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Under the Hill - Third Circle: Gluttony


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Ixidor hesitated to go along with Annie,Panik and Rose, as the painter choose to stay for while as the others left Killer's room,suddenly a huge explosion rang across the corridor, the boy cowers in fear, as Ixidor don't know what to do...Maybe they're all dead...what could cause all of that? Ixidor quickly get on his bike and ran off to check the source, maybe its not too late.

The boy hits the breaks from a far as he saw a group of people standing near a portal, including his giant friend, Panik. The boy release a sigh of relief and was glad no one got hurt.(for atleast what he saw) The painter slowly pedals his way through the hall and makes his way towards the Giant, giving him a nod of approval as the painter continues his way and went straight to the 4th circle.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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A portal appeared in the circular room as Phantom strode through, returning from the alternate dimension. His sword was sheathed, though he took a glance around the room to be sure things were fine. He could see a large titan, apparently wounded, but he was looking for the boy who was glowing. He could practically feel unstable power coming from that boy, and Phantom had had a bad feeling about it. Unable to find the glowing boy, Phantom next looked for Mr. Taylor, who had been his companion, but alas, he was nowhere to be found either. He took one last look around, red eyes glowing through his white mask, before he strode through the door, unknowingly into the next level.

Edited by Flux
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And here comes the two that ran off earlier. Looks like stranger danger won that fight, as he was carrying Taylor's body. Wait, but didn't Taylor have grey hair? This guy's hair is dark brown. As a matter of fact, he seems to be in his twenties while Taylor was at least in his fifties. But on the other hand, he's dressed the exact same way Taylor was...

THAT'S IT! TIME MANIPULATION! Edward had guessed earlier that time manipulation was one of Taylor's possible powers, and this was the proof: Mr. Taylor made himself young again! But that begs the question, why would he ever want to be an old guy in the first place? He could only think of one reason: disguise. And disguise = clearly hiding something. That kinda explains the weirdly flattery-sounding stuff he said to Ethic a few minutes ago, and his insistence on keeping all the guns. Well, not so much "explains" as "makes it all make a bit more sense". He had no idea what the context was with this scene, but he would make sure to be wary of either of these guys from now on. Until then, all he has left to wait for is Kenny.

As he finished this circle's ration of (not) flan, he realized with a jolt: HE DIDN'T PICK UP A SOUVENIR! In the first circle, he had taken a thing from each previous circle to act as a souvenir of his epic adventure- a book from the first circle (after he ripped the shadow person inside it apart), and a rose from the second circle. But from this circle, all he had was the flan, and he intended to eat that!

Okay, new food rationing plan: He would eat flan for his snack breaks up until he only had one container of it left, and then switch to the food he brought himself. That way, the final container of flan would be this circle's souvenir.

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A faint blue light glowed where Kenny was last seen, and a Shape started to coalesce from the Ashes around the light. Eventually, the black form resolved itself into a definite shape, that of a doglike Bipedal creature, but was still Human underneath, despite the new look. then, the Ashy covering crumbled at the joints, allowing Kenny to walk to the Fourth Circle. a faint echo could be heard...

"I Rise From My Ashes..."

Edited by K_H
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And there goes Kenny. Wait, doglike Bipedal creature? Wow, he really was a Lucario. Well anyway, that leaves just him and the BFG on this circle. He was going to give it a few more minutes, to make sure the guy moved on enough so that they wouldn't bump into each other.

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Panik waved as Ixidor passed by, and watched all the other little ones pass through peacefully. It surely would be a bit lonely once they all had gone... Well, except for the Starving Souls of course. Anyway, he could do with those for the time being.

The titan walked towards the corridor leading to the table-room. Surely the poor doomed souls would still be there feasting...

"Good job there, Panik. I honestly didn't imagine you'd pull it this well. Now go enjoy your meal, you deserve it. "

The voice had come out of nowhere, as if it was into the heads of Edward and Panik. There was no one else in the room, not a visible body, nor a presence of any kind. Only the voice. The titan smiled happilly, not even flinching.

"Thanksssss, me will. Me iss really ssssstarving now!"

With that, he walked away, leaving Edward alone in the room... Until it spoke again, seemingly in his ear.

"You hearing voices boy? Well, don't pay it much attention. Maybe they are only watching over you. Or maybe you're going insane. Who knows? Maybe you find out if you keep forward..."

And so, the room was once again dead silent.

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Oh wow, what a plot twist #sarcasm. Big friendly giant was actually working all along with big voice guy to... do what exactly? Make them go to the next circle? WELL GUESS WHAT. I WAS GONNA DO THAT ANYWAY.

As for the identity of the big voice, Edward guessed it was Satan. From the way it sounded to what it actually said to, well, the fact that he's in hell, it seemed to match what he had been taught about the Devil- someone that whispers lies into your ear to make you question yourself. He wasn't going to ignore it, no that would be stupid, but he also wasn't going to be scared of it. Satan couldn't do anything to steal his soul, for the same reason Minos couldn't find a single sin on his profile. The worst he could do is maybe get some monster down here to kill him physically, but even that wouldn't last because of the respawning! Throw in the superpowers, and you have a kid who isn't afraid of anything.

"I think I've waited long enough" he said to himself as he dropped to the floor. "Time to move on to world 4!"

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