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current team pre ep 13


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lvl 65 Chesnaught

Brave Nature

- Cut

- Hammer Arm
- Wood Hammer

- Leech Seed

huge glue of the team, i can take most physical hits and retaliate in return, also leech seed tricky defensive mons always comes in handy

lvl 65 Granbull

Hardy Nature

- Crunch

- Rock Smash

- Play Rough

- Strength

i'll be only clicking play rough 95% of the time. my main answer to dragons and darks there is

lvl 62 Swanna

Lonely Nature

- Roost

- Featherdance

- Water Pulse

- Brave Bird

i can play swanna as a suicide brave birder or stall my opponent to doom with featherdance and roost, i kinda messed up cuz i gave it hurricane and it took me a while to realise its glitchy :(

lvl 66 Emolga

Serious Nature

- Nuzzle

- Volt Switch

- Acrobatics

- Encore

this guy is ridiculousy good its not even funny. nuzzle is the oh-shit button i have if something starts rolling through my team, acrobatics is a very powerful stab for a fast pokemon like emolga and encore means i can cheese through ground pokemon as well

lvl 63 Heatmor

Bold Nature

- Slash

- Snatch

- Flamethrower

- Bug Bite

eh sometimes this guy does a lot of work and sometimes hes just a big sitting duck (screw you rain) so i dont know, his movepool is kinda bad, considering replacing it for houndour since im very weak to psychic (radomus wasnt really hard though since it was a double battle and he never clicked trick room for some reason)

lvl 62 Arbok

Quiet Nature

- Screech

- Glare

- Sludge Wave

- Acid Spray

kinda obvious i have to replace this with magnezone @_@ anyway im sacking this most of the time in hard battles for glare + either acid spray or screech depending on my next switch and eh thats not even close to reliable


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Your team is really frail and it's not the fastest either. Well, if you really want to stick with this team no matter what, then here's what I'd do:

For Chestnaught Body Slam instead of Cut would be great. Poison, Bug and Flying all resist your stabs. With a Normal move, the number of Pokemon you don't hit at least neutral goes from 160 to 26, and the 30% Paralysis chance is pretty great too.

Granbull will obviously get more use out of Brick Break than out of Rock Smash. You could also breed for Close Combat. It can barely take a hit anyways, decreasing it's defence some more won't harm it any more. Breeding with a Sandshrew/slash can also get you Earthquake. Maybe Substitute could help it stick around a tad longer.

Your team isn't terribly fast, so Tailwind could make things way easier. Bubblebeam is also superior to Water Pulse. 5 more power and bboth added effects only have a 10% chance to occur, but a Speed drop is still better than Confusion. Feather Dance is situational, only really necessary on Buffers, on which Defog is more usable. It can also clear away hazards and Screens. There's the minor evasion drop too. Breeding with Remoraid nets Swanna Ice Beam.

Discharge has higher power than Volt Switch AND a 30% Paralysis chance. The instant switch really isn't necessary in Reborn. Emolga doesn't really have the power to one-shot foes either so getting more than one hit at a time is better. Dunno how useful Encore has been to you, but I'd say Light Screen would prove to be more useful overall.

If you want to keep Heatmor, get rid of Snatch. It's pretty much pointless. You can also breed Heatmor with a Smeargle for moves like Night Slash, Sucker Punch, Dig and Shadow Claw. If you do get Houndoom, breed with a Smeargle for Sludge Bomb and have Houndoom learn Nasty Plot, Dark Pulse and Flamethrower.

Nothing to say about Arbok.

EDIT: There's 7 types you have no attacks of: Ice, Ground, Rock, Psychic, Ghost, Dragon, Steel. Some goog options for your team would be (IMO): Metagross, Excadrill (bred with Smeargle for X-Scissor), Mamoswine (bred with Drilbur for Rock Slide), Durant (bred with Dwebble for Rock Slide), Archeops, Crustle (bred with Geodude for Earthquake).

Edited by Etesian
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I like your team. Nothing is very good besides the Chesnaut, but there's something charming about running through the game without good pokemon, it's how I played through most of the game.

That being said, you might want to train some more pokemon to use in rotation with your team. At the very least a Dark type to help you deal with Ghosts/Psychic. Drapion, Houndoom, Honchcrow, Umbreon, and Shiftry are decent options off the top of my head. A ground type would give you more offensive coverage, Donphan, Diggersby (Only if +att nature and EV trained, though), Swampert, and Sandslash are some decent options.

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Chesnaught- Holy crap yours has the same nature mine does. Although I really want to change it when I get far enough on that file, so not for long.

That aside, Cut has gotta go. If you want coverage, as has been said, Body Slam is good. You can also use Bulk Up if you like buffing moves, but I'd rather do away with Leech Seed for that than sacrifice the coverage.

Granbull- Smeargle can net you some nice options with this. I have one with Play Rough, Bulk Up, Thunder Wave and Close Combat for a general idea of a few. Rock Smash should be done away with, though. If you want a Fighting move, either breed for Close Combat from Zangoose, or pick up Brick Break, since it's there. That's also been said. I'd also rather one of the fangs than Strength (Ice Fang? You're lacking an Ice move, after all.) but that's just me.

Swanna- ...is not a Pokemon I'd use, so I can't offer much advice for you. Brave Bird is a bit weird on it, but, it does have Roost. I'd rather run an entirely special set, since all of its Water moves are special, but then we have Hurricane that's broken at the moment, leaving you with Air Slash as your best Flying move, so...

Oh, and if you'd like, you can chain Scald onto it with Simipour -> Psyduck. Probably your best available Water move and it has that nice burn chance.

Emolga- Encore is a bit weird, but, I guess it could mess with someone. Since you're using Nuzzle, switch Volt Switch for Electro Ball. They're a deadly combo that's not to be trifled with.

Heatmor- I've never used one of these... um. Looking at its stats I see a slow mixed-attacker. Breeding for Sucker Punch can help with its Speed problems, Hone Claws is a nice buffing option, and... hmm, this one is tricky...

There are better Fire-types out there, though. Houndoom is a very nice choice for a replacement, but you can also pick up Typhlosion or Chandelure. Although the former of those is kinda limited in coverage options.

Why am I the only one who has ever had trouble with Radomus since his team change

Arbok- As someone who still uses Skuntank of all things (I spent five hours searching for it leave me alone) it's not my place to say this, but... I'd trade it for something else. If it's another Poison-type you want (and you decide against Houndoom), Drapion is pretty cool- much faster and very sturdy on the physical side to make up for the loss of Intimidate. There's also Scolipede who has Speed Boost and Baton Pass and I don't think I need to tell you how broken that combo is.

If you want to keep it, I'd breed for Poison Jab over Acid Spray and pick up one of the fangs instead of Sludge Wave. Those combo better with Screech. Glare is good, though. Paralysis is always nice.

Your team is pretty unique, though. And you get points from me because Chesnaught is my favourite Kalos starter and doesn't get much love.

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thanks for the comments and tips n_n. about the moves on heatmor i caught him with those moves then i looked at his learning movepool and it was absolute terrible so i just left as it was :s. I have considered a quagsire too for ground type when i was having trouble with the poison gym but i ended up beating it on a pinch so i gave up on his training. as for breeding, resetting or hm slaves, i honestly never considered doing that but maybe i shouldve done it since i dont know how hard this game is going to get from here :x. (i'll probably have to in the future anyway, wich will be a pain to fix)

also im not quite sure but isnt defog glitched? i kinda remember using against shelly and it didnt work, i might be tripping though

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thanks for the comments and tips n_n. about the moves on heatmor i caught him with those moves then i looked at his learning movepool and it was absolute terrible so i just left as it was :s. I have considered a quagsire too for ground type when i was having trouble with the poison gym but i ended up beating it on a pinch so i gave up on his training. as for breeding, resetting or hm slaves, i honestly never considered doing that but maybe i shouldve done it since i dont know how hard this game is going to get from here :x. (i'll probably have to in the future anyway, wich will be a pain to fix)

also im not quite sure but isnt defog glitched? i kinda remember using against shelly and it didnt work, i might be tripping though

Breeding isn't something you need to do for this game at all, especially if you've gotten this far without it. Doing so now will probably make things easier in the future, and might allow you to kill some time to wait for the next update.

But foremost, getting an HM slave to do your dirty work is something you can easily do.

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