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Graterras Chapter 3: Darkness Revealed [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Dru watched as first Akuma, then Xavier walked through the door and out onto the street. Tension. I can feel it in his footsteps. He's controlling his rage. The half-Orc then turned to watch Sigurd sit grumpily on his own. The sorcerer watched as the knight's mood began to deteriorate rapidly. We've been on this journey for such a short time, and yet we are already divided. How can we hope to defeat the Gentleman with such a fractured group? he thought, despairing at the prospect of a world overrun by darkness. Though I don't approve of his methods, he has certainly been an asset on this journey. Dru pondered for another moment, then made a decision. He went over to Sigurd's booth and sat across from the Templar, not saying anything just yet.

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Sigurd almost had a heart attack when the Crimson King talked directly into his head. “What the hell? Does this mean you can read my mind? And yeah, they are on edge, but they should get over it already. I explained a million times my reasons for taking you with us so they need to back off. It’s starting to get really annoying…”

He was about to say a lot more, when his attention shifted to the other side of his booth. Dru had taken the empty seat and just sat there, not saying anything. Sigurd stared at the Sorcerer, not sure what to say or if he even wanted to talk at all. He was a little bit surprised since he hadn’t talked much with Dru before. Sigurd considered the Half-Orc to be amongst the more intelligent ones and was pretty sure he didn’t agree with taking along Boney. The Wind Templar kept staring until it became awkward.

“What do you want? If you’re here to give me a hard time as well, I’m not interested,” he said in a harsher tone than he meant to.

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Dru's face showed little reaction to the Templar's aggressive tone. It didn't surprise the half-Orc at all that the man was becoming defensive. After all, he hadn't received much of anything save for the others' criticisms since the group had left Passthrough. The sorcerer sighed, recalling all the negative attention he had received as a child and young adult. And it was all because of a decision he hadn't even made for himself. He is in the same situation I was in. He feels alone. He feels as though we have turned our backs to him. Dru smiled lightly at the knight, raising his hands in a mock defensive gesture.

"Easy, friend. I'm not here to criticize you. Your actions are your own, no matter how foolhardy some may believe them to be. You had a difficult decision to make. All the rest of us can do now is hope it was the right one," he said, studying the Templar's expression. He looked spooked, almost as though he had seen a ghost. The sorcerer gestured to the book. "I'm no expert on magical tomes. That type of magic is best left to wizards and other bookish sorts. But I do know when a man could use a drink, and you, my friend, look like you could use several. What's on your mind?"

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Marcus watched as Akuma and Xavier walked off. He found the Kenku's reaction weird, but it was not his place to question it, and besides Xavier could probably handle that way better than him.

When the music stopped, he clapped his hands energically to show his appreciation of the song. The he took a look around to the others. Sigurd was looking pretty pissed off in the other table and Dru started talking to him, so he decided to let them be for the time being.

Near his own table was the ranger, Helzelbeth. She was standing against the wall, eyes closed and a slight shadow of a smile in her lips, seemingly enjoying the music a lot. It suddenly struck him that she did look very pretty this way...

He shook his head, it was probably not the time to dwell in these things. However, thinking back, Marcus realized she was one of the persons he had interacted less with in the whole group, as she was mostly with Odin and the other huntress (...Jupiter, was it?).

"Hey Helze, aren't you tired of standing? Take a seat, we're in break time anyway." he offered, pulling a chair to the lady.

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Nero silently stepped away from the group as they took their seats, taking a place in the corner. He stood, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, observing as Oarloff prepared his harp. A faint smile crossed his lips at the irony of his current place. Here he was, back in the corner again, much as he had been when he had first been in Odin's own tavern. As Oarloff began to play, Nero simply watched, giving no reaction to the music. Music had never really affected him the way it seemed to affect others. He was puzzled by how it could make them smile, laugh, or cry. He looked over at Helzebeth, who seemed to be immersed in the music, though it was more difficult to notice with her character. He resigned himself to simply observe as the others drank and spoke...

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“It’s…” Sigurd started; ready to tell Dru about Boney talking directly into his mind. “…nothing,” he said, looking away. He pretended it was because he ordered them some Ale and hoped the Sorcerer wouldn’t notice. It wasn’t like he didn’t trust Dru, but Sigurd’s position in the group wasn’t all that great. Not that he cared, but telling someone a Lich King could talk directly into your mind was one of the few things that could make it even worse. Some might think it was manipulating him and throw the journal away, destroying the chance in finding Boney’s real body. Hell, for all he knew they might decide it wasn’t longer safe if Sigurd tagged along and leave him behind. And that was something he wasn’t willing to risk. Killing the Gentleman, and maybe even Boney, meant everything to him. In his head it was already settled that he could return home and his Kinsmen would forgive him, while in reality it was just a thought he held on desperately. The hatred in his village toward Templars ran deep. So Sigurd decided to do the one thing you probably shouldn’t do in a group like this; keeping Boney’s new ability a secret.

He turned back to Dru like nothing happened and continued with a straight face. “It’s nothing, really. That big guy’s music reminded me about something I don’t want to remember.” He took a sip of his Ale and studied Dru’s face. “You know, I’m curious about what you would’ve done in my place. I know what most would do; except for you…”

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"Yea, why don't you have a seat sis? You don't want to be standing on your feet too long." Jupiter said, she wandered over to the table and promptly sat down right next to Marcus. ((who I assume is sitting next to Abraham.)), she was curious about the Cinder Knight, and a lot of the others in the group since she didn't get much time to talk with them after leaving Passtrough. "Nice to meet you, by the way and sorry I haven't really talked to any of you guys much." She said fiddling with her, looking rather nervous. "My name is Jupiter." she said extending her hand towards Marcus for a friendly handshake. Her hand was shaking enough the Marcus could see she was indeed nervous, it wasn't too much that is was plain as day to anybody else. Only Marcus was able to see it.


Nero all of a sudden felt a sharp rap to his knee, as if he was being scolded. Upon further investigation ((I.E. looking down.)) he saw the cause of the blow. A small Rat-like man in a purple hand-knitted robe was there, and he looked slightly mad. He was holding a small oaken walking stick, with a rather nasty knot on the end. "Ooooh, why are yousa in Glicks spot? That spot best spot for thinking, meesa want you to leave." said the little Rat-like man, in a somewhat funny rage. At this point Abraham realized what was going on and walked over. "Glicks, what did I tell you about bothering customers?."

"That issa rude, and Glicks should be the better Kobold and go to different spot." The little Kobold said, rolling his eyes.

"Good, now, why don't you take a seat at the Bar today? It is empty for now, and I am sure you can work on whatever crazy gadget or silly concoction that you are researching there." Abraham said, in a fatherly tone.

"Fine, meesa go now." Glicks said, resigning to his fate and sulking off towards the Bar seats.

"I am very sorry about that, Sir, I hope Glicks didn't disturb you. He can be rude sometimes. He isn't the best around people." Abraham said to Nero, hoping the man wasn't too angry at the Kobold.

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Marcus was quite a bit surprised when Jupiter sat next to him, and more surprised yet with her nervous behavior. The few moments when he had the oprtunity to see her before, she had always struck him as a strong and decided woman. That managed to pick his curiosity.

"Marcus Arthai at your service, miss Jupiter. It's my pleasure to meet a brave lady such as yourself." the Templar said with a smile, shaking her hand softly. "I guess we were all in need of a little time to get to know each other better, I haven't talked to many of the group either."

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Jupiter blushed a little at Marcus's complement. For the first time he would have seen a softness in her her emerald green eyes. "I only did what needed to be done. However, I hear your a Cinder Knight. What is it like? I have always wondered, they sound like such free spirits compared to the other Templars."

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"I am very sorry about that, Sir, I hope Glicks didn't disturb you. He can be rude sometimes. He isn't the best around people."

Nero was silent for a time before responding. He appeared to have thought something over.

"It isn't a problem. He can have the spot if he really wants it. I can always move."

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"Glicks needs to learn that everything isn't about him, kinda a problem he has, he acts a bit like a spoiled child sometimes." Abraham said. "I am glad you aren't angry at him though, there has been too many a time he has been chucked across the room." Abraham said with a little chuckle. "Though if you would like a seat, feel free to take one. You know you look familiar...." Abraham let slip without realizing it. "But....um....it is nothing I think. Have a good day sir." he said as he turned rather abruptly.

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"Ha yes, the Fire tends to do that to us. We can't stay still much time, or we soon become bored." Marcus answered promptly, but still couldn't help to notice Jupiter's eyes, the same colour of his own, though in a way clearer tone, and combining beautifuly with that silver hair... How in hell didn't I notice her before? The young man started wandering.

"Our training is also more combat-oriented than that of the other Orders, so that influences as well. A Cinder Knight's aim is to be like Fire itself, cleansing the world of evil so the good people can live in peace." A playful smirk came to his lips after saying that. "Jeez, I'm starting to repeat the stuff my teachers used to say. That can't be good." he finished, laughing.

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"Sometimes our teachers are the smartest and wisest people, even if at the time they seem to be trumpeting the same thing at us over and over again." She said with a playful giggle. "It was Brass who taught me to stand up for myself you know. I am glad he will be fine, he is kinda like a brother to me." she said staring off a bit, she caught herself and looked back at Marcus. "You have anyone like that back home?"

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Marcus momentarily flinched, his smile frozen on his face all of a sudden. A second later he recovered, hoping Jupiter hadn't noticed it (though seriously doubting that). "No, I don't... I mean, I have a brother, but I've never been exactly in good terms with him." He looked down for a moment, organizing his thoughts. Remembering home was never a good experience for him. "You're lucky you've got as good a fellow as Brass with you. At times like these I think our real family is the one we choose, not the one we were born with."

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Juptier had noticed it, as she barely managed to catch a look of concern that came over her face. She quickly tried to move along the subject, as she didn't want to touch a sore spot this early. Out of respect she didn't want to pry. "I believe that too, Marcus, Helze being my sister of sorts." She laughed a little. " I feel some souls are meant to meet, like when you guys got to Passtrough, I think it was meant to happen."

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Dru raised an eyebrow at the Templar. However bold and skilled in battle the man might have been, he wasn't the best of liars. Still, the half-Orc didn't think it was a good idea to push Sigurd too hard. The man was entirely too stubborn to be forced into telling someone his feelings. Sigurd would open up when he wanted to and not a moment sooner. Realizing this, Dru simply took a tankard of ale and smiled at the knight. He took a long swig as Sigurd asked his question. The sorcerer was forced to ponder it for a moment, then put his ale down.

"Sigurd, I too would have kept the tome. However, I would not keep it on my person. Evil artifacts like that... They have a way of corrupting the soul. Of turning the very things you love and cherish against you and, in the cruelest manner possible, force you to decide between your ultimate goal and whatever it is you hold dear. Be careful, my friend. That book is not to be trifled with. I'm not sure what manner of approach this 'Crimson King' will take, but do not let his silver tongue fool you. He is a force of darkness that threatens to overthrow the world. No one man's willpower can overcome him, no matter how strong that man's will may be," the sorcerer said pointedly before picking up his tankard and taking another long swig.

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A frown came upon Nero's face as Abraham walked away.

"I look familiar?" he wondered. "I don't recall meeting him before this... Unless... Had Abraham been at the manor at some point during his childhood?"

He shook his head, dismissing the thoughts. There was no way he could no for sure if they had met. It was likely just a mistake on Abraham's part. Perhaps he resembled somebody the man knew. Either way, he wouldn't press the man. It wasn't really that important anyway. He looked up towards the bar, finding Glicks with his eye. He was curious as to what the kobold worked on. Perhaps he could find out by watching...

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Nero Only

Glicks was quickly scribbling on a pad, as he stared at strange piece of machinery. He seemed serene as if he didn't notice anyone else in the room, or that Nero was watching him work. Nero noticed though as Glicks placed his hand over the device that it disappeared. He wrote down a lot more notes, it seemed like he was working on something related to Illusion magic at the time. Glicks got an excited look on his face, as he started to crank bolts and mess with strange dials. He looked around the room quickly, though he didn't notice Nero. He placed the strange device on his little purple robe, and he pushed down on a little lever, Nero couldn't see that the first time, due to it being in front of the little Rat-man. This time Glicks disappeared with a soft silver flash. Everything except for his little feet which were hanging off the bar stool still at this point. Nero heard him audibly groan, then place the device on the table, and the little Kobold appeared again. He placed a small pair of glasses on his nose and began furiously going over his notes.

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The ranger opened her eyes, revealing stormy-grey orbs. "Hm? Oh. Force of habit," she said in reply to Marcus and Jupiter, taking her seat and watching as the two interacted.

It struck her that her sister seemed nervous. Being holed up in a forest for most of her life, she didn't really know why; interested, she continued to observe the Fire Templar and the archer, staying quiet.

((sorry for rushed reply, going to class in five minutes and I didn't want to let my opportunity to interact slip away XD))

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After Oarloff's song had finished, he quickly stood up and returned to his room. He looked over at the harp's stand and gently put it back into its place. He stood still a moment, staring silently at the harp. His face swelled slightly as a single tear ran down his eye. "Me see you soon..." he whispered to himself. However, the moment was quickly ruined by a goat neigh. Apparently Mr. Buttons was getting a bit rambunctious. Oarloff smiled at the goat. "Is you hungry Misturr Buttons? Here, me have a treat for you." Oarloff reached for the nearest button on his shirt and ripped it off, revealing even more of his over-sized belly. "Here, you go goatie, eat up!" The goat responded by licking up the button immediately, then he released another neigh as Oarloff reached down and began petting him. "Me be back soon Misturr Buttons, me want to say high to Misturr Thunderbrew's friends." With that Oarloff stood up and headed over to the table his father, Odin, and three of Odin's friends were sitting at.

"Did me do good?" he addressed the table as a whole, with a silly smile filling his face.

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“You really are one of the smarter ones,” Sigurd said to Dru. “But I have to admit, I thought you would be against the idea of bringing Boney with us.” He emptied his tankard and ordered some new ale for both of them, before continuing the conversation. “Unfortunately I don’t see any other way but carrying the Grimoire. But rest assured; if he tries anything funny, I’ll just put him away in my pants. I’m sure that will shut him up!” he laughed, loud enough for the entire inn to hear him.

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" I feel some souls are meant to meet, like when you guys got to Passtrough, I think it was meant to happen."

"Yeah, we were right on time there. It certainly feels like that." Specially after being revived by a Godess. Marcus thought, brushing off the memories of home for the time being. That was not the time to get depressive after all, and he was glad Jupiter changed the subject. She surely was an interesting person.

He was about to ask her more about her life when Oarloff aproached the table, his huge smiling form looming over them.

"Oh hey! That was great Oarloff, it's been much time since I heard someone playing a harp like this. You have much talent." Marcus said, giving the Half-Ogre a friendly pat in the arm.

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"Artificial Invisibility...? ...I can't even do it the regular way yet, but he seems to have attached it to that device..." He paused in his thoughts, an idea having popped into his mind. "Perhaps..."

Nero strode over to the kobold, who appeared to still be entranced by his work. He stood a few feet away, leaning against the bar and folding his arms as he watched, close enough to be noticed when the kobold took a break, but far enough away that he wouldn't interrupt. He would wait until Glicks noticed him before asking the questions he had. And just maybe... he could learn what he needed.

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The Kobold worked for about a minute or 2 more. During this time, in the middle of the device Nero could see a purple gem, most likely an amethyst of some type. The Kobold was startled for a second when he someone watching him, it wasn't everyday somebody cared what he was working on. He pushed his glasses up on his nose and squinted really hard to see who was standing at the end of the counter. Luckily for Nero, the little guy completely forgot about the earlier incident and didn't recognize him at all. "Yes?" he said, in a rather neutral tone. It was hard to tell what he was thinking, as he had a pretty blank expression on his face.

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