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Graterras Chapter 3: Darkness Revealed [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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"Well, we have some questions that we need to answer here. And after all, Nevermore seems nice enough for me up to now." Marcus answered the half-ogre. Then he extended his hand to compliment him. "My name is Marcus Arthai, and the ladies are Jupiter and Helzelbeth. Pleased to meet you."

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Oarloff again refused the knights hand, instead preferring to pick him up and hug him. After placing Marcus down, he smiled at everyone, "What questions is you need answereded? Me knows a lot of stuffs, maybe me can answer your questions?"

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Dru chuckled at Sigurd's joke. If the Templar was one thing, it was extroverted. The sorcerer looked down toward the Simulacrum. "I know you can here me in there, Boney. Just know that if you try anything ill-advised, I'll bury that Simulacrum of yours so deep in the earth that it will be ages before even a wyrm will find it."

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"It will be destroyed at that point, and it would only be inconveniencing. Trust me, One of Stone, even though it may not seem so to the common eye. I have nothing to gain from harming any of you even if I could at this point in time." The Book said, still slightly under his breathe as not to be heard by those that didn't know of his presence. "There will be a day I shall be your foe, but until that day I am not."

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Marcus was gasping for air when Oarloff put him back on his chair. Ok, I should have predicted that. He thought while recomposing himself.

"Well, thanks for your concern Oarloff, but I Björn there is got it. He has a friend who knows what we wanna know." the young man said pointing towards Björn and Chauff. Then, recovering his playful smile, he continued pretending to whisper, but still letting his table companions hear him. "We're actually after a really bad guy you know?"

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Oarloff gave Marcus a bit of a scared look and scrambled to try and sit next to him. "Is you gonna beat this mean man up?" Oarloff asked in a half whisper, trying his best to be as discrete as possible. And of course failing miserably at discretion.

"And what did this mean man do? Does you need help? Ooooooooooooooooooh, me has so many questions!"

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Xavier watched the kobold skitter inside with a bemused expression before turning back to Akuma. "What seems to be the issue? Most people - including myself - would be rather shocked about what occurred just now, but you seem to have a deeper issue." He took a sip of his drink and waited for a response.

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Marcus was amused with the Oarloff's reaction. No matter how big the half-ogre was, his behavior was like that of a little kid.

"You getting along with them Oarloff? So, what brings you lot here anyway?"

"Yeah, sure Mr. Abraham, your son is a pretty lively fellow." Marcus answered to the inn-keeper. "As I was telling him we've come here seeking for some answers..." At this point the Templar looked to Odin. As much as he felt the little family to be trustworthy, the Dwarf father knew them way better. He would be a better judge of what was safe to tell these people.

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"And on that day, wherever you stand shall become your tomb," Dru retorted quickly. "But until then, I'm content to listen to your wisecracks. Believe it or not, you've proven more amicable company than some of the drearier sorts." With that, Dru took another long gulp of ale. After so long on the road, anything remotely resembling cooked food was liable to be inhaled by the insatiable half-Orc.

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After bumping into that strange creature, Akuma misses his chance to apologize to 'Glicks' as it quickly skitter inside the pub. As the kobold went inside, he saw Xavier there standing with a drink in hand. "Nothing" Akuma replied "i just need to clear my head. sorry if i cause you guys trouble." Akuma sighed and leans on the porch "its just that...i can't stand ogres." he said bluntly and cross his arms. "lets just say i have a personal issues with them in the past."

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"Perhaps it is meant to be, if fate wills it to be, it shall. I have cheated it once, and it was a horrible mistake." The Crimson King said, probably letting go more than he intended about himself. "Now, if you don't mind, I am going to get some rest for my mind, it best I not burden thee more than I need." and with that the eyes sunk back into the book for awhile.


A solemn look came over the Dwarf's face, one of a man who didn't like the words he was about to say. It visibly weighed on his mind as he fidgeted for awhile before speaking. However, it wasn't him that spoke in that instant, it was Abraham. "It is your son isn't it? He was supposed to return by now, and I remember you said I would finally get to meet him, and see the man he had become."

"Aye, it is, but is is more than that. Brinestar was destroyed, by a devil creature, known only as the Gentleman." The Dwarf, almost choked on the words, they felt almost as nasty as the aura from the Gentleman himself. He fished out of a vial, one of the one ones with Magni's ashes. Just a simple vial stoppered with cork, on a red lace. He handed it to Abraham "Don't forget Magni, if it weren't for him, we wouldn't be here." he said, redness present in those Firey Coals of eyes. Abraham looked at it in the palm of his hand, He stared at it, a tear rolling down his cheek, a soul he never got to meet. "I will remember him, even if I never met him. I know what is like to lose one so dear." he said, wore the vial as a necklace around his slender neck, as he had nowhere else to put it.

The room felt a bit more somber, two Fathers, stared at each other, feeling each others loss.

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When the half-Orc came over, Helzebeth piped up. "I've never been more privileged to hear such music." Bowing her head gracefully like a queen, with a small smile on her face, she said, "Thank you."

Although, she did cringe a bit when the big fellow crushed Marcus in his arms...

The memory of Magni and that horrid monster made Helze shudder. She hadn't gotten around to telling Jupiter about what happened in that first battle as well... Maybe later. Unconsciously she put her hand on Odin's shoulder, feeling the moroseness as well.

Then, some anger. What business did that demonic spawn of hell have that involved slaughtering sons of men and wreaking havoc on Graterras? Clouds brewed again in her eyes as the fury rose slowly, like steam from hot water, although she tried to maintain her composure.

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"Really now?" Akuma looks at the elf and pondered whether or not to confess. "So you like hearing other peoples problems ey?" Akuma chuckle and raise a brow at Xavier,

"Okay ill tell you...better yet i'll show you" the birdman raise his sleeve and show his prosthetic automail arm. "A group of ogres did this, i carry this arm as a grim reminder on that faithful day that i lost everything.".

"It all happen when i was young, A group of ogres showed up and attack my village, slaughtering every Kenku in sight, I try to protect my family as much i could, but to no avail. They're too many of them, They stab me right in the eye and cut my arm clean off my shoulder as I watch them murder my family right in front of my eyes. I've never felt so helpless." Akuma sighed. "After they're done, they set my village on into flame and left me for dead as winter comes.. fortunately, for some miracle, i was barely-alive, as clawed myself out of snow and travel my way into the shifting sands as a wanderer to start a new."

"you're a good man Xavier, I suggest you don't tell anyone about this," Akuma said to the Fire Templar.

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Marcus stood quiet for a moment. It was now obvious these two were thrustworthy, considering how much Odin told them right away. He let both of the man to their feelings for some time, but then decided to get the talk back.

"Have you heard of any rumours like this in the city, Mr. Abraham? For some reason I don't think the Gentleman would stop at Brinestar."

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Nero loosely motioned at the device Glicks was working on.

"I... happened to catch a glimpse of what you were doing there. Is that... artificial invisibility? And if you don't mind me asking... can you explain how it works? I happen to be an Illusionist myself, so this intrigues me."

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Xavier thought for a moment. "I can understand your position, then. I'd just like to leave you with one question before I head back inside. Did that boy in there choose his parents?" Without waiting for an answer, the templar gave Akuma a significant look and turned back inside. He noticed that Nero seemed to have taken an interest in something. He actually seems excited. Nero? I wonder. Xavier strode over to the illusionist and looked over his shoulder at Glicks's device.

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"Meesa knows of Invisibility magic yes." He said as he picked up the device. He pointed at the little gem inside the machine "Thissa gem was made through affixing a spell to it's core, but that will not help yousaa learn Magic. Also further mores, Magic cannot not simply be explained. It is a process, a science. I cannot simply say, magic works thissa way, now go use spells." The Kobold said rubbing his head furiously. It was obvious he didn't talk to others much and this was a social tick of his, rather than him being angry. "You should meet meesa at the Raven's Spiral tomorrow, Glicks teach many class, but should be able to squeeze in time for yousaa."

At this point Glicks realized somebody else had walked up. Turning around while still standing on the stool, He rapped Xavier over the head with his oaken walking staff. "Can't Yousaa see Glicks talking to somebody? Don't interrupt Rude Man!!!!" he shouted loudly.


"I don't know Marcus, but I reckon your best bet would be at the Raven's Spiral, it is a large tower in the arcane district, and they have a Scholar Knight in, so even if the Wizard's don't have any records I am sure he will know something." Abraham replied.

"Aye we are headed that way anyhow." said a familiar jolly voice. It was Bjorn. He and Chauff had arrived. "Sorry, folks, there is just a place I like to get fish everytime I come to Nevermore, it is kinda a tradition for me" The jolly man said explaining his absence.

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The air around Xavier became positively torrid for a brief moment as the rap on the head startled and angered him. He quickly restrained himself, and the air dropped down to a normal temperature, but the irritation remained. "I was merely watching, you filthy little rat!" Xavier immediately regretted snapping at the kobold, and took on an abashed expression, but the haughty elf refused to apologize for the slur aloud.

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((Except, he is a Ratman, Glicks is what is called a Grumman's Kobold or a subterranean version that are closer to Rats and Mice then Lizards and Dragons. Probably should have cleared that up, as I realize it isn't in the OP under the Kobold section as I didn't decide there were 2 types of Kobold until more recently, though as Grumman's Kobold are extremely rare I may not give them as a PC option.))

"Well watch somebody elsaa, Meesa have work to do." He said, plopping down in his chair. He immediately started to begin work on the small device again, ignoring the 2 men as if they didn't exist.

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"A scholar knight? Would he be willing to share information with us, then?" Helze asked. She'd heard that they were normally not one to be generous with sharing knowledge to others outside their circle. Had she a choice, she would've chosen to become a Scholar Knight herself-- one of mind and wisdom, and one of skill and combat. When she was old enough to read, she devoured the books her father would bring home. A few books she had read had images and descriptions of the well-known different elemental templars of Pyron, Aelia, Seeker, and Tectanitus. Inwardly she felt that she could identify with Seeker's templars, but she didn't understand the point of hoarding knowledge. Anyway, she was born in the forests, not in the Crystal Archipelagos, and the armor that the elemental warriors wore looked too heavy for her tastes.

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"I don't know I haven't met him, he could be just as crazy as some of the other Scholar Knights, especially considering he is an Illithid" Abraham said.

Bjorn laughed a bit "We are going to see a friend of mine first, by the name of Duncan. It has been awhile since I have been here, and I have heard he started a school in the Raven's Spiral. Hopefully he has the information we seek, however there are no guarantees."

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The ranger grimaced a bit. Illithids... Okay, yes, they were said to be more civilized as of late, but still. She'd heard tales of them and although she had a love for knowledge as well, but that particular way they gathered knowledge... Helze shuddered. Although she had plenty to ask, she was worried that she was becoming too loud, and held her tongue.

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