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Graterras Chapter 3: Darkness Revealed [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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"Well then it is settled. Unless you still want to protest Warrior of the Wind. Trust me, I am not just here for Miss Helzebeth, I fully intend to help you find the rest of the Shards. And if it is Aelia's we search for next I intend to do everything i my power to help you find it. Powers move against us as well, as I am sure you know, the Gentleman won't sit idly by on his hands while we search for the shards. He is coming for them too, and they are surely going after the Titan's Skin first as is probably the easiest to find. They hopefully don't have as many leads as we do, but the dark does well in trading secrets, so there is no way to tell what they know." Blue said.


She felt for Helze, though she wasn't exactly sure what it felt like, as her Parents had both led rather quiet lives. In fact she didn't get along with them well, always told her what a lady should act like, and a lady should this etc....but she loved them anyway, they were trying in the only way they knew how to try and protect her. Though if they knew she was going on this dangerous of a journey, they would be rolling in their graves, and not to mention give her a stern talking to, before they let her go. she placed her hand on her sister's head gently. She hoped the gesture would help Helze to be strong, and to know that she was there for her no matter what.

Odin and the Geezers.

"Oi! You 2 old bastards, you got any fight left in them old bones?" Odin shouted back at Bjorn and Chauff. "We might need all the help we can get."

"Haven't you heard? Even as a wee babe, and until the day we die, Aurorans always have an itch to fight in their bones. It is the cold, makes even old men ornery. Besides, can't have that ol' airhead showing up a true fighter." Bjorn said, playfully flexing his muscles.

"I was never much of a fighter, I much prefer staying waaaaaay in the back. Luckily.....magic is good for that. I swore I would never use it again....but I my have to. Because, you guys are surely going to all get killed if I don't....." CHauff said, that dry wit of his never seemed to give up.

((should note, while they can fight, Bjorn and Chauff won't be doing very much.They are kinda old, and it is more so they have some line of self defense if things get hairy, that way you have a window to save them, instead of me insta-gibbing them, also, Chauff has always been a mage....he is just super good at hiding it.))

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Helze flashed a rare, soft smile at her sister in gratitude. She allowed herself several seconds to regain her steely composure though noticeably this time, she seemed to glow with a sort of determination; the kestrel, one may say, is patient. Graceful. Precise. Focused. Somewhere outside, in the outskirts of cold, black Nevermore, the spine-chilling howl of Hunter sounded, an echo of power ringing throughout the hall as several wild wolves followed him in his song of spirit. Straightening up and stepping forward, away from the wall, the adamantine eyed ranger spoke. "Oh, but we won't lose to that foul, heinous creature, whatever hell may come we WILL find the Titan's Skin... and the rest of the Shards of the gods." With a meaningful and grateful look at Sigurd, she said, "Especially Lady Aelia's." Looking around the group she added, in a gentler tone, "You all have my thanks." Like a queen she held her head high.

((Insert character song here.... I'll get to it later))

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Sigurd watched Marcus carefully. He understood the hint perfectly, but wondered at the same time if the Fire Templar knew he was communicating with Boney all this time. He shrugged it off for now and took part in the conversation again and targeted Blue. “You know, for a creature that’s supposed to be smart, you really are blind,” he said. “Helzebeth clearly said her father left when she was fifteen. That means he disappeared a few years ago and she didn’t mention a single word that he could fight or was a ranger or something. You really want to give her so much hope about saving her father while chances are really high he’s already dead?” he walked away from the group a little. “I don’t mean to be a downer, I’m just being real. But I’ll go for the Titan’s Skin. If your information is correct we at least have a lead.”

He stopped walking when he gained a little distance from Blue and Marcus. “Yo, Boney, did you hear the clue? Did you hear anything similar about it?”

Edited by Chimchain
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"Aye is sounds Familiar, it was about all the Nine Death Angels had to go on as well, though I am not sure who was assigned this shard. The Gentleman had all the information compiled for each Death Angel, but none were labelled. Each of us was assigned 1 of the shards, in case we ever needed to look for them. And by the way, they are since I failed to take Passtrough, rather then go with a brute force assault, they are now resorting to gathering these artifacts instead. I nly got to look over some of the Shard information, but most of it was scarce. I have seen the info on the 4 Elemental Shards and I know where the Heart of Darkness is so I at most can help you with 5, 3 of which I don't have much to go on. Hopefully we get some kind of windfall on the hunt for the Titan's Skin, otherwise the searches for the other Shards will be long ones." The Crimson king remarked.

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"He is a ranger," Helze said in reply to Sigurd's statement, as though it should've been obvious-- where else would she have learned her trade? "A ranger, a fisherman, merchant... or at least he was, for the last two... though I suppose I can't blame any of you for assuming otherwise, as I've never shared my story." At this, she shifted uncomfortably, as though unwilling to remember or speak of it at the moment.

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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Dru finally spoke up after simply listening intently for quite some time. His low voice rumbled in stark contrast to Helzebeth's and Sigurd's airier tones. "If we are to journey to the Shattered Hills, perhaps I could be of assistance. I lived there for many years and consider that land to be my home. It is where I honed my powers and learned to commune with the Earth." He then turned, addressing Sigurd specifically. "Sigurd, you are aware that I support many of your actions. However, I must ask that you not strain your relationships within the quest. The Shattered Hills are a dangerous place, especially for one used to the ways of the Wind. I think you will find yourself relying on Lady Helzebeth more than you had ever expected. To go where the Titan's Skin is may be the greatest peril we have yet to face. So I recommend that until we reach the Shattered Hills and you can see for yourself how strong one has to be simply to survive there, you follow the old saying: 'It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and prove you are one.'"

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Sigurd shook his head slightly when he heard Helzebeth’s remark. Of course he meant a true warrior or ranger or something, not someone who combined everything.

He turned to Dru after the Half-Orc spoke up. “Oi, I agreed didn’t I? I just think she shouldn’t get her hopes up. If that place is really as harsh as everyone says, it’s going to be hard for someone who sounds like a jack-of-all-trades to survive. Even if we didn’t have that clue I would’ve agreed since it would be far more dangerous to take her along to find other shards when she is somewhere else with her mind…” he put his hand on the Dru’s shoulder, or at least tried to, and whispered something to him. “Don’t you go underestimating the wind, my friend, it’s everywhere. I think I can pull my own weight even in the Shattered Hills.”

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"He is a ranger," she insisted obstinately, determined to bring justice to her beloved father's reputation. What was it that this man did not understand about her father? "It is what he does best. Man and dwarf alike sought him as a guide when journeying into the forests and mountains, at times. Hunting and fishing were his other trades, though he preferred to volunteer as help on the boats of his fellow men rather than fish on his own. You could even say that he was well-known and appreciated... that is, until a while after he returned from Solarium..." She had a scornful, almost hateful look although if one was at least listening to her tale, it was evident that it was not aimed at Sigurd or anybody present. "... How fickle and cruel people can be, for selfish, covetous reasons of their own. Just because it was revealed that the woman he married was a Grey Elf, no more, no less. It seemed to be the only reason they betrayed him. For the dwarves their ridiculous resent towards Elven folk; for the rest, perhaps nothing more but the gall that comes from craving beautiful women."

She imagined a bang at the door that had been kicked down. Torches flashed around, inside a spacious cottage that stood near the outskirts of town. A man pointed towards a forest-- a forest infamous for the danger and legend that dwelled within, a rumor that a horrible earthen beast slumbered deep within the heart of the forest. Only the brave and daring joined the pursuit through the dark, ominous bed of green knives.

Only when the footsteps were sure to have gone away for good, somewhere, deep inside the forest, where the terrifying monster was said to prowl, did a single torch light up a small cottage embedded within the roots of a giant tree. A man embraced his struggling wife, hot with a dreadful disease, and their little baby, so small, blissfully ignorant of what had just unfolded.

Helzebeth blinked, her "reverie" ending. "... Anyway, if it is his skill you doubt.. You need only look to me," she said, shrugging, as though it were the simplest thing in the world.

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((Time Skip Incoming, hold onto your hats and keep your hands inside the vehicle at all times.))

"Aye, I am sure your companions have nothing to doubt in your ability, they are still here afterall. Now, we must make haste." Blue said.

"Indeed, let us return to the inn so you heros can retrieve your things." Abraham said.

Little did they know......something moved in their absence. It was a dark day, huge clouds overhead blocked out the sun's light almost completely. As they walked towards the Ash Quarter, they could see an ever growing pillar of smoke. It twisted and turned like a dark snake in the sky, hard to distinguish from the clouds from far away. However the closer they got, the clearer it was something was going on. Abraham had a worried look on his face. There were no building he knew of that would throw off that much smoke in the Ash Quarter itself. The Ash District was known as that as it was the place the wind typically blew all the ash from the factories in the Friar's Quarter, and the Industry Quarter. He noticeably sped up a bit going from a walk, to a much more brisk pace. Something was wrong, but what? And that was when he saw it. The Cloud of smoke was coming from the hill, the little hill that the Nightingale resided upon.Abraham then broke into a sprint leaving the rest of the group behind, tears streaming from his face.

They had finally caught up to see a pitiful scene. 2 Men, laughing and pointing, walked off towards the Friar's Quarter. They wore plain armour, covered in a tabard that was a deep purple. It had white dots to represent the stars, and the images of 2 Ravens flying out to either side. It was clear who they were laughing at, a hysterical Abraham, who was shouting at the top of his lungs. However he couldn't form any actual words. He was being held back by a familiar face, it was the Guard with the bushy stashe that had stopped the group when they entered Nevermore. He had a pitiful look etched into his pale face. At this point, Abraham started to break down. Tears began to fall again as his rage started to die down, only to be replaced by it's sinister cousin, despair. "Abraham, there is nothing I can do. Those men are employed by the Rivenholts. If we try to seek justice they will see to it that we get none. Especially, if you act rashly.".

"Wilber, I don't CARE!!!! They have killed me already, I have nothing to live for anymore, all my memories of her are now gone!!! Everything we worked for is GONE!!!!" Abraham shouted.

"But don't throw your life away!!! You have a son you bastard!!! You can't be selfish. This will lead only to your death, no one messes with the Rivenholts and lives. This whole city would have to be turned on it's head before that could happen, and you and me both know that isn't going to happen anytime soon." The Guardsmen replied.

"Your right Wilber, but I have no place to go anymore, and nothing to live for. And because of my choice to take in my son, Irving is now dead."

"Don't use that like it helps your cause. You would have taken in Oarloff no matter what. You knew the risks, don't wallow in them now. Irving knew them too. You think he would have worked at the Nightingale so long if he wasn't prepared to face those risks when it came to it? You insult his memory by saying those words. Pull yourself together, I understand your loss, but you need to get out of here. Next time it won't be a Building, it will be your life."

Neither man had noticed the heros approached, both were too busy yelling at each other.

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"Yes Wilber, care to explain?" Akuma interrupted the guard. "I can't help but hear your discussion over into my delicate bird ears." Akuma said as he looks at Abraham."What is this Rivenholt you speak off? is this guy bothering you Abraham?"

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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"No, he isn't. Wilber is a friend of mine, he was trying to keep me from attacking those men." Abraham said.

"The Rivenholts are the most powerful family in all of Nevermore, some say they run the joint, and that the Mysterious 3 are in their back pocket. You would never guess they were though, as they built their entire legacy on the Fishing Industry here in Nevermore. They are a rotten bunch, If I do say myself. They are not ashamed of using slave labour either. That is what this kerfuffle was about. They have known about Oarloff living here and have been hassling Abraham for years, Only now have they gone and acted. Thsoe 2 that ran off slew Irving and burned the place down while you were away.." Wilber said. "No good rotters and racists the lot of 'em! But, there is nothing we can do. There will be no justice to be had with the broken systems in this City."

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"Oh, my apologize there Wilber." Akuma said as gaze at the smoldering rubble. "Disgusting" Akuma said under his breath with a disdain look on his face.

"well you know what they say, an eye for an eye. a tooth for a tooth" the Birdman said "how about we pay them a visit maybe we can straighten these things out. If not, i think nevermore deserves a new government."

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"It will accomplish nothing, no one gets in to see the Rivenholts. And even so, they will have us killed on their doorstep. Don't underestimate them, they come from a long line of Magic Users, and it is even rumored this particualr Lord is a High Wizard of the Black Rose." Wilber said, a direly serious look on his face. "And even if we did manage to get rid of them, some other group would just take their place. Nevermore is called the City of Black Omens for a reason. It has the darkest underbelly of any in the world. It would take years, maybe even decades to even scratch the surface of what is going in these Dark Walls."

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Nero snorted. The world was proving itself to be exactly what he believed it to be. You could play the nice guy, as Abraham had, but in the end, it would gain you nothing. His life was brought down just as easily as any other's. The world was corrupt, and the only escape from the broken system was death. He walked past Abraham, stopping a few feet past him to gaze at the Nightingale, hands in the pocket of his coat. A grim look was set upon his face, as he began mumbling to no one in particular.

"This is our fate as creatures of this world. It is a world filled with misery and hopelessness, and no matter how hard we try to do good, fate puts us back in our place. Theses are the lives we are meant to live..."

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Oarloff's face was pale, his expression unreadable. The half-ogre stood in an almost disturbing silence. His attention was entirely focused on his dead friend and the burning rubble. The rubble that just this morning was his home. The rubble where he and papa had shared so many memories. The rubble where he had met Mona.

Oarloff staggered backward and put his head down. He had no idea how to describe his emotions. Mr. Irving was dead, his home was destroyed. Was it pain he felt? Anger? Sadness? None of those words seemed to fit his feelings. But, despite his utter confusion, his feeling of being lost he felt as though he needed to do one thing and one thing only.

The half-ogre looked back up and immediately located his father and began walking over to him. He didn't stumble now, nor did he bumble his walk was focused now. He made his way over to his father and hugged him. It wasn't the bear hug he had given before. This time when Oarloff hugged his father it was gentle, caring, and embracing. The half-ogre continued his embrace in silence for a short time as if to hold on to the one thing he felt he still had left.

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What evil was this? Why would anybody... The stormy eyed ranger stared at the burning ruins, aghast. When Wilber explained about the Rivenholts she frowned. So she was right to believe that not everyone in Graterras was worth saving. Such horrible acts... despicable scum... She looked at poor Abraham and the Ogre, feeling sympathy, horror, and rage all at once. Those bastards did it solely because of Oarloff's heritage. Helzebeth looked like she wanted to say something but couldn't find the words to express her self appropriately, and held her tongue, gritting her teeth.

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Xavier quivered with rage. The air was noticeably hotter around him, to the point that most people would start to sweat if they were right next to him. His restraint was enough that no flames actually radiated from him, but something else came bursting out instead. "Filthy, greedy, backstabbing humans! How wretched of creatures must you be to do something like this! No elf would ever stoop so low! To destroy someone's livelihood, to take a life, for what? Petty feuds? The ring of another dozen coins in a purse? Pure spite? All the more vile this is for the mask of decency you all put on!" Xavier let out a few more choice phrases, these in his native tongue, as he stormed off in the direction the two Rivenholt men had gone.

((Someone stop him before he does something truly stupid lol))

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For once Sigurd agreed with Xavier. He was furious as to what had happened to the friendly old man and Big Belly. “You said we can’t go after them because they’ll kill us on their doorstep, right?” he asked. “I don’t care if I make this entire city my enemy, but if you still want to live here let me ask you one thing; what can they do against earthquakes caused by the Earth-Shaker?” He pointed to Dru.

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"Pssh, Earth Shaker? You heard what I said, Wizard of the Black Rose. They know the secret to controlling minds and destroying souls. They are the only people crazy enough to dabble in that magic, even Draven's mages shy away from it, You will be dead before you do anything boy.." Wilber said.

"It matters not, we have things to do, while they maybe scum of the earth, the Rivenholts aren't going to destroy it anytime soon. The Gentleman will. You forget I lost a son in this affair already? I will not have you all get killed over something trivial in the scope of what we are dealing with. It is an insult to Magni's memory if you do." Odin said, angry as hell. It was the first time Odin seemed this angry. "We have no time for the assassins of the Rivenholts ot be chasing us, we have a mission from the gods themselves to uphold. What does it matter if we defeat the Rivenholts, if the world is destroyed anyway? Why make the world a better place when it won't be here if we don't stop The Gentleman. TAKE A BLOODY SECOND TO THINK!!!! Your selfish ideals of justice mean nothing if you are dead, they mean if nothing if this world ceases to be. We have many threats to deal with that are much more important than the Rivenholts and their sick game for power. They will still be here if we save the world first, then we can destroy them. But if we waste time, The Gentleman gets closer to winning. He was powerful enough with just the Plate od Hatred, if he gets his hands on the Shards we are all doomed, doesn't matter if we are humans, racists, Elves, Murderers, Saints, or whatever, The Gentleman doesn't care, we are all pawns in his game, he cares nothing of any of the races, and therefore he is worse than the Rivenholts."

((and Xavier is not our of earshot of a yelling Dwarf, he can hear Odin for sure.))

"Does this mean nothing to any of you?" Odin said after a short pause, probably to catch his anger. He was holding the necklace he made with the vial of Magni's ashes hanging on the end of it. "If so, I would like it back, cause you are not worthy to hold onto a piece of who my son was and what he stood for. Your resovle is too strong, and you couldn't pick your battles, and more will die because of it. You put Blood on Magni's hands if you rush off and don't stop The Gentleman, because Magni gave his life to save all of you. Especially YOU XAVIER!!! IF HE HAD NOT HEALED IN YOU IN HEAT OF THAT BATTLE YOU WOULD BE A PIN CUSHION ON THE FLOOR EVEN BEFORE THE GENTLEMAN ARRIVED!!!!!!!!"

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Well. That was... Helze was visibly shocked. She cringed like a child being scolded; it wasn't something she was used to as her father hardly scolded her as a child, only if she tried to go anywhere near the villages on her own, and as soon as her father had led them back home after discovering he'd been tailed by her. But, she realized, blinking rapidly for some reason, Odin was right, as scary as he was when he was angry. The monster would slaughter them all equally, regardless of who or what they were. That, however, didn't ease her feeling shamed and yelled at, as she withdrew behind Jupiter at Odin's outburst. The damn Rivenholts could wait; the Shards, Graterras, and possibly her father could absolutely not. Underneath the robes she wore, she clutched Magni's vial, torn between agreeing completely with the Dwarf-father and wanting to shrink into herself.

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Jupiter turned to her sister. "He isn't mad at you know. He isn't actually mad at any of us. He is mad at the world that would take his son from him, and he flares at the thought of losing any of us, especially you.' Jupiter said to reassure Helze. then She turned and started to speak to all of them. "He needs us, like we need him, while we aren't blood, we have seen horrible things and fought through them together, We are bonded by something that makes us like a family. But we were thrust into it, we weren't given the time to form those bonds naturally. The World threw them at us, and expected us to go along with it. We have to unite, or no one will ever stop the Gentleman. You heard the mages, The Gentleman has nine generals. The Death Angels. We have to become the opposite of them, we must become the paragons of what is still good in this world. We don't have time for oh why mes, or to complain. We need to become powerful, so that nothing can just trample over humanity or any of the other Sentient races. It is more than that, it transcends that even. it is about removing the Curse of Darkness, and the content of who we are. We can try and fix the small stuff later, but for now, We got 10 Powerful beings that want to destroy all of our homes, all the people we love and everything we hold dear. And we can't let them do that. It is time for us to kick evil right in it's balls, and tell them, we aren't just going to lie down and die. Even if they beat us down, with the dying breathes we draw, we will make them know that will never kill our resolve, our spirits, and our ideals. The Gentleman is first, then the Rivenholts can take their turn."

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Xavier stopped after Odin's shout. He was still struggling visibly to control himself, but Odin made a good point. The aura of heat around him faded as he reined in his anger and turned back to the group. After returning to them, he inclined his head toward Odin in a respectful gesture. "I apologize, Odin. Sometimes my emotions. . . get the best of me. It is a failing that I try to overcome, but I am not always successful. You are right; the greater evil must be destroyed first." The senselessness of it all, though! Abraham did nothing, yet. . . No, if I think on it too much I will lose control again. "We should get out of this city as soon as we can. Our quest must continue."

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Marcus was shivering with anger, despite trying to look controlled all the time. He knew Odin was right, but still... Until them they had a clearly evil and inhuman enemy, but now it was like all the injustice of the world had hit him at once. He couldn´t just sdo nothing about that.

"Abraham... I´m really sorry, and I promise once we take care of the Gentleman we´ll come back for these Rivenholt bastards and make them pay dearly for this. Until then... Well, the only thing I think we can offer is for you to come with us."

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"I have nowhere else to go, it is the only thing I can do Marcus." Abraham said, still embracing his son. The tears had dried from his eyes now, though it was clear Abraham was full of sorrow. Abraham then saw something glint out of the corner of his eye towards ruins of the Nightingale. He realized it came from around where Irving's body was lying. He patted Oarloff on his head. "Thank you, son." He said as he got up. He shambled towards Irving's body. And in his left hand he found out what was glinting. Irving help in his hand a small silver Pendent, it had the shape of a silver musical note coming from a golden harp at the bottom. Oarloff would have recognized it, it had belonged to Mona at one time, like his harp. This pendent must have been what Abraham had to remember her by. "Irving saved it.......why? Why did he lose his life over this?" Abraham punched the ground. But then he sighed. A fond look came over his face, as he reached down and closed Irving's eyes. "Rest well friend, you knew you were through, so you did one last thing for me before you went, thank you, because of you I haven't lost everything to them." he got up then, tucking the Pendent into his coat pocket. "Thank you, everyone. I will follow you anywhere, and one day I trust you will mete out the justice that there should be in this world."


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