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Graterras Chapter 3: Darkness Revealed [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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"Eh, Ash district? Guess we'll feel at home there." Marcus joked, refering to Xavier and himself. He had been a bit concerned about Sigurd's aproach of the guard a moment ago, but luckily he seemed to be an easy-going fellow. He then put his hands behind his head in a carefree motion nd focused into looking at the town, enjoying the rare "tourist" moment.

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In hindsight, it was a good thing Hunter had gone off earlier. The guards probably wouldn't have let them in for sure had they noticed a huge black-and-grey wolf travelling with them. Anyway, he'd be fine and definitely better off on his own in the outskirts of the town; he didn't seem to do so well in towns, as he almost did starve in the little village of Passtrough.

Ah, well, he'll come running if anything comes up. All there was to worry about now was finding this fellow's friend. Helzebeth shivered as they passed the gates.

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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Dru hated cities. It wasn't so much an aversion to the place as the feel of it. This particular city was offensive in every way to the sorcerer's attunement with the Earth. If the Death Knight's presence at Passthrough hadn't been enough to set Dru's stomach turning, this hive of shivering masses certainly did the trick. Its cold, harsh structures intruded into the Earth like spears thrown into a carcass long dead. The sorcerer sighed and shook his head, remembering with nostalgia the days before giant men in glowing armor started riding through towns and cutting unlucky sorcerers in half. He then turned to the others.

"Let's get to wherever it is we're going. I'm hungry."

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Odin led the others through the City of Nevermore. It was a bustle with life and people were everywhere, but one couldn't help but feel alone. The dark forbidding buildings of the Friar's District made the whole place feel uninviting and very stand-offish. Maybe it was what the City wanted, but the it was creepy and made everyone feel uneasy. However, the Ash district was a different story. While it wasn't vibrant with colour, it still felt different. It felt lived in, like a small village within a city itself. The People were a lot friendlier saying hello to passersby and having smiles on their faces. Unlike the Friar's District were everyone looked dead inside. A few children were palying outside, along with a mangy looking dog. They soon came upon the Nightingale rather quickly, and it was a simple place. It wasn't overly fancy, but it felt inviting. It sign was small, with a brownish yellow text that scrawled like a writer's scribble. Above it sat a nightingale, in front of a small moon. Tonight must not have been busy, since when the heros entered, the place was pretty empty. A tall gaunt man stood at the bar, wiping down the counter space. If not for the bell he may not have even noticed their arrival. He rushed to put on a small frame of glasses, as he squinted at those entering. "Odin, is that you? It isn't even close to apple season yet, what brings you here?" He said as he caught sight of the Dwarf Father.


"It is a long tale Abraham, you mind getting some food and some drink for these fine folk while I regale you with it?" the dwarf-father said. "And we will be needin' a place to rest our bones for the night, I hope you got room."


"We have plenty of room for tonight. The Purple Lily has opened it doors to the denizens for shelter from the cold, so we have less guests then usual. But I will get the cook on your meals right away, however this late I think he is going to cook whatever he wants." The tall man said.


"That is fine I am sure, I don't think we have any that are too picky of eaters, other than maybe Nero. Anyway Abraham, where is that boy of yours? He plays the most lovely of tunes on that harp." Odin asked.


"I think he went off to bed, but I can check after I get the cook working on your food. IRVING!!! WE GOT CUSTOMERS!!!" Arbaham shouted as he headed towards the back.

"Oi, NO NEED TO STARTLE ME YOU OLD COOT" another voice replied, presumably Irving's.

Abraham went up to a seemingly big door, much bigger than the others in the hall. He knocked 3 quick knocks to let Oarloff know it was him. "Oarloff, are you awake son?"

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A loud crash was heard from inside the room. "Ummm... Me just be a minute papa," A deep, dim-witted voice proclaimed from inside the room. The voice then attempted to turn into a whisper, but with little affect, so that just about everyone in the pub could here what was going on inside.

"You need to be quiet Misturr Buttons, you're being a very naughty goatie." Just then the door cracked open and a massive head, that stood roughly 8 feet from the ground popped out. Despite his enormous stature, Oarloff didn't look too intimidating. He had all of the standard ogre features, but his face seemed softer than one would expect of an ogre. His eyes were a bright blue, his cheeks slightly puffed, and his nose snubbed. All in all he looked like a teddy bear. Well, if that teddy bear was the size of a normal bear and had been completely shaved.

"Is that you Misturr Thunderbrew!" The giant ogre, jumped for joy and quickly bolted from his room. Now his full body was exposed. He wore a shirt and pants, roughly three sizes too small. His enormous belly could be seen hanging out from the shirt, while the pants left his calves exposed. Oarloff ran over to Odin and gently rapped his arms around as gently as an 8 foot ogre could rap his arms around a dwarf. "Me haven't seen you in a long time Misturr Thunderbrew, did you bring any of me favorite ale?" Oarloff asked.

However, now that the Ogre had opened his door, the reason for the crash could be fully explained. A goat lay in his room, with a small leather leash rapped around his neck and tied to Oarloff's bed post. "Uhh it's not what it looks like papa," Oarloff said, standing and looking back over at Abraham, "Misturr buttons had mean owners, so me decided to take him home so he could be safe from those nasty farmers."

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Helze jumped a bit when the ogre... Ogre? Ogre, yes, came running. He didn't seem too much like an ogre... or at least he seemed different from the ones she'd seen back home. Concerned, she watched him essentially pick Odin up and squee-- hug him. It looked like they'd known each other for a while though, so the dwarf-father should be fine, but...

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"Oi, hello Oarloff, it has been awhile hasn't it?" Odin barely managed to squeeze out the words, Oarloff's hugs were some of the gnarliest ones he could think of. "And yes, I have some for ya." Odin dropped his pack on a nearby table and began to dig through his pack. He rummaged for a little while until he found a nice earthen jug. He uncorked it, and poured a hearty mug of Thunderbrew ale for the Giant Half-Ogre.

"Oarloff, what did I tell you about bringing animals home?" Abraham asked, in a rather fatherly tone. It was evident he really cared about this Half-Ogre, if he referred to him as son. It was an odd thing to see, many a human would be horrified of the beast standing before them, or at least in their words a beast. Abraham looked incredibly fragile next to his son as he was terribly thin. Even his hair seemed wispy and frail. He had a full head of slate grey hair, that wisped around as if it was a fluffy cloud. He also had a small wispy goatee of the same colour. He had deep chocolaty brown eyes, that had a tiny spark of life every time he looked upon his son and talked to him. "Mr. Buttons can stay the night, but after that we need to give him to Old Man Nectis, I am sure he would love to have another of the animals you rescued so bravely." he said, a warm smile on his face. "And I am quite sorry folks, My name is Abraham Silversong, and this is my son Oarloff Silversong, we welcome you to the Nightingale, and hope our hospitality and service can be up to snuff. Irving is our cook, I am sure he is slaving away to make you all a good meal. Now, what brings you lot to Nevermore? We aren't exactly the friendliest this time of year, nor are we a good tourist spot as I am sure you are aware."

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Sigurd’s eyes almost popped out of his head when he saw this…family? It took a minute to sink in before he busted out laughing. “I can see the resemblance, you two look really alike!”

He chuckled and grasped for air for a little while, not noticing how rude his behavior was. “By the way, you don’t need to give that goat to some old man. That thing looks delicious; can’t your cook prepare it for us?”

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Xavier shot Sigurd a look. "Must I apologize for you wherever we go?" Turning back to their host and his (presumably) adopted son, he did so. "I regret my companion's. . . playful. . . behavior. Sigurd doesn't know how to contain himself sometimes. I assure you, Oarloff, we'll leave your goat alone. It's good to meet both of you. I am Xavier, Templar of Pyron." He extended his hand for a handshake.

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Oarloff smiled at the elf. "Ooh ... that man isn't a mean man, he was just kidding! Me thought he was being serious. Har har. What a silly joke, Misturr Buttons isn't food." Oarloff looked at Xavier's hand, but instead of taking it he reached over and hugged Xavier in a similar fashion he had done to Odin. "Oh me know, would you like to hear a song? Me very good at playing the harp, right papa?"

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"Oof-" Xavier grunted as the half-ogre wrapped him up, his slender frame not being suited to such treatment. Realizing the -child?- meant no offense, he simply dusted himself off once he was released. "Hearing a song would be delightful."

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"Yes, Oarloff is a wonderful Harp Player, you should let them listen perhaps it will help them unwind after their day." Abraham said. Abraham also didn't seem to be shaken by Sigurd's earlier comment, he had gotten it plenty of times in this city, some even more rude and horrible. He looked at his boy and remembered all the trials of keeping this boy in a good home. It was hard considering how much he struggled with money, but Abraham always did his best.

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Dru raised his eyebrows at the mention of the ogre playing the harp, but said nothing of it. After all, not many people expected to see a half-Orc sorcerer. He then stepped forward and lowered his hood. "I, for one, would be delighted to hear our friend here play his instrument. It might make this cold city feel just a little bit warmer."

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Abraham studied the Man that had just stepped forth. A half-orc. He wondered to himself the trials he had to go through as surely it wasn't too easy being of his descent. He doubted he went through what Oarloff had, but that didn't matter. He tried not to stare or pry at the Half-orc before him, it wasn't his place to ask of such things. A man would tell his tale when he was ready or if he wanted to, not at the behest of a stranger. Abraham walked to take a seat at one of the few tables. He wiped his brow quickly as he was sweating a bit. Heat from the kitchen was tough on his old bones, but he didn't want to seem fragile. He bid Odin to take a seat across from him. "Everyone perhaps we should take a seat, I wouldn't want to keep you all standing while you wait."

((feel free to seat your characters how you see fit. There are 3 tables and 2 booths, the tables each seat 6, with Abraham and Odin being at the first one, the other 2 are empty currently. The Booths each sit 2 at a small table, both are also empty. I kinda want to see where certain characters will congregate, if they even do at all. I will be handling the leftover NPCs when everybody else becomes seated. Also, feel free to have Oarloff start playing Super.))

((EDIT:, I accidentally added a table to that count.....cause I am dumb....))

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Oarloff walked into his room giddily, a big goofy smile across his face. "They's gonna love it!" he said to himself as he walked into his room and picked up his harp. He then turned to the goat. "Don't worry Misturr Buttons, papa and me is gonna take you to Old Man Nectis's house to live, you'll be very very safe there." Without further adieu Oarloff turned around, harp in hand and faced the group. He lifted the instrument onto the near end of the bar and began picking the strings. At first it sounded like he was randomly hacking at the strings, hitting each one with reckless abandon, then he nodded, muttering something about it being all good and began to play

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Marcus had stood quiet during Oarloff's introduction. He'd never seen someone so... different, as Oarloff, (except maybe the Victonari duo of Passthrough) and he sincerely did not know how to react to him. However...

Once the Half-Ogre started playing, the young knight's jaw dropped. He never would have expect such a beautiful tune to come from such a huge fellow, and suddenly all his doubts about the unconventional musician where set aside. The guy had talent, and this was enough to make Marcus give him value.

He approached the table where Odin and Abraham had sat, and took a place there as well. "Mr. Abraham, cogratulations on your son. I'm ashamed to admit it, but I did not expect him to be this talented!"

Edited by Notus
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"Aye, it is the draw of the Nightingale." Abraham said. "Oarloff has always been skilled with harp. I am sure many look at him, and think him a daft creature, not capable of making beautiful music, or doing anything for himself. But he can, it is surprises most that come here. You would be baffled by the number of people that come in since they hear the music from the street, only to find out a Half-ogre was playing it. Music isn't made by the person, but is made by their soul. Their ability to manipulate that song from the instrument they play, or the music they sing is when the skill comes in."

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"Yes, you couldn't be more right, and that's a lesson I'll be sure to remember." Marcus answered, and then focused on listening to the beautiful melody while the others took their places.

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Naturally the ranger took her place near wherever Jupiter or Odin were seated, but she chose to stand, leaning against the wall. At the first haphazard-seeming plucks of the harp, she cringed, wondering if the big oaf even knew how to properly handle an instrument.

But when the real music began, Helze couldn't help closing her eyes, serenity almost immediately taking over the surprise she felt.

When it ended, she remained still and quiet, as if not wanting that lingering sense of peace to go away.

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"Yes, it is beautiful" hard to admit Akuma was quite impressed but at the same time something is bothering him. "Now If you'll excuse me, i think ill go outside for a stroll." he said in mild manner as he possibly could. The birdman finished his ale in one swoop and bolted out of his chair, acting all weird, concealing his grudge towards the ogre race, since they're the ones responsible for his family's death. The birdman steps outside the door.

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Xavier noticed the tension in Akuma's voice as the birdman skittered out of the room. He grabbed a mug of ale and started to head out of the door. Before getting all the way out, he turned back to the innkeeper. "Do you mind?" he inquired, gesturing with the mug. "I'll be right back."

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"Not at all, go ahead." Abraham said.


as Akuma marched outside in a hurry, he heard a small voice. "Mestir, Mestir watch out!!!" and with that he collided with something he couldn't see. Now sprawled out on the ground in front of him was a curious looking creature. It was small and rat-like, and he was wearing a funny purple knit robe. He jumped up and brushed himself off. "Yousa need to be more careful, you could have hurt Glicks." he said. The little creature whatever he was looked extremely ridiculous angry, as his fur stood slightly on end. He rapped his walking stick on the ground, and then he realized something, he had dropped his bag. All over the ground was strange mechanical parts, various bugs and other small critters, and some strange unidentifiable objects. "Oh noes, Glicks need that stuff for research!!" he said as he scrambled to pick up everything he could. His hands were going lightning fast picking up mostly the bugs first seeing as they were alive and were trying to get away..

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Sigurd eyed Xavier. He wasn’t sure what the Fire Templar meant by ‘apologizing for you wherever we go’, but it pissed him off anyway. He wasn’t sure why, but it probably had something to do with Xavier being on his case ever since he decided to take Boney with them. Not that they were great friends before, but still, the guy had to get over it. He was about to say something, when the other Templar left to go after Akuma.

Sigurd decided to ignore it for now and was about to take a seat next to Marcus, when he changed his mind. His mood had changed completely and he didn’t feel like having company. Instead he took a seat at an empty booth, mumbling something about annoying stuck-up Elves.

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((please indicate in a similar manner, this cannot be heard by the others as it is taking place directly in your mind.))

Crimson King

"Hmm, down in the dumps there Tough Guy? Anyway, I am sure you don't want to talk right now, but you always got me. Since you are in contact with me, even in the form of a mundane object I can telepathically communicate with you. You can do the same, just will it, and it will be. But I think your companions are just a little on edge you brought me along, I am sure they will think differently once they see how charming I am." The Crimson King said to Sigurd.

((not sure on the colour it will be yet, since I got to find something easy enough to read, but it will ultimately be the one I choose up above, for now just Bold and Italicize to indicate. you are talking to The Crimson King through the Telepathy rather than actual speech.))

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