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Fighting Monotype, with a twist.


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I want to see the new pulse pokemon in EP 12, so time for a new playthrough. Doesn't seem like anyone did a fighting monotype yet, so here I go.. with a twist to make it a little harder.


- Final evolution of the pokemon has to be a dual fighting type; no pure fighting types allowed. Only one pure fighting type allowed; all others need to be dual types*

- The second typing for dual types have to be different for every party member.

- Illegal pokemon for breeding purposes allowed, but they cannot be used for any trainer battle.

- HM slave(s) allowed, to be kept at lvl 1 and not used for trainer battles. If it enters a trainer battle for any reason, that battle is count as lost and need to be re-done.

- 5 main party members max. (6th slot will be for the HM slave, or left blank when HM slave is not required.)

- No trading with other players, only use pokemon avaliable in current episode (12 as of now).

- No Infernape/Blaziken... I want something more difficult.

Note: soloing florina with quilladin is just flat out impossible... gauranteed loss nomatter what... so I had to add a second pokemon (a pure fighting type).


For starter I picked chespin, tepig event would be avaliable much sooner than chespin event.

Cain/Victoria: easy pushovers.. chespin has OP base defense.

Here's the starter:


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Looking forward to this one! You said you'd only use pokemon currently in E12, but what about Scraggy/Scrafty? Will you go to a previous episode to get it sooner, or play through only one episode without going back?

Also, what turned out to be rather fun in the monotype I just finished is going back to previous episodes to fight some gym's past forms, like Serra's doubles team.

Anyway, good luck and have fun!

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Scraggy will be late, I won't go back to a previous episode. I think I can get a pancham instead though.


First Fern battle: rollout rolled over him. 2hko on lotad, 2hko on snivy, ohko on budew.

I don't know if it's because I only have 1 pokemon, or because of a ep12 change; but the factory battles are back to back singles now, instead of doubles with fern. Fern just follows me and do... absolutely nothing.

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Well, both have lackluster speed, so I'd recommend Scrafty for the long run, way more bulk. It's got lower attack but it's strongest moves are Head Smash and STAB HJK and it has breedable Zen Headbutt and the 3 elemental punches.

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Fern finally decided to do something in the meteor boss battle. It was extremely easy though.. leech seed/rollout easily dealt with the meteors while fern's budew did nothing but growth.

Due to only having one pokemon, quilladin reached lvl 21 before julia. Common candies won't be available in store until after julia, so I have to fight her with a disobedient quilladin. Between paralysis, ignoring orders, and -5 accuracy due to heliolisk, quilladin failed miserably to tackle julia on the first try. With lots of luck and 16 potions, quilladin pulled through on the second attempt. The battle mostly involved hoping quilladin would use leech seed, and use potions to stall out the sonic booms.

After battle:


Victoria before slums: rolled over with rollout.

Cain at coral ward: more rollout

Turns out I can't get pancham early... so this means soloing pulse tangrowth with quilladin... gulp.

Turned out to be a trivial fight. The AI does not know how to handle bulletproof, and just kept spamming acid spray (which does nothing). Easy win without getting scratched

Fern (before florina): on attempt 17, quilladin haxed to victory by skillfully dodging 3 leaf tornados and ko'ing servine with rollout. Not being able to use leech seed hurts a lot.

There's just no way to beat florina using just quilladin.. all the hax in the world still won't pull off that miracle. I think I might gring way up (to chestnaught) and live with the disobey to get past this. A disobedient chestnaught can't even beat the opening maractus... I had to change the rules to allow one pure fighting pokemon to make this remotely possible... This is the result:

Hariyama OHKO'd her entire team after belly drum; except for the cacnea, which dodged knock off twice.

Team post battle:



Taka and the chatot- after 9 resets, hariyama finally didn't hit himself in the confusion and ohko'd the chatot instead with knock off.

Taka and zel double battle - focus firing at zel's eeveelutions first, then setup belly drum on the lileep and sweep with hariyama. I deliberately kept quilladin's hp low and hariyama high so the chatot would attack quilladin instead of confusing hariyama. Much easier and less frustrating fight than the previous solo taka fight.


Stuck at corey now. I don't know how to deal with the crobat.

Finally beat corey after grinding to 35 and using my only hyper potion.

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