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Graterras Chapter 3: Darkness Revealed [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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Forest of Nightmares

Something was definitely off. She was home, but... It all seemed so wrong... Wasn't she somewhere else previously?

The wolf that looked like Hunter crept away quietly, never having acknowledged her presence. And in front of her was the cottage she lived in-- no doubt about it, it was the only one that looked like it was being eaten by the roots of the huge tree that loomed behind it, like it was almost one with the tree but not quite.

Was there somebody inside, or did she forget to turn the lamps out before she left home? Even if she did, never had their lamps burned so brightly, as the ranger tended to keep them dimmed as a precaution. She tried to speak, but all that came out was something that vaguely sounded like a groan and her lips moved too slowly. It wasn't right. The half-Elf looked into the light, drawn by it suddenly, but repulsed by her apprehension...

Curiosity and the light won out as the girl headed for the door, placing a hand on the knob tentatively.

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An Old Friend

Akuma chuckled and pats Thorne's shoulder. "Not bad, my friend, don't worry,you'll get it eventually and even manage to throw a counter attack while you're at it!" Akuma cheerfully said. "Besides not everyone here is a fighter, we are a dying breed in this village." Akuma looks around the busy village."They all rely on sorcery too much, ever since they've stole that stone from those group of Ogres, It says it is blessed with unlimited power and source of our village's magic." Akuma sighed, feeling a bit disappointed of what their village has become.

"But not us! we don't need that fancy mumbo jumbo, we answer with our fist!" Akuma said to Thorne giving him a fistbump.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Mister Buttons

"I guess you could say that." The Goat said. "I do know of some very powerful magic, perhaps it would come in handy one day. Now, young Oarloff, is there anything you wish to know? I must away soon, I am needed elsewhere."

Mistless Peaks

"You may call me Shard, I am here for a friend." the Rock Man answered. "And were prey tell did you learn of this Earth Magic? You are no Templar of Tectaniteus are you? How is it that you have such a connection with the Earth of Graterras?"

A Windswept Field

The Tower seemingly invited Sigurd in, as he approached the door swung openly slowly as if the wind itself blew it open. All he could see inside was a single Ivory staircase that ascended into the heavens. It had a lavish golden trim and seemed almost otherworldly. It was a long climb up indeed. He felt compelled to climb the stairs. They called, beckoned. The Winds even seemed to gently try and push him towards them.

The Crimson Keep

Marcus saw one thing now clearer than ever at the end of the long hall. Below the Stained Glass window stood a single table, and seated at it, was a lone Knight in Crimson Armour. It was strange, he almost seemed like those mounted on the walls, the Monochrome Crimson made him feel as if he was a statue, however, it was evident he was very much some sort of being. In the Middle of the table sat a chessboard, the pieces closest to him coloured the same red as his armour, the far side sat other pieces. They looked strangely mechincal in nature, like the bio-tech and similar devices in Marcus's homeland. They had that brass colour to them and they looked like they were made of tubing and pipes. A Ghostly hand played the other side of the board. However, Marcus had never seen such fat games of chess, each of them went by blindingly fast. The Crimson Knight seemed to be getting bored. He had leaned his head in his hand when he caught sight of Marcus. "Hello, I didn't know I would be having vistors. Welcome to my home. Would you take a seat? it would be awfully rude of me to not allow you one." he said gesturing to the empty seat the Ghost Hand had been at, as it had seemingly disappeared.

Forest of Nightmares

Helze was greeted, with a strange sight one she couldn't quite understand. this was definitely her home in the past, but that wasn't the worst thing. Someone she knew all too well was sitting in a large comfy armchair by the hearth. It was her Father.

((I need you to describe how he looks for me by the way, that way I know XD.))

An Old Friend

"It seems foolish to put so much hope into that thing. It is only so long before those Ogres come back looking for it." Thorne said, a rather concerned look on his face. "I really think we should tell the Elders to be rid of the damned thing, I can only see it bringing more sorrow."

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((roger that, incoming text wall of adjectives and feels))

Forest of Nightmares

This was... No... It couldn't... Helzebeth trembled. It couldn't be.

But it unmistakably was. The man sat in her father's favorite seat by the fireplace. Although everything else so far was a blur, this figure she saw before her was painfully undeniable, the details clear as day: the husky build till down to the long legs that gave him his height; ruffled, rowdy grey-brown hair that had white, silvery strands in a few places, the hair covering his wrinkled forehead without the restrain of the bandanna he typically used while hunting or gathering herbs; a full beard that had been shaved, but was already growing back, complimented by exactly two cuts both on his left jaw; lines of brought by much stress and toil on his face, especially under his eyes, which were a smokey grey-blue; he wore a torn once-longsleeved white shirt underneath a fading brown vest with scratches and patches along with trousers; but most important of all was the tenderness she felt coming from him, despite how weary he looked all the time.

It was the warm, fatherly love she missed dearly-- no, she missed everything. Morning hikes to the waterfall for breakfast consisting of any meat, usually rabbits or hares with herb or fruit, after which would follow a refreshing dip in the river. Hearing daring tales of adventures past or stories about her mother told to her in vivid detail. Practicing, even sparring in the afternoons, after a trip around the forests and mountains.

Maybe most of all, good night kisses and hugs, at the end of a long night's worth of learning to read the sky, or stargazing, or just before the sun was about to rise when they would come home from a long trek.

"Ad... ther?" She choked on the endearment she made up a lifetime ago when she combined what she knew of Elvish with Common to make a unique way of calling her father. Only he knew it and he would always smile, looking younger, even happy, and call her his "little Kestrel", or "dearest Helze". It was always one of the two. Almost fearfully, she waited for his answer.

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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A Windswept Field

Sigurd stared at the staircase. He had the strange urge to climb it, even though he didn’t know why. Without much resistance he listened to the wind and started climbing. He vaguely recalled the last time he was in a strange, yet peaceful place like this. It was right after he got killed. Did that happen this time as well? Or was the last time just a dream? And how the hell did he even got here?

Those questions still spooked around Sigurd’s head when he finally reached the end of the staircase.

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Akuma was about to answer his friend,but something came up, something about Thorne said triggers Akuma's memories, The birdman suffers from a huge headache, seeing some parts of his inevitable future in his head, like an early warning.

"Call me crazy but I saw it, A glimpse of our village's future!" he said with a brooding look on his face.

"I was wrong, thats no stone, Its a piece of an Ogre's heart."

"A day will come... ten, no eleven, 11 Ogres will come from the mountain side, carrying huge burning logs ready to set our village into flames. One of them is called Koba.Their leader, he's a Berserker like no other and can withstand even the most powerful magic attack there is; its like his immune to pain, This monster is ruthless and will stop at nothing to get his heart back."

"That's all i can recall... some of it seems distorted. I don't know if this is true, but you're right.. we got to warn the elders, hopefully they would listen to my crazy premonitions." Akuma said, feeling faint from these visions and grabs Thorne's shoulders, balancing himself.

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Mistless Peaks

The half-Orc chuckled. "Here for a friend, are you? I'd ask you to tell me more, but if you wanted to then I'd already know." He paused for a moment, considering Shard's other question. "In all my years traveling Graterras, I have been asked the magnitude of my power and how it works. Never before has someone inquired as to how this power was acquired. And the simplest answer is, it wasn't. I am a Sorcerer, Shard. It was no coincidence that I found my way to the Shattered Hills. When my abilities began to manifest, I knew the only chance I would have to tame them would be to do so alone. And so I trained my body and my mind to be in tune with the Earth. Rather than being handed my power by Tectaniteus, I had to earn mine. Only by becoming one with the Earth was I finally able to control this magic. It took years of intense physical strain and meditation to achieve this level of power. And the most troubling thing is that I fear when it comes time to face down the Gentleman once more, I will still be too weak do do anything about it."

Edited by Jory
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The Crimson Keep

Marcus sat down in the chair as the Knight said, still feeling somewhat drawn to this new character. Something about him just exalated strenght and power.

"Thank you mr... Sorry, but I'm a little lost as to who you are and what this place is."

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Mister Buttons:

Oarloff absentmindedly stuck a finger in his mouth as he tried to answer the goat's question. "What does me want to know?" he mumbled to himself as he continued to play with his lips flipping them back and forth. Suddenly the ogre pulled the finger out of his mouth, stood up and proclaimed, "Oh, oh! Me knows what me wants to know. Misturr Buttons can you teach me some magic, so me can be a wizard."

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The Clockwork Tower

Xavier looked about, very much ill at ease. He cautiously drew his sword, holding it in one hand as he focused, calling flames into the other. He also tried to amplify the fires already burning on the walls, then advanced down the hallway.

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Forest of Nightmares

and her father did smile "Oh, hello little Kestrel, I see you have flown home to me." he said, that warm fatherly smile on his face. "Please, sit, you must be tired." he said gesturing to another simple chair that was next to the hearth.

A Windswept Field

As Sigurd reached the top of the spiral staircase he came to a single flat white room, it had no distinguishing features other than a table and 2 chairs that sat in the middle of it. On the back of 1 chair sat a Snow Owl, one from his homeland of Aurora. It was a strange sight somewhere like here. It stared at him for awhile, and it looked from him to the chair across from itself, as if gesturing Sigurd to sit down.

An Old Friend

"Of course Akuma, I will carry you there if I have to friend. And you never have lied to me before, why would you start now? I believe you, I hope the elders will too." Thorne said as he helped Akuma to walk, he began to head towards where the Elders of the village resided.

Mistless Peaks

"On that front you are wrong, Dru'thok, one is not alone when they commune with the Earth, for the Earth listens." the strange Rock Man said. "And there is no need to fear this Gentleman you speak of. Either you defeat him, or you die, that is all there is too it. Being one with the Earth, you should know, it is he who prepares, he who observes and listens, he who does not rush head-forth recklessly, that shall win the day. You seek answers to his power, and you shall have them, but it is not my place to give them to you, the Denizens of Graterras must free themselves from the darkness." at that last line, Shard's voice sounded different, and even deeper than before. And as he spoke again it still seemed that way. "Dru'thok, you, as all others, are children of the Earth, and whether or not you succeed or fail, you will come back to her one day Even the form you see before you. Shard is the Common Ancestor to all living beings, he is what a sentient being was before they had the other elements added onto them. Always remember, that all of us underneath were once the same, even the Gentleman you now fight."

The Crimson Keep

"I am the Crimson Knight, a pleasure to meet you young one." The Knight said. "ANd this place, well we are everywhere and yet nowhere at the same time. In essence, it matters not where we are. Would you care for a game of chess?" he said, seeming to be distracted from his train of thought at the prospect. "You see the Fellow I usually play against is busy at the moment. It is rather boring playing against the magic entity I created as I know all his tricks."

The Clockwork Tower

It did not become much clearer, the darkness here was unnatural to say the least, as it seemed no matter the power of flame, it maintained the same level of light in the corridor. Xavier now however saw a Single Brass door in the Darkness, on it was emblazoned a very familiar symbol, that of his order, the Cinder Knights. It looked like a Flaming Sword, held aloft by an armoured hand.

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The Clockwork Tower

Inside Xavier was met with machinations galore. Gears turned and steam poured from pipes all around. There was the constant barrage of sound, mostly of machinery, in the room. The hall continued, lined with copper pipes, Brass gear and cogs, Sprockets and all sorts of other machine parts. It felt like the place was alive in a sense. It was also unnaturally hot due to the amount of steam pouring out everywhere.Then Xavier heard a tapping of what sounding like a wooden staff on metal, coming from the hall in front of him. Something was coming towards him, as if it knew he was there. Was it hostile? What did it want?

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The heat of the room didn't bother Xavier; in fact, he started to draw a small amount into himself on the off chance that whoever was in the dark wanted a piece of him. He called out. "Who's there? I warn you, I am a Cinder Knight, and not afraid to defend my life."

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The Clockwork Tower

"A Cinder Knight? Is your name by chance Xavier?" said a voice, that sounded rather robotic. A door at the end of the hall burst open. Xavier could't see it before since it was flush with the wall. Pipes on the outside of it were spewing steam out the front, until it was closed once more, the circuit of the pipes once more whole. Now a strange form stood before him. A man stood before him, but it was no ordainary man. His face was made of the same metals as the room around them, and while it vaguely resembled a humans, he certainly was not one. He had no mouth heck, not even a nose, most of the front of his face was a sheet of Brass, that was angled in the iddle to give it the appearance of having too sides to his face. there were 2 holes one on each side, placed as if they were his eyes. Set in the recess of the hole were 2 orbs, with telescoping shutters made of brass. They attempted to open and close like eyelids. A Harsh blue light emanated were they were open. It could be assumed these give the automaton the ability to see. He wore gentlemanly clothes of a strange Black fiber, he had a trench coat over top a simple waistcoat of crimson red. he wore a Top Hat of the same material of his trench coat, that he constantly kept pushing back up onto the crown of his head as it had a tendency to slide forward.

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"Call me Clockwork, cause if you called me the Clockwork Gentleman that would take forever, not to mention I am not sure how you feel about that term currently." The Automaton said. On closer inspection Xavier could see a port where his heart would be. A gyroscope turned within it, with a flame in it's center. "Do you know why I have brought you here?" he said.

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The Clockwork Tower

"I am here on behalf of Pyron, to remind you of your blasphemy to the order of the Cinder Knights, and also to tell you one thing. As Passion is the domain of Lord Pyron, you shall not lose your Powers over flame." Clockwork said. "However, you shall not receive the blessing of Pryon of the power over the Inflamio Cortadum until you coem to terms with what you have done. I am sure you are aware of your crimes? Or were you not under control of your own body and mind when doing so?"

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Xavier should have known. "My actions were my own. To claim innocence would be foolish, not to mention dishonorable. I do not think it a crime, however; to purge the evil from this world, one must accept aid wherever one can." Xavier would not be swayed, even if it meant earning the ire of a god - or gods.

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"Aye, but is Evil that keeps good in check, and the world, in balance. Without Evil, there is no good, without good there is no evil. It is a selfish and foolish thing to say you can purge evil from the world, and that, is your crime above all else." Clockwork had said, though his voice sounded ever so slightly different.

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An Old Friend

"No, its okay, I can walk." Akuma walks on his own, a bit limp and shaken as they make their way to the Elder's cottage. "Hey Thorne" Akuma stops walking."i didn't mention this before.. but oddly enough, you were in that vision too.." Akuma paused and looks at his friend, looking a bit bothered by what he saw. "From my point of view, you were there by my side.. pounding my chest and crying...like you're about to loose me. But that's not all, you were holding and squeezing a what seems to be a beating heart, pouring its blood into my beak...weird huh?" Akuma puts on a half smile.

((I dont know who's gonna play the elder...or the Ogres. i might screw it up when i do it.))

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Mistless Peaks

Dru nodded, having listened carefully to Shard. "I see that I still have much to learn, Shard. It takes a truly wise mind to teach so much in so few words." The sorcerer looked sincerely at Shard. "Thank you, friend. But why, pray tell, did you bring me here?"

Edited by Jory
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Mistless Peaks

"Who said it was I who brought you here?" Shard said in response.

An Old Friend

"That is a strange thing to see, are you sure? Either way it doesn't matter, perhaps it is something we can change." Thorne said, as he and Akuma soon approached the elders hut.

((I will control the Elders to make the back and forth a bit more shall we say, believable)).

Clockwork Tower

"So, you have learned? I see, Pyron was misguided, he misplaced his trust in you. It was he who asked me to talk to you, he had feared you lost your way." Clockwork said. "However, It is those like you who are also necessary to the world. For if it weren't for you, the forces of Darkness would have won long ago. With that one question Xavier, you know what it means to truly be a Cinder Knight." Clockwork placed his hand on Xavier's shoulder. Xavier felt a warm feeling come over him, a dim heat. "Go forth child, I have nothing more to debate with you about. and remember, Dare to do what no others would."

((Dare to do what no others would is the Cinder Knight Motto.))

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