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Hi everyone! Im brand new to this, and have some questions...


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Hey! Super fantastic to be here, and finally getting the courage to make an account :D

My life is pretty dull, but I really do like this game so far :D

My team so far is my Cacnea, Quilava, a shiny tranquill, Trubbiish, Gothita.

I'm leveling a Makuhita for the darn Cradilily, so m meowth is in pc.

Speaking of the devil, anyone know a good way to beat her? I'm hoping this punching bag does the trick, but i'm having issues..

And also where can I catch a Zorua? Its my favorite non-legend. Do tell.

Thanks for listening to my blabble and I hope to see you all again :D

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I don't remember the exacts of Zorua, but I don't think it can be obtained until around 4th gym badge. If you look it up you can probably find the exact method. I'd like to offer a way for you gym leader troubles, but the first time I played against her Pignite (Or whatever form it was at the time) essentially flexed his way through it. [Mind you that was without the special battlefield.]

The second time It was still straight flexing (Since early game reborn can't handle Grotle cursing his way to victory for some reason.)

Though I think my brother did something with a trubbish, at the very least against Cradily it used (Acid Spray? Whichever lowers special defense.) And it might of had toxic spikes, but don't quote me on that.

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Thanks Everyone :D

Sir, I do say I love your fish :3 And its only like level 10 right now >.< Working on it.

Kaiser aw darn that late >.< Boo. I loves it so. Oh well :/ I do have toxic spikes, maybe I can set that up as well. Worked on the first gym. Badly Poisoned FTW

I know its obtainable cause I checked out the list earlier :3 But thanks for the info and for the remark! I try to be positive. Too many whiny babies out there .w. I like it: the intro was very nice and colorful. Plus hummingbrids rule ^.^

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Zorua I think is in the team magma hideout on certain days unless it was changed and Cradily can't handle fighters to save it's life. (Literally) Also note that for every gym/boss battle the bosses always carry one pokemon that can counter their weakness and most of each team has pretty good type coverage so if you fight let's just say a normal type at any point, bring something to kill a fighting type's weakness. *wink wink*

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Team magma hideout..alright ill keep my eye out for it, thank you :D

I have my makuhita. Still leveling it. Im also considering using my Cacnea in game (not just for battle) but I think I will train multiple pokemon (more than 6) at once, and just recycle them like Jwittz did on Pokemon Y. Course Y's way easier :D

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Heya, and welcome to Rebornz.

Since Florinia doesn't have a grass/poison type anymore, a poison type can decimate a good part of her team. You need to be wary of the Cradily and the Breelom. After those two, throw a poison type in and bam... it has to be a decent poison tyoe though :I

And if you ever have any other questions related to pokemon locations, you can go here! to ask them... or see the topics that were answered already.

That's all i have to say. Enjoy your time here and i'll see you in hell. o/

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Yeah, I played the last gen pokemon, I chose X. Definitely the easiest not just pokemon game, easiest RPG I've ever played. Reborn is not like that. Reborn can be a tad challenging. I've never been the grinding type but if you want to make your battles winnable then just training a few pokemon (6 or less) will not cut it unless you mastered IV/EV and perfect item guide. The main thing I always focus on is type coverage, regardless of how strong any trainer you fight is. Pokemon at it's simplest is rock, paper, scissors.

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Welcome to reborn. I hope you enjoy your stay, if you have any other questions then Vinny or Tempest (should I still say this now that Temp's resigned?) should be able to answer them.

But yeah, insert age old joke about sanity here.

See you round.

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Hello, Sydney! (I looked at your alias, and I said, hey, I'm from a city called Sydney, ohoho!)

Glad you love the game! Be sure to stick around, and welcome to Reborn.

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  On 8/12/2014 at 12:26 AM, Otterthecat said:

Hey! Super fantastic to be here, and finally getting the courage to make an account :D

My life is pretty dull, but I really do like this game so far :D

My team so far is my Cacnea, Quilava, a shiny tranquill, Trubbiish, Gothita.

I'm leveling a Makuhita for the darn Cradilily, so m meowth is in pc.

Speaking of the devil, anyone know a good way to beat her? I'm hoping this punching bag does the trick, but i'm having issues..

And also where can I catch a Zorua? Its my favorite non-legend. Do tell.

Thanks for listening to my blabble and I hope to see you all again :D

First off, Welcome :).

Second off, does your Trubish have Toxic Spikes? set up one/two of those and Florinia is done for

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Firstly, thanks everyone for the warm welcome: its nice to see a community that actually cares if you have questions :D And I shall now commence answering in order >:D Theres so many of you i might be hard ^.^

Shatteredskys, I totally will! Its so dark and gloomy, something I love to see: very refreshing like ginger ale *sips* mmm :D

Absolutely love the avatar even if it isn't, technically "yours", Fortune. ^.^ Looks like Sub the Trubbish will be putting in some more work in this gym-but evevn if she still had thaat pesky poison type, gothita should've been able to wreck. He does indeed have toxic spikes. SO lets hope my Gothita can punch a few holes in that Brelooms brain >:D

Damage- i'm not one for competitive battling (though apparently this game is essentially all of that) but I do like myself Ivs. Evs are meh though :/ Regardless, I shall prevail! :D

Ill see you tonight when I'm counting you, Sheep :D

*gasp* He knows my name! Oh wait I tolds everyone :P Yes, I get asked if i'm from Australia. And I look at the kids, and I want to punch them and say, "This is why nobody has faith in 'MERICA anymore." But anyway, super happy to meet you, Impossible :D

TheRoaringRight. Sounds like a movie :D Firts off, Thank you :D Second off, Sub does indeedy.

Which has made me realize something: I never intended to keep Sub the trubbish on my team (which is what his name is- Substitute) but I think I might now, even if its hard. Hes been dead useful and I do love poisoning things. Besides, how could you not love something that poisons everything within a 10-mile radius? :D

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  On 8/12/2014 at 4:24 PM, Otterthecat said:

Firstly, thanks everyone for the warm welcome: its nice to see a community that actually cares if you have questions :D And I shall now commence answering in order > :D Theres so many of you i might be hard ^.^

Shatteredskys, I totally will! Its so dark and gloomy, something I love to see: very refreshing like ginger ale *sips* mmm :D

Absolutely love the avatar even if it isn't, technically "yours", Fortune. ^.^ Looks like Sub the Trubbish will be putting in some more work in this gym-but evevn if she still had thaat pesky poison type, gothita should've been able to wreck. He does indeed have toxic spikes. SO lets hope my Gothita can punch a few holes in that Brelooms brain > :D

Damage- i'm not one for competitive battling (though apparently this game is essentially all of that) but I do like myself Ivs. Evs are meh though :/ Regardless, I shall prevail! :D

Ill see you tonight when I'm counting you, Sheep :D

*gasp* He knows my name! Oh wait I tolds everyone :P Yes, I get asked if i'm from Australia. And I look at the kids, and I want to punch them and say, "This is why nobody has faith in 'MERICA anymore." But anyway, super happy to meet you, Impossible :D

TheRoaringRight. Sounds like a movie :D Firts off, Thank you :D Second off, Sub does indeedy.

Which has made me realize something: I never intended to keep Sub the trubbish on my team (which is what his name is- Substitute) but I think I might now, even if its hard. Hes been dead useful and I do love poisoning things. Besides, how could you not love something that poisons everything within a 10-mile radius? :D

Firstly, welcome! Glad to have someone so upbeat about things all up in this place.

Secondly, you were mentioning the names wrong ;w; , (you were calling them by their little title thing that's below their name)


Hope it helps on the little confusion (I had that problem as well when I was first reading the forums before registering).

Also, have a Otter Weasel with a feesh


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