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Graterras Chapter 3: Darkness Revealed [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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((Sensei I would just like to say that I'm happy with how my drawing of Jupiter is turning out XD))

Forest of Nightmares

Grey eyes widened in shock. It really was... it was... But Helze swallowed down a sob though her eyes began to water, and almost mechanically, she moved to sit by him. "Adther... Is it... Is it really you...?" she stammered again, still in disbelief. He had called her Kestrel, the bird of speed, of grace, of accuracy... The traits her father hoped she would learn from training-- and if she said so herself she lived up to the nickname proudly.

But now she was just dazed, in a state of disbelief. Was this man really her father... was he really here?

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Forest of Nightmares

"In a sense it is me. I am what you remember of me, your sub-conscious so to speak." Her father said to her. "I am only taking a form that you would recognize, and one that is the subject of your plight. Do you remember what happened to me, your father Helzebeth?"

Mister Buttons

"I will give you the power to use magic, but only magic to make your performances the best any man or women has ever seen, you really do play lovlies tunes on that harp of yours." Mr Buttons said. He touched Oarloff's open palm with his hoof. And all of a sudden a strange thing happened. There was a white light and then a silver tree appeared on his palm. "As long as you want the magic I give you, this mark will stay here. I hope you bring joy to those around you." He said as he smiled. ((well as much as a goat can.))

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Forest of Nightmares

So it wasn't actually her father... but why was it... Why was it playing as her father? Or... or was it really just her mind trying to speak to her?

The half-Elf shook again-- not from fear this time, but a slowly bubbling surge of anger. Was this.. whatever it was... trying to mock her?

"No," she spat, trying to control herself, her fists clenched as she ducked her head to not see the person-- manifestation?-- before her. "I woke up alone... it was supposed to be my birthday... but Adther... Adther was missing... even Hunter was sad because Adther never came back..." Her voice almost cracked at the end.

"What... are you? Why are you... pretending to be him...?" Upon seeing her father she'd been on the verge of bursting into tears. Now, she realized, this was entirely an illusion. How pathetic of her mind to conceive such impossible lies.

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Forest of Nightmares

"Because I need information, and I thought if you saw my true form you wouldn't be willing to help me. Most do not like my kind, well, the kind my form is based from." her "father" said. "I realize I transgressed where I shouldn't have....I... I...I am sorry....I am not used to people greeting me with warm welcomes and open arms. I will reveal who I am. It was wrong of me to hide myself in your memories....you are person I have to treat you as such." and with that the form of her father flashed blue, and then molded shape. Now something that resembled a Mind Flayer stood before her, except it was different, it had 2 sapphire blue dragon wings on it's back. It was dressed in robes of a deep royal Purple. It didn't have a sense of hostility and it looked rather pitiful look on it's face. "I am Blue, a form of an avatar born from his form and given life. Seeker turns his back on the world, but I cannot.....I used his vast store of intellect to try and find a way to stop something dangerous from getting out. However, that thing could still get out.....and it involves your father at least, I think it does, I need to know if he is alive. This probably all sounds insane........."he placed his hand on his forehead, and sunk down into the chair, looking defeated.

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Forest of Nightmares

It wasn't her father after all. It-- he was something she'd seen in the pictures of books: an Illithid. Specifically one that seemed so... so sorry for transgressing her mind in the form of her father.

Confused, and with her hope broken, she lost her iron grip, the iron grip that clamped her heart and feelings down. With her face covered in her palms, the half-Elf uttered a sob before breaking down for a good ten minutes-- seconds? Hours? In what felt like a different dimension, time seemed unrealistic, wavy, inconsistent. It didn't matter-- her father was gone and had never been there in front of her for a second. In fact he disappeared-- again, this time while she watched, and although it was an illusion it was still the closest she'd come to seeing her father.

When she finished crying, Helze lifted her face slowly, as though she were drained of energy, as though the usual pride she bore had gone and she cared not at all that a strange being was in her midst-- her mind to be exact-- or that he observed her pathetic state.

She tried to focus on the Mind Flayer's words. "Seeker... Seeker..." Slowly she processed what she had just heard, although most of it had been lost while she cracked. This being sprung from Seeker himself, or at least, that was what she understood of his words. A vast store of intellect...

"It strikes me strange that even the knowledgeable Seeker knows not of my father's plight," she said, with a sad, tired smile. "That's why I've been travelling from home, good sir. To gather information, like you. To find the whereabouts of my father... as I refuse to conclude that he is no longer alive. Not until I see him for myself."

"Pardon, but... you did mention a dangerous... Thing," she continued. "Exactly what horrible creature has business with my father: a humble, strong, resilient human, a loyal, grieving widower and loving father, once a trader and adventurer who bore good will to his fellow men, who had no enemies in the past?"

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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A Windswept Field

Sigurd admired the beautiful Snow Owl. It reminded him of home and his youth, so it took him a while before he realized the owl was gesturing to take a seat. Or was he imagining it? Either way, he walked over to the table and took a seat across the Snow Owl. He looked around the room once again. “I wonder where I am and what I’m doing here,” he muttered more to himself than the Owl.

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Forest of Nightmares

"It isn't a creature, but something....I can't....I don't know what it is. Whatever it was was struck from Seeker's records, but vague references remain." He said rubbing his head. "Whatever that thing is, it is important for the coming days, but even I know not what it is. And so I came here, to Nevermore, just like you to a place known to store information of the arcane. I can see the ley lines of information, but there are dark spots, I hoped you could help me, I guess it was wrong of me to try, or at least the way I did it. I brought you only grief, only pain, dug up something I shouldn't have and for that I cannot be forgiven. I thought his image would help you to remember, but even you don't know." Blue rose from the chair, slowly. "I....I need you Helzebeth, I need you to help me unlock these secrets. It only happens that they involve your father and for that I am sorry, vastly sorry. I don't want anymore mortals to be hurt, I want to stop the rising darkness from this world. It pains me to know something is coming and yet.....not know entirely. It pains me to not be allowed to do anything, but I must I cannot sit idly by anymore."

Windswept Fields

As if in response, the Snow Owl hooted. It began to glow with a soft silver light. In the chair in front of him now sat a women-clad in beautiful Silver Armour. It tinkled when she moved, making a melody of unearthly chords and heavenly notes. "Are you Sigurd Olafsson?" she said in a rough matter of fact voice.

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A Windswept Field

Sigurd was balancing his chair on two legs while still looking through the room. His arms were crossed in front of his chest and he looked very relaxed, when the Owl suddenly transformed. “Woah! What the…?!” The sound of a chair followed by a human skull hitting the ground was rather loud in the empty room. “Yes, I am, the one and only. And who might you be?” he asked still rubbing his head.

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The Crimson Keep

The Crimson Knight eh? Marcus smiled a little. He should have predicted that.

He thought a bit about the chess challenge he was issued by this strange Knight. It had been a long time since he last played this game... Actually, since grandpa died he never had someone else he wanted to play with.

"Sure I can play with you." He decided, pulling his chair closer to the table and moving one of his pawns to E4, the center of the board.

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The Crimson Keep

"A fascinating move!" The Crimson Knight exclaimed. The game in total took what seemed to be 30 minutes. It was close, both of the players being down to small bits of their armies. "Hmm, a rather interesting game, not many can match my skill you know." He said.

((I would play the whole game through with you.....but in the interest of time, we won't be XD. The Crimson Knight is very adept at chess, if that wasn't clear.))

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The Crimson Keep

By the end of the game, Marcus was sweating. He didn't know how, after this much time without playing, but this had been one of his best games. "Thanks, I myself never faced an opponent this good... Except perhaps for my grandfather. He was the one taught the game to me."

He laid back in the chair, rested a moment and continued. "By the way, was it you in that stained glass picture back there? It's a beautiful piece." Apparently, the game had done nothing to alleviate the young man's curiosity.

((EDIT: No problem Huk, I'm not that good in chess anyway, just wante Marcus to sound like a boss. XD))

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Mistless Peaks

"Nobody did. I simply assumed. However, since you claimed to be here for a friend, I suppose you were next going to tell me that your friend sent me here." The sorcerer chuckled. "This dream feels quite real, you know. I'm impressed that your friend was able to create a landscape like this. So who is your friend, Shard? If he is half as wise as you then I could learn much from him."

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The Crimson Keep

"That?" he said turning to point at the window. "Nay, it is a nameless man. There is only one thing important in that picture. That somebody is standing there fighting. Cause if no one was there, it wouldn't be much of a picture then huh?" he chuckled, and it rung hollowly in his armour. Marcus had now took notice to something he didn't see before. The Crimson Knight's armour had no one inside of it, but instead a mighty flame burned inside. It was strange because it didn't feel like any heat was coming off of him. "Hmmm, there was something I was supposed to talk to you about....but I got so caught up in our little game, I have up and forgot....You are Marcus are you not?"

Mistless Peaks

"Dru'thok, you already know the answer to that question, you need only to look inside yourself to know it." Shard said.

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An Old Friend

"I don't know its seems so real, but i guess you're right, its just a stupid premonition and i think we can prevent that from happening." Akuma said, feeling a bit relief . "but i must warn you these elders are pretty hard to convince, especially coming from the likes of us non-magic users, so back me up here old friend." Akuma said to Thorne,as he enters the hut.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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An Old Friend

As they entered the hut they were greeting with a circle of Elders sitting around a fire. On a Big ornate chair sat the Head Elder, an old, but hard looking Kenku. "And what is it you want? We are holding council, this better be important Fledgling." he said in a harsh tone.

((just for point of reference for everybody else, this would all be in the Kenku tongue, just not making an entire language cause uh....that would be a pain in my behind. ))

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Forest of Nightmares

With a wave of her hand or a gentle shake of her head, she signaled dismissal when the Mind Flayer-- Blue, he called himself?-- brought up his impersonation of her father. It was done now. It was done and she didn't really have the face or energy to address the matter anymore.

"The evil you speak of.. It wouldn't happen to be that disgustingly appalling hellspawn my comrades and I battled against in Brinestar, would it?" Although she did not refer to the Gentleman by his name, the thought made her skin crawl. The Gentleman was very much anything but. On the other hand it almost sounded like the gods-- well, most of them-- seemed to care nothing for the sake of the world now. Helze felt a prick of irritation at the idea. The way Blue said it, it was as though he would be severely punished for meddling in the affairs of mankind, just as the Lady of Light herself might have been for rescuing their souls that horrible eve.

"Whatever this darkness is, I won't forgive it or whoever caused it. I'm sure you've come across my memory of what happened in that dreadful battle... and I'm taking that momentary loss personally."

There was a renewed spark in her grey gaze as she looked up at the Illithid from her seat.

"If it is against this darkness that you fight, too, then we are allies. In the pursuit of knowledge, and in this war." The air gradually became charged with her energy-- it was her mind after all, was it not?-- as though her spirit was returning to her slowly, tenfold.

"I really do wish I knew what happened to my father, where he is now... But since you claim that he holds a key role of some sort to this fight, I will do my best to find out." She paused, and then continued, "No, I will definitely find out in time. And I'll let you know."

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Forest of Nightmares

"No, it is not he." Blue said. "But is connected to him. I am sure you know of a place called the Raven's Spiral, It would be more appropriate for us to talk in person there then it would be here. Tell, no one who I am, and pretend you do not know me. It would be best. You will know it is me, I am for one the only Illithid, and secondly, I am the Scholar Knight who is visiting. I will try to meet you in private, but with as big a group of yours that you have, I doubt that would be possible."

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Windswept Fields

“Wait, what?” Sigurd was shocked by what the woman told him, that he didn’t listen to the second part she said. A big smile appeared on the Templar’s face. “You mean THE Lady Aelia sent you to see ME? Does that mean she recognized my skills?”

Before the lady knight could respond, Sigurd fell on his knees with his hands in the air. “Ooh Goddess, I’m honored you sent me a messenger. I swear I will do whatever you ask of me and slay the evil in this world!”

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WIndswept Fields

“Why would I think this is a joke?” Sigurd asked dumbfounded. “I mean, I have no idea where I am or how I got here and you just changed shape. So the only conclusion is that Lady Aelia brought me here!” The smile on his face grew even bigger.

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Windswept Fields

That last remark ticked Sigurd off a bit, but since the woman before him claimed to be sent by Lady Aelia, he decided to let it slide for now and got up. “You know, for someone who’s sent by a Goddess, you really don’t know how to pray to one,” he said eyeing the female knight. “And who are you and what do you want from me anyway?”

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Mistless Peaks

Dru nodded at Shard's advice. "If I had to pick anyone to have sent me this dream, it would be an old friend from Passthrough. I have not seen him in some time, however. Either that, or you are simply a projection of my subconscious. In either case, this vision has been quite eye-opening. Is there anything more you can teach me, wise one?"

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The Crimson Keep

Marcus had a hella big surprise when he noticed the real form of the Crimson Knight, and even more when he called him by name, but still tried his best to hide it. It was not like he was afraid of flames, only it was too unusual to let it slide. Although, in a second thought, the ammount of weird stuff happening to him since Brinestar was already sky high anyway.

"Yes, I'm Marcus Arthai of the Cinder Knights. I'm sorry that I didn't introduce myself before. What do you have to tell me?"

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