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Graterras Chapter 3: Darkness Revealed [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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"No Shard is easy to get Marcus, all are guarded by a challenge that will very well put everything you know to the to the test. They will push the boundaries of what you know, and the strength you have, and the limits you think are there. However, a good place to start can be answered. A certain Red Faced Demon knows of some of the shards. And while he may be a demon, he means you no harm. He is a demon that for now wishes to repent his sins, and he will lead you them. While he doesn't know exactly where they are, he knows where to start looking." Bartimus said. "Now, another question for you. Do any of you wonder if the Gentleman is right? What if he is right, that all Human and Demi-Human life is not worth saving? Answer me truthfully."

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Eh, a red faced demon...? Couldn't he just give them the guy's name? Marcus thought, sighing internally. Oh well, it would seem they were having their riddle-solving time soon enough. Either way, this game was cool enough to pick his interest, and as such it was his time to answer.

"Not at all! I can't speak for everyone here, but I saw what that thing has done in Brinestar. Human, Demi-Human, God, whatever it is, only to think of the massacre of a race like he is planning to do makes me sick. For me, the sooner we slay that guy the better." He answered.

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"Are all of you in agreement with Marcus on this issue?" Bartimus said. "I would assume you would be after what he did to you, so I don't blame you, but know this.....nothing in this world is so cut and dried. Nothing is black and white when it comes to morality. The world is a big stinking pot of Grey, and you will find yourself questioning your values more than you would ever think. Now, you lot have 1 more question, I suggest you ask wisely."

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((is it Bartimis or Bartimus? o_O))

"Lord Bartimus, I must admit that in some way I must disagree with Sir Marcus, here," the grey-eyed ranger said. "I've seen what evil man can do to his brethren; selfishness is often the root motive. Perhaps, not all Human or Demi-Human life... but only some are worth saving." Quietly, she added, "Forgive me, lord, if it goes against what you teach-- what your Lordship stands for." She fell silent again, pushing the stories about how they were refugees-- in fact even now she was worried about having to return to the Shattered Hills again.

((to clarify she used "your Lordship" the same way as somebody might say "Your Highness"))

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"Oh, Miss Helzebeff, that's just silly. Even mean peoples can be nice sometimes, they just has some bad days sometimes. Or other times they always has bad days. That's why me always does me best to be nice. Because sometimes, even the meeeeeanest of meanies can become nice guys. Isn't me right Misturr Buttons?"

Edited by Supernovae
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((it is with a U, as I pretty much always spell it that way.....but somebody....not sure who, keeps confusing me by spelling it with an i. So remember folks, Bartimus, not Bartimis. It is spelled that way in the OOC's main post as well.))

"No harm done Helzebeth. There are those that are not worthy of my gift, so I do not take your words to spite it. I also know your circumstances, and from your point of view I understand." Bartimus said. He walked back and forth for a bit as he looked at Oarloff after he spoke. "And there is some truth to what you say as well child, however, there are those with hearts as dark as obsidian. No light lives in them, and they are beings that know only suffering and pain. They are blasphemers of the highest degree, as they unrightfully take the lives of others in their mad quest to feel whole. They also commit blasphemy against the Mistress of Light Lumabella as well. They know not their true selves, and therefore are not enlightened. The Death Knight you fought was one of these people in life. He lived a farce as a Knight to the King in Crimson. He tried to uphold his honor as one, until he realized it wasn't what he was, and he then walked his path to evil and became the being of Darkness you fought, in that grove with the Cherry Blossom."

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Nero frowned. He was supposed to feel some sort of energy in himself? And use that to become invisible? He closed his eyes, breathing out slowly, trying to find the latent energy Glicks had spoke of. Minute after minute passed by, but he couldn't seem to pinpoint it. After a while, he snapped out of his trance, exasperated.

"I don't feel anything inside myself," he began, clearly frustrated. "What am I supposed to be looking for?"

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Well, wasn't that helpful? He had to feel... nothing? Was that even possible? Nero withdrew back into concentration, feeling the magic around him, as he would when casting any other spell. However, this time he stopped himself. Apparently, that was not what he was supposed to be using. He needed to feel nothing, to simply fade away from the world, as he had wished almost his entire life. Simply to be gone from this wretched world, and find peace in death. He dropped his thoughts, losing himself into a blank nothingness. He waited like this a long time, before finally grunting his frustration again as he open his eyes and kicked at the air.

"It's impossible!" he shouted, clearly upset at his failure. He turned and strode to the door. Apparently, there was nothing this Glicks could teach him. But what Nero didn't know, was that he had been invisible the entire time...

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"Oh really, is it Nero?" The little Kobold called after him before he left the room. "Yousaa should look in this mirror, maybe yousaa will learn it isn't so impossible after all." Glicks being a powerful illusionist knew exactly where Nero was, even though he was currently invisible. He knew the signs of an early user of invisibility. There was a sort of slight flickering. As they used it more and more, they tended to refine their skills with it and get closer to perfecting it every time. "Right now, it is much rough, but it will be betterer and betterer the more yousaa uses it. Yousaa learns quickly, most students take long time to make small parts of their body invisible, must be the power of being a Sorcerer, with magic coming naturally to yousaa."

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((Double Post.....cause I can, most want to bump this just so you guys see it rather than editing it, since I need to get this moving again. Also, got some other lore in a new form that I used before.))

"Now then, is there any final question you would like to ask me? This is the last chance you have to do so." Bartimus said. He paced back and forth adjusting his hat and other things in his dress for whatever reason, it was like he slipped into his own little world for a second.

A Far Away Place

"So he failed. milord?"

"Yes, he did Hastur, I am not quite sure how, as he hasn't answered my Informant yet. The Hand ((The Gentleman's informants are known as the Hands of the Gentleman, or Hands for short.)) has only told me that he seems evasive, and many times seems not to be there mentally, like he is projecting himself elsewhere." The Gentleman said placing a hand on his helmeted chin.

"I told you he couldn't be trusted, why do we let this simpleton be one of the Nine Death Angels?" Magdelin said, visibly angry.

"Because he holds a valuable position for us in the Shadowed Isles, and his Castle is in a hard place to assault. It is also rumored he has possession of the Black Heart of Draven. So we can't afford to burn bridges with him." The Gentlemen said.

"Shall we call a summit of the Death Angels then?" choked the little imp after awhile.

"Ah, that is a wonderful idea my good Hastur, it will force him to answer us. I like the way you think." The Gentleman said, a happy tone in his voice.

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((#YOLO, since nobody's pitching questions anymore))

Assuming that it was one of the questions that weighed heavily on everyone's minds, Helzebeth stepped forward again. "Who, or what, if I may inquire of you my lord, is that spiteful creature that wields the Plate of Hatred?"Lady Lumabella seemed to know, previously, as shown when the group was rescued by her golden grace-- if Helze's hunch was right, the other gods knew, too.

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"I wish we did know, cause even we are mostly in the dark." The Lord of Life said as he paced even more. "That is another dark power of the Plate of Hatred. Each Piece of armour has special powers imbued into it. The Helm has a powerful magic that makes the wearer not only immune to the effects of Illusions of most kinds, but also any attempt to scry them as well. And as the plate is made of the Shard of one of the gods, even the Magic of the Gods cannot break that immunity. We do know however that he is mortal, and that he has some sort of violent vendetta against Human and Demi-human kind. It was only recently however that he manifested an army, in the past 7 years he has been building it up. Before he used to single-handily raid towns and destroy them. He did that for over 200 years, and only know decided to acquire help to eradicate man. He is the Leader of the Death Angels, a Group that follows him with blind zeal and share in his goal of destroying the world. We may have another Great War on our hands if nothing is done to stop this." He said, a somewhat pitiful look on his face. It was evident he wasn't happy with his answer to the heros, like he felt that it didn't help at all. It was certainly evident in the way He gave some more direct facts this time. "Now, my last question. For you only Oarloff. Will you accompany them on this quest? It is important I have somebody I trust along for the ride with them, at least to me."

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"No, I do, however I don't trust the other Gods to keep me posted, so I want my own champion in this endeavor." Bartimus said. "Besides, if Pyron sees it fit for you to still be a Cinder Knight, then it is not my right to judge you, nor was it ever. I have my own order of Knights to deal with, I will hardly interfere with Pyron's order, I simply don't have the time."

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Abraham placed his chin in his hand. It was clear the old man was thinking hard. What wasn't known to the heros was Oarloff was Abraham's only living family so it would be hard to let him go for the old man. He wondered if he had to, if Oarloff was ever to fully grow on his own. The Nightingale was too important to Abraham to leave with the boy, but he had to let Oarloff see the world someday, even if that world was ugly for the most part. Oarloff needed to see the beauty that lie beyond the black walls of Nevermore. Abraham thought to himself that nothing could be as bad as the City of Black Omens, and that he would have people to protect him. "You may go son, if you think that is best for you. You will soon be a man, I think it is due time you start to make decisions on your own. I won't be around forever. I will hire some help down at the Inn, it shouldn't be too hard to find somebody in the Ash Quarter that needs a job." he said, a slight wavering in his voice. It was obvious he still didn't want to let go of his son, but he felt he had too. He couldn't shelter him his whole life, it wouldn't be right.

A Far Away Place


"I will not have this during my summit. Shut your yaps we have business to take care of, and I intend it to be in an orderly fashion."

"Aye Gentleman Sir!!!" said 8 voices.

"Good, now as I am sure most of you noticed, I called a summit to force an answer out of The Ninth Death Angel, The Crimson King. However, he hasn't shown up so we are still in the dark about his loss at Passtrough, a seemingly easy target to eliminate. As such our foothold in the Shadowed Isles has not improved and therefore we cannot mount the assault, and therefore will have to change our plans. We now will be going after the Shards of the Nine Divines, artifacts of immense power as I am sure you are well aware."

"Indeed, Sir. As I said before we should have planned on this in the first place. The Crimson King has always been unreliable at best, and it would have been best to just go after the Artifacts anyway, with his taking of Passtrough being a nice cherry on top if he could pull his damn act together." said a strangely dressed entity. He wore dark brown Trench Coat, it was rather plain in nature, but the entity still had an air or nobility to it. He also carried Katana that's blade was pitch black. He wore a strange brass helmet that concealed his face. He took a sip of tea after his small outburst.

"You might be right, Hatter but still had to let the Crimson King have one last chance, however I am done with him now it is clear he is a lost cause."

"And he always has been, we have the plan together already to claim the Shards, we will just have to pry the one assigned to him out of his dry redead hands." Said a terrifying hulk of a man. He had a feral look in his eyes and wild black hair. It flowed from his head into his beard all of the hair on his face interconnecting in some way. The back was a sloppy Ponytail that went down to his waist, and it was tied with a red cloth and beads, the adornments of one who had seen many battles.

"For once I agree with that stupid Furbrain, Ashnard." said an equally hulking mass, though this one was made entirely of Metal. Fashioned in a way that he looked like a knight, his body was entirely made of iron. in his middle lay a soul gem, with a soul attached to it working a mass of metal.

"Oi! I don't want to hear it from you ya bucket o' bolts!" The angered werewolf shouted.


"Well, you know they are right Genty. We have the plans in place for this already, we might as well execute them now, and gather the other 8 shards, and deal with the Crimson King some other time." piped up, a rather strange looking being. It most definitely wasn't something you would expect to see at this sort of a gathering or any gathering for that matter. What appeared to be a a humanoid, but it was frail, strange and quite alien. It Body was mostly Grey in colour without many distinctive features.

"Of course, if only we knew where his damn castle was, we know it is somewhere in the Shadowed Isles, but no one knows exactly where but his men and most of them aren't talking seeing as they aren't the type of undead smart enough to do so." said a Woman in a rather angry voice. She had Electric blue hair, and what appeared to be a terrible burn mark under her left eye. Her eyes were a strange Red colour, that seemed to burn with an unexplained anger.

"Lucky you that your one of Draven's Chosen, then huh Echo? That must qualify as a smart undead." said Ashnard the Werewolf, with a guffaw.

"Oh shut up you flee-ridden buffoon. Besides, if you knew anything, Vampires weren't created by Draven." Echo said.

"But don't forget honey, you aren't a normal Vampire, you are a Graveborn, one of Mortimo's strange creations. Well mistakes more less, since he never wanted to make something as powerful as you lot." said the Hatter.

"I know, and I killed all the other Graveborn, so no need to mention them. It was their fault I am cursed as such." Echo said.

"Not much of a curse, all the power of a vampire, without nearly as many drawbacks. The only real weakness is that of silver, and having your heart pierced, otherwise nothing can truly kill you." said a Illithid, who wore a yellow cloak and rode. It was made of tattered cloth wrapped and sown together into one garment.

"Maybe in your eyes, Vazhul, but if you were in my shoes, you wouldn't think so." Echo said.

"This is every summit....ORDER!!! Please, we have work to do. You lot can have your petty arguments and make personal jabs on your own time. Now then back to business." The Gentleman said, his forehead in the palm of his hand.

((and no, I am not outlining their plan for you, which Death Angel shows up at which shard is to be a surprise.))

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It was funny how they kept running into parental figures... Fathers in particular. The Ogre's father's dilemma had gotten Helzebeth wondering once more how life would've been, should her family's circumstances been "normal", to say the least. Funny how even Ogres were fortunate enough to have fathers to worry about them... She had found a sort of foster father in Odin, which calmed her inside for the most part, but now that she knew that her real father was probably somewhere grappling with a guardian, or a powerful entity... that something so connected to the fate of the world, not only her personal family life, had had her innocent father in its grasp as well... He'd been missing for years; what, just speculating and fearing what could've have happened-- or even, is still happening-- to him was starting to agitate her. As though she were a kestrel indeed, trapped inside a cage, she looked around frantically, just wanting to get a move on, itching to find her father-- and, the shard of Tectanitus as a result, if Blue's words were true.

That was right, the Illithid had wanted to speak to her in private. Maybe, just maybe, she could slip away now...? Or some time soon? The ranger wanted to know what else the Mind Flayer knew, and as soon as possible.

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"Oh really, is it Nero? Yousaa should look in this mirror, maybe yousaa will learn it isn't so impossible after all."

Nero stopped in his tracks upon hearing Glicks' words.

"...What do you mean?" he started, before looking down at himself. He couldn't see himself. Did that mean...?

"I... did it..." he stammered, the illusion fading as he realized it. He was visible once more. "I... turned invisible."

He walked over to Glicks, pausing when he got there, uncomfortable with what he was about to do. He didn't often like to thank people, mostly because he didn't often accept help. It also tended to give them big heads. But, he figured that this was an exception, and it would only be right.

"...Thank you, Glicks." He paused, obviously uncomfortable. "I... couldn't have done this otherwise..."

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"No need for yousaa to thank me. All I did was show yousaa the way to unlock what yousaa already knew." Glicks said, a smile on his face. "Yousaa are a powerful illusionist, I expect yousaa to go very far Nero. This is only one step on yousaas journey. Meesa don't know if one day, yousaa will be the masta, and meesa the student, but that would be very interesting day if it did."

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"Thank you Lord Bartimus, I'm sure your tips will prove to be very helpful." Marcus said, once the room got silent again. Then he crossed his arms and turned to his companions. "All right then, now we know what to do. Dunno about you guys, but I for one say we should go do it as soon as possible. We've seen and fought many things in that time we spent together, and now it's time to move some levels up!" At that he made a gesture of punching the palm of his own hand. "What do you say? Ready to kick some Gentleman's ass?"

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Oarloff couldn't hold it in. Big tears crawled across the ogre's face as he ran towards his papa, picking him up in one of the biggest hugs the ogre had ever given. "Oh papa! Does you really mean it. Oh, me will miss you so, so, so much!"

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"I do son, it is time you see the rest of the world. I trust Odin to keep good care of you, along with the rest of these fine folk." Abraham said, embracing his son not seeming to care he was being crushed a little bit. He cried, tears steaming down his face, as it was time to let go of his son.

Odin dried a tear from his own eye. "You know, I remember a similar day when I sent Magni off on his journey to become a Paladin" he said to Bjorn sitting next to him.

"Aye, I too remember this day. Went I sent my son off to be a Warrior under the command of the Madeye Bear, the High Jarl of Aurora's toughest and most respected General. I was so proud of him." Bjorn replied, obviously trying to keep from tearing up himself.

"I never had such a day, never had a wife, never had a family of my own." Chauff said. "Well a blood family, I had a family of bonds, but they are gone now."

"Well, maybe it will be us one day Chauff." Odin said, still tearing up a little. His eyes, the colour of forge embers, looked almost dead. No heat came from them like normal, but they still glowed a spark still there. For now sorrow was in them, the fire only hide underneath.

"Maybe, weird finding a family when you are nearing your dying days though. To find the people that you needed most, near the end, a horrible irony." Chauff said.

"Not irony. Maybe you only found us now, because you didn't need us before. We wouldn't nearly be as important if you didn't need us." Bjorn said.

"Always try to find the bright side of things huh, Bjorn?"

"Yes, Chauff, because you always point out the worst, somebody has to balance you out."

The 3 laughed. Even through the tears Bjorn and Odin had. They laughed so hard, that even Chauff came to tears a bit. The 3 knew now what they would stick together, til the end of it all.


"Now, I assume that is yes from you then Oarloff?" the Lord of Life said. He looked down on the scene before him. These were the reasons Life was worth creating, why it was beautiful even in the sea of ugly things. He was reassured about most of the heros, even Sigurd. He thought to himself, Aelia wouldn't pick one such as him for no reason.

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"You may one day Child, But it will be a long time. A Goat such as me is very busy, and I have many things too do." Bartimus said. "It was nice meeting you folks, I see why Lumabella stepped her bounds for you. They say she is the best judge of character in the whole world, but that is fitting of the Goddess of Individuality I would think."

A Silver beam came down from the heavens, and it engulfed the form of Bartimus. He laughed gleefully, as he uttered one last thing "Goodbye heros, and good luck on your journey, you will need it, the tests are made to break the resolve of lesser mortals, so that they never can fall into the hands of those that do not deserve them."

Now the middle of the table was empty, and all around it sat gawking wizards, not sure if what they saw was just real or not. Morlak still standing near Oarloff, looked just as perplexed, and awe-struck. It wasn't every day a Half-Ogre called a God into your presence.

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