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Hello Everyone, Flash here ^_^.

Sir Flash™

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Hello everybody, long time no see :D.... You're residential black man has come back to the Reborn family <3. For those who do not know of me, here is my Reborn history. I am a 22 year old who joined Reborn in the fall of 2011, back when nobody talked on the server and it would be around 6-11 people on daily. I had about 30 user names and randomly came on (was not yet a member on the forums) and would just spam challenges... Then one day out of the blew it became popular.... I have had many names on P.O., but the ones most know me by are Sir Fla$h, The Rock and CM Punk. As you can tell I am an advent wrestling fan..

While I was away, I have been doing a lot of things in my daily life. I've got me a job, which I have been working for, for about an year now. I am an music artist (links in profile, signature) and have sold 88 copies so far, not a lot but the money helps with school. Most important thing to me though is school, I changed my major from Chemistry to Health Education/Music with History as my minor. Yes I am an Double Major..... Going into my 3rd year, I hope this will be my best one in school, GOD has truly blessed me and my family. I am fortunate enough to have my own apartment now and as of today here on the Reborn Server I will be and am establishing the "Dark Brotherhood" clan. But that's gonna be another topic....

All in all, I missed you guys and still love you all. I am glad to be back and everyone has made me feel welcomed coming back. I hope to make some new and many more friends!

P.S.: Sorry about that In-House match about 2 months back, around that time I was stressing out because I didn't know if my Dad would be alright with his current health condition and me not being able to pay some bills. I felt helpless with it all but that is no way at all acceptable for the way I acted and for that, I apologize....

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Cyrus <3

The Rock is back alright

BRO!!!!! What's been good dude?

Welcome back Dwayne Johnson Rocky.

You're one of those guys I remember vividly from '11 & '12 but never get to talk to. :x

Yeah we really never talked, time to change that ;)

Ah shiet it's the Rock again

How you been doing man

i changed profession from Idiot to Fush

lol, I see that

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Welcome back!

If you leave and return 3 more times, I think you get a free sandwich. You punched your card right? No? Awww...

Anyway, it's always good to see people come back after a while. I think the server is often quieter than it was in fall of '11 these days, despite the growing numbers. Eh, it depends though. It's quieter at night, at least.

Well, here's hopin' ya have a nice, long, relaxing stay as a returning guest at the Reborn Hotel. No refunds.

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