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Graterras Chapter 3: Darkness Revealed [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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A message popped into her mind, it was clear Blue was still there from earlier. "Two rooms down and on the left of the hall you are already in. You will find me there. It is an empty Lecture hall, at least at this time during the day. It will be nearly an hour before any classes are using this room."

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"I am down here, could you help me up?" Blue said, coming from somewhere on the floor. Helze could quickly locate him, by the vibrant blue of his robe. He was laying on his back under one of the long tables. ((for reference, the desks in the class rooms are just a bank of chairs with a table that spans the entire tier of the row.)) "One of the teachers forgot his lecture book and came back for it, so I had to dive under here to avoid being seen. I am supposed to be at the front door right now, so I can't be seen. However, I hurt my back so I can't really get up on my own...." he said, looking quite embarrassed.

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The half-Elf blinked, then moved over to help the Illithid over. Under normal circumstances she would've hidden a snort or a laugh, but she was too distraught with finding her father that the absurd-sounding situation just stunned her for a few seconds. "Er... Why would you hide from anybody?" she asked, holding a hand out whilst crouching to the poor Mind Flayer.

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"I just said, Guard Duty, and I am not at my post, would get in super trouble with the higher ups, if they saw me." He said as placed his hand in hers. As he went to get up Helze noticed what looked like a terrible wound underneath his "mouth" or where all the tentacles protruded from. It looked old, super old. "Geez, this body is getting old and worn out. Hopefully Seeker gets me a new one soon, but seeing as he is busy all the time, I highly doubt he will get to that in a timely fashion. Anyway, about your father, I think he accidentally found the resting place of the Shard that belongs to Tectaniteus, or as it is better known, the Titan's Skin. It is a piece of Tectaniteus's skin that fell off during a great battle between him and Pyron long ago. It is said that the Holder can endure much more than he usually could when he activates it, however at a dire cost, what that cost is, no one knows."

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Pulling him up slowly so as to avoid further injury to his back, Helze asked, "But... how would one activate it? Surely it can't be easy... can it?" If her father had activated it... The girl hated to imagine what the dire cost was. Her gaze fell on the scar that showed from underneath Blue's tentacle... mouth... part. With what he said about obtaining a new body, she couldn't help adding, out of curiosity, "Where did that come from?"

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((I am going to assume she pointed at it or something to indicate what she meant, this way, one less post to back and forth with.))

"That is where a piece of me used to be. Not sure what it is called, but it was the appendage Illithids used to suck the knowledge out of another beings mind. Since I was made in the image of them, and pretty much am one, I had it too. However, I cut it out. I will never use it, as it only purpose is one I wish to never inflict on another being." Blue said, dusting himself off.

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((oh whoops too vague? D: sorry bout that))

Nodding slowly, Helzebeth decided to reserve questions she thought were too personal, or irrelevant at the very moment and repeated her question: "What does it take to activate a Shard... or at least, the Titan's Skin? If father had used it somehow..." Her voice trailed off in worry.

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"Each have their own ritual.....I am not sure your father even got to the Titan's Skin, but we can't know until we find him. It is said the ritual to activate it is only revealed when one lays hands on the artifact. It is like a phrase or something, but I wouldn't know until we have one." Blue said, started to pace a bit, he was obviously anxious about something. "Let me be frank, and I don't mean this to upset you, but your father maybe dead. I don't want to say that, because it is horribly inconsiderate, but it could be the case. If such is the case I most definitely need to come along with your group. Now, do I think he is dead? After seeing him in your mind I have no idea, he seems to be a resilient man, so he could very well be alive."

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Sigurd got up and brushed off his clothes like nothing happened. “Phew I’m glad that he’s gone,” he said to no one in particular. He walked over to where Oarloff was. “Rather violent that one, don’t you think? It’s always the quiet ones! Don’t you agree Big Belly?” he said giving the big Half-Ogre a pat on the back.

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The feeling of panic spread like wildfire through Helze-- at first, that is. Throughout the years she had been juggling between the assumption that her father was dead, and that her father couldn't die-- he was too strong for that. He could survive anything. Evidently the ranger was conflicted here, as her knuckles had turned white from being clenched so tightly. For a while she turned away, breathing harshly, as though to calm herself. The thought that her father could be gone-- she dared not say dead-- was worse now, what with the recent resurfacing of old memories of home... Breathing deeply, and appearing to rub her eyes furiously, she turned to Blue again as though nothing that she'd just done happened. "We'll need all the help we can get," she declared, struggling to keep the shake out of her voice, "but my comrades as well must know of your intentions to join us." After a pause she added, "Will you not be missed if you leave with us, though? I'm sure that we won't be returning to Nevermore for quite a while once we begin our search."

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"As per the policies of the Raven Spiral, any employee is allowed to leave at anytime. It is due to the ebb and flow nature of the school, and it allows Headmasters the ability to be able to drop everything and get away for awhile. But it also allows Guards or scholar some get away time as well. I will just need to check in at the Guard's Desk, and they will let me go no questions asked." Blue said, he did recognize the emotion that flooded over Helze, and strangely enough he nearly felt it as much as she did, it was like he could feel the phantom memories. It must of been when he tried to blend into her mind, it left an impression on him that couldn't be erased. He felt her sorrow in the realest of ways, as if he had been her. It confused him deeply. He cared about her sorrow, it pained him to see it again, but what could he do? He was an Illithid, a big horrifying monster in the eyes of the general populace. It was this that made him angry, and confused. He didn't know if this girl would accept his condolences, especially after what he did to her in the first place. "You need to keep my exact nature secret though, they must not know I am an avatar of Seeker, the less that know, the better." he said, as he hid away those emotions that boiled inside him. It was harder to tell with an Illithid, as they sent their words telepathically, to get emotion from their voice. Another thing Blue thought was unfair, that he could easily hide his feeling from her, but she could not do the same with him. He had to hide this though, if she felt that anger from him, she might have thought it was her it was aimed at, but it wasn't, it was aimed at the whole of society that would not except him for what he was.

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Swallowing hard-- probably, swallowing down some of her pride as well (funny how she'd been losing face so often)-- Helzebeth nodded in agreement. It was convenient that he could tag along without a hitch. "Yes, of course. We must let my companions know immediately." Her eyes, like the calm before a thunderstorm, fell upon the old, ugly scar on the Illithid's face-- did it hurt, she suddenly wondered in curiosity, for him to take it out?-- and felt that she had to reassure him, somehow, that the group would have little qualms about having him come along. "Don't be troubled about being welcomed; we are a queer bunch, a mixture of Elf, Human, Kenku, Dwarf, Half-Ogre, and Half-Elf... and we haven't really had any scuffles about race. Odin Thunderbrew, the Dwarf, seems to treat me like a father would his daughter." With those words, Helze seemed to have noticeably been calmed, as though having thought of a pleasant thing. "And I am Half-Elf as you know."

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"Well, hopefully they see me for who I am, not what I am." Blue said. "Not easy being an Illithid, we see hated from all over, hell I get sideways looks even here, a place that prides it self on accepting everyone. So, if i am a bit skeptical at first, it is nothing you did, it is just I have been burned by the world too many times to trust blindly."

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The ranger frowned. "... Actually, I understand, if that's how you feel. Honestly I'm surprised that I haven't gotten any flak for being a half-elf in this circle of people... Back on the Shattered Hills, it was far different from how I'm treated here." It would take time, she thought, for the Illithid to warm up to the others... perhaps even the same way around. Maybe he even thought that she thought negatively of him. "I... do know how it is to be frowned upon... But, at the very least, from what I've gathered throughout this journey, these are good people that I travel with." Even the spellcaster Nero. Or, at least, he was quiet. Pessimistic, but who was to say Helzebeth didn't agree with him sometimes? "I don't blame you for being guarded. And, well.. if it means anything, again, I'm not angry with you," she said, a bit hesitantly, not really used to being so honest about herself.

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"Alright, if you can not be angry at me for what I did, I guess I can relax a bit." Blue said. "I just hope this group is as good as you say they are. I can see they are important to you, and that makes me willing to try and get along."

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((Helzebeth is so tsun))

"Uhm... If you'd like a sure sign of me being angry, I wouldn't have um... Helped you up...?" she added (sheepishly, but she wouldn't admit that), wanting to convince the Illithid more about her ease around him. True, Mind Flayers were a frightening race, but Helzebeth only thought that because of their ability to suck knowledge from others-- literally-- and Blue had gotten rid of his way to do so. In fact, she felt that it was something that could be appreciated of the Illithid. "I feel as though our goal is enough to allow us to overlook our different heritages and races at the very least. Especially, again, in my case; it is second nature for a Grey Elf to feel herself to be superior to others, or for a Dwarf to frown at Elves and other fae folk... But, for some reason, none of us seem to bother."

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"Maybe it is because you are above that, and you know that bonds are made between who someone is, not what they are. Sometimes I wonder what the world would be like if everyone was blind. If we couldn't judge based on looks, but only the content of one's character." Blue said. "Anyway, I think we should get back to your group, I am sure they would like to move out soon, and we have Shards to chase."

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"True," Helze said-- in agreement to everything the Illithid said. They should indeed get back to the group before at least she was missed. The ranger walked into the hallway again, to lead the way back, pushing away thoughts of "home", the Shattered Hills. Hopefully the group would consent to finding the Titan's Skin first... although, she wouldn't blame them if they didn't.

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Oarloff shook his head at the wind templar. "Oh no, no, no Misturr Sigwurd. Misturr Buttons is very nice! He even gave me magical powers. Me thinks he was just being silly when he pretended to hurt you. If he was a mean goatie then me doesn't think you would be breathing right now." Oarloff smiled kindly at Sigurd, not realizing the possible insult he just gave the templar.

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Helze and Blue

"Alright get back to you group, I will be waiting outside in front of the Spiral for you to arrive." Blue said. "Hopefully, we can get some of these shards, but I am warning you they are as equally dangerous as they are powerful." He walked off from Helzebeth now, as he walked towards the lift. It was obvious he was going to take care of his terminating his employment here, and then wait for the the group.

Everyone Else

There was now a lot fo murmuring in amongst the Wizards, probably trying to make sense o what just happened. However, a rather loud slam occurred at the other end of the room. Glicks had reentered. slamming the door behind him as he did, taking his missing seat. The other Headmasters gave him a lot of strange looks. "What Meesa miss?"

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Sigurd glared at Oarloff a little but decided it wasn’t worth it. “That’s only because he used a dirty trick! In a fair one on one it would be a different story!” he boasted. “Now, how about we go after Lady Aelia’s shard first?” he asked in general.

“Yo, Boney, you there? You mentioned you know something about those shards before. What do you know about the one belonging to the Lady Aelia?” he tried to contact the Crimson King.

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Sigurd Only.

The eyes once more ignited on the book. "All I know of the Elemental Shards, is that each lies in the cradle where its master was born. Aelia's is no different. It lies upon the peak of the tallest mountain in the world, the place where the Winds of Change can be heard. And the best part is.........No one knows where it is. This Mountain, The Peak of the Wind, has never been found, never been known to truly exist. So how is it that the place that is the birthplace of a god, which we have always been told were born here on Graterras, does not exist? None of the others will be any easier to find I am afraid. Other than the Mouth of the Abyss, no one knows where any of the God Cradles are, and as you passed by the Mouth to get to Passtrough, I am sure you know why they didn't bother to hide it. Only a fool would go down there. The Shards are just as dangerous to the User as they are the Foe, I hope you are aware of this, are you sure this is what you want?"

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“Of course this is what I want. We went on this journey to kill the Gentleman in the first place. I’ve got a score to settle with that bastard and will do anything what it takes. If that means I got to collect these shards I’ll do it.” He wasn’t sure if the Crimson King could read his mood as well but his thoughts were in a bitter way, like a bad taste in his mouth. “But if it’s at the Peak of the Wind it’s a problem. The highest mountain that can’t be found… Maybe I should ask those wizards. This is supposed to be a place filled with knowledge so they might know something…”

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