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Graterras Chapter 3: Darkness Revealed [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Wow, an Illithid? Marcus was kinda excited to get to know one, from the stories he heard they looked quite... interesting.

"Well, guess that's one of the first times I'm anxious to go to school then." Marcus joked.

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Sigurd was amused by the conversation between Dru and Boney. Clearly the Sorcerer wasn’t one to be messed with and while they had their little fun, he looked through the Inn. He was just in time to see Xavier get smacked by a ratman and couldn’t resist laughing. He tried to be subtle about it, but that never was a skill the Templar possessed.

It was then his eye fell on Odin’s table. “Hey, Dru, looks like something is up at that table.”

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"You should meet meesa at the Raven's Spiral tomorrow, Glicks teach many class, but should be able to squeeze in time for yousaa."

"Raven's Spiral..." He'd have to find out where that was. He doubted there was much that this Glicks could teach him, but he would attend. This was one piece of knowledge he did not want to pass up. Still... what the kobold had said annoyed him.

"Also further mores, Magic cannot not simply be explained. It is a process, a science. I cannot simply say, magic works thissa way, now go use spells."

Of course he had known that magic could not be explained or taught. He was a sorcerer, after all. Still... he hadn't quite lived the ordinary sorcerer life. He had an instructor as a child: Scuro. And despite being a sorcerer, he felt that the man had helped him learn some of what he knew. That was why he would be at Raven's Spiral tomorrow. If he could even get some clue as to how Invisibility worked... then perhaps he could finally become a true Illusionist.

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Dru watched Sigurd burst into laughter only to see Xavier and Nero talking to a Grumman's kobold. I haven't seen one of those in ages. I wonder what he's doing here in Nevermore? the sorcerer asked himself. Then, Sigurd mentioned something about Odin's table. "I'm sorry, but I wasn't quite paying attention. But if something important is afoot, we should go make sure we're informed about it, correct?" the half-Orc asked the templar rhetorically. With that, Dru excused himself, sliding out of the booth. "Are you coming?" he asked impatiently, gesturing toward the dwarf's table.

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“I’m right behind you,” Sigurd said to Dru. “But you know; beauty before age!”

He slipped past the Sorcerer to reach Odin’s table. “Ladies,” he said in general, “what are we talking about? A moment ago it looked rather serious, is it something the rest of us should know as well?”

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Oarloff turned to Abraham, "Umm, Papa ... Can me go with them? Me knows how to get to the Raven's Spiral, so me can take them there tomorrow. They say they want to beat a mean bad man, so maybe me should help them. Please papa, me will do lots and lots of work tomorrow if you let me take them!"

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"We're planning an excursion to a school Sigurd. Care to come too?" Marcus answered the Wind Templar. Then Oarloff spoke, causing him to try and imagine the Half-Ogre in a study place filled with quiet and skittish intelectuals.

For more funny that the picture was, it didn't seem a good idea. Oh hell, did I say too much?

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Dru frowned. A school? Probably a wizards' school Those stiff-necks don't even know what it is to truly wield magic. He looked over to Abraham. "Sir, please tell me this isn't a wizards' school."

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Nero's ear was drawn to the group's table as he returned. So they were also going to Raven's Spiral tomorrow, whatever it was. He could simply tag along and they would take him right to it. He took a place against the wall, closer to the table than before. He wanted to learn all that he could about this "Raven's Spiral," and it appeared that Abraham knew of it.

"Sir, please tell me this isn't a wizards' school."

A school? Was that what it was? He frowned as he mulled the thought over. As a sorcerer, it would be somewhat embarrassing to show up at a school... Still, the potential reward... It was enough that he was still interested. Glicks seemed to know enough about Invisibility, if he could attach it to an object. Nero closed his eyes and folded his arms as he leaned against the wall, appearing uninterested as he tried to learn more.

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"It is a wizard's school, and one of the most prestigious in the land at that. However, they operate outside of the guild's jurisdiction, and quite commonly take on Sorcerer's and other spellcasters to see from other points of view then their own." Abraham said. "They are shall we say, a Spellcaster's school, rather than a Wizard's School."

"And Oarloff, I guess I can't force you to stay here. I will be tagging along though, I have been meaning to visit." Abraham said after a short pause as he muled over his son's request.


The Kobold took the the chance to skedaddle without being harassed. Knowing Abraham, the man would eventually let slip he was a Headmaster at the Raven's Spiral. Glicks did know of how horrible he was with dealing with people, and he didn't want to deal with this many. He snuck out the front door without anybody noticing him. It helped having such a small frame, and being quite the accomplished illusionist.

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Dru breathed a sigh of relief was he was informed of the true nature of the school. It wasn't that he hated wizards in particular. He just thoroughly disapproved of the way they tended to group up and exclude others seeking knowledge of the arcane. "Good. I would be more than happy to join all of you in going. I am interested in seeing more of this 'Spellcaster's School'."

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Sigurd sighed. He couldn’t believe they were making plans to go to a school to see some magic tricks. The idea alone was enough to bore him out of his mind. “I guess I’ll tag along as well,” he said without his usual enthusiasm.

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"And hopefully, we get our information about the Gentleman, it is what I promised ya, Sigurd." Bjorn said "If that place don't have it, I doubt anywhere around here does. Now If ya don't mind, I am going to hit the hay for the night." the burly old man said as he headed for the rooms. Chauff quickly shuffled after him.

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((for interest of time, as I have some stuff to do in-between the trip to the Raven Spiral, it will be covered here, so please keep read.))

After Bjorn went to bed, a lot of the conversation started to die down. It was late and the night started to grow old. After finishing their meals provided by the cook, Irving, most wandered off to their rooms, to get some shut eye. However, some were about to have an interesting night.

Xavier Only, The Clockwork Tower

After Xavier had drifted off to bed, he had a most vivid dream, some might have called it a nightmare at first. He awoke in a Dark Hallway. Small torches burned with fire were the only thing about, and their light reflected off of nothing. The Edges of their light were eaten by the Darkness that surrounded him, but they seemed to light a path. He got a nasty feeling in his gut. He wasn't alone, something else was here, most likely at the end of that path.

Marcus Only, The Crimson Keep.

As Marcus fell deep into his sleep, he found himself in a dream. Though, it was a place he had never seen before. He stood in a desert with strange red grains of sand, but not any red, a deep crimson. A distance away stood a Giant Keep of the same Colour. He felt drawn to it, as if it was calling to him.

Dru Only, Mistless Peaks

Dru found himself sitting upon a mountain, the craggy peak had no snow and was flat. He looked down upon the Shattered Hills his homeland, however, he sat atop no natural peak. This mountain was far into where the clouds should be, and yet there were none. He felt a shift, something was changing. The Cliff he sat on shook and quaked violently. Just as he was about to be thrown from the top, it stopped.

In all the time he spent trying to keep himself from being flung into the great expanse below him Dru didn't see it at first. But now he saw it as clear as day. Another Peak stood across from the one he sat on, it was the same as his, flat on the top and devoid of snow or clouds. and in the middle of it sat a strange being. It was a Creature made of stone, it seemed Humanoid in shape, but it had no mouth or any semblance of a face. The only feature on it's "face" was 2 black holes that seemed to serve as eyes. It sat cross-legged, and it gestured to the Half-Orc across the way. A deep gravely voice boomed from the void it seemed to come from all around, yet it was obvious it was the stone being before him was the source of it. "Sit, it would be rude not to. I have a question for you, are you The Earth Shaker?"

Sigurd Only, A Windswept Field

Sigurd found himself lying down in a field of Grass. All around him he could smell the fresh scent of spring. He could feel the winds his goddess had created on his face, and felt their warm embrace. The grass and flowers swayed back in forth in the breeze almost hypnotically, and it made him feel incredibly safe. The serene beauty of this place was almost too much for the senses to handle, sensory overload could very well happen. Sigurd was so caught up in the Beauty in fact, he almost missed what was at the end of the field. A White Ivory Tower stood there. It seemed out of place, like it wasn't meant to be there.

Helzebeth, Forest of Nightmares

Helze awoke in a forest, much like the Forest of Knives, her home for the longest time in her life. She could even see Hunter next to her, however she couldn't feel their bond like usual. She could only see the Wolf, not feel what he was feeling. It was a strange feeling, and it made Helze almost feel alone. Looking around her surrounding, other than Hunter, she very much was alone. The Darkness made it hard to see more than a few feet in front of her, and the forest seemed to go on forever. After bumbling around for awhile she came across a small Clearing, with a soft golden light coming from somewhere just out of sight.

Akuma, An Old Friend

Akuma found himself in a Kenku village, it seemed familiar, too familiar. And just like that another Kenku approached him. He was a strong looking young man, with feathers of a golden brown, he had kind sky blue eyes. "Hey, Akuma! AKUMA!!!!!" he said as he saw Akuma standing there. And then Akuma recognized him. He was an old friend back from his village where he was born, a Kenku by the name of Thorne. "Akuma? You alright? You look like you just saw a ghost!" Thorne said, accompanied with a chuckle Akuma hadn't heard since that fateful day long ago.

Oarloff, Mr. Buttons

((as a note, Oarloff is awake for this unlike all the others. This is not a dream and is actually happening)).

When Oarloof got back to his room, after appropriate time passed something strange happened. Mr. Buttons started to talk. "Hey, thanks for saving me today kid, bahhhh....oops sorry, used to pretending to be a goat..."

((Instructions for posting replies. This is a player to Host section at the moment. Each of your respective characters are in a solo dream scenario. [Nero doesn't have one yet, you will have one with Glicks at the Raven's Spiral], to reply, please put the header of your section at the top of your post, this way it is easier to keep track of. So, Zeph, you would put Forest of Nightmares, for yours, and so on....anywho, please let me know if I missed anybody lol.))

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Forest of Nightmares

She was... home?

That's what it looked like-- it even almost felt and smelled like home. But it was dark, and there were no crickets singing around her. There was a familiar wolf nearby... Was that... "Hun...ter?" mumbled Helze. It... It was him, but something felt.. off. The bond that connected them was gone. In fact as she tried to grope her way around the forest, he seemed to be going off on his own... Reappearing and appearing, darting in and out of the shadow trees. Or was he lost too, and couldn't... Somehow, couldn't see her?

The half-elf bit down on her lip, her head all fuzzy... and nearly tripped. Mentally cursing, she looked up, to see a glimmer of golden light.

Slowly but surely, she made her way toward it, taking care not to snag her foot on anything in this sinister forest.

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Forest of Nightmares

Helze found herself in the clearing, and the found the small cottage you used to live in with her father, the strange wolf that had been following her seemed to disappear for now. The Cottage looked abandoned, like no one had been there in ages. The only good source of light however was coming from it, it gave Helze an uneasy feeling. The door was ever so slightly open as if the cottage was inviting her in.

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The Crimson Keep

Marcus looked around for a moment, trying to get his bearings. Being from the Shifting Sands, he was used with deserts, but he had never seen something like that colour of sand. It felt like he was standing in sea of blood.

The only thing in his field of view was a massive castle, which picked his interest. Not only because of how it stood off in this landscape, but also... There was something to it that he couldn't explain, he just knew he had to go there.

Not waiting another moment, the Templar slowly walked towards the Keep's gates.

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The Crimson Keep

The gates swing open as Marcus approaches seeming to invite him into the Large Crimson Keep. The Inside was enormous. It seemed as if giants could have live here and called this place their home. It was lavish as well. Everything inside kept the same colour, that Crimson Red. It made it slightly disorienting, but Narcus still felt himself being drawn somewhere. He came into a long hallway lined with Solemn Crimson Armour. They stood against the walls, almost if silently watching for some kind of danger. Down at the end of the hall Marcus could see a large Stained Glass Window, it had a picture of a Warrior striking with his sword alight with flame. His opponent was a demon of some sort, one Marcus couldn't really recognize. He felt like he was being pushed here, like if something was doing this, however, it presence did not feel evil.

Mr. Buttons

"Yes, I can, however you got to be quiet about, nobody but you may know." The Goat said, raising a hoof to his mouth, indicating to be hush hush about this. "It was a selfless act to rescue me this day, and for that I grant you a token of my gratitude." The Goat said. It searched and rummaged through its fur, before finding what it was looking for. It plucked out a small ribbon from it's fur. "This is a summoning whistle, well it is a ribbon, but hush child. Whenever you need me say Mr. Buttons 3 times, and I will come, however this only works once, so be very very sure it is of utmost importance when you summon me."

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Akuma, An Old Friend

Akuma briefly scouts the place,something about it seems familiar, it looks like his village from the mountains-- but how? everything seems normal.. everything his intact including his eyes and arms. The Birdman's worries drifts away as soon as he saw another Kenku standing beside him, It was Thorne, his childhood friend from the village (just go with it)

"Nothing" Akuma blankly stares at his friend followed by a playful smile...."Hey Thorne, think fast!" Akuma throws a punch at Throne to check his reflexes, Hopefully he would catch it.

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An Old Friend

Thorne ducked, but fell on his bum from moving too fast. "Geez, I forgot how fast you could throw a punch Bird brother." he said rubbing the back of his head. He leapt up and dusted himself off. "Well that was an embarrassing show on my part, never thought my balance was that horrid."

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Mr. Buttons

Oarloff grabbed the ribbon, "Oh is it a secret that you can talk Misturr Buttons? Papa says secrets is bad, but me no think so." He looked again, examining the ribbon. "So what does you do Misturr Buttons? Are you a wizard?!?"

Edited by Supernovae
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Mistless Peaks

Dru eyed the other peak warily. The stone elemental in front of him seemed to know who he was. The sorcerer was nonplussed given their apparent location. After all, he was the topic of numerous local legends, most notably as an adviser to chieftains. Something about him being a traveling sorcerer tended to make people believe he was some form of wise man. He returned his attention to the elemental. "Some call me Earth-Shaker, yes. Some call me Stone-Caller. And still others call me Half-Bred Scum. But, seeing as you have chosen to appear in my dreams, you likely already know that. What shall I call you?" he replied, raising his hands. He dropped them to the ground in a thrusting motion and stomped both his feet, causing a pillar of earth to shoot up under him, sending him flying toward the other peak. He controlled his flight, sailing through the air with his cloak behind him, his arms spread, and his legs bent under him. As he landed on the other peak he softened the earth underneath him, allowing his momentum to transfer harmlessly into the ground. He then walked nearer the elemental, sitting cross-legged in front of it.

Edited by Jory
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A Windswept Field

Sigurd enjoyed the wind on his face. He hadn’t experienced a safe and calm feeling in a long time. And the way those flowers swayed in the wind made him feel a little tired. Maybe I should take a little nap? I’m sure it wouldn’t hurt.

He rearranged himself in an even more comfortable position when he noticed it. A large white tower that looked like it didn’t belong there. For a short moment he struggled with the feeling to leave the tower alone and take that nap, but in the end his sense for adventure won. He got up and reached the suspicious looking tower in no time.

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The Crimson Keep

Marcus was impressed with the size and luxury of the Keep. He had never seen a place like this before, and that considering that he was born in a quite wealthy family. Damn his whole house would look like a shack compared to this.

He stopped a moment before the great window at the end of the hall. It was a beautiful piece of work, and he felt it deserved a little bit of appreciation. The battle scene was very familiar to him, as he had seen his fair share of flaming swords to immediately relate them with the Cinder Knights. Something about the beautiful picture struck deep inside him, and he resumed walking towards it as he felt a strange urge to get closer...

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