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Under the Hill - Third Circle: Gluttony


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Ethic watched his killer battle the titan from the shadows of the ceiling high above, clinging to the stones using life spikes, as he had done before with Lucian. He didn't know this guy's name, but he knew damn well that he had been attacked by him not long ago. He should've just killed him back in the first circle when he had the chance...oh, wait... that's right, that would've only been a temporary solution.

"Great..." Ethic snarled under his breath. "And now this guy comes back... and of course I'm in no condition to fight him." he could hear a bit of commotion and echoes coming from behind him though. He glanced over, seeing some type of...what could best be described as a giant wall blocking off part of the corridor. It was a little hard to be certain from this distance, but he thought he could see a few friendly's standing on top of it. He was left with a choice, either stick around and watch this guy massacre the Giant... or get the hell out of here and move towards friendlier skies. It wasn't much of a choice really; the only reason he had gotten himself up on the ceiling like this was because of that random guy's warning earlier followed by Ethic actually spotting what he had been talking about a few seconds earlier. The mystery helper from the keeper fight had pretty much disappeared after that, and Kenny... He didn't even know where the heck Kenny had gone.

"Screw it..." he said bitterly. "I'm pretty sure that in my state, a fight against this guy will be pretty much one sided. No point in wasting myself without reason; though I'll make sure that he get's his sooner or later." With that, he turned around and started walking towards the gargantuan wall in the distance, moving silently in the darkness of the high altitude of the ceiling, making sure to keep an eye out for the other man far down below as he steadily put more and more distance between them.

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Kenny decided that he'd try to keep out of the way of everyone else, and moved his Platform very high up into the Air, making it difficult to spot him. He then decided he'd explore the Circle a bit more, and glided into the Circular Room, noticing two Doors once he entered. the one on the left intrigued him somewhat, so he decided to go through the Keyhole and see what was behind it.

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Ixidor simply extend his one arm as he triggers his erasing powers, in an instant, the huge stapler clip simply vanish in mid air,(you can't really just use Ixidor's own creation against him ;P)

the painter stays in his position and reloads the magical cannon, and decided to go rambo on Killer, Ixidor rapid fires a barrage of harpoons at the Giant's body, mostly aim for the heart.

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Suddenly, Edward shifted his tone to a much, MUCH more serious one.

"Okay Mr. guy-what is your name anyway? Mine's Edward- arm yourself with as many of those guns as you can NOW. We've got a category 5 crapstorm headed directly toward us, ETA 30 seconds!"

He hadn't spent much time on the ground latley, and now he wished he did. He was taught in Scouts about feeling stuff through vibrations in the earth, but wasn't that good at it. But he didn't need to be good at it to notice that something big and terrifying was either coming or already here.

Enya. He needed to warn Enya. Oh and the other guys too I guess. He tossed one of the spare guns toward the old guy, and without even seeing if he caught it, ran over to the wall-still not showing his super side just yet- and called out to them. "Hey guys, when I told you about taking the bungee cord down from there, it was just a friendly suggestion. But now I'm telling you that you need to get down from there NOW!"

He could still feel it. He was standing on both feet, not even squatting like he was when he first felt it, and he could still feel it! What was going on? He was legitimately scared for the first time in a while, and that's saying something considering HE'S IN HELL WITH SUPERPOWERS.

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Phantom, Mr. Taylor, Morris, Enya, Ellaria, and Kenny (I'm going to assume that Phantom is in the twilight zone somewhere in the room, considering that we haven't heard otherwise)

Ellaria let out a sigh of relief as she heard Mr. Taylor talking to the strange new boy that had joined him, glad that the elderly man was safe. Unsure of how to get down from the wall, she sat and listened to the surrounding noises, noting with some alarm that the weird noise she had been hearing was now closer than ever, and had a growling tendency to it. Calling out to the group, Ellaria said, "Guys, I thi--" But whatever she was going to say could not be heard with what happened next.

The only door left unopened in the room swung open with a crash, destroying part of Enya's created wall and nearly crushing Kenny, but the creature that lumbered into the room was far, far more of an issue for the travellers. It looked to be a hellhound at 25 feet, though its features are what distinguished it the most. The dog-like creature had three heads stemming from a mane of live, wriggling snakes. Instead of a normal tail, there was a scaly, serpently tail slowly moving back and forth.

The left-most head looked around the room and perked up, ears at attention. "Oh look," it proclaimed in a higher voice gleefully. "Minos has sent fresh food! We can eat actual, live meat again!" The right-most head looked over in disdain. "You can't just eat everything, though it would be nice," the head growled. "Clearly Minos has sent these live ones for a reason-- though whatever it is, I do not know," it added, turning its nose up at the thought that it may not be able to eat the ones that smelt so delicious. The center-head looked at both others before responding nervously, "Should we ask someone? I don't want to get in trouble, but I really want to eat them."

Morris stood and shot his Browning into the air. "The bleedin' hell are you? You can't just burst in and say you're going to eat us. There's more of us than there is you; we can beat you easily!" As the walls that Enya had created disappeared into the floor again, Morris aimed at the hellhound and shot at it. This failed though, as the bullets just bounced off the dog's skin. The right-most head stared at the man that had dared to shoot at it before bringing its head down in one fell swoop and gulping down Morris with one bite. Growling, the head said, "I've changed my mind, forget about Minos. We deserve fresh food, and they would never make it out of here anyway. Let's eat." With that, all three heads began to move about the room, intent on eating anyone they could catch.

Ixidor, Annie, Rose, and Panik

Rose chose that moment to send multi-pyrokinetic blasts toward Killer, watching in satisfaction as each hit its mark and the giant cried out in pain. "We need to get a move on," she called worriedly, eyes darting at her companions. "Clearly he's too strong for us, we need to fall back and regroup!"

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Mr. Taylor caught the gun and quickly placed it away. A part of him wanted to keep arguing for his weapons, but losing them wouldn't be a huge problem. No, the problem right now was this boy. He didn't know who he was or what he was all about. Worse yet, Mr. Taylor couldn't be sure of what his power was. He sighed and began to move his lips to introduce himself, but just as he began to talk a new villain decided to rear it's ugly head.

Mr. Taylor watched as Cerberus himself it seemed appeared and decided to make some poor, annoying boy its snack. Of course this would all happen now, when he was so close to having everything he needed to pull off his plan. However, now was not the time. The plan was the only thing that was important to Mr. Taylor now and that would be next to impossible to pull off without being alive.

"Enya, my dear!" Mr. Taylor called out, "Make the wall again and lock that creature in it!"

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Marcus withdrew his arm and moved quickly, especially as a portion of the titan's energy moved into him, but not quickly enough. The edge of the beast's palm caught the killer, sending him skidding across the ground. He stood up, however, with no major injuries, though he had probably just expended most of his luck. His next strike was at the offending hand, trying to open an artery or sever a nerve in the hand with a powerful swipe of his blade.

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Phantom was alarmed twice over in his Phantom zone, the first being the absence of Quincy's presence. He could still sense the others nearby, but Quincy's had disappeared, presumably having been killed by the others. Phantom hadn't even had a chance to surprise the rat-man. Just as he was about to exit his dimension, another thing caught his attention. An enormous presence was nearby, and it was almost as if he could sense multiple beings in the same place. He opened a portal near the others and stepped out, curious and worried as to what this presence could be. Besides, he had been in the other dimension for a fair amount of time, and it was beginning to wear on him. He came out near Mr. Taylor, sword in hand, and looked upon the being. It was a three-headed dog, towering above the group. Despite their advantage in numbers, Phantom felt as though they were still overpowered. Something about the creature just exuded menace.

"I... return..." he said to no one in particular. He let the tip of his sword rest on the ground. His body was tired, and he needed to save what energy he could for this battle.

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It always seems that the dread of an upcoming event is scarier than the event itself. Edward felt much better just seeing his opponent, imposing as it was.

"Cerberus huh. I bet he's the boss of this circle. If we kill it we can go on to level 4. Sorry Mr. Guy (you still haven't told me your name), but the guns won't help after all. You're gonna have to use your superpowers if we want to stand a chance." He spoke more calmly than he was a second ago, but no less serious. "As for me, I guess it's time to show you WHY I was better suited to fight Quincy. Aaaaaaafter I make sure Enya's safe." And there he was, suddenly and inexplicably on the complete other side of the room, next to the girl he had just named.

Well crap, this is the first time he's spoken to her! What should he say... Well the Teddy bear indicates she's still in THAT stage of her life. He had grown out of it at 6, but he knew everyone matured at different rates. And in about 10 years, both she and him would probably look and act the same age. But for now, since she was still in a primordial mindset, he should appeal to her childlike fascination.

"Your name's Enya, right? Tell me, have you ever wanted to fly?"

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The little girl looked up at him... oh, but he's not a Mister man, what was a little boy doing here of all places? Her big, big ice blue eyes seemed to bore into him as she smiled. "Ace can fly," she replied, hugging her big one-button-eyed teddy bear. "Ace says the big bad worm-doggy is going to guzzle us up if we don't do something." As if talking about cute dandelions and sunshine, she said this with a pleasant tone. Without turning away from the new boy, her eyes flashed in a sort of neon-ish glow and what looked like static portals or "tears" opened up before Cerberus, thick, high walls like the barricades that kept them away from the duel earlier began form as though they were always there-- yet out of place, but always there.

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The knife bounced harmlessly in the giant´s skin, and for very few Marcus wasn´t hit again. Now the beast started to struggle to get back on it´s feet, with not much success... At first. It was still dangerous for the killer though, as arms and legs shaking wildly could hit him any time.


Enya, Ellaria, Ed, Mr. Taylor, Phantom, Kenny.

Cerberus didn´t even flinch when the walls got up. With loud noise, the Hellhound crashed against them head on, causing them to crumble to the ground*. Keeping forward, the left head tried a bite at Kenny, while the right one shot towards Mr. Taylor and Phantom. The middle one was undecided, looking from Ellaria to Enya and Edward, but after some consideration it chose the later two and stroke viciously.

*((Take care with falling rocks people XD))

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Ixidor carries the magical cannon on his back as he regroups with Rose. the painter quickly dashes through the field like a scared little boy as he makes his way to the girl. "We need to sync our attacks miss Rose, got a plan?" Ixidor pants and has a worried look on his face.

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At first Edward stood dumbfounded, partly because of what the girl said, partly because of what she did, and partly just because she was looking at him. Well, anyway "Ace" must be the name of her teddy beaOH BALLS HERE IT COMES!

Normally he would've given Enya a warning, like "hold on tight because we're gonna go really fast" or something, but there wasn't time. While holding one arm against her back, he put his other one behind her legs and pushed them out from under her, so that she fell backwards into his the first arm. He wondered if this was what people meant by "sweeping a girl off her feet". As long as it took to describe that motion, he had done it in only a millisecond or two, and took off with the sound of a jet engine, just barley escaping Cerberus' jaws in time. And when it's barley by Edward's standards, you know it was a REALLY close call.

He flew her to the doorway he had entered in, reconsidered, as that was the one with the giant turtle and the stranger danger, and flew her over to the other one that neither he nor Cerberus entered by.

"Listen Enya, I now know you also have super powers, but you'll have to use them at range. Whatever you do, DON'T move yourself or Ace physically from this spot. Unless Cer-the big dog comes for you himself. If that happens, run for it down this hallway. Understand?"

He had a (bad?) habit of saying what he needed/wanted to say and then leaving before getting a response. Such was the case here: before Enya could say anything, he was back at the scene of the battle, aiming to deliver a flying roundhouse kick to the rightmost head of the beast (the one attacking Mr. Old guy). But it looked like he might have taken too long with Enya, he wasn't going to make it in time...

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As though confused momentarily, Enya blinked. Which was something she did not usually do or feel.

Oh, but the others were being picked on by the guzzling worm-dog!

The little girl heeded only one's words anyway-- and that was Ace-- and he said that she should help out her friends. With a smile, she started off away from where the speedy boy left her towards Miss Ellaria, who was all alone, vulnerable underneath the falling rocks. Her eyes flashed again and part of a bomb shelter conveniently materialized into existence, shielding the nice blind lady from the debris.

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Phantom rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the head. His reflexes weren't their usual. He was physically worn, and he could tell. He stood again, the tip of his sword still resting on the ground as he hunched forward. He slowly backed away, preparing for another dodge and a counterattack if it came for him again.

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Enya, Ellaria, Mr. Taylor, Phantom, Kenny, Ed

Mr. Taylor, too slow for dodging the right head, was about to be eaten... But was saved, ironically, for Kenny. As the aura weaver flew higher, the left head of Cerberus tried to reach him once again in a vicious strike, but ended up pulling the rest of the hound´s body with it. With the awkward movement, Edward passed at full speed right in front of the head he was aiming for, missing the mark completely. "Hey, come on! I told you millions of times not to go jumping like that." said the right head, which was answered by a irritated growl from it´s left counterpart, still trying to bite Kenny. Rolling it´s eyes in a sign of annoyance, left changed targets to the guy with the sword (Phantom) while trying a hit with it´s huge serpentine tail towards Edward.

While that happened, the center head looked from left to right trying to find the prey that flew away from it. Fortunately, it seemed that at least one of them was coming right back... The head blocked Enya´s path towards Ellaria, opened it´s huge mouth and started towards the child with a quick motion of it´s neck.

Ellaria listened to the sound of falling rocks and prepared for the impact, but a moment and some static noise later it sounded like they were bouncing away from her. She didn´t really got what happened, but she knew it was Enya´s doing. And she knew she had to get out of here.

In the blink of an eye, the girl was not there anymore. Or so it seemed. Invisible, Ellaria ran off to the room´s walls and there started looking for a way out. She found it finally, feeling the wall stop in what seemed another corridor*, and was about to run through it when doubt got into her. Would she really abandon her friends once more? Wasn´t all of this about redemption, as Minos stated?On the other hand, she didn´t even know for sure what they were facing, and she would probably die trying to help. Without knowing what to do, the blind girl just stood there, hidden from the other´s eyes.

*((She´s in the corridor Cerberus has opened))



It hit. A normal person would never be able to throw a knife with such strenght and precision, but Marcus´s skill combined with the super-human strenght he acquired pulled it of. The giant suddenly stopped moving, it´s arms and legs hitting the ground heavily. Now the only sound to be heard on the corridor was the loud battle going on in the room next to it...


Rose, Ix, Annie, Panik

Severely hurt, Killer decided to summon the las the last of his strenght and go for an all or nothing charge against the little group composed by Ix, Rose, and Annie. He prepared to dash forward and get them off guard as they tried to regroup... Only to get his foot held up by Panik, who was still on the floor behind him, and fall face first in the ground. The lizardly titan didn´t need to talk anything for them to know that this was their chance.

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Edward considered it a net gain. Sure his roundhouse kick missed, and he had crashed into a wall, but way the beast "dodged" had given him an idea. And when the snake-tail came for him, it was the perfect chance to try that idea out.

Instead of barrel rolling out of the way like he would've done without the idea, he dropped and shot back up a split second later, wrapping his arms around where the snake's head meets the... Neck? He'd handled snakes before, and that's where you want to grab them, since they can't turn around to bite you. Unless it's a super friendly snake like his pet Python Oakley, in which case it really doesn't matter where you pick it up.

He pulled forward (to Cerberus, it's backward), hoping to do to all 3 heads what the left head just did to the right head. As he did, he shouted out "Hey everyone, now's your chance!"

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Annie's eyes shot open as she realized the chance they had. Without hesitating, she rocketed forwards, tearing the weapon out of the creature before leaping into the air. Holding it in both hands below her, she twisted in mid air and angled it to it's neck. Altering herself to gain more weight, she rocketed down towards the exposed weak spot, letting out a fierce war cry, the speed at which she was falling blurring her words and making her eyes sting.

"Die, you abomination of nature!"

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Marcus exalted in the onrush of energy from the titan. He wondered briefly if all of this would have an effect on his appearance. Some sort of horrible growth would make playing the part of a nice guy hard, but then again, his usual route was rather obsolete with his newfound speed and strength.

He heard crashes and rumbling a fair distance away, and headed toward the source of the commotion.

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Big mouth. Monster drool. Wet. Wet. Ace doesn't like getting wet. Ace doesn't- "NOOOO! You ugly smelly dog! Get--" static portals opened in the air up front as the shed she made for Ellaria disappeared abruptly-- "away--" black and white steam bellowed from the portal-- "from ACE!" The last word was accentuated-- or rather, blocked out-- by the bellows of a static clown circus train that charged at full speed to meet the jaw of the beast,Enya hurrying to run away without checking the damage.

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Phantom dashed to the side of the beast's head as it was pulled by the boy, running alongside it before slashing towards the inside of it's cheek. He had seen the attacks of the others fail, and he was unsure if his would make any difference. If it was true that only their abilities could hurt this beast, then he would be of little help to the others.

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