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because this is a totally necessary intro

Dark Desire

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Hi frens, if you're wondering, "why is this scrub making a intro topic, hasn't he been here forever?" you're correct! I haven't made an intro in the past and with the amount of older members who're coming back and all the newer ones we're getting that might not know many things about me, so I thought why not?

For those who haven't read my profile, my name's Troy, I'm 17 years old and I live in Elk Grove, California. I first found out about the Reborn server after I left the beta server to check out what all the other servers were about back in late '11 and the atmosphere of the server was so lovely back then, I never paid much attention to Reborn until I met friends like Kamina and Shadow the Hedgehog and joined some of the lively clans growing on the server at the time. I first gained interest in the forums of Reborn after watching many of challengers go through the Reborn League being hosted at the time and I thought maybe if scrubs lovely people like Swims, LTL, and Xiph could get through the league, why couldn't I? I finally made my forum account then and I haven't regretted it. Meeting all you lovely people on the forums has been a blast! Although I rarely post out of one specific place on the forums.

Also some things that I'm currently interested in are Hearthstone, watching LoL, you guys c:, long walks on beaches under the moonlight, anime (I'm always in need for suggestions so feel free to PM me anything you've watched and have really enjoyed), movies, reading books, competitive Pokemon, and having fun! Thanks to everyone that took the time to read this and I hope I'll get to know all of you better! '-'

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Welcome to the forums.

  On 8/13/2014 at 5:57 AM, Dark Desire said:

Also some things that I'm currently interested in are competitive Pokemon

If you're interested in competitive battling there's this thing called Pokenations which is happening at the moment, not sure if you knew that.

Check it out when you have time.

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