, most people opt for Aqua Tail/Waterfall, Play Rough and Superpower at the very least. Aqua Jet is a common fourth slot option, but if you don't want to breed for it, take your pick, is my best advice. Body Slam is imo better than Double-Edge because of the lack of recoil + paralysis chance. But that's just me.

Edited by Lost Lore
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