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Under the Hill - Third Circle: Gluttony


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"Glad you're alive miss Rose" Ixidor said concern "Do you remember anything? you were killed by Marcus back there in the hall, so me and Panik brought you here inside this room, we couldn't just leave you back there in the corridor while those starving souls roams around the place." Ixidor said. "but it seems we have bigger problem... much bigger problem" Ixidor said. "It seems that Panik's older brother is trying to kill us." the boy pointed out the non-fiery giant.


Ifrit release an evil grin as he manifested a fiery whip on his hand. the Djinn mightily lash his demonic chain and hurls the tip of it towards Killer's neck. trying to decapitate the Giant's head off with its sharp and searing talons at the end of the whip.

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Kenny increased his speed, catching up to Ethic.

"Ethic, I Have An Idea As To How I Can Get The Tarot Back From That Keeper That We're After."

Kenny then whispered into Ethic's Ear, making sure to not let anyone else hear him by putting up a Sound Dampening Field around Ethic and himself, as well as emitting a very bright glow, clearing out the Darkness that was within earshot.

"It Involves Me Betraying Him After Pretending To Be His Ally. In Other Words, I'm Going To Try To Beat Him At His Own Game."

Edited by K_H
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(First try at this... I apologize in advance!)

Marcus and Edward

Edward mistook the amount of force that he needed to use in order to flip the Titan on its back though, and the blow just harmlessly bounced off the tough chest plate. "Agony need little ones for Chief," it said, forgetting all about the hit it had just taken from Edward. "Chief be mad if Agony no have little ones." With that, the giant began to lumber off in the direction that Ethic and Kenny had taken, completely forgetting about Edward and the still dead body of Marcus. "Funny little one! Come out! Agony still need take you to Chief!" The giant called, his voice echoing off the walls and going further into the hallway.

Rose, Ix, Panik, and Annie

Killer just blinked before catching the whip almost lazily, pulling the djinn forward and swinging it into a wall. "Now you little gits have really aggravated me, stand still so I can kill you!" With that, he began to bring his gargantuan hands to the ground.

Rose blanched when she saw this, immediately turning to her go-to spell. "Freeze," she called, frantic to stop the hands that were intent on turning them all into mincemeat. Killer shook it off easily and began to try again, but was stopped when a burst of pyrokinetic fire exploded around his chest. "You little buggers! Forget about the Chief, I'll kill you all until you can't come back anymore!" Rose quickly began to run, calling out, "Hurry, before it heals again! We need to stop this thing!" Panik got in front of Killer. "You need to calm down, big bro. Panik promisess, these little oness are good oness."

Enya, Ellaria, Morris, Mr. Taylor, and Phantom

Ellaria walked through the hole, carefully picking her way through the rubble so that she wouldn't fall. Stopping in the room, she tilted her head in confusion. Something sounded... Off. It seemed as though there were a faint, muted sound coming from somewhere in the room. Letting go of Enya's hand, she walked part way to where she heard the strange sound coming from, unknowingly facing a door a few yards away. "Guys," she whispered, not wanting to lose the sound, "I hear something, but it's really unusual. I-I can't make out what it is..." Ellaria's voice trailed off, and she whipped around as she realized that there was sounds coming from within the room as well-- the sounds of breathing. Summoning up her courage, she called out, "Is anyone here besides me, Enya, and Morris?"

((just to be clear, she's talking to Phantom and Mr. Taylor))


Quincy ran along the path he had chosen to escape the Titan, slowing. "Well, that was no fun. No fun at all. Didn't get to even kill that Ethnic guy, that suspicious person didn't even let me get a turn," the ratman rambled to himself, looking slightly sad. "Maybe the blonde girl will show up soon," he muttered. Suddenly, Quincy began to hear voices. "PREY!" he exclaimed gleefully. "I've found prey!" Twirling the Preacher, he began to stalk down the hall to his newfound quarry.

((he's headed to Enya's group))

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Phantom turned to Mr. Taylor as the new entries arrived. It appeared that they could not break away from the group for very long in this place, even if they tried. One of the girls, who appeared to be unable to see called out.

"Is anyone here besides me, Enya, and Morris?"

He spoke slowly to Mr. Taylor, his voice ringing around the room, while still seeming quiet.

"Your... friends..."

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Marcus gasped and spluttered, almost as if he had been drowning, and sat up with a start in the middle of the massive scorch mark left over from Ethic's detonation. He looked around, trying to ascertain where everyone had gone. As he looked about, he saw what looked like a teenager floating in midair. Normally this would throw him off, but the sight didn't even compare to the titan lumbering off in the distance. And that wasn't even enough to make him blink. Standing up, he patted himself down, finding one well-balanced knife on his person, hidden inside his jacket. The killer called out to the boy. "Who might you be?" he inquired innocently.

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"Oh no you don't big guy, my new buddies are busy with something MUCH more important than you right now. Or at least Ethic is, and Kenny and I are kinda just tagging along... But anyway, point is you aren't going that way!"

Edward soared around the behemoth looking for possible strategies. This guy closely resembles a turtle, so that means he has weak points where his limbs and neck meet his shell-and of course around the eyes. Now if only he had something bigger than a pocket knife. He could shoot lazers down those joint areas, but he didn't want to spend that much energy. He really needed to flip this thing on its back, but apparently he underestimated the thing's balance a second ago. He didn't even know how much energy it would take to push the thing backwards, and now wasn't the time to find out.

It wasn't that Edward was out of ideas, to the contrary he learned several tricks in Scouting. Problem is, he didn't exactly have the resources to trap even a regular turtle, much less this thing. But wait. HE DOES. Oh and there's this new guy calling out to him. Normally, he'd be grateful for any help, but his years of training gave his subconsciousness zero trouble in shooting off all the "stranger danger" alarms. I mean seriously, this guy's trying too hard to sound innocent, and the fact that he's even trying at all is a red flag. "Sorry, don't have the time" Edward shouted back and disappeared. Technically, it was true.

Catching up back to the other two, he quickly addressed Ethic first. "Hey, normally I'd warn you about what was coming, but I'm sure you've noticed the GIANT GODZILLA WANNABE TURTLE COMING AT YOU. So can I borrow Kenny for a second? Kthnxbai" and without waiting for a response grabbed Kenny's platform and steered him off course.

"Okay, came up with a trick to flip the thing on its back" he started explaining to the Lucario guy, also not waiting for a response. "You need to use your Green Lantern powers to make a wire run across this hallway. Don't worry about making it unseeable, this thing's too dumb to notice. He'll lumber straight into it, it'll put him off balance (a bipedal turtle should already be pretty back-heavy), and I'll swoop in and knock him over. Oh and one more thing: Stay off the ground, we got some major stranger danger going on down there. Any questions?"

Edited by Eagleby18
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"Restrain him" Ixidor shouted as Ifrit picks himself up after being savagely thrown into the wall, The Djinn quickly reacts as he ignites into fiery blaze and he cracks his whip once more. attacking Killer from behind, catching the Giant offguard as he got distracted by Rose and Panik . This time the rope make contact as it lassos around the Giant's neck and chokes him till he pass out, surely any sudden movements the Giant makes will tighten the fiery rope..

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Innocently as a child did, Enya put Ace's cottony muzzle to her ear and nodded attentively. Embracing the loved toy with a smile, she said in an almost sing-song voice, "Better hurry and choose if you're coming out, or if we're going inside! ~ Something really bad is on its way. ~"

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Annie, Rose, Ix & Panik

Killer at first gasped for air due to the surprise attack. Steam raised from his neck while the fiery whip slowly cut it's way deeper in the giant's flesh, and also from his chest where Rose's blast had hit him. The might of both strikes had made him go into one knee, but despite that he still managed a grin. And when a murderous-psycho the size of an apartment building grins, that's generally not a good sign. "There's no "good ones" here Panik, you should know that you half-wit... And speaking of half-wits, you should be smarter than to use the same trick twice..." He said in a raspy tone, reaching back to the whip again, and once more pulling Ifrit forth. This time, however, he threw the djin around in an arc, trying to sweep the room using the monster and it's weapon.


Enya, Ellaria, Morris, Mr. Taylor & Phantom

"Oh, so it's you guys!" Ellaria said, relieved to be in friendly company. But, right after that, she started hearing some... suspicious noises coming from their left. A moment later, Enya seemed to notice that too. Jeez, can't we stay out of trouble for some time? "Enya is right, we must get going. But we can't go back towards that other room... Is there any other way out of here?"

((Remember she can't see the remaining door.))

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"A Wire? That's Easier Than Falling Off A Log!"

Kenny then Materialized a Thick Wire in the specified location, and strong enough to put the Giant off-balance if it walked into it. He then raised his Platform to an altitude that was too high to reach from the ground, and then glided back to Ethic's Location, maintaining his Altitude as he did so.

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Ethic could only watch as Kenny and the random guy as they went off and put their little strategy. He could feel a presence nearby... but it wasn't like a keeper; no, this was different, very different. And then as soon as he had detected it, the thing was gone in the blink of an eye. He couldn't even figure out who or what it was, but there was one thing he could figure out; the flaming sword hurtling towards him like a saw blade.

"What in the hell...?" He took a few steps back, knowing from it's trajectory that it was aimed right at him. Then he noticed that even despite the flames, the metal of the weapon was black as night... then he put two and two together. "Shit!" he called as he dove to the ground just as the thing passed where his head had been seconds before, crashing into the stone floor and losing it's fiery swath. Ethic got up slowly, scanning the ceiling for any sign of where Maxwell could've launched the attack... but all he found was darkness.

"Kenny..." he began, just now noticing that the other young man had returned from setting the trap...though why was he that far up in the air? anyways, He didn't bother to finish the sentence though, he was more focused on the sword he had stolen from Scott and had subsequently been stolen by Lucian... and apparently by Maxwell as well.

"Oh, good, I missed," the lawyers voice rang out from the weapon. the surface of the metal began to swim, revealing his face in it like a mirror reflection. "Wouldn't want to kill you too soon now. Anyways, yeah, that little plan your friend had isn't gonna work out, kid. I'm onto you, and even if I wasn't, you would still fail." then the metal began to swim again, revealing his face once more. "And PS," he continued. "Check the lapel of your fatigues. I put a little something something there a while ago, but I won't much be needing it now, so do me a favor and get rid of it. Ta-ta." then his likeness vanished and the sword regained it's all black coloration.

Ethic did just that as he walked over and removed the thing from the floor, tucking it under his arm. whatever the hell Maxwell had planted on him, it was well embedded in the clothing...

"Got it," he said, looking up at Kenny. He brought his hand away from the collar of his black fatigue jacket. A tiny microphone was visible as he opened his palm, complete with a micro transceiver attached; the thing was a bug. "He's heard everything then..." Ethic said dejectedly. He fiddled with the thing, finally finding the power source, which was surprisingly a small watch battery, and removed it. He stowed the battery and the bug in separate pockets on his jacket, calling up to the other young man

"Hey kenny! Any plan b's? Because that one you just gave me is officially dead now."

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Ifrit tries to subdue the Giant but to no avail, Killer was too strong. The fire beast was sweep away his feet ,and was carried away by the immense force and leaves him flying all around the place as he slams from wall to wall.

Ifrit has no choice but to break the hold....but before he lets go of the whip, the fiery djinn ignites the rope once more as his mane emits what seems to be a dark colored flame, the jet-black hellfire was relentless as it quickly surges to the rope, like a fuse and went straight into the Titan's neck. in a matter of seconds Killer combust and was devour in this eternal hellfire, this flame cannot be extinguish by any means, as sears all over the Giant's body,although it might not kill the giant due to its resilience, it can certainly prevent Killer from regenerating due to its continuous damage over time.

Ifrit finally lets go of the whip and was send flying towards a nearby wall, knocking the fire lord unconscious.

((yes, im ripping off Amaterasu from Naruto))

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Kenny, Ethic, Edward & Marcus

A mighty roar was heard when the turtle like titan approached running like a cannon ball... straight into the wire set by Kenny. Fast as it was coming, there was no way to stop before it, and soon he crashed there chest-high, losing balance and, finally, falling squarely over it's shell with a huge noise.

As soon as it realized what was happening, it curled into a ball, trying to shield himself with his bone plates.


Annie, Ix, Rose, Panik

Killer roared in pain as the flames licked it's skin. Steam raised from his whole body, and it seemed that Ifrit's tactic was working. That, however, brought in a new element to the fight: the steam was gathering inside the room, creating a deep fog that made it hard to see what was going on.

Panik was now lying on the floor. He had been hit by Ifrit when Killer swung the djin around the room, and was a little dizzy from the impact, but he did notice something little right beside him: Annie. It seemed like he almost fell over her, but luckily she was not hurt.

"Eh, you'sss another little one? Isss you fighting bro Killer too?" the lizard giant asked.

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Well, things went better than Edward expected. He didn't even have to strike the final blow, the wire did all the knocking over. Obviously, this would only inapacitate the guy for a while, nobody's going to get a chance to attack, sine the turtle's gonna do what turtles do when threatened- retract into their shells. No, wait, this one curls up like an armadillo. Either way, attacking isn't a good idea right now. Plus, if this thing's really more armadillo-like than turtle-like, that means it has a chance of carrying a deadly disease. Oh wait, turtles can too. Or at least that's what his parents told him, he never heard that one in Scouts or school. As a matter of fact, if it was true, why did he not learn it in Scouts? Where he lives, he tends to see many more turtles than armadillos. Dang, getting off track at REALLY inopportune time.

He flew over to the other two and pretty much recounted the above paragraph to them, minus the whole thing about the diseases and Scouts and school and parents. "So maybe we should just get out of here before it gets up. Also before that creeper catches up to us!" And he was gone before Ethic could ask about the "creeper".

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Mr. Taylor turned to Phantom, "Aye lad, but I'm not sure if leaving is the right move just yet." He looked around the room, still in deep though. "We've been in here quite a while, haven't we Phantom? Yet, I can't shake the feeling that the end to this level is near. Remember last level? The exit was guarded by the strongest succubi that hell could throw at us, yell at least that the second level could. But, now we've seen that giant get bossed around. No, whatever it was that ordered that giant that locked us in here, that must be the end boss to this realm. You say you think something is coming Enya? Let it come. This is hell isn't it? We won't avoid bad things forever down here. We need to stand up to whatever's coming this way and we need to take whatever information from it that we can."

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Enya, Ellaria, Morris, Phantom, Mr. Taylor, and Quincy

Quincy rounded the corner gleefully and saw the newly reformed group of people together. "Oh darn, the blonde haired bored girly isn't here," he said, drawing the attention of everyone else in the group. "I finally have prey though!" the ratman exclaimed gleefully, a manic gleam coming into his eye. Looking at the people in the room, Quincy thought out loud, happily twirling the Preacher. "The two runts aren't enough of a challenge, and oooh, there's a new varmint! I wonder if he'll be any fun to kill." With that, Quincy leapt at Morris, Preacher at the ready.

Ellaria heard and recognized Quincy's voice, and immediately backed away in terror. No, this can't be happening, she thought. "Guys," she shakily called out, still backing away, "is there another way out?" Ellaria had reached the back of the room, and could hear a slightly louder noise coming from the walls, though she wasn't sure what it was still.

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Finally! Something that's not a hallway! Edward let himself slow down, and only then did he realise how hard he was panting. Yeah, he had kinda been going pretty fast for awhile now. But come to think of it, he had recently doing more stuff than usual, and was only now feeling the fatigue. It seems that the more he works at it, the more his stamina grows. "Practice makes better, I guess" he said to himself. The original phrase he had heard was "Practice makes perfect", but he didn't say that because no one's perfect, no matter how much they practice.

But anyway, new room. Kinda circular looking, two doors on either end, one of them looks like it was exploded open. Hey, where are the other two guys? Did he go too fast for them? Maybe he should go ba-hey look new people! At initial glance, he saw an old guy, a girl a bit younger than him with a teddy bear, a buch of people in between that he no longer is interested in because he's too busy looking at the little girl's eyes, and the giant rat from earlier.

The big rat's talking. That's not natural, it might be Hellspawn. Aaaand it has a gun. Aaaaaand it's jumping at one of the people. Definatley Hellspawn. Great, looks like he's got one more fight before he can take a rest...

Under normal circumstances, he would have nuked the rat with meteor strike (although it wouldn't be as strong as the other times he used it because he's not as high up). But there were people here, and he wanted to protect them. Especially the pretty eyes girl. Maybe even impress herGOSH DARNIT HE WAS THINKING TOO LONG!

Edited by Eagleby18
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Marcus dashed forward at full speed toward the downed titan, easily moving faster than any human could hope to move in an efficient, predatory lope. He circled the turtle-like creature once, ignoring the humans around it for the moment as he searched for a chink in the seemingly impenetrable armor plating.

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The giant kept all closed, with just one huge eye open following Marcus. There were various points were the murderer could see it's skin, but it was so hard that attacking it would probably be useless.

((Tip: Have you read Ender's Game? As in there, when you can't beat a giant, there's only one way to go...))


((Waiting on Morris & Annie for the other updates))

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"Guys, is there another way out?"

Phantom slowly responded as he open a portal to the other dimension.


And with that, he stepped through, leaving the others to themselves for a short time. Perhaps they would think he was deserting them. If that was the case, he would simply have to deal with it later. For now, he had to focus on the task at hand.

(((Sorry for shortness, but there isn't a whole lot more embellishment to be done on this.)))

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Mr. Taylor watched as Phantom moved back into the Phantom zone. He couldn't be sure if the man was deserting them or had another plan. Either way though he knew that he and the rest of the group needed one thing. Time.

"So, Mr. Rat Man, you fancy yourself quite the cowboy don't you? Well, in my day I wasn't a terrible shot myself. However, I seem to find myself without a weapon. Now, I do believe that a man who calls himself the best killer in the world wouldn't just kill an old man without giving him a chance. What sort of challenge would that be, my boy? No, I have a proposition I think you may be interested in. You see, back in the day a man could prove his honor by a process known as 'pistols at dawn', or a duel they may call it. If you're man enough to accept the challenge of an old man, then throw one of your pistols my way and let's begin."

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Group around Quincy

The rat-man stopped mid way towards Morris when he heard Mr. Taylor's challenge. Probably a dumb thing to do, but he couldn't simply turn down something as fun as that!

"Eh, that's a nice idea gramps! But how do I know you varmints won't gang up on me as soon as I give you one of my toys?" He asked in his usual seemingly relaxed way.

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"How about I do it instead?"

Edward, seeing no one had noticed him, "disappeared" around the corner and then walked back into view, pretending to be a normal human.

"Think about it, old timer, you're not what you used to be, and whatever your opponent is, it's not natural. You're more likley to lose your own life than to save anyone's. And I may not look it, but I'm a famous shot where I come from (this was actually true, in the Rifle Shooting Merit Badge event, he was the best shot in his Troop. That's not saying much though because most of the rest of his Troop were terrible shots). Let me do it, and the worst that can happen is you lose some random guy who came out of nowhere and you don't care about."

Not yet, at least. If this new plan works out, they'll definitley be caring about him in a minute or two. But until then, he HAS to convince the old guy to let him do this instead.

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