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Graterras Chapter 3: Darkness Revealed [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Previously on Graterras, Chapter 2: A Second Chance http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/index.php?showtopic=8194

Many a days travel guided by the Dwarf-Father Odin, and the bumbling duo, Bjorn and Chauff, the heros had arrived to the Dark Passenger's Road. Soon they would be within the walls of Nevermore, a City with a sorted past, and a vile underbelly. It loomed in the distance, like a dark monolith. It seemed so quiet on the outside, almost as if you were approaching a ghost town. A light snowfall had powdered the ground, a thin layer of snow glistened. It contrasted with the Dark outline of the City looming in the background. The Air and the surroundings for once didn't feel oppressing however. After being deep in the hordes of foes from before the Wind and the Earth and all the elements felt free. They weren't retracting themselves in this place, so it couldn't be that bad.......could it?

On the road there, Bjorn stopped the group as he was currently leading. "Well folks, there she is. Nevermore. I never much cared for this place, she promises nice things up front, but deep seeded lies are all that lie underneath. Like like a bad prostitute. Or Chauff.....take your pick."

"Na, I am don't promise nice things and have a chewy center." Chauff said rather nonchalantly.

Bjorn rolled his eyes, and just kept walking at this point.

Odin walked with Jupiter and Helze. "Hmmm, I know a bit of Nevermore, and it isn't nearly as bad as Bjorn says girls, there are some good people there. In fact since it is getting late we might need to stay at an inn, hopefully old Abraham's place is still open."

((alright, will give you guys some character time before I get you all into Nevermore, since I ended Chapter 2 a little abruptly. Anyway, have at it you guys.))

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Snow. She'd read about this again in one of the books her father had left her. Knowing that it was cold from a book was different from actually experiencing it, however, and it was her first time under the snow. Where she was from was definitely mountainous, so of course during the colder seasons the climate would drop lower, but...

"Choo!" Helzebeth rubbed her nose gruffly, turning her face away, lowering the hood of her robe to hide her face. "E-Excuse me," she said, a bit irritated at showing some form of weakness as usual. Well, in the first place, she didn't really like the cold so much... Or at least she wasn't so crazy for it.

"S-So... What is there to know about Nevermore?" The curious half-Elf asked Odin. While she was outside home, she may as well learn all that she could about Graterras in person.

Hunter sneezed too. He shook the snowflakes off his fur and kept close to Helzebeth, hoping to keep her warm.

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"Hmm, well it is a City that has stood well over a thousand years. Almost as if a monument to time itself. It is said that the building we can see above all the others has been there since the beginning." Odin pointed out a Giant Castle like structure. It had a dark red roof and Gargoyles and other Grotesques ringing the outside turrets. It was massive, and could be seen clearly what it was from this distance, unlike many of the other black blobs in the skyline. "That is the Congress Hall, or the Seat of the Mysterious 3 and the Shadow Council. The Mysterious 3 are the heads of the town, they rule over everything and it is said they know all that happens within its walls, and merely allow it to happen. It is unknown who they are, or even if they are still the same people from over a thousand years ago. The Shadow Council are their lackeys and aren't actually a part of the Congress. What they do is unknown to pretty much everyone, as they aren't allowed to speak of their jobs. It is said it is treason of the highest order to speak of it. They not only kill the offender, but his entire family and anyone who ever knew him, or so they say."

"Great, that sounds peachy." interrupted Jupiter.

"Don't worry, we won't be gong to that district of the city, Abraham lives in the Dust district and Bjorn said his friend lives in one of the towers in the Arcane district. Those are typically the safest parts of town." Odin said, a smile on his face.

"Hmm, never been to a big city though, I wonder what the paved streets will feel like under my barefeet." Jupiter thought aloud.

"Probably pretty cold with all this snow on the ground now." injected Chauff, who appeared as if from nowhere. He slinked away, almost like a cat, quickly and silently.

"I am not sure how I feel bout that guy......he is a strange one." Jupiter remarked.

"Aye, he is indeed." Odin said with a hearty laugh.

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Nero glanced around as they walked towards the city.

"Snow..." he thought, catching a flake on his finger. "A comfortable element for one such as myself, a Darkwinter. And the city's name itself appeals to me. Perhaps I will find it more suitable than our last stop."

"It occasionally snowed back home..." he mumbled to know one in particular. "Back at the manor..."

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"A Manor huh? Must of had some Money then. Wonder what is like to have a permanent home sometimes." Chauff said back to Nero. He once again seemingly appeared out of nowhere near Nero.

"Ah, Snow is so lovely, is cold just like the corpses I turn into horrible monsters." said the Crimson King, in a rather unpleasant manner. It was mostly only unpleasant due to the the content rather than how he said it. The Grimoire's Skull once more had 2 pinpoints of red light in its eye sockets. It had a rather happy expression on it's face. "My castle looks so nice as well, almost peaceful, as if nothing horrible goes on within. Makes me want to add a trim of white colour somewhere, but It wouldn't have the same effect I don't think."

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Xavier gave Sigurd a bitter look. "Remind me of why we decided to take a powerful lich with us?" The point was a sore spot between himself and the other templar. "I still don't like the idea of that. Perhaps you should consider the consequences of your actions before you charge into them," the elf said, blissfully unaware of the mountainous quantities of irony in that statement.

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Akuma kept his silence until the Fire Templar addresses the elephant in the room, his decision about tagging along the lich with the group was also split aswell, after all he was the first one to suggest to destroy the box the moment they've found it. He steps forward just before Sigurd can respond "Oy, Xavier. I don't like this idea as much as you do but like i said earlier just give it a chance." The birdman can't believe he just defended a mass murderer. "Think of him as a prisoner, held captive until we can figure out what we can do with it." He said to Xavier.

"No offense, lich" he looks down to the talking book.

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"A monument to time... A monument to the god Mortimo, maybe?" Helze mused aloud. Time was an interesting concept to her. For instance, the forests bloomed anew after every winter's passage, yet it remained the same forest. She held back a sneeze, pinching and covering her nose. "Sister, are you really fine walking barefoot that way? The cold stones could freeze your feet." Even with Hunter so close to her body as they walked, the half-Elf shivered.

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Sigurd enjoyed the cold wind and snow on his face. He was born and raised in a village in the far north, were the snow was much colder and the wind more relentless as it could give you frostbite if you weren’t careful. Ah, how much he longed for the day he could return home were his kinsmen would accept him again and heard his stories. His thoughts drifted off for a while as he thought back what had happened after the last battle.

Orpheaus had thanked him and said something about Sigurd reminding him why he fought. The Wind Templar didn’t really understand what the Victonari meant, as he had only given him a hard time. He still didn’t like the shiny armor, but after seeing Orpheaus fight the Death Knight, deep down Sigurd respected the fighting style. Not that he would tell anyone.

He also remembered he told many villagers that it was him, Sigurd, a might Wind Templar of the North who had slayed the beast with some help from his companions. Of course he had exaggerated some details as happened with a lot of legends, but he was sure that his version would reach the North much faster.

Sigurd grinned at the thought he told the villagers to spread his tale, when Xavier gave him a hard time again. Over the past few days his companions let him know more than once they still didn’t agree with his decision to take Boney, as he called the Lich King, with them. Especially Xavier and Nero seemed to have a big problem with it, but the latter didn’t speak about it anymore. Not that he talked much anyway…

Sigurd sighed as Akuma defended him. “I took Boney with us exactly because he is powerful,” he said while being rather rough with the grimoire. “Nero told us, right? This guy is using a legendary technique! How often do you run into someone like that?” Sigurd asked excited. “Not only can he lead us and give us information about the Gentleman, but he can also lead us to where his real body is so I can fight him!” Sigurd made some wild, passionate gestures while he was talking and didn’t notice he was swinging the grimoire around.

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"Oh, by the scythe of Mortimo I think I am going to vomit." The Crimson King exclaimed after being whipped around like crazy. "And I take no offense Skyman, I am but a prisoner almost as this projection can't really do much. It is much weaker than my true self. Perhaps one day you will see my true power! But remember I don't do it for the Gentleman....I hate that guy."

"I think I will be fine Helze, but if you want me to I will, but only because it is you asking." Jupiter said in response. It was sort of a rebellion of hers in the village. People always wanted the girls to be ladylike and proper, so Jupiter always fought that however she could. The shoes thing was pretty given, and she hated at first. But she grew to love the feel of the grass on under her feet and in-between her toes, it felt so liberating in a way. The whole town knew who she was, the barefoot girl, with those blazing emerald eyes, the Wild Woman. some called her. Hawke, even as misguided as he was, treated her better than a lot of the others as they were friends from a young age. He always wanted to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders and it made him a very naive man, perhaps her time away from the village, he would grow into a proper man instead of having to rely on her. ((not a love thing, more of an Older Sister, younger Brother type dealio. Though they aren't blood related. I am sure you know what I mean.))

"Helze, take my cloak, I am sure she will keep ye warm." said Odin taking off the dark fur cloak he had on. He draped it around Helze to make sure she would be a little bit warmer and hopefully stave off a bit of the cold. As a Dwarf and a denizen of the Shadowed Isles, he was used to the cold. In his typical outfit of his waistcoat and Steely Grey undershirt he looked improperly dressed, but he did look like a hardy dwarf indeed. "But I am not sure this city is a monument to Mortimo, his lands of birth do not lie here.Also anything that stands the test of time is more of a mockery of his domain, or at least to him. He says nothing can last, but this is proof it can. I assume Mortimo's teachings are only hard to prepare us for loss, as it is inevitable at some point in our lives."

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Dru hung back from the rest of the group, looking on with interest. That book is dangerous, he thought to himself, but decided not to share his opinion. The Wind Templar was a headstrong warrior and would not listen to reason, and so the sorcerer saw no reason to intervene. He thought back to how he'd last encountered his friend, Brass. The Victonari had been badly wounded in the battle against the Death Knight, and it had been the amulet Dru had given him that had protected the Earth templar against a mortal wound. Dru absentmindedly levitated a small pebble around his finger as he walked, his mind troubled as he thought back to the Death Knight's aura. It had made the Earth recoil in horror, as though it had never encountered such an abomination before. Had he been able to help, he would have gladly aided in removing the evil being from the world. But, as things were, he simply continued walking.

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"A Manor huh? Must of had some Money then. Wonder what is like to have a permanent home sometimes."

"Wealthy..." Nero began. "Yes... you could say that." He was drifting back to thoughts of his past, revisiting memories that he hadn't stirred in years. He continued absentmindedly. "It was good, for a while. Up until the raid. Then everything fell apart..." His eyes were distant, not really focused on anything in particular. He probably didn't even realize he was still talking.

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"Sounds a lot like the Wastes. Dismal Area to live, but my people were forced there for a time." Chauff said to Nero, also seeming to not notice he was speaking his mind aloud. "Aye, it was horrible, constant raids by Green Orcs and Goblins, we were never safe and always on the move. Even the Wildlife rose against us, making every hunt for food almost as dangerous as the raids." he seemed to catch himself there. Chauff was not a man to easily give up what he was thinking, not even to Bjorn. Something about even the meager amount of the story Nero shared, must of sparked something in the bitter old man. Chauff always having been a nomad himself, must have had a tinge of sympathy for him seeing as Nero now in a sense was one too. Though it was different. Chauff never had a home, Nero did. He figured it must have been much harder to go from having a solid place to call home to becoming a Nomad, then always being one.

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The ranger looked at Jupiter, remembering what the skilled archer had said about going barefoot all the time. "I know it feels unnatural to you, but it's better than having cold feet. My feet froze from the cold once, before," she said, recounting some distant memory. "Father had to massage my feet up and down and soak it in a hot bath." After some thought, she added, "Well, the treatment wasn't bad-- it felt nice, even-- but I hated not being able to move on my own for a while."

Then she felt Odin drape his coat over her. A rush of blood flowed into Helze's face, not only from the sudden literal warmth, but from the fatherly gesture. Well, those, and some gratitude and a bit of embarrassment...

"N-No, I'll be fine-- I don't need this-- won't you be cold yourself?" stammered Helzebeth. It was funny how she easily melted as well to such tender gestures. The usually-present haughty glint in her eyes could make one think she was an ice queen of some sort(ironically an ice queen who hated the cold), after all.

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“Not only can he lead us and give us information about the Gentleman, but he can also lead us to where his real body is so I can fight him!”

"He, you can try but don't think I'll let the kill go to you again, Breeze Head. I have to pick up to your score after all!" Marcus said with a laugh, joking. After the fight the fire templar had been quite annoyed for a while, due to not being much help in taking down the Death Knight, and being defeated by Sigurd in their little game. However, soon after he was already back in high spirits, joking and thinking about the next fight, just as usual.

The snow did annoy him a little at first, but a simple trick of elevating his body temperature was enough to keep him warm and confortable. The snow melted when falling over him, leaving his clothes soaked, but nothing worth worrying about.

"Hey Boney, I hope that's not a stupid question but it's just crossed my mind... why exactly were you attacking Passthrough? It's not like it was a treasure filled place, you know." He asked the Lich. it still felt a bit weird to talk to a book, and he kinda agreed with Xavier about bringing it along but... since it was already done, better try to discover whatever they could out of it.

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Crimson King

"It wasn't a move about treasure, one as grand as I has no need for wealth!" The Crimson King Exclaimed. "It was one about pure strategy. It is much easier to launch an assault on the City of Nevermore from a town, then my castle as it is further away." He now raised a red piece of fabric, an attached bookmark as if it was his arm. He held it up in the air. "It is elementary my dear companions. It is just one of the basics of War."

Odin and Jupiter

"Helze, I'll be fine, these old bones have seen much worse than this winter." said the Dwarf-Father, flexing his arm. The same fire burned in his eye that did back in the Inn in Brinestar, not one of passion or of war, but the one that Helze saw back when he was treating all of his guests. It was kind and gentle, and one that wouldn't take no for an answer. He was going to take care of your needs no matter what right then before he worried about himself.

"Hmmm, I suppose you do have a point Sister. I guess I will have to get some in town, I have never really had a pair of shoes since I refused to wear them." Jupiter said giggling to herself. She saw what Kindness and fondness Odin had for Helze, perhaps he was a bit of a father to everyone in the group, but especially to Helze. She was fascinated by it, many a dwarf would never get along with half the people in this group, as they weren't overly fond of Elves, but it seemed Odin could care less.

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The templar heard the Crimsom King's answer with a smile. Bad guy or not, the way the lich/book acted was pretty amusing, Marcus had to give him that.

"Ooh, so you're aiming at Nevermore. Quite useful for you to come inspect the city's defenses with us eh? And by the way, if you have no need for wealth, mind if I ask why are you attacking Nevermore anyway? If you wanna rule the land, I should probably warn you that reigning looks pretty boring."

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"It is more out of principle then one of ruling this forsaken rock. This Island already belongs to me, how dare they build such an ugly city on it. It disgusts me, bleck...." He ranted, sticking a tongue out of the skull on the book. "Makes me sick just seeing it sit there on MY Island, like who do those bastards think they are to Mess with me, the Crimson King, The Red Death himself, of all people?" He sighed heavily. "It sickens me, shakes me to my very core. Makes my blood curdle.....oh wait...I don't have any of that, but if I did, IT WOULD TOTALLY DO THAT!!!! But alas, it is hard to get good help these days.....you know how hard it is when your soldiers literally have no brains? Trust me sir, it is vastly more difficult."

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"If you're sure, then," Helze said, a bit reluctantly. Based on what she'd observed of him from back in the Drunken Clam in Brinestar, even if she refused to accept his kindness, he probably wouldn't even take his coat back.

Fatherly... Father.

It still amazed her how resilient the dwarf-father was. How long ago was it, that fateful-- and if she thought about it even harder, vexatious-- battle against that horrid, dark monster? And then the words of the goddess Lumabella that confirmed the dwarf-paladin, Odin's son, Magni's death. The grief that Odin had experienced then... It rocked her soul as well, as it was something she could very well identify with. That morning she woke up to find her father was missing... No, no-- she must not think of it now. The last time she did... augh, it was too embarrassing to say. Her feelings as well would resonate and sometimes manifest in Hunter's behavior-- Hunter, whose tail now drooped, his ears lowered. He was still ferocious-looking, but the lack of snarling and the accumulating snow and the slight, almost-unnoticeable pathetic expression on him made him look almost like a lost dog. Well, if one could notice it under his intimidating air...

To rid herself of the melancholic feelings that had begun to accumulate within her, she said aloud(mostly to Odin and Jupiter both), "Although the winter does bother me, I'm quite curious as to what this city of Nevermore is like. Sister, if you don't mind, I'd like to accompany you while you select some footwear." She even looked almost expectantly at Odin, almost as if a daughter would while asking her father for permission to go out to town, or as if she wanted her father to go with her to town.

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"Hmm, perhaps we should, I think I know place." Odin said. "Actually pretty close to Abraham's place, so not to far off the beaten path." he said, scratching his beard. " It'll be fun though, never shopped to much in Nevermore, usually only dropped by to do business with Abraham." a smile beamed on his face, he was looking forward to the trip with the girls.

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Marcus couldn't hold a loud laugh at the Lich's last statement. "Yep, I'm sure you have a hard time with them."

Of course, he wasn't convinced that was Boney's real reason for attacking Nevermore but it didn't seem like he was going to talk anymore, so pressing the matter would be useless. Taking another look at the dark silhouette of the city, he kept walking happily. It would be nice to get into a city for a change, even one looking so gloomy as this.

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The group reached the Main Gates of Nevermore. It was a awesome and terrifying sight. The Dark Castle Loomed overhead while the dark and imposing gates looked unfriendly to visitors. 2 Men stood either side of the gates, wearing armor of fine quality. They wore a Royal Purple tabard over their platemail, with the insignia of a Raven Spreading its wings in flight on the chest. They both looked rather imposing, as they stood their like 2 statues. "State your business. Your group is much bigger than the average one. If you are refugees there isn't room." one on the left said. He had a big curly stashe on his face. Compared to the other guard he looked much friendlier.

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Sigurd walked over to the guard. He was probably the worst choice out of the entire group to speak up since he was carrying the Crimson King, but he never thought things through and wasn’t going to start now. He swung his arm around the guard as if they were close friends. “We aren’t refugees, mister friendly guard. We’re adventurers visiting that old geezer’s friend who lives in town,” he said pointing to Bjorn.

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"What happened to wandering knights-errant being welcomed wherever the winds might carry them?" Xavier wondered alound. "What our companion says is true. We're here to speak with an acquaintance, and the reason our party is so large is because the roads have not been safe as of late."

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"Alright, we just need to check ya know." said the Man with the bushy stashe. "Been a huge influx of Refugees from Solarium and Arbouretium of late so we don't have room for them. If you are just passing through it is alright. BORIS, OPEN THE GATES!!!!"

In a second the Gates started to creak open slowly. "Alright then, enjoy your time in Nevermore, be careful, there are some unsavory parts to this city." He said.


"Alright, gang lets head on over to the Abraham's place." Odin said as they got further in to the city. "Nevermore isn't too friendly a place at night and we need to get our rest. We are going to the Ash District, and we are looking for a little place called the Nightingale."

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