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Graterras Chapter 3: Darkness Revealed [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Forest of Nightmares

Yes, with a group as large as theirs, it would be difficult. All the more that Odin and Jupiter would both be there; surely one of them would notice if she were missing. "Perhaps at a different time then, but why must nobody else know of this?" It was a great evil related to the loathed monster after all. Pretending that she didn't know him previously would be easy-- she only had to ignore him or feign having no interest in the situation. Although, she was curious about that vast store of information... But she held her tongue. That could wait for later.

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An Old Friend

Akuma winced after the elder spoke, as he observes the place, eyeing the other bird committee. Akuma steps forth towards this scared place.

"Thank for listening your highness, i'm not gonna waste any more of your time, so im just gonna cut to the chase." Akuma said and takes a deep breath before he speaks again. "I'm here to warn you about that magical stone, bad things will happen if you keep it any longer. I suggest to get rid of it." Akuma keeps a straight face waiting for the elder's response.

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Windswept Fields

"I have no need to prey to an entity I am a part of. Anyway, I am Snow, and i am here to remind you that LAdy Aelia wishes you luck in your battle with the Gentleman. She sees potential in you, for some reason, though I am not sure why." Snow remarked in a rather harsh tone.

Mistless Peaks

"Must be a powerful friend of yours if he can manipulate the Astral Ley Lines of the world to force your wandering mind here. No, you were brought here by Tectaniteus, and I am but his humble servant. I will tell you one last thing, Dru'thok. The Gentleman, may not be what you seem." said the Stone Man, Shard.

The Crimson Keep

"I am have been instructed to tell you that you will be important in the upcoming battles. Pyron believes in your power and knows you will not let us or your world down. That is all, you may go now child." said the Crimson Knight.

Forest of Nightmares

"I wish to keep those that know of my true essence as small a number as possible. The more that know of my true form the faster it gets back to the gods what I am doing, and the less time I have to help you in your quest."

An Old Friend

"And why is that? This Stone has brought much prosperity to our people, it would be foolish to dispose of it." The Elder said.

"Akuma says the Ogres are looking to get their stone back, and they are headed here. We cannot hold onto the stone or they will attack our village." Thorne replied.

"You Fledglings need to know your place, we, the council have weighed these consequences already, and we know we could fend them off with the use of the Stone." The Elder said, rapping his staff on the ground "I will hear no more of this! Out at once!"

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Forest of Nightmares

"Hm." Helzebeth understood and nodded. "Not even Hunter? Though I doubt he wouldn't know... Surely you know of this mental connection rangers develop with their partners. I don't know how strong it is just yet, or if we can read each others' minds if we push this power further."

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Forest of Nightmares

"A Ranger's Bond can never get to that level, at least there is no documented case. It is an Empathetic Link, or one that can only really transfer emotion, rather than true data. I assume Hunter will know of my form by the unique sense animals have for the arcane, however he will not truly understand what I am." Blue said. "so in a sense, he will know, but he won't be able to tell people what I am so it matters not. Anyway, I should let you go now, I don't want to stay here unwelcome any longer than I have too."

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The Crimson Keep



"Wait there, you mean you were sent by Pyron himself?" Marcus said, amazed. That was really something, and suddenly like this... Marcus had all the reasons to doubt the Crimson Knight, but yet something told him to trust that strange entity.

Then, recomposing himself, he continued.

"I am very honored for being remembered by the great God, and I shall do my best to burn bright and keep darkness at bay. No enemy shall resist the Fire of my blade nor the Flames of my soul, that I swear." The Cinder Knight said, placing his right hand over his heart.

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Forest of Nightmares

Oh. The way the Illithid said it, it was as if Helzebeth was making him feel rejected in her mind's space. The fatigue from her crying did wash away her senses of anger and pride for a while, and now she knew his intentions were not to harm or ridicule her in any way. Inwardly, even, a pang of guilt welled up.

"It is invasive to enter a person's plane of thought just like this," she began, "but I know now you mean no ill-will. Please be assured, I mean you none in return either. You said that you're a Scholar Knight? Personally I would have been honored to be one of that order... But fate-- or whatever it is-- chose and set for me a different path." The ranger stood up now, looking Blue in the eye as though she were regarding a friend or a fellow fighter. "I suppose now is not the time, but I do wish to get to know you better-- perhaps under more favorable circumstances." Helze bowed her head gracefully, like one of royal status might have.

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The Crimson Keep

"And may you dare to do what no other would." The Crimson Knight said, mirroring Marcus's movements. "Now, don't let me keep you, I am sure you have many things to be doing, and I don't want to be keeping you from it."

Forest of Nightmares

"Hopefully there is a good time." Blue said. "Now, without further ado, I will end this dream so you can get your rest." Blue then snapped his fingers twice, and vanished. Helze was for now, left in her mind all alone.

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The Crimson Keep

With a nood, Marcus bowed, turned around and walked away. These last events were surely something to think about...

Actually, deep inside the young man was a bit unsure. No mather how he looked at it, he was just a newly graduated Cinder Knight, and the power gap between him and a foe like the Gentleman was still too big, even after the experiences he had with his fighting comrades. However, the words of the Crimson Knight echoed into his head.

Dare do what no other would.

Closing his fist, he looked forward, his self-confidence reborn. Right! That's exactly what I'll do. He thought before finally leaving the Keep.

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An Old Friend

"You don't understand!" Akuma plead. "This threat is beyond your control! you're endangering everyone in this village! A creature of pure rage is coming, not even magic can hold it down... please listen to reason, your highness!" Akuma said with a concern look on his face.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Mistless Peaks

At the mention of Tectaniteus, Dru was visibly shocked. "Tectaniteus? What interest could he possibly have in me? I am but a sorcerer. I'm no champion of the gods," he said quickly, dismissing the thought altogether. It was a projection of his subconscious, just as he'd thought. Such grandeur was beyond his comprehension.

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Windswept Fields

Sigurd’s heart almost jumped out of his chest. This was what he always dreamt off! Lady Aelia recognized him as a warrior and even saw potential in him! He tried to compose himself to prove to Snow he was a real warrior, but failed miserably. “That’s probably because she’s way smarter than you are, so of course she would see potential in me! Thank the Lady Aelia for me and tell her I won’t fail her. I will slay the Gentleman!” he said while giving Snow the thumps up.

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An Old Friend

"I am the Elder here! And I am much more sure of what our People can handle then you!" The Elder shouted. "So Get out of my hall! You are not welcome here!!!"

Mistless Peaks

"Dru'thok, you maybe a Sorcerer, but it is not being a part of the order that makes one an Eternal Watcher. It is Tectaniteus himself who truly decides who is worthy of being his champion." Shard said "Ye, have control over the Earth like Any Templar, whats to say you aren't one? You are to receive his blessing Dru'thok, even if you are not a Templar in name, you are one in spirit, in resolve, and most importantly, in Body. You are an Eternal Watcher, by the count of the Lord Tectaniteus, it is so. This is why I was sent to you, for I am but his humble vassal. Praise be onto the Mighty Tectaniteus, for he sees the Truth in all."

Windswept Fields

"You are a simple one it seems, she already knows, I have no need to tell her. Anyway, until you prove me otherwise, you are just a wandering whelp, so I suggest you shape up. She is counting on you, you let her down, and you will have hell to pay." Snow said "Now, off to your world I have things to attend to."

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An Old Friend

Akuma was speechless and couldn't believe on how stubborn the elders are. His visions grew stronger in his head as he stares blankly at the elders, like he was daydreaming. Akuma was horrified of what he saw as stirs himself back into reality.

"2 days.. " He mumble.

"2 days from now, these ogres will come and storm the village, taking the stone by force, burning everything in sight. hanging every Kenku by their necks as they dangle from their houses. making them an example not to cross their ruthless leader, Koba. the stone's owner." Akuma said to everyone in the room. "you have been warned." Akuma turns his back and begins to walk towards the door. "come on Thorne, lets go" Akuma said a bit disappointed.

((Cue in the ogres!))

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Mistless Peaks

Dru blinked, surprised. Eternal Watcher...? he thought to himself, thoroughly confused. If he remembered correctly, the Eternal Watchers were some kind of order of Tectaniteus's hand-selected champions. The sorcerer nodded at Shard, then began another line of questioning. "If Tectaniteus wills it, then I shall become one of these 'Eternal Watchers'. However, I'd like to know a little bit more about this order before I go clamoring to join their ranks. While Tectaniteus may see the Truth in all, I am but a mere mortal. I need a bit more information than simply being told what I am."

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Mistless Peaks

"Aye it is only natural, for one of flesh to question. They are the Keepers of the Stone, and the ones that represent the will of Tectaniteus. However, you need not join their ranks officially, they are a warrior faction mostly. One does not need to be part of the order to be an Eternal Watcher, Tectaniteus's blessing is enough for you child. Though, if you meet the Order, I am sure they can tell you more of their order. I am utterly surprised you had not met them in your travels of the Shattered Hills."

((basically, Dru'thok is recognized as an Eternal Watcher by Tectaniteus, However, he doesn't not need to join the order. The Orders of the Templars are indeed their champions, but the Gods can select Champions that aren't part of those orders either. Dru effects the Earth much like a Templar does, but Tectaniteus does not require of him to become a Templar to serve his cause. ))

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Mistless Peaks

Drug' thok let out a sigh. "I should have known it was that order of Templars. However, outside of their order they do not seem to refer to themselves as such. And I am indeed honored that Tectaniteus has chosen me as his champion. I will do my utmost to ensure I do honor to the title of 'Eternal Watcher.'" With that, Dru bowed deeply, humbling himself before Shard and Tectaniteus. "Is there anything else you can teach me, Shard? Any form of magic that may help all of us in our quest against the Gentleman?"

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Mistless Peaks

"I am afraid, I have nothing to offer you that you do not already know Dru'thok. Maybe one day you will be able to grasp the powers the Strongest of Watchers do, however, that is not something that can be taught, it is something that must be earned." Shard said. "I bid thee farewell mortal, The Earth is always watching."

((The Earth is always Watching is the Eternal Sentinels motto. Not sure if Dru would know it or not, that is up to you.))

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Mistless Peaks

Dru nodded again at Shard's wisdom. "Indeed, true power must be earned. I forgot myself for a moment. Farewell, Shard. The Earth is always watching."

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Windswept Fields

Sigurd didn’t like Snow at all. She seemed to look down on him and on every other occasion, he would pick a fight. But she was sent by Lady Aelia and apparently he didn’t have to put up with her attitude for much longer. “What’s with the attitude? You brought me here, not the other way around so don’t start complaining,” he said shrugging his shoulders. Even if he had decided not to pick a fight, he still enjoyed having the last word. Before he left he turned back to Snow, waved goodbye in a very childish way and started laughing again.

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An Old Friend

For the next few days the village was tense. They argued over who was right, Akuma and Thorne, or the Elders. and it was on the dawn of that day, the day with a Red Sun, that the Ogres came. ((alrighty, now this will get interesting, up to you to start it up Typh, and I will follow through.))

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Oarloff smiled back at the goat. "Oh, Misturr Buttons you is just too much!" He looked down at the marking on his hand, while the smile turned to a look of utter confusion. "Does peoples like trees Misturr Buttons? Or is trees good at playing harps? I don't think trees can play harps since they don't have any hands. Or does they use their branches? Or does harp's come from trees? That's it Misturr Buttons isn't it! Harp's come from trees so now me silver tree will make me harp silver is that it?!"

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Mister Buttons

"I am just very fond of trees, they are pretty indeed, not only are they beautiful pieces of life, they after they die can be made into various beautiful things, like Harps." The Goat mused. "However, good Oarloff, it is time I awayed. I have many things to do. Thank you for saving me, you are a kind soul. May that kindness be ever helpful in your journey of life, and may it bring happiness to those around you." and with that the Goat shimmered a Silvery color, as he disappeared.

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((Oh, boy.. bare with me here))

An Old Friend

It was high noon, The air was still and the temperature oddly warm than usual.The rays of the red sun was at its peak as the villagers takes Akuma's prophecy very lightly and resumes their normal busy lives, doing their everyday labor like it was just another ordinary day. As the villagers toll, Akuma and Thorne waited outside the village's gates for hours, guarding the place; observing anything suspicious in their surroundings. The two kenkus grew weary of waiting as the sun soon to set. Nothing seems to happen.

At the Farm

Meanwhile, not so far, outside the main village, deep in the forest.The trees begins to rustle violently, As the ogres savagely moves through the woods,carrying huge logs over their shoulders like a club.Commanded by their leader, Koba, He was slightly bigger than the rest, he was carrying a huge warhammer on his back and has a distinct hole in the middle of chest. The Ogres halted and spots a farm nearby.

Koba grunted and command his squad to advance; the Ogres swiftly moves through the cornfield and begins their assault on the Kenku farmers down there. pouncing out of nowhere and ruthlessly snapping their necks like twigs, leaving no survivors on that farm.

"I can feel the stone nearby" Koba sniffs the air. "We attack at night..burn this farm into the ground and tie up those dead birds into their horses, let them run through that gate...Let them know that we're here." He snarled and pointed out the village's main gate. The Ogres comply and ignites their logs like torches, burning the cornfield as the fire quickly spreads to the crops.

Back at the village.

It was almost night time, it was calm, the stars was almost visible from the sky and still no signs of the impending danger. But that soon quickly change, Akuma notice something coming from the southern part of woods. "Hey look!" Akuma pointed out the huge black smog that was coming out of farm's direction.

Just before Thorne can react, a herd of horses was coming in at their way, and coming in fast.

"Look out!" Akuma quickly grabs Thorne as they ducked out of the way. As the horses forcefully makes their way into the village's gates, dragging the dead kenkus tied behind their backs.

"What was that? Are you okay?" Akuma was horrified of what he just saw. "I think they're here..we got to warn the others." Akuma said to his friend with a concern look on his face. The villagers soonly heard wardrums playing; like it was coming from outside the gates.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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