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Team 1 week ago:

Lvl 67 Delphox (blaze) - Will-O-Wisp, Psychic, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball

Lvl 67 Simipour (torrent) - Dive, Scald, Brick Break, Hidden Power

Lvl 63 Magnezone (sturdy) - Discharge, Flash Cannon, Metal Sound, Magnet Rise

Lvl 62 Arcanine (flash fire) - Extreme Speed, Fire Fang, Flamethrower, Flame Burst

Lvl 62 Crustle (sturdy) - Slash, X-Scissor, Shell Smash, Rock Wrecker

Open slot

Team as of now:

Horny the Gogoat (Sap Sipper) lvl 69 ( ;) with name) - Aerial Ace, Bulk Up, Earthquake, Horn Leach Item: Miracle Seed EV's: 252 Attk, 252 HP, 4 speed

Starscream the shiny Metagross (clear body) lvl 64 - Zen Headbutt, Hammer Arm, Meteor Mash, Agility Item: Metal Coat EV's: 252 Attk, 252 Speed, 4 Def

Emperor the Empoleon (defiant) lvl 64 - Agility, Ice Beam, Scald, Drill Peck Item: Mystic Water EV's: 252 SpA, 252 HP, 4 Def

Gardevior (need nickname - trace) lvl 65 - Shadow Ball, Psychic, Moonblast, Calm Mind Item: Mind Plate EV's: 252 SpA, 252 Speed, 4 HP

Pound Town the Durant (hustle) lvl 64 - X-Scissor, Iron Head, Dig, Rock Slide Item: Silver Powder EV's: 252 Attk, 252 Speed, 4 HP

Fiery the Arcanine (intimidate) lvl 67 - Crunch, Outrage, Extreme Speed, Flare Blitz Item: Charcoal EV's: 252 Attk, 252 Speed, 4 HP


Lvl 64 Magnezone (mostly SpA and Speed EV trained) (sturdy ability): Metal Sound, Discharge, Flash Cannon, Magnet Rise (will probably stand in for Horny for Ciel's gym due to typing)

Lvl 67 Delphox (blaze) - Will-O-Wisp, Psychic, Flamethrower, Shadow Ball

Lvl 67 Simipour (torrent) - Dive, Scald, Brick Break, Hidden Power

Also, much thanks to Etesian for all of his help with the team!

Edited by Darkforce35
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Wow. Great coverage. However I can tell you will be temporarily replacing some pokemon with a HM slave. Make sure at least one of your pokemon can take a hit since this seems like an all out attacking team. I might suggest getting rid of the agility or scald on empoleon for a water HM. Durant I'd run swarm personally since I like high accuracy moves. No ground immunity though... Which means you might get a flying type later on since (in my opinion) it would be too much of a bother to carry a Fly slave around. Also post items used. Overall solid team with lots of potential

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Finally, after I've suggested it in a bazillion threads, someone finally accepts the embrace of our true lord Durant.

EDIT:And in response to Mint, Empoleon's Special attack is far stronger than it's Attack. Considering that Dive, the only water HM currently available, is physical, keeping Scald (and it's 30% burn chance) is the smarter choice, imo. Even when we get Surf, the high burn chance makes it more useful than the +10 power of Surf. One of Durant's main selling points is it's insane power, which is boosted by 50% by Hustle. It is unknown when we'll get Fly, if ever. It's also better to just spend some time going back&forth for HM Slaves instead of crippling your team members by teaching them something like Cut, effectivelly allowing to only have 3 (usable) moves. And the Ground weakness can be handled by Gogoat's and Empoleon's STABs, I guess.

Edited by Etesian
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Finally, after I've suggested it in a bazillion threads, someone finally accepts the embrace of our true lord Durant.

EDIT:And in response to Mint, Empoleon's Special attack is far stronger than it's Attack. Considering that Dive, the only water HM currently available, is physical, keeping Scald (and it's 30% burn chance) is the smarter choice, imo. Even when we get Surf, the high burn chance makes it more useful than the +10 power of Surf. One of Durant's main selling points is it's insane power, which is boosted by 50% by Hustle. It is unknown when we'll get Fly, if ever. And the Ground weakness can be handled by Gogoat's and Empoleon's STABs.

Overlooked the ground weaknesses. Can't agree more with what you say except I would never consider dive on the empoleon. Giving it a quick claw could make up for the loss of agility.

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I might suggest getting rid of the agility or scald on empoleon for a water HM

I would never consider dive on the empoleon.

Wat. The only existing water HMs are Surf, Dive and Waterfall, with Scald being better than Surf, and Waterfall and Dive, which we covered, are essentially the same. Really don't know what you're trying to say.

Giving it a quick claw could make up for the loss of agility.

It only has a 20% chance of activating, unlike Agility's constant boost. Not advisable to rely on it, imo.

Edited by Etesian
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In the matter of excadrill, i'd likely either have my empoleon set up with agility (in case of sand rush ability), or without sandstorm and given low defensive stats, arcanine with flare blitz (combined with charcoal and intimidate to lower excadrill's attack) should be enough for him

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