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R.I.P Hunters. Starving Buzzard is being nerfed to cost 5 mana and have a statline 3/2. Now the UTH combo with it is turn 8 to be used. ((funnily enough it is easier to combo it with Cult Master now.)) Basically, Buzzard is really bad now.....like geez.

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10/10 balancing, Blizzard, way to go

like, seriously? they hate hunter beast synergy so much they make Starving Buzzard into the worst card in the game? at least make it a 4 mana 3/2 so it's on par with stuff like Arathi Weaponsmith statline wise. :/ really disappointed in their choices to counter Leeroy, Buzzard, UTH combo. no one will want to use Buzzard ever again after this nerf.

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Yea, sadly that is Blizz in a nutshell, they tend to overnerf rather than fix something. I am still of the mindset Buzzard should be a 3/1 for 3, though yours sounds alright as well. Never has a card been nerfed by 3 mana before.

((Also, I don't mind the Leeroy one that much, It really only hurts Miracle Rogue. Though the Malygos version will probably make a comeback now, since the meta is still slow enough it is still a strong deck. Handlock may still use it possibly.....but you can;t use the Power overwhelming Faceless combo with it any more either.))

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Another Hearthstone fan here !

I've played for only a few months so I don't have all the cards I want, I'm still at crafting common cards, I'm yet to craft rarers cards. At least, I got lucky enough to get 2 jugglers, 2 Argus defenders, Illidan and the Blood mage Thalnos (although Illidan is not that great :/)

I have all Naxx done, including heroic mode so there's that. I love the Sludge Belcher : as funny as good as a taunt. I also use Loatheb in most of my decks like everyone else because it's always annoying to face.

I like to play every character and every style and I want to get every card available (except foil, I don't care about foils). Currently, my best deck is my zoo because it's the best deck for beginners like me who don't have many good cards. It misses the Doom Guards that I've yet to get but it still works fine.

I also hate the Miracle deck, I've yet to see a Rogue deck that is NOT miracle at high level gameplay. When I play on the ladder or when I watch "pro" battles and I see a Rogue, it's yet another miracle, it gets boring. Rogue has a good potential in an aggro deck imo, with lots of small creatures and combo cards like evisceration and stuff.

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You should try the Backspace Rogue then, if you don't mind netdecking. It is a pretty sweet Aggro deck and it is made to kill as fast as possible. However, Aggro is a bit weak in the current meta since there are so many huge taunts running amok. Higher ranks you won't see any aggro cause they just don't work, in this long drawn out meta. ((other than maybe the Hunter ones, which are still around.)). The meta right now is super duper control.

Other notes, I suggest learning other types of decks, while Zoo is decent, you won't ever get to legend or higher ranks with it. Zoo has no bad match-ups, but it has no good ones either, so it is painfully average and at higher levels it makes it super hard to climb ranks. Miracle Rogue right now is just the best Rogue Deck, since it has good match-ups agianst most stuff that isn't control warrior and was a counter to Hunter back in it's hayday. It is a bit more janky since Leeroy was nerfed, but it still works. Miracle is highly used for a reason, it is a damn good deck.

I personally am a Handlock/Handmage player at the moment, both decks being high control decks that try to unfairly speed out super threats. Mage has the added bonus of the Duplicates to give you extra Giants or Twilight Drakes, and has a different suite of spells. ((that tend to be better than the Handlock.)), where as Handlock has much more reliable draw, and an easier time chipping themselves down to get out free or super cheap Molten Giants.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Sorry for the double post, but I kinda need to share the expansion news. http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/blog/16515629/goblins-vs-gnomes%E2%84%A2-explosive-new-cards-to-debut-this-december-11-7-2014

that there link explains it. This Expansion is Goblins vs. Gnomes, so a lot of Golbin/Gnome related cards will be in it. As these are the tinkering races of WoW and they like making fancy machines ((that tend to backfire....A LOT)) the New Minion type Mech is being added. Also, due to the inventions backfiring a lot, this expasions theme is Randomness, so a lot of the card add super randomness with things like the Madder Bomber who throws Six Bombs, to the Piloted Sky Golem, who drops a random 4 drop ((not from your deck, it can literally be any 4 drop in the game.)) upon his untimely demise. New Class Cards are being added as well, such as the Unstable Portal, a mage spell thatfor 2 mana puts a random creature from your deck into your hand and you can play it for 3 less mana. ((this effect should be permanent like Farsight.)). These cards are purchased via buying expansion packs, rather than the expert pack in the store.

So, what do you lot think about these new cards? ((some more examples can be found on on the Hearthstone Facebook page.)) What do you think of the theme of the Expansion?

In my opinion I think the randomness is a bit annoying since it brings a lot more luck into the game, but by the same token it will make a lot of interesting plans come out of people, whether they throw an unexpected monkey wrench in your plans, or they throw one in their own because it totally backfires. I like the addition of Mechs, as it makes a new gimmick to build around, and most mechs are available to all classes, making it so any class could have a possible mech deck. ((though priests get the Advanced Healer Bot, a super version of the Gelbin invention. Since it heals Mechs for 4 health, it might make Priest the go to Mech deck.))120 cards with definitely make the game get a boost of flavour, and certainly will make new decks crop up.

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