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Graterras Chapter 3: Darkness Revealed [IC]

Raindrop Valkyrie

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An Old Friend

"Shit, we aren't prepared for this Akuma, we have no guards, no one to protect our people! This is a full scale war force they are mounting!" Thorne said, worry in his eyes. "We need to warn everyone get them to safety, quickly, we need to get there!"

The two ran into the village. ((I am assuming they would both go, if I ma wrong tell me.)), shouting and yelling at everyone to get away. Most started to listen to them, and started to pack their meager belongings.

Then they met the Elder that had scolded them before. Elder Stonebeak was his name. "Fledglings, it is time for you to go, lead our people away from this place, I will hold them off as long as I can. This mess is my fault, my responsibility, I will not have you die for me." It was at this point Akuma noticed he had the stone in his hand, his large staff in the other. It was the first time Akuma remembered seeing the Stonebeak in his battle attire, and he Looked as if he was ready to fight this entire Ogre army himself.

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An Old Friend

"Fledglings, it is time for you to go, lead our people away from this place, I will hold them off as long as I can. This mess is my fault, my responsibility, I will not have you die for me."

"With all do respect, Its my responsibility to protect this village as well, this is where i grew up with, I rather fight for my village with honor rather than abandoning it like a coward. We'll fight this threat together."" Akuma said to the Elder and turns his attention to Thorne "Thorne, ensure the safety of the villagers, get as much them out of here as much as possible." Akuma said to Thorne.

Suddenly the stone begins to react, it glows faintly and begins to beat like a heart.. like it was acknowledging its true owner nearby.


The beating of the wardrums soonly fades away,as silence fills the night for a moment A behemoth steps out of the midst of the ogres, carrying a huge hammer with it, It was Koba, their leader.

"I know you have the stone,i can hear it beating." Koba breaks the silence as he shouted from outside the village.

"I don't think you know who your messing with" He chuckled loudly."I am Koba, one of the warlords from the mountains." He said.

"There is no peaceful way to resolve this, you already dug your own grave the moment you stole that stone from me. Suffer my wrath winged creatures!!" With that, Koba gestures a go signal to his Ogre army. as they march slowly through the village entrance carrying these huge burning logs along with them.

the invasion of the Kenku village has began.

((So this is what a host feels like, its freakin hard to be honest, welp its experience nevertheless....oh and spoiler alert: .none of the villagers lives.))

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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An Old Friend

((Trust me, I know, and your going to find out just how horrible a person I am.))

"YOU DIE WHERE YOU STAND OGRE!!!" Elder Stonebeak shouted. He drew power from the stone like he normally did, however this time......this time it was much different. As soon as he did it, he shrieked violently in pain, his arm swelled to 3 times it normal size. The rest of him started to bloat as well. The stone had rejected his use of it now that it's master was nearby, it was alive again. Stonebeak literally become a living bomb, well living for all but a few seconds more. He exploded outward, sending pieces of bone, talons, and feathers everywhere. It felled countless Kenku in the streets, as they where hit with the speeding pieces of their own leader. It also killed some of the ogres, but less of them died then Kenku, as their naturally tough skin protected them better. Nothing was left of Elder Stonebeak, other than a smoking crater, and a single charred hand grasping the stone in the center of it.

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An Old friend

Akuma and Thorne was thrown away from the blast of that explosion as it destroys half village and wipes off most of Koba's ogre army along with it; leaving the Ogre warlord standing tall out of the midst of this explosion, "You birds amuse me." he said and casually dust off some parts of Elders remains off his body. "Burn this village down, hang every bird in this town for their insolence." he commanded the rest of his crew.

After that blast, the stone has landed near where Thorne was thrown at, its was still glowing and beating. Koba slowly walks towards the fallen Kenku. "Go on bird, take it..." The Ogre smirked. "use the stone against me and go the easy way out, just like your foolish elder did." Koba mocks the fallen Kenku.

Akuma regains conciousness as he saw his friend cornered by the warlord, Akuma grabs a nearby wooden plank from the wreckage of a house and slowly sneaks behind Koba's back, signalling Thorne a quiet gesture.

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An Old Friend

Thorne signaled back to Akuma using an old trick they had come up with for hunts. He rubbed his left eye twice with the back of his hand. "I need no stone to defeat you, Ogre!" Thorne shouted, as he tossed a small hunting knife at Koba. That will get the Bastard's attention. Thorne thought to himself.

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An Old Friend.

The knife made contact,and was sticking out, not too deep Koba's thick hide, almost hitting the small opening in his chest. he plucks the knife out and stands tall over the Kenku."Don't play games boy! you think a puny knife can stop me! I am a berserker dammit... i endure much more greater pain than this! let me show you what i mean!" Koba was angered by Thorne's action as he hoist his warhammer over his head and was about to strike.

"Endure this!" just before Koba was about to strike, Akuma interrupted and plunges the wooden plank into Koba's lower back, causing the Ogre to stop for a moment.and started to spew blood from its mouth. But it didn't stop the monster, Koba quickly turns around, knocking Akuma out cold with his backhand. Koba grabs Akuma's face and started lifting Kenku's body up high with his one arm. "Puny bird." Koba wipes of the blood off his mouth.

"I can see in your eyes, you do not fear death." Koba said to Thorne. "Now, how about the death of others?" Koba's massive thumb makes its way through Akuma's left eye. slowly applying pressure to it, causing it to bleed. Akuma was motionless at the moment.

"Now hand over the stone boy and ill promise you both a painless death."

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An Old Friend

"Fine." Thorne said as he moved towards the stone. He noticed it beat rhythmically for some reason. and that was when he realized it. The hole in the Ogre's chest. Was this a part of his heart? It didn't matter, now was the time to act. "Just so you know Ogre. A good hunter always has more than one knife!" Thorne shouted as he pulled out another small hunting knife, and he thrust it into the stone hoping something would happen to Koba, anything for Akuma to get away.

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An Old Friend

The flames widely spread through out the village as it glows brighter than any stars on that night and everything in that village was lost in the sea of flames. just as Akuma's prophecy foretold, every Kenku was either hang from their houses or was piled up in stack and roosted into a crisp, none of the villagers was spared. The remaining ogres did their job as they flee the village and waited outside for their leader.

Meanwhile inside the village...

After being stab, the stone begins to react, as its beating slows down, like it was dying and begins to bleed green blood."What have you done boy!" Koba was angered and delivers a backhand to Thorne knocking the Kenku into the ground, Suddenly, the warlord feels strange. Koba grabs his chest like he was having an heart attack.

Akuma gains consciousness, with his right eye shut and saw what friend did, that somehow puts a smile on his face, "What are you smilling about bird?" Koba lifted Akuma up high as he chokes him half to death.

"I've already won! your village will soon be reduce to nothing by these flames! there's no way out of this! unfortunately i'm going down as well since my power is weakened. we will all burn into ashes!" Koba said with the shortness of his breath.

"Now, an extra parting gift before i go, i wanna hear you suffer." Koba muster up all his strength and squeeze Akuma's right arm, snapping every bone in it and slowly ripping its joints, separating Akuma's arm from his body. Akuma screams in agonizing pain as Koba slams the birdman into the ground, like a rag doll..shattering most his bones and was laying right next to Thorne.

After that, Koba feels nauseated from the fumes and falls straight to the ground, hardly breathing, most probably dead.

Akuma struggles to move despite of his broken bones and reach for Thorne's hand. "Ughh.. I guess, this is it.. you did well old friend." he said, as he slowly shuts his eyes and seems to fade way. The stone in Thorne's hand changes its color,the moment Akuma touches him. As the gem started to beat once more and was full of life.

((Welp thats about it, Akuma's cliche backstory..you know what to do..))

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Snow fell all around on the day the heros traveled to the Raven's Spiral. Abraham led them along with Bjorn, as they talked endlessly about details of the city. The 2 hit it off pretty well. Upon seeing the rest of the Ash District the others started to realize why it was named so. Soot and Ash settled everywhere, coming from a nearby District, probably one that handled manufacturing of some sort. It fell amongst the Snow flakes, in a strange cascade of beautiful white crystals, and vile black specks. The Snow on the ground was a strange off white colour do to the ash being mixed in, and the tops of nearby residences were covered in soot and snow. For whatever reason the place smelled strangely like an Old Boot, with undertones of Ash and burning rubber. Up towards the front were Abraham's Inn was was alright, but it was clear this was the slums of the city, or the poorest district. Abraham was lucky to have a nice spot out were the Ash didn't reach.

They then walked through The Black Ward. This was where most of the arcane goings on of the city took place. It had Streets paved in an Obsidian Black along with it's walls. It gave the place a intimidating air, as if walking into a prison or somewhere that was shunned. The Air here smelled of arcane energy, most notably, Oxidized Metal. This didn't help the mood much, as it made it seem even less inviting, well at least to the non-magic users. Many Black buildings stood silently lining the streets. Some Ruins of buildings did too. The obliviously charred wood wasn't a mistake either. It was easy to tell, Nevermore didn't appropriate the Mages here, and that if they stepped out of line, there would be.....complications. However, eventually they came upon the building they were looking for, it was on the far end of the District, close to what they were told was the Noble District. A mighty black tower stood defiant of anything else, higher than anything else. It was lined with effigies of Ravens and various other Blackbirds, rather than Gargoyles or other grotesques many similar towers would have upon them. The Gates, a vibrant Oak, seemed to welcome them in, as if they wanted to be opened. Behind them stood the most prestigious school in the world for magic users of all types, creeds and backgrounds. It was a place of higher learning, and that could be felt in the air around it. A strange looking man approached the group, well, they thought he a man at first. It was clear once he walked closer he was an Illithid, probably the one Abraham spoke of before that was visiting the Spiral. He wore Blue Robes, with a simple Plates of armour sown into them, making a strange looking piece of attire. He wore on his head a beast of a helmet, that mostly concealed what he was, other than a few tentacles sticking out the sides. He walked towards the group, not seeming to have any weapons. "What is it you visit us today for? You are the biggest group I have ever seen here, do you have business?" It seemed to say. The Illithid used a form of limited telepathy to talk to those around them, their mouths not being well equipped to speak common without heavily butchering it.

((For Helze only....this is indeed Blue. Other notes, You guys can just answer him by talking to him. Illithids don't "speak" common but they understand it. However the telepathy they have to use to "talk" since their vocal chords and mouths are not made to do so. Basically, he is projecting his thoughts and you can hear them. it is well known that Illithids communicate with those not of their race in this manner, so nobody should be surprised by it. However, that said it may feel weird having it happen to them in the flesh for the first time. [mostly since I doubt they have talked to many Illithids before.]))

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Helzebeth wasn't getting any more used to the cold and had sneezed a couple of times during the walk through this forlorn city.The combination of little specks of ash with the cold snow did nothing to help her nose, which had gradually become pinkish in color. It had set the half-Elf in a rather tetchy mood. What's more was how foreign the place felt to her, what with the odor, high, shapeless buildings and walls-- the lack of nature. That and the feeling that strange magic was at work. Underneath Odin's cloak she shuddered, making a mental note to purchase something heavier, something warmer to wear.

Then a familiar voice rang in her head. The ranger looked up and recognized the source immediately. By the gods, the Illithid wasn't joking, she thought as she saw the tentacles peeking out of the large helmet. To hold true to what she promised the Scholar Knight, she held her tongue and pretended to look uninterested in this person, staring at the obsidian, castle-like structure.

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Sigurd didn’t like this city. It was gloomy and had a ‘everyone for themselves’ feeling, unlike back home. He kept silent while walking to their destination.

They were greeted by a weird looking creature he heard about before. What were they called? Illi-somethings? Illithids? It was something like that and it was rather unpleasant when the Illithid started talking directly into his mind.

Sigurd stepped forward to answer the question. “We’re here to look for someone. So how about letting us in?”

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Marcus was excited while they walked towards this famous Raven's Spiral. The city did feel a bit opressive, but that didn't changed his mood at all. The cold could not touch him due to his little fire trick, and the ash was not a problem at all for someone born and raised in the desert. Above all, he was thrilled by the floating memories of last night's dream and the prospect of seeing one of those so rumoured about Illithids.

...Prospect that was soon frustated. The weird helm that the Blue Robe figure wore made it hard to distinguish any really different stuff. However, when he "spoke" there was no mistaking the Mind Flayer. It was weird, to hear him talk without actually hearing it, but it just served to make the Fire Templar even more curious.

"Oh, hello." Marcus said after Sigurd. "Please forgive Breeze Head there, his tongue is as sharp as his sword and just that hard to keep sheated." he continued, jesting. "We're a company of warriors coming from Passthrough, and we hoped to ask for some knowledge about some recent... unusual events."

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Nero was silent as the Illithid spoke. He had read of them in his studies, so he had known about their method of communication, but it was still unnerving to experience firsthand. He disliked the idea that it could get inside his mind. His mind was his own, the one thing he could be sure to trust in.

He brushed away thoughts of Mind Flayers as he looked up at the tower. So this was Raven's Spiral, where Glicks would meet him. He had an opportunity here like none other that he would get, and he had to be sure to make the most of it. Unless Glicks sought him out, he'd have to find some way to break away from the group for a time. It would be tricky, but then again, he was an Illusionist. He was sure he could fool them.

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The Illithid "spoke" once more. "It is no problem, what are you looking for exactly? If it is magic related I can take you to Duncan, he is the headmaster and Master of Evocation here. I am sure he can help you."

"Aye, turns out that is who we are here to meet, he is an old friend of mine I am sure he will be happy to see me again." Bjorn said.

"That or he was happy you haven't bothered him in about 20 years...." Chauff added in his usual dry tone. Bjorn shot him a rather unpleasant look.

"I should note, Duncan may be teaching a class right now, so I will go inform him of the situation." the Illithid "said". His tone of voice sounded rather happy, he must of enjoyed his time here as what seemed to be some kind of guard for the school. He twirled the staff in his hand as he made an about face and went off into the building. He stopped and talked to another man at the entrance, this one a Human in robes. It was probably to inform him of the huge group that was incoming.

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((yes this is a double post....this is also my RP so Imma double post if I wanna.....))

"Alright, I will take you up now." the Illithid remarked as he came back to the group. "Come along we have a long trip, we are headed to the 17th floor, or the Hall of Evocation."

Inside the Raven's Spiral felt completely different. While the outside was oppressive and didn't feel welcoming at all, inside it did. It was bright, cheery and all around inviting. The walls were a strange Black with warm yellow engraving of strange symbols and motifs. The Whole place smelled of books and parchment, and of magical energies. There were not many people in the halls at the moment, mostly do to classes being held currently. It made the Grand hall feel even more enormous though. In the Center you could see a giant Spiral Staircase that seemed to go up forever. The Illithid had mentioned that there were 24 floors in total, some taking up room for classrooms, and others for living quarters. There was even 3 entire floors just for libraries and studyrooms. "And here is where we will be going up." the Illithid said, as they walked over to a golden plate on the ground. it was in a small alcove in onside of the staircase. As all the group members clambered on to it, the Illithid snapped his fingers and the floor began to glow with a white light. "As I assume you are somewhat important guests, and to keep you from having to walk up a Spiral staircase for 17 floors, we will be using this Tenser Lift. This is a device that allows us to get from one floor from the other quickly. As I have the necessary permission to use it, so do those that I show around the Spiral."

They had now arrived on the 17th floor, and it felt much different then the ground floor. All over the walls were murals of Great Wizards fighting an array of magical beasts. The smell of Brimstone was in the air, along with the overwhelming smell of blueberries for some reason. ((talk about a combo!!!)) The group was walked to a large lecture hall were a man probably around 60 years old was teaching a class. He had a very honest face, and a short well-trimmed beard. His hair was mostly brown, but it was starting to grey from his age. "Class, today's lecture is over, please read the chapter on Force Magic before tomorrow, and remember that Research paper on the Bigby's Hand Spells is due tomorrow. That is all for today." he said as he shut the book on his podium. as the students filed out he walked over, to the group of heros, probably having been informed of their coming. "Thank you for bringing them to me Blue." He said, a Warm smile on his face. "No problem Duncan." The Illithid replied. As he approached Dru could feel latent magic energy within this man. It felt familiar to him, like when he manipulated the Earth, but yet it felt foreign as well. Marcus, Xavier and Sigurd could all also feel this energy from him, but to a much lesser extent.

"Long time no see you Magical bastard." Bjorn said as he walked forward.

"Same to you ya muscle-bound Fishhead." Duncan said, a playful grin on his face. "What brings you here to the Spiral?"

"It think it best they tell ye, I wasn't there for what they need to know." Bjorn said.

"Well, I am all ears, what brings you lot to the Raven's Spiral? It isn't everyday a group like you visits." Duncan said.

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Dru looked at the man, his curiosity piqued by the sheer magnitude of magical energy emanating from him. It was clear that this man was no ordinary wizard. He had some form of natural attunement to magic, which made the half-Orc feel much more comfortable in his company.Wizards get so stuffy. But sorcerers? We're all about magical spontaneity. The sorcerer smiled at Duncan. Here was a kindred spirit, someone who understood his abilities. He was barely able to rein in his excitement, waiting for one of the others to speak up first, as Dru knew that once he began talking to Duncan the subject would be that of magic, and not of their journey.

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"Well, first of all it's a pleasure to meet you Mr. Duncan." Marcus started. He was surprised that he could actually feel the old man's magic energy in a place so filled with it. This friend of Björn's was surelly something.

"We came from Brinestar, and we bear bad news. The whole town was destroyed and it's inhabitatants slughtered by a monster that answers as "The Gentleman" and it's army. As far as we know we are the only survivours. When we saw it, it wore a weird suit of armour, looking half like an angel and half like a demon. Would you happen to know anything that could help us to find and destroy it?"

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Oarloff had kept his eyes on the ground since he'd gotten to the Raven's Spiral. It was obvious to anyone near him that he was nervous. He had been told by his father to be on his best behavior and so, just like a child who takes everything too literally, he had decided to not talk to anyone around.

Then he saw the man they had come to talk too. He wanted to ask him about the night before so bad. Poor Oarloff was just an ogre with too many questions and no answers. Who was Mr. Buttons? What magic could Oarloff use now? It bothered the ogre, but Oarloff kept himself quiet and continued to stare at the floor.

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Books and parchment. Although she couldn't see the tomes themselves, their smells seemed to be everywhere. The ranger took a deep breath, falling in love with the place-- if only she could sneak away and bury her nose in those books and scrolls! As they walked along the obsidian walls, she gawked at the inscriptions and murals, unable to hide her awe for the place. The new odor didn't faze her so much as she was too engrossed with the paintings. Pictures in books were nothing compared to seeing scenes on murals or seeing things for real. Helzebeth glanced at Blue with that thought. Illithids weren't as frightening or horrible as the stories made them out to be or to sound.

There was a new character here from whom magical aura seemed to emanate. Taking the back seat again, she decided to let the others speak.

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Even though the school gave Sigurd a welcome feeling, he didn’t like it at all. He remembered the last time he had to study and read books. Back then he either used books as a training method or told his teachers he was allergic to it. He suppressed a laugh when he thought about those good old days.

Sigurd became slightly more interested when they met Duncan. The feeling of magical power was one way to attract his attention and when Marcus mentioned the Gentleman; Sigurd bluntly interrupted. “Yeah, do you know how to kill that bastard? There must be some clue around here.”

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"Armour that is half a visage of an angel....and half a demon.....this is a bad omen." Duncan said. a grim look came over his face, one that said even more than what he had already said. "I know not of the Gentleman, but I know of that armour, or the Plate of Hatred as it is called. It was forged long ago from the very essence of a god." Duncan looked around. "This is not the place to talk of such things, we should go to either my office or the Hall of Meetings. I should call together the other Headmasters as well. This is a powerful evil you speak of, if it has lain claim to the Plate of Hatred."

((After a long walk and a somewhat old man gathered a ton of Wizards together......))

The Hall of Meetings was huge. In it's center was a table with at least 40 to 50 chairs placed around it. They were a Fine Black Marble, fitted with cushions of a rich Purple Velvet. The table matched, being the same black Marble with a violet cloth draped over it. At the front half of the table was seated the whole of the Headmasters here at the Raven's Spiral. Duncan, Headmaster of the School, and Master Evoker, sat at the head of the table. Next to him on the Left sat Glicks, the Grumman's Kobold the group met earlier. He was the Master Illusionist. On Duncan's right across from Glicks was a Huge Half Orc, by the name of Morlak Bonecrusher. He was apparently the Master Conjurer. He wore a strange robe made of Wolf pelts. Next to him sat a Beautiful Elf Male, with wild purple hair. He wore robes of a pale blue that matched his eyes. He was Ilifaren Summerswalt, he was the Master of Enchantment and Charm magics. ((these are considered the same schools, as charms are basically enchantments on people, rather than objects.)). Next to Glicks sat a Victonarian Woman with Sapphire Blue scales. Her name was simply Sapphire. She was the Master of Abjuration. Next to Sapphire sat a very pale, almost....dead looking Human. It was rather hard to tell their gender, though it seemed the others referred to him as a Male. His name was Bane, and was the Master of Necromancy. Next to Ilifaren, sat a an Odd looking Female Woman. Her name was Eileen Turncoat, the Master of Alteration magics. and lastly next to Bane sat a Wistful, white haired Elf Woman. Her name was Slystina Wildmoon, the master of Divination magics.

The heros were all seated towards the middle of the table ((I will let you guys figure out how you are seated.)). "I call this meeting now open, Now would our guests like to restate the reason we are all gathered here today?" Duncan said, he looked towards the heros waiting for them to answer.

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Drug'thok looked carefully around the table. He was quite surprised to see another half-Orc in the room, although his radiant energy was not that of an Evoker, like Duncan's was. It was more gentle and seemed to carry a siren's call, urging magical energies toward him. Fascinating. I'll have to make a point of introducing myself, he considered thoughtfully. Dru had selected his seat specifically to be involved in this discussion, as he knew that he could provide the most valuable magical expertise of anyone else in his group.

"I call this meeting now open. Now, would our guests like to restate the reason we are all gathered here today?" Duncan said, looking toward the heroes for an answer.

The sorcerer looked to the other members of his group. Although they all shared the same knowledge of the events, Dru believed he was capable of providing the council with a more magical point of view. As such, he stood, and made eye contact with each caster at the table. He then took a deep breath and began. "Firstly, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Drug'thok Grunara, known by some as Earth-Shaker and Stone-Caller. And the news we bear is most certain to darken all of your moods." He paused, allowing the gravity of his statement to sink in.

"Several weeks ago, we all individually found our way to Brinestar. Shortly after we all arrived, the town came under attack by fel creatures. After dispatching the brunt of the grunts, we were assaulted by The Gentleman. And he... He was like nothing I'd ever seen. When I say that his power seems to be unrivaled in all of Graterras, I do not speak lightly. With scarcely a flick of his wrist he was able to defeat even our strongest warriors. His armor seemed to be the source of this unimaginable power. Thus, when we arrived at the tower and Duncan was informed of our tale, I was unsurprised- although quite disturbed- to hear that he, a being seemingly of pure evil, had acquired a relic of divine origin. This armor is the Plate of Hatred, and I believe I speak for everyone present when I acknowledge that this evil presents an unparalleled level of danger to Graterras the likes of which has not been seen for centuries." Dru gulped and looked around at all present, then took his seat once more.

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(( Key: Colours that correspond to who is talking, as there will be a lot of Wizards yammering on here.









THe colour of their name is what they will be using in the conversations if they come up.))

Bane chuckled at the mention of the Plate of Hatred, while the rest of the group looked around in shock. Most of their gazes after a time came to rest on Duncan. "I assume this is why you called us here Duncan, to see if we would be willing to give away secrets that are meant to be buried." Morlak said, in a thundering tone.

"Aye, it is Morlak. I have called us all together to make sure we are willing to give the information to these heros, regarding the Plate of Hatred, and the other 9 shards of the Ten Divines (( this will be strange to hear for the Heros, as the Pantheon is normally called, the Nine Divines. All of you would be puzzled by it.))." Duncan said, looking to the others.

"I say we give it to them, but we have to start from the beginning, otherwise they will not understand." said Slystina.

"Meesa Agree with Slystina." Glicks added.

"Is it wise to give them this information? The very fate of the world hangs in the balance if what they say is true, we must not take this matter lightly. I simply don't trust them." Morlak said.

"Oh hush Morlak....you are always so harsh to people you first meet. I say we give it to them, if they die which they most certainly will if they aren't the right people, we got nothing to worry about." said Ilifaren, the strange Elf man.

"I say yes, but I still don't trust em." said Eileen.

"Your such a weird woman Eileen. I say no. I have no need to divulge my reasons." said Bane.

"That settles it then, there are more votes yes, so we shall proceed." said Duncan. He looked towards the Heros now. "Have any of you heard of the tale of Arcano?"

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