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Under the Hill - Third Circle: Gluttony


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Two icy blue eyes-- now, back to their normal look, as though the wild beast of hunger had left her altogether -- fluttered open and Enya awoke with a silent yawn. It took the little girl a while to realize that another big, ugly giant was in the huge room, and that apparently it was looking for them. Quietly, she stared at it from afar, not really having anything to say.

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"Well, as for me, I'm looking for some specific preys... Some strong, smart preys. They say they don't like to kill, but do it anyway, and that pisses me off. You, you look like you're a hunter just as me, so wouldn't you like to hunt them down too?"

"Sounds fine to me. You got any leads?"

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"Eh-hey! Great then!" Quincy said, leaping down from the hook where he stood. The Preacher still in hand, he kept talking while he walked past Marcus, heading towards the main corridor again. "I thought you could give me some advice actually. I just arrived you see. Have you seen an kinda... Ethnic guy, and a blonde girl that looks like she's bored all the time?"

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"It's not that.." Ixidor said."It just that...i feel helpless sometimes when these things happen, i've lost too many friends right infront of my eyes and was too powerless to stop it." the boy said as they proceed at the end of the corridor.

as Ixidor walks with the Giant. he feels a strange heat source coming from inside his satchel. Although Panik can't seem to notice it, it was hot as hell and seems to be relentless, like his recent drawing wants to come out and just waiting to be summon.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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"Think so, but I don't know where they ran off to. I can't wait to get my blade in some of these people, though. Promise me you won't ventilate everyone too quickly?" Marcus was still ready to spring into action against the ratman, despite his words. Assistance would help him absorb more power, but he was no fool.

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Quincy & Marcus

"Yep, as long as you keep that blade away from meh. I'd hate to kill you this soon, you seem like a nice-suspicious-looking-person." The rat answered Marcus with a happy voice, not even looking back. When they arrived at the main corridor, Quincy stopped. He looked to both sides, smelled the air and listened a bit. "Well, found them. So, who you wanna kill first, suspicious-looking friend?"


Ix, Rose & Panik

"Uhmn, you don't look powerless little one. You're little but brave. See, I'm big-big and I couldn't help it too." Panik said raising his shoulders. "Anyway, let's just find the other little ones and get some yummy food for the red girl when she wake up! That will make her happy!"

Saying that, Panik opened the door in the end of the corridor. What they saw was a wreck of a broken room, with piles of stones and food scattered everywhere, and in the middle of it, the blade giant.

"... Oh. Hy bro." Panik said when it glared at them with angry eyes.


Morris, Enya & Ellaria

The little group was walking for some time now, and probably out of sound range for the giant. Ellari had been quiet for that time, despite getting hold of Enya's hand. She was tired, but kinda happy at the same time. Finnaly she discovered what she could do, what was her power. The way the giant couldn't see her, and looking back, the way the same thing happened in the stairs of the second circle, only left one possibility. I can turn invisible! She thought excited. Of course, it was ironic that she got a power that only her wouldn't notice, but how cool was that! Finnaly she felt she could help her friends, and that feeling was great!

A little ahead, the corridor ended in other closed door. Of course Ellaria didn't know that, so when she noticed Morris stopping, she was a bit confused. "What's the problem guys? Something on the way?"

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"More like no way at all, mam. I should think the tiddler here will open it for us, but she is clearly drained. We dont really have any way to blast through it, I d say."

Morris denoted with disappointment in his voice. He turned around to Ellaria while also checking the hallway behind her quickly..

"At least the freak can´t really come after us. We might take a break here. You re looking a lil´ bleary, uh... how did the name go again?"

Morris slowly dropped Enya, and sat next to her. He half presumed Ellaria would take care of the young lady, since she had seemed to have a close relationship with her.

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Morris, Enya & Ellaria

"It's Ellaria, Mr. Morris." The blind girl answered him. She didn't know how scarred and ferocious Morris looked like, so she wasn't intimidated by him actually, so far he seemed to be a nice guy.

She sat down next to Enya, and took her hand. "And you're right, we'd better take some rest... Enya, are you ok?"

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The sound of a thousand glass windows shattering filled the corridor as the fist bore down on Monty... not exactly what one would expect to hear from a human body being completely crushed. And it was soon revealed why. Out from beneath the Giant's clenched fist emerged a shower of glowing crystalline shards, dispersing from the area of impact as nearby more of them were forming into a vaguely humanoid shape, glowing brighter and brighter as more and more and more piled on, forming a skeleton, then organs, then arteries, then a muscular system, and finally...flesh.

"Brute force won't work on me either, ye damn imbeciles." Monty said. He stood before the two, hands on his hips and chest out triumphantly, His bald head gleaming in the light of the torches above. He was buck naked as he glared at Ethic and the Titan. His physique was...surprisingly toned for a man his age, the bloke actually had arms like pythons and a six pack... His beard was revealed in it's full length, and thank jesus that it was long enough to conceal the guy's crotch area. Ethic doubted if he would've been able to ever unsee that sight if it hadn't.

"Well..." The Fugitive said, subtly beginning to put distance between himself and the titan. He had the gut feeling that before he could take care of Monty, this ugly lug would need to go. Besides, it's not like he had been all that useful to him so far, Point and case the fact that the Keeper was still right freaking here. Yes... it seemed that Ethic would have to do things himself. And as such, It was time to end this Charade so that he could focus on what he really needed to now. The big idiot must die, and he must die NOW. Ethic pointed his finger off down the corridor, preparing to call his Life Saber as he shouted out.

"Hey look! There's another tasty guy just like Monty here! Maybe he'l be easier to kill!"

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"Ooh, little-old-man has tricks too! That's gonna be fun!" The turtle giant said, clapping his hands (and consequently making a huge noise). Then he heard Ethic's "warning", and turned to look at the direction he pointed.

"Oh, oh, one more? Where is it?"

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"Right here!" Ethic shouted. He sent out a burst of his life force from the soles of his sneakers, propelling himself a good two meters in the air. he lashed out with his arm, sending his life force out in a whip like blade extending from his palm. The thing was completely silent as it snaked it's way through the air, blazing blindingly hot as the man increased the intensity behind it. It didn't even take more than a few seconds before it had reached the same height as the titan, having been given extra reach by the jump seconds earlier. It slashed through the air, heading right for the back of the Titan's neck and Spinal column and cutting a deep swath in the flesh, just as it had done for the other titan. He withdrew the energy back into his palm and recalled it to his reservoir as he landed back on the ground, fully expecting the Idiot to full over dead like his brethren had earlier on.

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Kenny had woken up as soon as Ethic had spoken to distract the Giant, but had decided to remain Motionless to fool them. Kenny then sprang into action as soon as Ethic finished his actions, and Kenny portaled up above the Giant onto a Barrier that he created as a Platform, landing on both Feet. he then charged up an Aura Sphere, and then taunted the Giant.

"Hey, Pinhead, up here!"

He then threw the Aura Sphere straight downwards through a hole in the platform, straight at the Giant's Head. as it traveled downwards, it morphed into an extremely sharp Cone, pointy end downwards. Kenny then got and recovered from a Headache.

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Ethic & Kenny

... Only, it didn't work.

Contrary to what Ethic thought, this giant's skin was as hard as steel, and though the life saber did take a bit of flesh out, it wasn't nearly enough to reach the critical point of it's thick neck.

That way he became aware of danger, so when Kenny tried to hit him from above he raised his bone-armored arm and fully blocked the blow, for everyone's surprise.

The titan let out a scream (more of growl though) of surprise, and turned to the adventurers looking quite angry. It was not a pretty sight.

"OOOOOH YOU GUYS ARE NO FUN AT ALL! YOU MAKE ME ANGRY NOW!" It shouted, throwing a huge and blazing fast punch towards Kenny.


((Cultural note: As you can see, not your regular titan. This guy is dumb, but extremely resistant, and you guys will have to look for even weaker spots than normal to beat him. The one in the other room with Ix, Rose and Panik is another story, being smarter and more offensive oriented, but less armored.))

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Kenny saw the Fiery punch coming, and taunted the Giant again.

"Fire? oh please."

Kenny then started materializing gallons of Water, which fell towards the Giant's punch with a fall time of ten seconds. He then Portaled out of the Danger Area, making sure to materialize and leave behind a Dummy as he did so to fool the Giant. Kenny then got and recovered from a Headache as he stepped out of the Portals next to Ethic. once he was on the ground, he stopped materializing Water.

Edited by K_H
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((Eeh, Kenny, I meant blazing fast as in real fast soo... no fire actually XD))

Marcus & Quincy

A roar was heard by the murderer duo, coming from their left. "Weeeell, seems it will be even funnier than I thought! It's that way!" With that, the rat man started towards the noise at full speed, not even looking to see if Marcus was keeping up.

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The little girl nodded politely as Miss Ellaria checked on her. Miss Ellaria was nice like Miss Rose, Enya figured. This new mister-- Mister Morris-- also seemed nice too. He didn't get Ace wet. Thinking this the child hugged her beloved teddy bear and looked at the door. "Would you like me to open it now?" she asked quietly, but with confidence and her usual smile.

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Morris, Enya & Ellaria

"If you're feeling better, that would be great! But... Don't push youself too hard ok?" Ellaria answered to the little girl. "We still gotta find Rose and the others."

She felt tired, and just stood there sitting on the floor, breathing heavily, while Enya did her thing.

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Ixidor, Rose & Panik

"So it was true eh Panik?" the blade giant spoke, turning to face them. "Helping the little buggers...What's got into your head, you half-wit?"

"Don't be mad bro! These are nice, funny little-ones. Panik dunno why, but Panik don't wanna kill them" the reptilian titan answered. Then he turned his head towards Ix and spoke happily. "This is big bro Killer, he's really smart, but a little to angry y'know."

"Ooh now you've done it." Killer said angrily, apparently confirming Panik's statement. "I'm full of you giving me trouble, you dumb beast. Shut the f# up!" The giant started to run towards Panik like a bullet, barely giving time for him to dodge.

It looked like they were in trouble.

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Annie saw the wooden door near her, and it piqued her interest. She glanced at the wound on her hand, seeing the blood drip. It wasn't enough to make her pass out or suffer anything - not yet. She hardened her fist, and walked over to the door. She fired a punch at it, and it barely put a dent in it. Focusing harder, she hardened her other fist, letting loose an onslaught of punches onto the door, and slowly it began to break, and with one final kick, she smashed it open and nearly fell over, barely regaining her balance. Returning her fists to normal, she began to move around the room.

Edited by Annie Leonhardt
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The room were Annie went in was a complete wreck of stone and food scattered everywhere. And the reason was quite clear by the way: in the middle of the mess, a titan was thrashing everything, seemingly trying to hit something he couldn't see.

Lucky for the girl, it didn't notice her entering, nor turned his head towards her. At first. Moments later, Panik's group entered through the door and picked the giant's interest.*

*((Note: Making things clear, Annie is on the same room as Rose, Ix and Panik, having entered a little before. Take a look at the last post of this group to check the blade titan's reaction. In the map, it's the top right room.))

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Ixidor quickly reacts, He withdrew his sketchpad and summon his creation as he tries defend themselves from Killer's devastating blow .The unfinished drawing was complete, the sketchpad starts to burst in flames and quickly disintegrate from Ixidor's hands, The smell of sulfur emits from its particles as the ground begins to shake, the earth cracks as a burst of hell fire erupts from the ground and blocks the giant's path, Beyond that scorching firewall lies a huge silhouette of a creature, it was almost half the size of the giants. It has huge ram's horns sticking out of on top of its head and has a fiery mane sticking out from its back, the fire-beast steps forth in the midst the flames and introduce itself.

"My name is Ifrit," it said with its raspy demonic voice, The temperature suddenly changes the moment it steps in the room, as if they were inside a active volcano. The Djinn glows brighter as it release a mischievous smile."Burn!" he said and lazily pointed his finger at the giant, multiple fireballs manifest out of nowhere and was hurled towards Killer, trying to burn the giant into a crisp.

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In the midst of all the noise and chaos, no one noticed that the door connecting Lust and Gluttony had opened again. In it stood a young boy of about 13 or 14 years of age. He wore green Khaki shorts and a plain red shirt with "Troop 160" written in white on the front and back. He carried a backpack, which he took off and began digging into as soon as he entered. After a few seconds of rummaging, he pulled out a flashlight and flicked it on.

"Okay, time to begin World 3!" Edward Collier said in an unusually exited tone, for someone who's just entered a lower circle of Hell itself.

The first thing he noticed was the noise. Just ahead, it sounded like there was a fight going on-and whoever was doing the fighting clearly knew what he/she was doing. There were explosions, there were... more explosions, there were these weird sounds he didn't recognize but were probably something dangerous, and there were these sounds that kinda remind him of the sound that he hears when he fires a lazer. "Yeah, gonna try to stay away from that, at least for now..." he thought to himself. He immediately turned the flashlight off, hoping no one saw its light in the few seconds it was on.

The second thing he noticed was the smell. He didn't exactly have a favorite food, but he had foods he liked, foods he did not like, foods he really liked, and foods he absolutely hated. The foods he smelled seemed to all fall under the "like" or "really like" category. From this he deduced that this must be the circle of Gluttony.

"Well, at least Dante got the order of the circles right" he thought to himself grudgingly. When he read the "Abandon Hope" thingy, he got all excited thinking he was in for the Divine Comedy's version of Hell. In that book, all Dante had to do was walk around a bunch, ride on some boats, get carried around by the Big Friendly Giant, and climb over an (already incapacitated) demon's back. So Edward thought it would be a cakewalk! But nooooooo, HE had to get attacked by shadow people while trying to do some reading, convince a snake guy to let him into Hell despite having no sin on his record (Jesus' blood was to thank for that. Edward's not perfect, just forgiven), fight off a bunch of rapist zombies, and endure an extremely awkward battle with a stripper demon! And that was just the first two worlds! But hey, he got some awesome DBZ-esque superpowers from it, so I guess it's a fair trade.

Oh, and there was the whole wish granting business at the end of it. Still hasn't nailed down what he's gonna wish for exactly. He's mostly in this for the adventure, and as a Boy Scout, he's more prepared than anyone else for this! Except that he's not prepared... He did not anticipate how long he'd be down here, and didn't pack enough food. He still had food left, but at this rate, he's gonna run out by the time he reaches Anger.

But here in Gluttony, he could maybe get his chance to fix that mistake. Judging from the smell, he could roughly guess what the lost soul's torture involved down here. They were probably being starved for eternity, while delicious food is just out of their reach. Or way out of their reach. Or an intermediate level out of their reach. Bottom line is, there's food but they can't reach it. But him? With his newfound powers, he was sure he could get to some gourmet meals, and restock his supply. There might be a few demons guarding it, but they wouldn't matter to him. Unless there were more than just a few, but how about we deal with that if it happens? Come to think of it, he kinda wished he'd be attacked by some Demons with, say, swords. The closest thing to a weapon on him was his pocket knife, and he'd love to get his hands on a fiery demon blade from Hell!

Anyway, one mission at a time (he gets distracted and goes off on random chains of thought easily, if you haven't noticed). "Objective: Find food supply. For now, I'll stick with the old trick for dealing with mazes: Keep to the right wall!" And so he sped off. And "sped" is an apt description, because he was moving suspiciously fast, especially for having that backpack. As a matter of fact, if you were to keep up with him, you'd notice that his legs weren't even moving. He had realized that floating takes so little energy, that it's actually less tiring to "fly" than to walk and bother with the constant leg movement. That is, assuming he's flying at walking speed. It's when he puts power into his movements that things really start to get tiring, although the Hill seemed to have helped with that as well by increasing his supply of stamina.

He was going fast now, of course, because he wanted to get past and out of sight of whatever's going on up ahead. The battle came into view, he saw a huge blueish explosion, a bunch of other flashy lights, and- WAS THAT A GIANT? But as soon as he saw it, he was past it. He decided to not look back and, after he was pretty sure he was out of sight, slowed down to normal walking speed. He was starting to feel the fatigue already.

As fate would have it, though, the wall to the right of him stopped a few seconds later. He turned down the new hallway, hoping he could find something at the end of it. If all the halls in this place were this long, he'd have more to worry about in his quest to find food than some guardian demons. What he did not know, is that on the map, he was headed straight for the "Pantry".

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Kenny felt a slight disturbance in the Auric Field as Edward used his Aura to float towards the Pantry.


Kenny then opened a Portal to where he detected the Disturbance coming from, and saw Edward floating along. Kenny had no trouble at all keeping the Portal moving alongside Edward. Kenny then stepped through the Portal onto a Horizontal Barrier he created that was moving with the Portal and Edward, and closed the Portal behind himself. Now that Kenny was moving at the same speed on a parallell Course to Edward, he decided to ask Edward a question.

"Who are you?"

Edited by K_H
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