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Under the Hill - Third Circle: Gluttony


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Mr.Taylor & Phantom

The corridor ahead was clear of food... and seemingly of any traps too, just as Mr. Taylor thought. That gave the two adventurers a neat amount of time to walk unperturbed.

Eventually, the corridor opened in a big circular room with two simple (though enormous) wooden doors poiting in oposite directions. One of them was closed, but from the duo could hear voices.

"Now you two, let me put the situation clearly. Your subordintes are being slaughtered by these newcomers. Due to this, the inmates are getting all the food they ever wished for and there's no one to eat them. And on top of this, that good for nothing half-wit Panik seems to be giving them aid."

"But.. It all happened too fast and..."

A ear splitting roar echoed after that last remark.

"Quiet fool! There's been living people trying to get through here for much time. You lot were too lazy to see the danger they represent, and allowed this to happen. Now go there and kill them for God's sake. Tonight I'm having a meal, it might be them... Or it might be you."

"R-Right sir!"

After that, the duo heard two sets of steps, one getting away... and the other nearer. A moment later, the huge form of a Titan entered the room and walked towards the corridor they were in, closing the door behind it.

This one was pretty different than the other giants they'd found, though. It had a less human form, having a structure on it's back that resembled a turtle's shell. Bone plates could be seen on it's arms, hands and other parts of it's body, and it's face was twisted and repulsive, with a skin that looked like old leather. It seemed not to notice them at first.


Ellaria, Enya & Morris

The screams soon stopped, and Ellaria was more at ease. Having filled her bag with as much food as she could get (she was careful to add variety to that too, thinking they deserved a good meal after all this trouble), she nooded satisfied. She did hear Enya attacking the food like a wild animal, but could hardly blame the kid. Her own stomach was sounding like one, and she was having a hard time keeping from eating for now.

"Ok guys, what do you say? Shouldn't we start going back?" she asked, more to take Enya's attention from the food then anything. "We still have to figure out how to get past that door anyway."



As the murderer continued his slaughter, more and more of the Starving Souls became aware of his presence. Despite having the numerical superiority, they had already eaten enough to turn their sense of self-preservation on again, and therefore started to flee for the rat holes in the walls, leaving Marcus alone with a pile of bodies in the corridor.

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Rose crawled off of Panik's hand and onto the giant's shoulder. "I think I'll just rest here," she murmured, curling back up into a ball. All she could do was hope for Enya and Ellaria's safety as she was given a ride by this kind giant.

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Panik moved towards where the others had gone. He hoped that none of the other Giants had come across them while he wasn't around. He had a feeling that these people could at least defend themselves, after witnessing Ixidor's powers, he imagined the rest of them most of had something. But, even still he worried for them, they were still fragile in a way just like the Starving Souls, they could easily be smashed, and have to start finding their way through the dark corridors of this place all over again.

He pushed those thoughts from his mind, and rather decided to focus on finding the friends of the lady on his shoulder.

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Phantom pushed Mr. Taylor back to back to the wall, where they were relatively out of sight for now. He opened a portal in front of him, silently stepping through and pulling Mr. Taylor after him. He moved quickly, running to where he would be behind the titan, dragging Mr. Taylor behind him. Mr. Taylor probably wouldn't be able to handle too much time in the phantom zone this soon, so hiding here was not an option. He drew his sword, preparing himself in case his plan went wrong. He held out a hand, creating a portal back to the other dimension.

Phantom and Mr. Taylor stepped out, now behind the titan. He held a finger to where his lips would be, if not for the mask concealing them, motioning for Mr. Taylor to stay silent. He watched and waited, hoping the titan would continue down the corridor without noticing the duo.

((Excuse the minor bunnying, but I figured it would save us a few posts concerning Mr. Taylor entering and exiting...))

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The little girl didn't answer. She gorged and gorged, guzzling down tons of food. It would've been cute, seeing a little kid with puffing chubby cheeks and all, but on Enya, as she devoured one bite of raspberry pie after another, the red stains resembled blood... Though Ellaria wouldn't have been able to see that. Perhaps the mister-- whoever it was, the child didn't care.

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Morris took just a few bites before he realised just how hungry he was. He soon began to eagerly stuff himself, filling his pouch with whatever he could stuff into it while he was hastily chewing. Because of the size of the bites he took, his cheeks now resembled that of a hamster, and he had a bit of trouble catching his breath.

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((Kenny, for know I'm gonna just assume that you're following behind me))

After Kenny and Annie had caught up by the door way, Ethic turned his back on the massive room and started walking away, unable to help the fact that he had a slight smirk on his face as he cast one last glance at the Starving souls. He backtracked to the entry way where they'd all come into this circle, searching around the walls of the corridor, trying to find some passage way and door or something. He figured that the way he had just come from probably just ended in the banquet room and that... for lack of a better word, that pantry. From what Ethic had seen, there wasn't anything else down that way. But there had to be some way leading to the next circle... maybe they just had to start thinking a bit outside the box now.

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Ellaria, Enya & Morris

Ellaria started to worry when she got no answer from her companions. Was this a bad idea? Or is the food just this good? She started to wander. Maybe I should take just a bite too befor going...

However, as the girl reached for the food, she heard the creak of a door being opened, followed by the wet sound of something entering the pool of lava that was the floor now. She immediately stood on her guard. A moment later, she heard more movements coming towards them. What the...

The next thing was a loud splash, and the roaring sound of a wave. "ENYA! TAKE THAT LAVA OUT OF HERE NOW!" she screamed with all her strenght, suddenly terrified. She mentally prayed that the kid was listening now, as they probably had only a few seconds of life before being burned to a crisp.


Mr. Taylor & Phantom

Phantom's trick worked to perfection, and the monster walked into the corridor without noticing them. This, however, left them alone in the room with two closed doors and nowhere to go... Except they figured a way to get past those.


Ethic, Annie & Kenny

The whole place was kinda silent for a little while. Some Starving Souls raced past towards the table room, completely ignoring the group, and that left them with some time to think.

Moments later, though, hell seemed to break loose again. Screams started again, coming from the place they had just left, and various Souls rushed past in terror, in the oposite direction they were going before.


Panik, Rose, Ixidor & Marcus

As Marcus was about to hit the corner, he heard heavy steps coming towards him. A moment later Panik arrived at the intersection, carrying Rose in his shoulder and with Ixidor following closely by bike. None seemed to notice him at first, as they deliberated about were to go next in their search for the rest of the group.

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Food... Food... Food... Foooo...

The little girl had been so busy eating, she hadn't heard the wet slap of liquid against solid that slid in. Or Miss Ellaria's words, for that matter. In fact she'd forgotten to make the lava fade out of existence, which, at this point, had drained her energy-- after all this was the first time she'd held something from another time and space in existence for so long. "Di... zzy..." murmured Enya. And she promptly fell face first into the pie she was digging into, falling asleep, thus making the vast monochromatic lake of fire disappear into the tears that followed suit.

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Ixidor slowly pedals his bike and heard something coming from the room straight ahead, sounds like a wave of some sort crashing violently on that direction. "Isn't that where your child friend went?" Ixidor said to Rose.

As they make it into the intersection, He turns his head to his side only to find his killer friend from the second circle. The boy violently hits the brakes as its tires screech and Ixidor awkwardly stares at Marcus. "Oh, hey mister Marcus." the boy greeted.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Rose looked at Ixidor with complete bewilderment, ignoring his inquiry about Enya. Carefully climbing down from the giant, wincing as she got to the floor, Rose stared at Alex. "Ix, why did you call him Marcus? His name is Alexander." The woman narrowed her eyes at the man dangerously. "Or did you lie to us?"

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Rose crossed her arms, furious beyond belief that she hadn't stayed with Mr. Taylor. "And why should I believe you now? You've already lied to me once." She wavered on her feet, uncertain for a moment that her strength would hold. "Well?"

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Annie gave a heavy sigh. She was alone with Ethic and Kenny. And she ached to run. Not in fear. In fact, she was not afraid of anything either of those two could do to her. Yet, somehow, she never felt safe. Never. Not around that man who had lost his sanity to a rage for a moment, descending into a bloodthirsty rage. She was slightly scared. But, not scared enough to shake when he talked or hide when he looked. No. She looked him in the eye, hiding the wooden leg she had ripped from the table in the dining room from him. She had been sharpening it. Slowly, silently.

If he made a move, if she felt threatened, if he was about to turn into a raging beast, he would feel a quick, deep, assured thrust in the neck. Or probably not feel it.

She wasn't scared.

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Rose silently leaned back against Panik, feeling her stomach grumble again. She felt so weak and worried, and assumed that her strength wasn't coming back because she hadn't eaten. "Why did you lie about your name?" she questioned instead, trying to make sense of this confusing tale.

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Rose, too preoccupied with the weak feeling she felt, didn't notice Marcus come closer. "You thought it would be better to lie and allow something like this happen?" she asked, closing her eyes to concentrate on the info she had been told. "Why are you so sure that we would follow blindly? We can all make our own judgments, you know."

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"I don't know, I guess." Suddenly, with inhuman speed, Marcus swept up to Rose and planted a blade, still stained with the blood of the fallen souls, in her ribcage. "I guess you struck me as the gullible type," he said with a twisted grin as he absorbed her life-force.

((assuming that's OK, if not tell me))

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(Perfect) Rose screamed as pain exploded through her body, starting in her ribcage. Already her vision was going dark, and she had lost a sense of what she was doing. "Y-you...monster," she choked out. "What did I do to you?" Not wanting to hear the answer, she stuttered out, "T-telep-p-port." As she kept her metal focus on him, she fell to her knees, and could feel her energy leaving her body. She didn't know if this would work; she had never tried to teleport a mortal before. Her face became pale with the effort she was putting forth. A couple seconds passed, and she fell face first onto the ground, body twitching a couple times before coming to a still.

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((And so the die is cast... I shall now cross the rubicon... and my march shall begin.))

Ethic didn't say anything as he watched the souls rush past in fear... mainly because he was focused on something that held far more priority in his mind than what might have made a couple of ghosts shit themselves and run like scared little kids. It was a presence of some kind... and not just one, but three, all grouped together in a single place... they felt familiar for some reason, like he should know them from somewhere. And then an all too familiar Tearing sound filled his ears, and he knew what was going on. The fools were trying to go back on the hunt... They had Keepers in place, and they were probably going to herd him right into an Ambush.

"If you all wanted me to kill you," he said, glancing behind him into empty space... it was dark, but he knew the rift was there. "Then all you had to do was ask nicely." There was silence for a moment. then a voice answered him, echoing from the space in the air where he was focused.

"Bold words, boy..." An elderly man's voice cooed. "But you've stepped over the line, Ghalen... first when you didn't just lay down and die like a good little fugitive, and then when you went and murdered Scott and Rodric... We intend to make you pay for these things, of that, rest assured. The Arcane Council does not forgive."

"It's Ethic Ytilarom now," Ethic corrected. "No one's called me Ghalen in over a year." he was beginning to get frigidity. the eagerness to fight was beginning to break to the surface... and he honestly didn't know for how long he'd be able to keep from having another rampage. But he would try to keep it together for as long as he could... he had to learn to fight this.

"Ah yes..." the voice replied, chuckling. "you young people and your pseudonyms... you remind of Christopher McCandless, Ghalen... you have entered into a wild of your own... and soon, just like him, you will be found dead at the end of your little adventure."

"Shut your damn mouth." Ethic snarled. his hold was slipping. "Enough...talk is cheap, so why don't you just go on and join your fellow Keepers. don't worry, I'll be there to tear you all to pieces in a little bit." all the voice did in response to that was chuckle arrogantly before and loud slam sounded and it stopped. He could sense another presence joining the three from earlier. He glanced back at Annie and Kenny.

"Sorry," he began. There was a familiar glint in his eye, and he was visibly shaking from the amount of adrenaline that had begun pumping through him."But I'm afraid this is where I take my leave... I've got supernatural folks to kill and a war to win." with that said, he walked away from them, turning around the corner in the direction the souls had ran in and moving out of sight, heading towards the direction where he felt the four presences the strongest.

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Ixidor just stood there and horrified of what he just saw. Ixidor's decision was pretty split between the two friends, but he knew what Marcus did was wrong... very wrong indeed.

He tried to withdrew his sketchpad, but it was too late, every happens so fast, Rose is dead and Marcus was somehow got teleported out of the scene. The boy just stood there and witness another murder right infront of his eyes, and was yet again...powerless to stop it. "Damn it!" The boy fell on his knees as tears starts to fall . "if i only i was strong enough, i was fast enough, and knew how to save a life..this wouldn't happen." the boy wept over the incident.

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Kenny's Aura flared up as Eric spoke to him.

"I'm afraid this is where I take my leave... I've got supernatural folks to kill and a war to win."

Kenny smiled a little. then, he frowned all of a sudden as he felt a Flaring of Aura somewhere off beyond the Corner as Marcus killed Rose. Kenny then spoke to Ethic.

"Good luck taking out the remaining Keepers, Eric..."

Eric then turned and started walking away from them. As he did so, Kenny Portaled out, saying only one thing as he left.

"...You're going to need it."

Kenny then exited his Portals next to another person, as well as a Giant.

"Oh, hello, Ixidor."

He cut himself off when he saw Rose's dead body.

"Oh. Oh dear... So that's what I sensed."

Kenny then looked up and asked some questions to the Giant.

"Who are you, my good sir, and what just happened here?"

Edited by K_H
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Ellaria, Enya & Morris

Ellaria let her breath out, glad to be still alive. Her legs were trembling out of control, but she held up, picked Enya up and gave the little girl for Morris to carry. "Please mr. Morris, I won't be able to carry her too long." the girl asked.

After that, a booming voice echoed in the room.

"So, you are the little ones that have been making so much trouble here... How funny, you don't seem that dangerous."

The newcomer stepped out of the shadows. It was a Titan, that was easy to know by the sound, but what Ellaria couldn't see was how different it was from the others.

This one was shorter than normal by good two meters, but as if to compensate the lack of height, it was a hulk of a giant. It was extremely muscular and had bone plates on it's chest, arms and legs, the latter two shaped almost like blades. It stared at the little group with a cruel smirk, as if foreseeing the fun of smashing them to pieces.

"What, did the cat eat your little tongues? Any last words, little ones?"


Marcus &... Quincy!

Marcus found himself in a dark place, and the sudden change of clarity made it hard to see anything for a second. When his view got used to it, however he saw a not very pretty picture around him.

He was in the hellish pantry. All over the walls, bodies hanged from hooks, gutted, as if they were meant to be eaten later by something. To one side there was a bare stone wall, a dead end, and in the corridor leading out of there was the corpse of the giant killed by Ethic.

All of a sudden he heard a voice from behind him.

"Oh hey, is that blood in your knife? Did you kill someone? How cool!"

At first it seemed like no one was there, but looking better (and a little up) one could see the distorted for of Quincy the Rat resting over one of the hooks. He held his revolver in one hand, and a piece of meat (better not to think were it came from) on the other. He gestured at Marcus with a playful smirk on his face.

"Oh, this place is sooo great! Much prey to hunt and kill, big things, small things... So, what's that you killed there, mr.-suspicious-looking-guy?"


((Edit: Other players are free to move for now.))

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