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original trainer suggestion


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I been thinking of pokemon reborn, and the pokemon that are given to you from other people. Lilpup, Snubble, Krickot are 3 of many pokemon that had a different trainers and are given to you. There original trainers are very unimportant but they could add a little lore to the game, you could remember the fallen officer whos growlithe was given to you. Yes I do agree doing that will make them level up faster because of boosting, but I never understood why me using my friends pokemon will make it grow faster. I suggest taking the boosting effect off and making regular exp gain. This could make it a tad more difficult for people that use the traded pokemon. They could also implement the lottery more giving it lamer prizes, with a egg being a grand prize. It could be a way to implement Wailmer, or another pokemon(s) that would be hard to obtain especially since most of the water is poison. I know not the coolest idea but it could be interesting having these little tidbits

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I'll copy what I said from the status:

That would be awesome, you're right. Unfortunately the game script that does that requires the player to NOT send that new Pokemon to the PC, i.e the trainer could only have 5 Pokemon when they went to get those. That's super tedious and lame and not worth it IMO

The boosting thing isn't even a problem, it's literally just the way Essentials is set up.

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I might have something to make the game more fun, maybe if we could battle the original trainers of those pokemon(the officer like the second Kiki battle at shade's gym or something), but only of we have those pokemon in front of our party, also that the trainers are random weekly like the weather(lets say the policeman on monday the first week but thursday the second week) because that would make it a nice hide and seek to find them, and you would gain some exp if you could find and beat them.

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