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Under the Hill - Third Circle: Gluttony


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Ellaria & Enya

Ellaria had to smile after listening to Enya's answer. The kid was surelly excited with this little food hunt of theirs. And after a while walking after her, it seemed they were indeed on the right path. The smell of blood was receeding, and the aroma of food was getting stronger... Oh my, this smells good! Her mouth invoruntarily began to water.

The corridor ended in a huge door, laying open. On the floor, various kinds of giant dishes waited over a blanket, beside a picnic stile basket. The room was well iluminated in the center, over the food, but it was so big that it's walls were not visible from there, laying in darkness. Ellaria could not see that though, and the aroma was so delicious that she just kept walking alongside Enya, and into the room.



The strategy didn't work as Kenny planned. The Strving sould did hit one of the dishes (a huge pile of mashed potatoes), but knocked of some of the ones that were already there in the process. After a moment of heated discussion and some bites, they all turned and started towards the adventurer, who now was outnumbered five to one.

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"Food... trap... but I'm hungry... Food..." murmured Enya, almost as though she were in a debate with herself. But she WAS hungry. More importantly, Ace was hungry. She eyed the plates eagerly, slowly walking into the big, biiiiiig room. It felt unsafe. It was too dark. But Ace was hungry. SHE was hungry.

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only one thought ran through Kenny's head.


Kenny then Portaled off of the Table and onto the floor, escaping from the Starving Souls just before they got to him.

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Morris nodded in response to Ellarias request, and followed her and Enya. His legs still felt a little stiff, and so he couldnt move as quickly as they did. They had just avoided one of the giants, and as far as Morris knew, there only were a few of those around. He didnt need to make especial haste...

"Ouch, ouch, sh*t," he tripped a bit, briefly cursing his current state. Apparently going slowly wasnt enough. He also had to be careful. And Morris hated being careful.

After a while, he hobbled his way to the entrance into the feast chamber.

The smell became nauseating for Morris, but he forced himself to walk into the room.

He looked at both the ladies, currently pondering whether they should approach the food.

"Yer sure it´s worth the risk? All sorts of things could be lurking around." He tried to sound nonchalant, as he didnt want to talk them into any sort of decision. He was genuinely interested whether they thought it was a good idea, not being sure himself.

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Ellaria, Enya & Morris

Morris's voice called Ellaria back to reality. "Well, we do need to eat something, else we'll be starving before we know it. Besides, Rose is weak and needs some energy. The best would be to take some food and carry it back to them... I think." She answered the man in a timid tone. "How did you do to not starve in her, mr Morris? At least for us, it's been some days since we last ate something."

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"I might´ve actually died of starvation already. Right now, my stomach isn´t reacting to that lot o´ nosh all too nicely, but I´d best prolly get a bit anyways."

Morris briefly scratched his chin while considering the idea of having unknowingly died of starvation. He then went on to reconsider the situation. It was true that the Cleaning Lady seemed to need a bit of nourishment, and he wanted her to feel a little better.

"Alright ladies, I think we oughta take the risk."

Edited by SithBaker
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Ethic called his saber to life in his hand, walking around the bones and ravenous souls, not phased by either one. This was hell, weird shit happens, that had become just a basic fact by now; If they decided to try anything though, he'd be ready for em. He mentally blocked out the various sounds they were making as they climbed the table legs and feasted on the... Good lord... look at the size of that food...

"No, Damnit..." Ethic said as his stomach growled. "there's no way I'm going to be so stupid as to actually eat any of that... probably a trap..." With that said, he ignored his hunger, having been made painfully aware of it now, the best he could, and began to search the perimeter of the room for another door or passageway.

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Rose slowly nodded at the giant. "Thank you," she said gratefully. "I... I'm over-exerting myself a bit." In her mind, a voice told her that she needed to go find Enya and Ellaria, but this time she chose to trust her instincts, climbing into the gentle giant's hand, ignoring another grumble from her stomach.

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Panik lifted Rose up trying to be as careful as he could. He got his hand to his shoulder, and tried to lay it flush enough that Rose could step onto it. "Sit on Panik's shoulder, make sure you have good grip, Panik doesn't want you to fall, Miss."

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Phantom followed behind Mr. Taylor as the man rushed out of the room. He was surprised and confused by the man's sudden change of heart, but he couldn't deny that he agreed with him. After they had put some distance between themselves and the room with the food. He stopped. He held out a hand, making a portal to the real world again. They were back in the halls, and he was sure that the place must be affecting Mr. Taylor by now. He himself was already beginning to feel uncomfortable here. He stood next to the portal and looked at Mr. Taylor.

"Let us... rest..."

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Enya looked at the mister. With nearly all-brown eyes; one's pupil almost slit-like, the other nearly taking up the entire iris.

"ACE IS HUNGRY" she rasped out, still in her normal child voice-- with undertones of feral hostility, as though the mister threatened to get in her way.

With that, she ran into the dark room, towards the plates, her eyes glowing in case anything-- or anyone-- tried to stop her.

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Marcus looked at the scene for a moment, then tried to edge his way past the swarm of rat-men. I wonder. . . He eyeballed one of them on the edge of the pack. What if I say hello? He decided to risk it, and crept up behind it. Marcus quickly stabbed at where he approximated the kidney to be, and started to perform the same action he had killed the old man with earlier.

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Ellaria, Enya & Morris

"Enya, don't..." Ellaria started to say as she ran after the kid...

And then the door was shut closed behind them.

Ah damn. Was the girl's first thought, and the next thig she heard were the heavy steps of a titan...

Actually too much steps for only one titan.

"Guys, we better get ready... they're coming!"


Ethic, Annie & Kenny

There seemed to be no passage inside the room except for the one they'd come from. Ethic had not much time to think of it, however, as the Starving Souls that were after Kenny noticed him...

On the ground the situation was not much different. More and more of the doomed inmates of the Third Circle stepped by doorway, hungry, and the first eatable things they noticed were... Annie and Kenny. In no time,they were surrounded by the crazed crowd.


Mr. Taylor & Phantom

As soon as they got out of the phantom zone they could perceive two things. One, was the noise coming from the room they just left, as even quite far the screams were still audible. The next was that... weird enough, the smell of food seemed to have gotten weaker in the part of the corridor they were now in, in contrast to the rest of the space. The torches lighting the place were also more sparce, and therefore it was way darker then normal.



The poor soul screamed as Marcus stabed it, than struggled a bit and fell to the ground, dead. This called the attention of the others nearby, and though most just ran away in terror, a group of five went over to Marcus to attack him.

((Now I'm curious... what will Marcus absorb from the dead Starving Soul's personality?))

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Food. FOOD. Foodfoodfood

Loud thumps. Big thumps. Ugly giants. They're trying to steal the food from her... from Ace!

Enya looked up, peering into the darkness. What she saw were approaching Titans. They can't take the food. NO! She won't let them. Ace is hungry. Ace demands food. The teddy bear seemed to be glaring at the monsters that came. Static flashed. The floor, save the way she ran coming from the door they'd come from and underneath the picnic blankets, began to break apart in black-on-white cracks and fissures. Greyish-flecked-with-black steam erupted from the vents.

The floor was literally becoming lava for a good distance, slowly extending towards the ravenous, man-and-soul-eating abominations. Enya wasn't going to let anything-- or anyone-- keep her from the food. With a happy kid's grin-- almost a maniacal grin for a child, she continued on her way.

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An frighteningly pleasant grin spread on Ethic's face as gazed out at the crowd surrounding them. He knew a very quick way to deal with most, if not all, of them at once. He'd give them what they want. They seemed to be hungry, and that huge table had literally a shit ton of food on it... but how would he get it to them, one might wonder. He knew precisely how. That... was the heart of the plan.

"Kenny!" he called up. "Port out of there, I'm gonna give them that feast, and you don't wanna be up there when I get to cutting!" With that said he cast a glance back at Annie.

"Don't die." was the only thing he said to her before extending his blade into a whip and carving a path through the souls, swinging his arm to and fro, even though his arms had no influence over where the whip went, his mind did. Soon he had made it to one of the Table legs. He went to work quickly, slashing through the lower part of the wooden leg, ensuring to make the cut high enough to where the table would be severely unbalanced on one side. He then lashed the blade whip out over the crowd, cutting down any souls that were foolish enough to try to touch it, and slashed through the other table leg on that side in the same fashion, except for this one, he stabbed the blade into the surface and broke of the tip before calling it back, leaving a shard of his life force embedded in the wood...

"Timbeeeeeer!" he shouted. his hand was on the bottom of the first table leg he had cut, far below the slash line. He willed his life force to simultaneously burst forth from his palm, as well as from the shard he had left behind, effectively blowing both pieces of disconnected wood out of the way, Destabilizing the Tables balance, just as he had hoped, ignoring the nagging feeling of his limit. He took a few steps back, hoping that the food would slide off now and crush the souls...

((To clarify what he just did, you know how when you saw off a table leg, the table becomes all wobbly and off balance and stuff? yeah, he pretty much did that to the point where the table would be severely off balance towards the side facing the crowd.))

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Kenny heard a groaning of wood as the Table fell.


and with that, Kenny quickly Portaled himself and Annie over next to Ethic, getting them out of the way of the Foodalanche.

Edited by K_H
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Morris quickly leapt behind the little girl and followed the same path she took in order to avoid burning to death. While running, he produced his browning and released its safety. He shoot a quick glance behind to see whether Ellaria would follow.

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Ellaria, Enya & Morris

Ellaria had only to feel the heat to know Enya was pulling the lava thingy again, and didn't wait to see what would happen. She ran after her two companions until they reache the pile of food.

The titans were all roaring in the midst of the lava now. Four different voices could be heard, each coming from a corner of the room.

"Ok, that should take care of them. Quick, let's grab some food." She said, trying to hide her fear. Then she pulled her bag and started filling it, taking care of smelling what she was taking to identify what it was.


Ethic, Kenny & Annie

Most of the Starving Souls were buried or squashed by the falling food, and the surviving ones were quick to rush over to the dishes - and corpses - now lying on the floor. Despite the heinous sight, the little group seemed to be safe for now.

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A small giggle came from Enya-- whether she was giggling at her success, or the suffering of the Titans, or at having reached the food or all the above was uncertain. "Yummy, yummy food!" she chirruped, her voice almost sounding normal again. She took to sniffing the food before raising her hand to sample a bite...

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Ethic smirked as his little plot came to fruition.

"Now let's get the hell outta here," he said to Annie and Kenny before running off past the massive food stuffs piled on the floor, reaching the door and dashing through it back out into the corridor. He stood there and turned, waiting for them to catch up.

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Mr. Taylor looked back to the room he and Phantom had just escaped from. What a fool he'd been, of course the food here would be a trap. "I'm ... I'm quite sorry Phantom. I was weak. But, you must understand, it was only for a moment." The old man sat down for a moment to try and recuperate some of his strength and figure out a plan. A part of him yearned to go back to the room for one more delicious slice of meat, but the screams kept his yearning hunger at bay.

He looked around. Nothing, but darkness. Clearly his eyes wouldn't be of any use to them at this point in time and they were too recently removed from the Phantom Zone to warp back in. He breathed in, infuriated with his current options.

"The air!" The old man exclaimed as though a light bulb had just went off in his head, "That's it my dear boy. Don't you smell all of this food, if that's their trap then we can just avoid it." Mr. Taylor began walking about and sniffing the air. "This way, the smell isn't as strong over here." With that the old man began to move down the dark alley-way, continuously sniffing the air to make sure he was heading away from any food.

Edited by Supernovae
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Marcus felt a thrill of fear, a blast of primal anxiety as energy flowed from the fallen soul into him. He almost fled from the approaching souls, but his desire to gain more energy overpowered him. One of them leapt at him as the others drew closer, and it bore him to the ground. The practiced killer quickly rolled to get above it, and drove a blade into its heart. Another rush of energy overtook him, and he stood eagerly, ready to consume more power.

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