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Under the Hill - Third Circle: Gluttony


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Ugly big giant.

Ugly big giant.

There was a flash of white and black static, and electric blue in Enya's eyes, as a pair of large ceremonial scissors, its wielder obscured by the tear, cut off the fingertips of the disgusting looking monster.

The poor mayor who held the scissors would've recoiled in terror to see blood on the blades, the ceremonial ribbon he was supposed to cut still intact... But Enya didn't like big ugly monster giants, so she could honestly care less about the mister mayor's feelings.

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Rose's eyes quickly flashed, and she thought hard for a moment. A second later, a pyrokinetic blast exploded from its intended origin; the angry giant. "So... Maybe I was wrong and we should stick together," she muttered sheepishly to Ellaria.

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The Titan quickly retrieved his hand after Enya's move, only to be hit hard by Panik on the elbow. The huge blow took of a chunk of meat, but the monster seemed to not care. It took a step back and prepared to answer in kind... But then flames erupted from within it's body, effectively sending it to the ground.

"Eh, yeah I guess so." Ellaria answered to Rose. Everything happened so fast that she was still taking in all the information. However, new things kept coming on.

"I heard something. Seems like something big coming from back in the beggining of the corridor."

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"Follow Panik, I know of more safe place." he said, though no place was truly safe from the giants. But anywhere was safer then here at the moment. He moved to the end of the hall being careful that the Little ones didn't lose sight of him. He took the left corridor at the junction, hoping no other Giants happened to come this way.

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"Alright, it s a tad fishy, but what have we to lose? Let s move pals!"

Morris hoped to break the group out of hesitation, and tried his best to sound devisive. He followed the giants lead, turning his head around to check whether the others were doing the same.

Edited by SithBaker
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The steps behind them were starting to get louder and louder for some time, but a little later started to fade again. It seemed the giant pursuing them took the wrong turn in the junction.

Ellaria was already breathing heavily. It wasn't easy to keep Panik's pace, even when he was waiting for them. "He-hey guys, it already stopped following us." She warned the others. "Anyway, where are we going mr... uh, mr.Panik?"

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Mr. Taylor licked his lips and gave a little laugh. He looked down to Phantom, "You know lad, I know we're in the circle of gluttony, but you don't suppose that a little bite would hurt do you?" With that he grabbed a small bit of food off the table and took a bite. "Just one bite, my dear boy it can't kill us."

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Phantom folded his arms as he stood next to the man. He did not much feel hungry himself. Honestly, he couldn't even remember ever eating in this place.

"Gluttony..." he thought. That was what Mr. Taylor had said this place was. He subconsciously put a hand down towards the hilt of his sword. He knew that they were still in his zone, and could stay for a short while more, but he couldn't help himself. Something just didn't feel right.

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((I have been told by Notus to presume that Annie is following behind Ethic silently.))

Ethic walked back the way he had come, arriving at the small enbranchment from before, this time opting to take the fork leading to the smaller of the two available passage ways. He didn't know what he would find down here, but hopefully it wouldn't be something like that giant...though, that hope was more because he simply didn't trust himself anymore in a fight. Lately, things had been getting crazier and crazier... when ever trouble started, he would feel this weird tugging in the back of his mind. and when the fist started flying, he found that more and more often. he was starting to feel like he was watching things from the back seat... like he was more of just an audience to the violence his body would inflict on an enemy...

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Mr. Taylor immediately dropped the food and turned to Phantom, realizing what he'd just done. "We ... we should leave my dear boy." With that he made his way off of the table and onto the ground and picked up his walking stick. "Time is of the essence lad. Now let's move!" With that he began to run, as quickly as he could, back the way he and Phantom had entered.

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Marcus, having drifted away from the group, followed his nose in an attempt to locate that food. He couldn't remember eating at all since he had come here. Idly, he wondered what would happen if someone died of starvation in this place. Would they come back with a full stomach?

((What does he run into?))

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Rose followed the giant into the hole, slumping against the wall. She still hadn't recovered all her strength, and wasn't going to the way things were going. Coughing harshly, she looked up, blinking back the pain in her eyes. "So, what's the plan?" she questioned, trying to hide her moment of weakness from the group.

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Mr.Taylor & Phantom

It looked like the food was all right (at least Mr. Taylor didn't get poisoned or something like that) but still... Well, this was not exactly a problem, but hell that food was good. Actually, although what he ate did feed him properly, the marvelous taste didn't seem to be fading so early, and his stomach (or his mind, who knows) was alredy asking for more.


Ethic & Annie

The duo went back through the corridor that Annie had first tried. After a little walk, they arrived at the table room again, being greeted by the bones of the titan she had killed. They were clean, and the floor around them also, with no blood or meat to tell the story. They also could hear some kind of noise coming from over the table, and see some starving souls climbing it.



What Marcus stumbled upon was the burned body of the dead titan. Or so he realized later, for his first impression was quite different.

The starving souls where piled over it, so many of them that he could barely see the flesh beneath. Like ants over a dead bird, they were eating the giant at a prodigious speed, consuming the meat and sucking the blood from the floor.

They didn't seem to notice Marcus at first, but fpr a small group that was still on the floor, trying to get near the huge corpse. They looked at him with crazed eyes for a moment and then dashed towards this newcome meal.


Ellaria, Rose, Ix, Enya, Morris & Panik

Ellaria noticed Rose's weak tone and her coughing, and couldn't help but to get worried. "I think we should take a rest and..."

Then, much to her surprise, her own stomach grumbled pretty loud. With all the things going on around here, she forgot how hungry she was... And now that her nose caught the scent of food again, it came back to her all at once. "...maybe try to get some food? I didn't eat anything since I entered the hill..."

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The sound of Enya's light steps running away was unmistakable. "Enya! Wait!" Ellaria shouted, getting up. She quickly made her mind, for the first time in a long while really decided on what to do. Rose was too weak to take care of them now, so she would return the kindness of her friend and stop being a burden, once and for all.

"I'll go after her, and after some food. Morris, if can come with us and show were to find some, that would be great. And Rose, please stay here with the others. You need to rest, and I better be of some help at least once." Then she turned to the corridor and concentrated on Enya's steps again. "Dont worry, we'll be right back!" she said happily, hiding her fear, as she started running after the little girl.

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"Enya, no!" Rose called, not having the strength to get up and go after the girl. Her own stomach had started growling now, and was just adding to how weak she was feeling. Lifting dull eyes to the group, Rose sighed. "We need to find food, Enya, and get out of here." Dragging her eyes to the giant, she asked, "What do you propose, Panik?"

Hearing Ellaria leave to find their younger companion, the woman curled into a tighter ball, coughing and trembling. Never had she felt so alone since entering the circle; the two girls had been with her each step of the way so far.

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Kenny was left behind when the group he was with continued on in the Third Circle. he decided to Portal elsewhere, and found himself near a Giant Table, and saw some of the Starving Souls climbing it. He also noticed a Skeleton nearby, as well as Ethic and Annie.

he decided to have a little look-see at the top of the Table, so he Portaled onto the Edge that was closest to him, becoming visible to Ethic and Annie in the process.

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The little girl skipped down the corridor merrily, following the smell of food, oh, glorious food. Ace was hungry. She was hungry. Ace hadn't eaten in years, centuries. Not since Ace was condemned to rot in Hell. Enya hummed happily to herself, humming to the tune of Baa Baa Black Sheep.

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"Panik need to protect you, you to weak right now." Panik said. He placed his big hand down next to Rose, trying to keep his rending claws away from her, as he did not want to hurt her. "Get onto Panik's hand, Panik help you, by carrying you. Then Panik can help get Enya you speak of if you want."

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The table - the same that Mr. Taylor and Phantom had been in - was filled with food, it's aroma as alluring as ever, but...

There were lots of Starving Souls over it. They seemed to be enjoying the death of the giant to feast over the banquet. The dishes were fully covered by their malnourished bodies, all completely focused in eating and never seeming to get full.

Suddenly a hand grabbed Kenny's ankle. It seemed like one of the climbing Starving Souls was using him as a support to get up... Or trying to take him down.


Ellaria & Enya

"Enya, wait a bit!" Ellaria shouted again, finnaly catching up with the kid. She seemed to be totally calm, humming some song happily. "Hey I know you're hungry, but don't go running away like this... It's dangerous here, and Rose and I get worried with you this way." the older girl said putting a hand on the little one's shoulder. "So... let's stick together, all right?" she continued with a smile.

Then she got up again and smelled the air around. By the time they had run, they should be nearly back at the junction were they foiled the other titan. She could smell food, yes, but also the faint aroma of blood. It was everything mixed though, so she couldn't really tell which way to follow. She thought a bit and decided to let the decision to someone with eyes.

"So Enya, where should we go now?"

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"This way, this way~!" The child squealed in excitement, pointing in, well, obviously the opposite of the way they'd come in. Food. Foooood. She was hungry; Ace was hungry. Perhaps this would be the only time they would ever get to eat great food for a while. Ellaria couldn't see it, but there was a slightly feral look in Enya's normally icy blue-- now tinted with a bit of wild brown-- moon-like eyes.

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Kenny felt the Hand grab his ankle, and looked down, then letting off a small phrase.

"get off of me, D*mn it!"

Kenny then grabbed the Starving Soul by the arm, and flung it towards the Dishes, hoping to distract it long enough to get away from the Table. Kenny then put up a Barrier around himself and maintained it, getting and recovering form a slight headache in the process.

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