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Under the Hill - Third Circle: Gluttony


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The Battle of the Third Circle

Cerberus didn´t even notice Ellaria and continued in it´s rampage, trying to attack litterally everyone with it´s jaws and the snakes of it´s mane. The side heads were both raging, but there would be no way the central one wouldn´t notice the huge static portal beneath it, But in spite of that, the monster wasn´t taking any providence to avoid it...

Ellaria breathed heavily lying against the wall. It was a miracle that the frail girl was still alive, despite the multiple broken bones from the impact, but that would probably not last much.

For some reason she couldn´t feel any pain, but that relief quickly turned into despair when she realized she didn´t feel anything, and couldn´t move as well. Some part of her remembered the car accident that took her vision and family... This felt like thatt, all over again. She would lose everything one more time, her body and her friends.

Suddenly, a decision rushed over the panic that threatened to take her. This time would NOT be like that, she wouldn´t allow senseless fate, in the form of some monster, to take the people that she cared for away while she didn´t do a thing.

She heard static, louder than ever. And with her last strenght, she wished that Enya and her portal would be invisible like her. She focused on that as a least beacon of hope while her dark world started being filled with white, beautiful light...

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((I'm going to assume that since Notus didn't say anything about the blood, it's just normal blood)

Nope, not acidic blood. Just normal blood. Edward should've figured anyway, but it was never a bad idea to be too cautious. "Hey, I wonder what Enya's up to" he thought to himself as he turned back to the battle. But to his suprise, Enya was gone, and so was the portal she had made. No, she's still there, and so is the portal. No, that's stupid, her power is making stuff come out of portals, not turning invisible. I don't care, she's still there. Okay, what was it that was making him think she was still th-GET BACK NOW!

That last jolt of... whatever it was... was so strong he didn't even think as he shot himself backwards, pressing himself against the wall and getting the dog's blood all over his backpack. It was almost involuntary, like how your leg automatically kicks when you hit your knee in just the right spot.

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It continued to grow, though the floor had appeared normal now, as though the portal weren't there. Enya wasn't at all aware of the fact that she'd become invisible; she wanted revenge, revenge, revenge for Miss Ellaria. The bad dog hurt her. The bad dog might even have broken her. Ace didn't like that. Ace liked people who protected him. Ace liked people who protected Enya. With every passing second the little girl strained to pry the doors to another dimension open.

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Kenny started to amp up Enya's Power, causing the entire Room to shake as he started to pour every last drop of his vast supply of Auric Energy that he could into Enya's reserves.

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The Battle of the Third Circle

Suddenly, the girl and the huge portal became visible again. Cerberus looked down with it's center head, which barked to the other two to draw their attention. All of them exchanged a worried look, and decided to go after the little girl all at once, in an attempt to stop the imminent threat.

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The sight of the big, bad dog trying to stop her made the little girl all the more angry. They dare try to stop her?! To stop Ace?! With a cry of exertion and rage-- a cry that sounded like two animals, one half-howling, half-roaring, the other hissing vehemently-- she pushed the surges of energy she had into widening and opening the portal. A salty smell, like that of the sea, as well as the sound of roaring waves filled the room; the static tear was getting closer and closer to reaching the big paws of the three-headed hellhound.

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The Battle of the Third Circle

The barrier made by Kenny stopped the Hell-Hound for only a moment. It's fangs easily tore through it as if it was made of butter, but the delay was enough to make the portal reach Cerberus's back paws.

With a huge noise, the back of the three headed dog fell into the hole, and suddenly it found itself hanging by the front paws, incapable of reaching Enya or anyone else.

"...I knew it. Damn, you guys really didn't notice that hole?" the right head said, looking as if it was ready to facepalm (if it had a palm to begin with). "Meh, you didn't too right? Stop lecturing us, you're being laame." The leftmost answered, before resuming it's now helpless attempt to reach and bite Enya. The center one, with a scared look on it's face after looking down, directed it's speech to Enya. "Eh, uhmn, it's pretty high here... So, uhmn... Sorry?"

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A pair of big, icy blue eyes peered at the center head-- at least, originally, they would've been icy blue, but they were becoming mottled with muddy brown. Enya grinned, from ear to ear-- almost literally, with pointy teeth.


The portal widened.

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Kenny's Aura started Arcing hugely, as if he was about to Overload, and he spoke up, his Voice starting to sound like it was a Robot.


Kenny then put up another Barrier, and used it to try to push Cerberus into the Portal.

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So, Enya WAS there all along after all. Edward's... subconsciousness? was right. How did he know that... well, now's not the time to think about it, because all 3 heads are going for Enya now!

At this point Edward wasn't sure what to do with himself. He wanted to help Enya, but getting her out of the way might disrupt her concentration or something and close the portal. Then she'd be furious at HIM. And if he attacked the beast directly, he'd put himself right above the portal. Thankfully, before he could make a decision, Lucario man (Oh yeah, he's back too. Wonder where Ethic is) did it for him by making a wall between them. That wall didn't last long, but it lasted long enough; and now the dog was halfway into the portal, scrambling with its front paws to get out and... Trying to talk to Enya? Oh no. He's seen enough cartoons to know where this was going. Cerberus here was trying to pull a Starscream on them. He hated this trope, because it was too stupidly obvious for any sane hero to fall for, yet the the hero ALWAYS falls for it.

He wasn't going to let it happen this time. He Blasted straight to the spot halfway between Enya and the closest head, and did the same thing that he did to Longicus' spears- fire a pulse of energy to push him backward.

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The Pulse phased through the Barrier. When the Barrier reached Cerberus, however, it started to push the Hellhound backwards.

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The Battle of the Third Circle

The Hound disappeared through the portal with a beastly howl, being pushed from all sides by the adventurers, and with that, finally the Third Circle fell silent again.

((Good job guys! XD))

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Promptly, completely fatigued by the battle, Enya swayed on the spot, her nearly completely brown eyes flickering back to their normal blue hue.


As the child fell unconscious and lay crumpled on the spot, the portal closed over the roaring seas quickly. It didn't seem like Enya would be waking up any time soon.

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Rose, Ixidor, Annie, and Panik

(am awful person for not having continued this, I know. Considering their fight has been over for awhile, we're going to assume that they've walked to where the Battle was during it's duration)

Rose staggered along, using a wall for support. That fight had cost her a great deal of her returned strength. She knew, however, that finding the way out of this circle was of the utmost importance at this point. Annie and Ixidor had come with her, along with Panik, who was acting as their body guard. Up ahead, there was a great tumultuous noise before total silence. Digging deep, the girl began running, coming to a stop when she saw a room that had the bodies of those she had met here strewn around, some alright and some... not so alright. "Oh my, what happened?!"

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Ethic simply sat in the darkness after offing himself against Marcus. He didn't even bother going to see Scott again, though his spot was clearly visible in the distance. he simply needed to get back out of here as soon as possible and get word to the others about that...psychopath he had just roasted. The Goth/ IT guy's life story would just have to wait a bit longer as far as he was concerned. Then after a while he finally felt that tell tell tucking...

He opened his eyes, finding himself lying on the ground where his body had landed and been incinerated. He tossed a few quick glances around, seeing the floor and walls had been covered in a layer of soot and scorch marks from the blast. Seemed that his enemy from earlier had yet to come back to life. Good... He thought solemnly to himself. That means I might actually be able to get to them now. With that he stood slowly, seeing that the others had somehow taken out the dog. And even better, they managed to 86 Cerberus.

He took off in their direction, sprinting as fast as he could, being sure to stay aware of the area behind him as he went. He would easily be visible to anyone from the group as he drew closer and closer.

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Edward was panting again. He had done a lot of zooming around at high speeds, and had just fired a force pulse (at least it wasn't a full out lazer beam). He never did try out that idea of his, but at this point, he probably didn't have the strength to anyway. Good thing he wouldn't need to, the dog was gone... right? "Hey Enya, exactly where did you send that guy? Enya? Um, Eny-OH COME ON!" Why does everyone's superpowers, including his, wear them down so quickly? Well, I guess it's better than no superpowers. Wonder what all those superhero comics would be like if the superheroes got tired so easily. Their fights would definitely be a lot shorter. And the writers would probably have to underpower their enemies- getting off track again, need to focus on the unconscious girl here.

"Don't worry everyone, as a Boy Scout I know first aid" he said out loud so that (hopefully) no one else would decide to be annoying and interfere. "Okay, I'm gonna assume she's collapsed due to exhaustion. Now what was it they said about exhaustion again? Don't move the body? Well, duh they said that, they say that about pretty much EVERYTHING in first aid. Now, first thing is that we gotta lower her body temperature, but not by too much at once or she'll go into shock." He had an electric fan in his backpack, but it might be too small. "Kenny, you have green lantern powers and whatnot, can you make a large fan?"

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Marcus gasped to life again. Immediately, he rose in a fury. Not only had that bastard killed him, he'd denied Marcus the pleasure of putting his knife where it belongs. He let out a wordless roar of rage, and stormed down the hallway toward the noise that he heard in the distance.

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"Damn it!" Ethic roared, turning his face to the ceiling. "Come on! can't you help me even fucking once!?" He turned his attention back to the killer. So damn close... but nope, he had to come back just as he was getting to them... The fire trick probably wasn't going to work twice. He'd have to rely on numbers to win this.

"Mr.Taylor" he roared as Marcus stormed closer, hoping the older man would be able to hear him. "I think this man is the one who killed you!" Then back to Marcus. "Enough..." He stripped off his back and jacket, dropping them to the ground beside him. "I've had enough...of you. And that was just after one round. A new record... congratufuckinglations friend." The next moment he had drawn Scott's sword from his belt, getting into a fighting stance, awaiting the psychopaths approach.

"It's time I try something new..." he snarled, focusing his mind on the Temperance Link... he still had no idea what it did... but now was a good time to find it out. "Number Fourteen... Temperance." The moment he established the link, a sphere formed in the air, blazing with light like the sun. A pillar of energy shot into the stone floor, spreading out through the grout of the cobbled pathway and ending about fifth-teen feet in every direction of Ethic, forming a perfect circle around him, a circumference of thirty feet. And in that moment, the ball faded into nothing. but the circle of light remained, along with the path ways it had traced in the stones. Ethic knew what it did now... he knew exactly what the hell he had just done...it was either very lucky for him and the others...

Or it was going to cost him everything against this guy. Either way... He was going to stand his ground. He glared at Marcus, a fire of determination in his eyes.

"Go on. Enter this circle. The arena is set... I will fucking tear you apart if you come any closer to these people... And I'll do everything I can to make sure you NEVER get back up afterwards."

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**All hell-dwellers**

Rose whipped around at the sound of an angry voice, spying that Ethic and Alex ((just to be clear, she still doesn't know his name is)) had joined them. "You BASTARD!!" the woman shrieked, looking at Alex and forgetting about any sense of calmness. "You killed me!"

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Marcus put his arm into the field that Ethic summoned, testing it. He grinned as the nature of it quickly revealed himself to him. "I'd like to see you try. I'm not sure how you plan on standing up to me with no power." Inwardly, he would have been nervous. He didn't actually know if the other man had negated his own powers, but the worst thing that could happen was him getting cooked and having to murder the annoying mage again.

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Hey look, Ethic's back! Apparently Mr. Old Guy is named Mr. Taylor too. Aaaaaand just great, stranger danger guy is back and Ethic confirms that he is, in fact, a murderer. Apparently he killed Mr. Taylor and is going to WAIT WHAT? If he killed Mr. Taylor, then how is Mr. Taylor still...

But then he remembered his theory about how the lost souls were tortured down here. He had seen them mutilated and killed, but known that their torment was supposed to last forever. So he guessed that after a while, the souls' body regenerated, and they came back to life for another round of misery. Apparently, the same happens to living people who die down here. That's actually kinda awesome. But wait, would that mean Quincy... Oh crud.

"Kenny. Seriously. Fan. Now." Leaving Kenny to (hopefully) follow orders, he blasted to the rat's body, and awkwardly scooped up the pile of firearms like they were a pile of books that accidentally spilled out of his locker. He then dashed to Mr. Undead Taylor and the other guy, slower this time so as not to drop any of the weapons.

"You two watch these. I have a feeling we'll soon have a certain giant talking mouse after them." As he dumped the pile on the ground, he used super slight of hand to make sure they didn't notice he kept two of the handguns. He now had 3, and Taylor thought he had one.

Back to Enya- no wait, forgot about that other girl. The one who got hit by the tail. Probably should've gone to her first. He was at her side in an instant, checking to see if she was even still alive.

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Mr. Taylor had decided early in the fight against the damned dog that he would stay on the sidelines and help tend to the wounded after the fight and now that the fight was over, he fully intended to make well on that idea. That was until he heard Ethic yelling from across the hall. The words couldn't have been more shocking. The man that had killed him, Marcus, was here while he, Mr. Taylor, was fully loaded and perfectly ready for him. Mr. Taylor hadn't placed that into his plans, but the fact that the young murderer was here would make them just all the easier to complete. Nothing except for perhaps a random move by one of the others, something he could never expect would stop him now.

Mr. Taylor smirked and quickly rushed over to Ethic, he noticed an arena had been set by Ethic, which he could only guess would lead to a final battle between he and Marcus, that wouldn't do at all. Also Rose had appeared, apparently having been killed by Marcus. Likewise, that situation would need to be fixed quickly if Mr. Taylor's plan was to work. "Now, now my dear boy," the old man called out to Ethic, "You seem weary perhaps you should allow me to take care of this vermin."

Mr. Taylor was closing in on the group and was within a few feet of Ethic, "It is imperative that I deal with him. The two of you are far to important to the group to die here. You are the strongest and most courageous members of the group. Rose, the girls would be lost without you and right now they both are in pain, they need you." Mr. Taylor now focused entirely on Ethic, "And you my dear boy," he smiled kindly at the boy, "You must lead them, protect them, guide them. This is hell after all and I don't think it'd do to have a group of children wondering around." Mr. Taylor then turned back to Rose, alternating his glance between the two. "The group has just defeated what I believe to be the boss of this level, I'm sure that means that the exit must be near by." Mr. Taylor sighed, "Please take them through it and hurry forward. I will deal with Marcus, I will ensure that he does not follow you to the next level. That his trek through hell ends here."

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((God I'm loving this drama...))

"..." Ethic looked back and forth between Rose, Mr.Taylor, and the Psychopath, taking in Mr.Taylor's words... this man was not human... could he really just leave the older gentleman to face him? No, no...he'd be fine. Mr.Taylor had proven already that he could handle himself incredibly well...remember that whole Indiana jones stunt? And even besides... he did have a point. Several members of the group were nothing more than kids. And fortunately he was actually sane enough to try to take on the role of a ward bearer again...

"Alright then..." He sighed reluctantly, getting back into a walking stance and lowering his weapon to his side. He turned around to face the other man. "He's your fight then, Mr.Taylor... I'll respect that." He walked out of the arena, sheathing his weapon, whispering in Mr.Taylor's ear as he passed by. "Blow this man's head off his shoulders as fast as you can... trust me, neither of your powers will work within the circle. That should at least give you somewhat of a fairer chance of winning against him." then to rose as he passed. "Come on rose... He's right. This is his fight in the end." Then he headed over to the group, picking up his jacket and bag and calling out. "Eh, Anyone wounded over there?"

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