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Sharpedo or azumarill


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I have just beaten the 2nd gym and stopped Taka 's PULSE. I currently have goldeen as my water type but I am willing to replace it. Should I trade the growlithe for an azurill which I will breed aqua jet later or get the carvanha from the team aqua side quest. I have a chance to get the zorua for the 4th gym because I do need a dark type in sharpedo or zorua. Which water type is superior?

P.S. should I replace my swoobat for a crobat later on in the game.

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Honestly, both can work. It doesn't matter if you pick Carvanha or Azurill, the fact is that you're going to end up with a good water type anyway.

If you ask me, i'd say "Get Azurill". Because Huge Power > Speed Boost. And since you're willing to breed to get Aqua Jet on Azurill, i think Azumarill is a great idea.

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And Swoobat > Crobat cuz originality

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Thanks guys. I am now going with azumarill as it has more bulk, the additional fairy typing and i can always get a zorua for a dark type. Swoobat will do just fine until i get that crobat. It hasnt learned calm mind yet but with simple it will do ok.

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  On 7/24/2014 at 3:18 PM, alaneapen said:

Thanks guys. I am now going with azumarill as it has more bulk, the additional fairy typing and i can always get a zorua for a dark type. Swoobat will do just fine until i get that crobat. It hasnt learned calm mind yet but with simple it will do ok.

make sure to catch Zubat/Golbat in a friendship ball. Makes it waaaay easier, faster and cheaper to get Crobat.

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If you're not lazy to breed, you can breed Aqua Jet on Azumarill level up a Sharpedo and see which one you like more. I believe Sharpedo has a bit more base Speed, but Azumarill with Huge Power would utterly destroy Sharpedo's Attack stat.

Not to mention that Sharpedo's physical moveset is rather limited through levelup, I can only think of these;

Crunch/Night Slash

Ice Fang

Aqua Jet

Slash/Take Down (Carvanha learns Take Down at 38)/Strength

Whereas Azumarill (if bred with Aqua Jet) would have these moves open to it;

Aqua Jet/Aqua Tail


Play Rough

Bounce (Azurill learns Bounce at level 23)/Double-Edge/Strength

To me, the choice is pretty obvious. Even though I liked Sharpedo when it was still OU for a short while back on PO, Azumarill is just.. The better of the two.

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