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Under the Hill - Third Circle: Gluttony


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Ixidor said nothing to Kenny, as he continues to weep about's Rose's death, "Marcus....Marcus did this." the boy finally spoke and wipes his tears, Ixidor picks himself and gets on his bike. The boy withdrew sketchpad while Kenny and the Giant have their conversation.

the boy draws something out of his frustration, putting all his raged emotion with every stroke on his pad; it was an unfinished drawing of a creature..and it was specially reserve for killers like Marcus or any other titans that might try to kill them.

(( :ph34r:))

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Annie merely watched as Kenny stepped through a portal and vanished, and Ethic walked away.

This was why she was better of alone.

Sighing, she drew the wooden spear from her sleeve and set off in the opposite direction of Ethic. She had cut off her emotions for everyone. Anyone who got in her way would receive a few stabs. Biting her hand, she raced off at an astonishing speed.

Edited by Annie Leonhardt
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Morris quickly swallowed the last piece of bread he was eating and took Enya from Ellaria. Before he could look for an escape route, the giant appeared.

"Oh bollocks," Morris turned to Ellaria "I think we could try to fight, but I have no idea what to do with the child." as he was saying that, he released the safety on his gun.

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Annie, Ix, Panik, Kenny

Annie raced through the corridor like a bullet, scaring some Starving Souls to death (or as much as that was possible considering they were already dead.) After a matter of moments she reached the intersection where Kenny was with Ix and the giant Panik.

((Up to you if you stop or speed past them.))


Ellaria, Enya & Morris

Oh hell. Ellaria thought, her mind racing with the iminent danger. As confident as Morris sounded, this giant seemed to be smarter than the last one, and without Enya they were probably underpowered to beat it. Escaping would already be good enough. She leaned closer to the man and whispered to him.

"I don't think this is a good idea, but listen. I heard a door opening when he entered the room..." she pointed discretely towards the direction the sound came from. "... but it didn't close. Let's try to get there with Enya, if we can reach the shadows maybe he don't notice us."

Then the brute titan spoke up. "Oh, so you won't tell me anything nice? Fine then, enough small talk, I'll just kill you now." He moved ahead quickly, bringing his arm down like a huge sword in the attempt to hit the trio.

Ellaria felt the movement as soon as it began through the ground vibration, and could just scream "Run!" as she herself followed the advice and jumped out of the way.



The table room was closed when Ethic passed through there again, and the fighting sounds coming from there had stopped. However, he hadn't walked past it too much when he heard the creak of the door getting opened behind him, followed by a cavernous voice.

"Oh, another little one. You look different, are you alive?"

The owner of the voice, as Ethic discovered once he looked, was some sort of turtle-like, armored giant. It was looking straight at him with an expression of pure curiosity in it's face... and one of the table legs - as big as a tree and soaked with blood - in it's right hand.

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"Yes, Actually," Ethic answered, keeping his eyes on that bloody table leg... he honestly hadn't any idea which answer would turn out better for him, but he figured he might as well go with the truth for now...though, in the back of his mind, he was secretly hoping that no matter the answer, this big lug would take a swing at him so that he'd have an excuse to wreck him...

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Morris leapt away from where he just stood as well as from Ellaria. In his mind, it was important to keep his distance from her if he could, as that would force the giant to attack them separately. He returned his Browning into its pouch amidst the leap, and proceeded to run for the door.

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Nuzzling Morris' neck, Enya stayed fast asleep with a little smile on her face, the teddy bear again squashed between her little body and the mister's. Keeping a huge field of lava in existence had burned her out, and it looked like she wouldn't be waking up for a while.

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Ellaria, Morris & Enya

The titan's arm hit the floor were they stood a moment ago with a huge impact, leaving a big hole in the stone.

It made an annoyed expression as the group divided in two.

"What, you gonna run? That's no fun."

Ellaria had lost her balance with the impact wave from the giant's strike, and fell to the ground face first. She quickly got up and resumed running, with blood dripping from her nose, but by then the titan had already started to move. It walked over towards her and placed a hand on the floor to block her path. Ellaria froze when she felt it's presence.

"Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide, little one..."

Well that's it then? Thoughts start to race through her mind. She felt so powerless, helpless as always. I'll die like this? That's unfair... I don't wan't to... She started to panic as the titan reached for her with his other hand.

...I just wish I'd disappear!

She started to run in a random direction, tears joining the blood dripping from her chin, refusing to go without trying an escape, as futile as it was...

The giant's hand stopped. It looked in confusion to the place the girl was a moment ago, but now his little prey had simply vanished. This had never happened with other little ones, and it annoyed him a lot.

"What? Were are you now little girl? Show yourself, I don't like to play hide and seek." said the giant, standing and looking around the room for her.



The titan looked at Ethic amused. "Oh, so you are! I never ate a living before. Are you tasty?" he asked, taking a step closer. "Oh, but no... Chief said he wanted to have you for dinner... So I can't eat you." The huge creature looked honestly confused.

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Ethic smirked on the inside, keeping a straight face outwardly. This giant didn't seem to be as stupid as the last one he killed, at least this one could actually talk... but still, the young man had a hunch that he wasn't too far ahead of his fallen brethren in term of intellect.

"Oh my, no my friend..." Ethic began, he made his voice as convincing as he possibly could for his persuasion. "Why, you don't want to eat me, and I'm sure that someone with as much taste as this 'Chef' fellow must have, wouldn't want to either. I taste horrible, you see, absolutely horrible. If you were to eat me, it would be like drinking Syrup of Ipecac... And I'm sure that projectile vomiting isn't something you all view as fun." He heard a rift opening nearby as he spoke, and glanced off to see a Keeper peering at him from the other side. He recognized this one from the Robe and the lantern he carried on the end of his staff... The Hermit. Ethic didn't hesitate, he spoke up before the Keeper could say anything and take away his opportunity.

"But my friend here, the hermit," he said, pointing at the elderly man and hoping that the Giant was able to see the rift like he was. "He tastes delicious, simply delectable. the taste of his flesh will have you asking for more. I'm sure that this 'Chef' person would appreciate it far more if you brought him to his dinner table instead."

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"Oh hey, is that blood in your knife? Did you kill someone? How cool! Oh, this place is sooo great! Much prey to hunt and kill, big things, small things... So, what's that you killed there, mr.-suspicious-looking-guy?"

"Oh, no one of importance. I must admit, you're rather suspicious-looking yourself." Marcus decided to play along with the ratman as he edged closer. "How about you?"

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Phantom stared at the large doors as the titans left. He was unsure if they would be able to open them on their own, but they could hardly just wait around for the giants to return. He turned to Mr. Taylor, his mask hiding whatever emotions may be going through him at the time.

"...Which...?" he asked, motioning to the doors.

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The giant looked at the direction that Ethic pointed. "Oh there's more of you! Thank you little man!" it said happily. Then, with a wide movement from it's arm, it threw the table leg like a missile towards the Keeper.



A bullet hit the floor an inch ahead of Marcus, as Quincy pulled the Preacher's trigger. "No-no. I don't know who you've been killing, but you can't expect everyone to let you get close with a knife you know?" the rat said with a smile. Then he continued, as if the shot was nothing to worry about. "Well, as for me, I'm looking for some specific preys... Some strong, smart preys. They say they don't like to kill, but do it anyway, and that pisses me off. You, you look like you're a hunter just as me, so wouldn't you like to hunt them down too?"

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"Dear Sweet Mother of God!" the Keeper of the Hermit yelled. He tried to close the rift and get away before the table leg could make impact, only to find Maxwell standing on the path behind him.

"Move!" he ordered.

The Lawyer instead began to move forward. "I don't think so..."

The older man began to step back as the Lawyer drew closer. The Fiend's eyes flared a bright sulfuric yellow.

"I think I'm gonna help Ethic out on this one..." he said. "So...bye-bye, Monty!"

Monty attempted to run away back down the shinning path, only to realize that he was headed right back towards the rift. It was a mistake that would prove to be his last. Maxwell rushed forward while the elderly fool still had his back turned, tackling him and sending them both through the rift. A moment later the Table leg made impact, shattering the stones with it's force and leaving a sizable crater in the floor along with making a very loud BOOM! Ethic looked up at the Turtle Shelled Titan, grinning as the dust cleared.

"I'm sure that your master will love the souffle you just made," he jested. "I have to say... that's quite the creative way of making one." over near the far edge of the crater, Maxwell could be seen crawling away from the incident. He stood up when he reached the lip, tearing open a rift and disappearing without being noticed by Ethic. Meanwhile the young man began to move on from the scene, turning his back on the giant. he focused himself on the presences nearby again... and then turned right around... There was something wrong here... he could still sense this keeper in his mind. He wasn't dead.

Ethic turned his gaze back up to the titan. "Actually, my friend... it seems that this dish isn't quite ready... maybe you should smash him again, just to be safe; you wouldn't want to make Chef sick, would you?"

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When Ethic turned back towards the giant, all he could see was a wall of grey, which later he realized that was the monster's leg. Unfortunately for the adventurer, that piece of info was only acquired when the Titan grabbed and lifted him from the floor.

"Don't worry little-living-man, the chief eats anything and never throws back." It said smiling innocently.Then it continued in a happy tone, turning towards the cratter on the floor "Let's kill-kill that other little-almost-dead-man first, and then it's your turn!"

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Ethic nearly burst into War Mode right then and there.. but then he restrained himself for a moment, which, by the way, was by now a feat in and of itself. He took a moment and thought about what the Giant had said, about the word choice... and the fact that there was a grin on it's face, not a menacing one, but more of one an eager kid might have...coupled with a matching tone of voice... how interesting... perhaps...

"Do you like playing this game that Chef has you in?" He asked the Titan. He figured he might as well go out on a limb and call it that. "Where you Kill the little living people and everyone takes turns getting dead?"

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"Oh, it's not Chef little one, it's Chief." The turtle giant said. "He does not cook you see, he just eats!" He then stopped talking for a bit, considering Ethic's question.

"Yeah, I like it very very much! Little ones are much fun when they are trying to run, and most times we can even eat them! They're very tasty you know."

By then they had arrived at the crater. "Well other little one, are you dead yet?"

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Morris ran for the exit while the giant was distracted. It was clear to him that getting the little girl was his priority at the moment, as her chances of survival were minimal compared to that Ellaria woman.

He kept an eye on the giant to make sure it wouldnt quickly decide to change its mind about being bent on pursuing Ellaria.

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((you menat to say "Are you dead yet?" right?))

As the Turtle shell Titan asked his question, a storm of Arrows blazing in a hot white light shot up from the earth where the Hermit had been smashed. They squealed and streaked as they cut through the air, heading straight for the giant as Monty managed to pull himself from the crater, his eyes alight with the fury of a Keeper scorned.

"NO!" he roared, his voice ringing with otherworldly power. "BUT YOU ARE ABOUT TO BE!" as he spoke, the storm of projectiles split into two seperate flocks, each one heading for one of the titan's eyes.

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When Monty used the Arrows Of Light, Kenny's Aura flared up in a brilliant Turquoise Sphere around himself due to the massive Surge of Energy caused by the Resonance between the Aura and Arcana Fields. Kenny then Portaled over to the Source of the Disturbance, his Aura easily visible to those in the Room once he got there. Kenny then heard the Hermit Speak.


As Monty said that, Kenny saw the Flocks of Arrows split up, headed towards a Giant, as well as Ethic. Kenny acted fast, and when he next spoke, his Voice clearly seemed Corrupted by Auric Energy, and resonated throughout the Room.

"Enough of your Shenanigans, Keeper!"

He then pointed at the Keeper with his Palm, and fired a Fist-sized Beam of Blue Light at Monty. The Beam had enough force to punch through a six-inch-thick piece of steel with ease. Kenny then got a large Headache, but recovered from it.

Edited by K_H
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The Storm of blazing arrows plummeted back downwards towards the broken earth as Kenny's attack neared Monty. The projectiles transmuted at the last second, forming into diamond shield radiating with energy as the blast struck it's mark and was deflected right back at the young man. The thing seemed to have a mind of it's own now, snaking and curving through the air, strafing behind Kenny and heading right for the small of his back.

"Stay out of this, Interlopper!" The Hermit roared as the redirected blast drew ever closer to it's new target; Kenny's spine. "This is between me and the Fugitive... and that damn giant!"

((What...? couldn't have him die that easily.))

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Kenny saw the Beam go behind him, but did nothing about it. He then spoke to the Keeper, his Voice still corrupted by Aura.

"You should've considered the fact that there would be people who had made friends with the Arcana Lord."

Kenny then held one hand behind him, and released a second Blast, which slowed the first one just before it reached his hand, and then both Blasts were Re-absorbed back into Kenny's Aura. unfortunately for him, this overloaded his Aura, causing all of it to expand outwards like a Shockwave, obliterating anything that got in its' way. If Monty, the Giant, or Ethic didn't get out of an area within 100 Feet of Kenny, they'd be hit by the blast. Kenny, unfortunately, was right at Ground Zero of the Blast, and was killed by it.

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Monty's shield absorbed the brunt of the blast force, including any that would've inflicted splash damage onto Ethic and his turtle shelled captor... though that wasn't something Monty intended to do; they'd just gotten lucky it had so happened to occur.

"Fool!" Monty said. his shield desembled infront of him, falling apart into thousands of shards that begin to gleam with harsh light as they fell to the barren, broken earth. Slowly, they all began to rise into the air around him. He looked up at Ethic.

"Take this as a lesson, boy!" he shouted. "Your little Suicide tactics will not work against me! just as your friends tactics have just failed!"

"Duely noted..." Ethic muttered to himself, looking down at Kenny's body. He turned his attention to the freak of nature holding him in it's hand right now.

"Hey, seems that this one isn't going to go out easily..." he began. "If you want to bring us both to chief to eat, then you're gonna need my help putting him down... so if you could let me go right about now..." as he spoke, he established the Death link, his right hand gleaming slightly with a multicolored light, just a trick of the lighting, it seemed. If this lug didn't put him down in a few minutes... well, Ethic would just deal with him like he had the other Giant. And even better, he had a clear shot at the things neck right now...

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((OOC: For this next section, Kenny is still Physically Dead, so there's no movement observed by Ethic, the Giant, or Monty))

Kenny woke up again, lying on the floor in a dark room. there were no light sources, so the room was pitch-black. Kenny then got up, and only then did he notice a light blue glow surrounding his Body. It then wisped off of him, forming a Figure that looked physically identical to him, except that he wasn't transparent, glowing, or blue. He could see a faint outline on the floor beneath him from the glow produced. it looked very Arcane, as if he was standing in the middle of a Summoning Circle. The Shape on the floor looked like a Circle with a Hexagram and Pentagram in the middle of it. Then, his Aura spoke to him.

"So, that experience has come to this."

Kenny responded to his own Aura, nodding in agreement.

"Indeed. we were foolish enough to try to defeat him by using just Strength."

"Next time we see him, if there even is a next time, we need to use a more... indirect approach. what we just did overloaded our Aura, which killed us."

a viewscreen of the Situation unfolding outside appeared in front of the two.

"It seems that the Keeper has survived."

"Indeed. Ethic needs to be careful, and we can't help him at the moment."

"That is true. However, it will be much different in a little while, as we will be back then."

The two of them then merged back together, and Kenny fell back into darkness, the Viewscreen disappearing.

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((sorry for taking so long guys, irl is crazy with the navy admittance stuff))

Ethic & Kenny

"Uhmn, you sure you won't flee?" The titan asked Ethic. Then it raised it's shouders and decided. "Oh, if you do I just get you again."

He then put Ethic on the floor and talked to the Keeper. "Hey little man, you're not nice, but the other little man says you taste good. So, just die already ok?"

With that said, the titan closed it's fist and brought it down faster than one would believe for something that big, aiming for the Keeper on the floor.


Morris, Enya & Ellaria

All of a sudden Morris felt someone touching his arm, and Ellaria appeared out of nowhere beside him, gasping for air. The blade giant was still trashing in the room behind them, trying to find the girl, and after taking a moment to recompose herself from the run, she brought a finger in front of her lips and whispered quietly. "Ok, let's go and try to find a way back to the others while he's busy."


Rose, Ix, Panik.

Panik raised Rose's body, along with Ix, in the palm of his hand, looking to them with curious eyes. "Hey little boy, why you crying? The little girl will come back soon you know?" As he had never been introduced to true death, and the killing of Starving Souls was a routine to him up to this point, he really didn't understand why Ix was so upset.

That's when the giant heard something loud coming from the other end of the corridor, and remembered they were going after the other little ones. He picked the painter's bike and resumed walking towards the sound while waiting for an answer.



After checking both endings of the corridor, Annie stopped to make a mental map. For her left side there was a dead ending, though one with a nice empty hole in the wall for hiding. The other had a closed door (maybe she could get through by the key hole or something) and behind it the sound of something big and angry breaking stuff. And, there was still the way Ethic had gone to, beyond the table room.

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