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Under the Hill - Third Circle: Gluttony


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"Who are you?"

...at first Edward was too dumbfounded to answer. So here he was, just floating along, minding his own business, looking for some food and then all of a sudden BOOM PORTAL and then a guy walks out on a big diving board and he's all like "who are you?" As if HE'S not the suspicious one! Also, Edward saw the battle from earlier through the portal, meaning that he was in fact seen, or at least noticed in some other way than sight.

Well, this guy at least looked human, although so did that stripper demon lady. So he had to be careful, but he also had to make an impression. He had to show that while he had the potential to be a great ally, he also had potential to be a deadly enemy, he had to-

"You know where they keep the food here?"

Dangit. Now mystery guy probably thinks I'm a lost glutenous soul, only obsessed with food. No wait, he couldn't think that, because he took enough notice of me to do the whole portal thing. I still have a chance to-

He didn't notice where he was going and had careened off course and into the wall behind him.

"OW! Sorry, didn't pay attention to where I was going." He floated back up, just a bit higher than he was before, ready to take off at the first sign of trouble. "Well, I guess that was enough of an ice breaker. I see you came straight from a battle. You the boss of this world? If so, there's some stuff I wanna take care of before fighting you. Like stocking up on food."

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Kenny cringed as Edward crashed into the wall, and then answered the Questions posed to him.

"Hey, I'm not the Boss of this Circle! I'm just another one of the people trying to get through it. Also, i don't know where the Food is stored on this Circle. But then again, i don't need to know, seeing as i get sustenance from my Aura."

Kenny then realized that he'd said a bit too much, but it was too late to alter what he'd said.

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Ethic & Kenny (man that was fast)

The titan tried again to reach for Kenny, only to see him portalling out and hit the empty air. "NAAAHRG! DON'T RUN BEFORE I KILL YOU!!!" he yelled, mad of anger. Then, without anything else to distract him, he turned to Ethic. "NOW YOU! DON'T YOU RUN TOO LITTLE-TRAITOR!" The sentence was followed by a full strength kick in the young man's direction.


Quincy & Marcus

"Te-hee, seems our work won't be that hard." Quincy said when they reached the battlefield. "Looks like Ethnic picked a fight with one o'them big guys." Then he turned to Marcus and asked while loading the Preacher. "Shall we give it some help?"


Ix, Panik, Rose & Annie

Killer flinched for a second when Ix's beast appeared out of nowhere. "What the..." the giant started saying, only to be greeted by a wall of fire balls. Immediately it started blocking and deflecting them, using the bone blades of his arms and legs with great dexterity.

Panik, in the meantime, laid Rose in a corner far from the fighting along with Ix. "You little-oness sstay here. Killer iss scary when he's angry, but Panik'll make him calm down." The giant said, preparing to join the fight.

The barrage of fire was almost entirely avoided by Killer. In the few spots that the shots hit, leaving ugly holes and a nauseating smell, smoke raised and flesh was already beginning to recover. The titan then kicked a piece of rock that was lying on the floor, aiming at the demon Ifrit, and charged just after the rock itself, blades ready.

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Hmm, so there's other people. Probably should have expected it. Well, they didn't worry him at all, they're less likley to want try to kill him, and if they did, he could probably take them out without too much trouble. Even this guy, while he seems nice, likley wouldn't last long in a fight if he was hostile. Also, the word "Aura" told him most of what he needed to know about this guy: 95% chance of friendly.

"Aura, is that what they call it these days? I bet you're like Lucario and all and you sensed my Aura, that's how you found me. Then again, maybe 'Aura' and 'whatever it is I got' are different, because I can't exactly open portals or make diving boards (granted, I've never tried), but at the same time I can tell just by looking at you that you don't fly too well." This guy also didn't seem to have the raw speed and power Edward did, but maybe that's something he doesn't want to hear. "Anyway, who were you fighting back there? The boss?"

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"shiiiiiiit...." Ethic cursed, standing there as the kick drew closer and closer to impact. Yeah...this had gone great; first this Titan was apparently not going to go down as easily as the last... and now Kenny had upped and vanished all of a sudden, which was somewhat of a Dick move, all things considered. "Alright big guy..." He said, feigning a sigh of exasperation "let's go then."

A small sphere of his life force formed in his palm. He thrust his arm out to his side, preparing to literally use the force of the blast he was about to unleash in order to get out of the way. But before he could put the plan into action, something a tad unexpected happened...

"No!" Monty shouted defiantly from afar. The crystalline shards at the Keeper's control flew out in a swirling vortex in front of the young man, forming a shining shield of diamond before him, large enough to stop the monstrous kick heading his way. Ethic cast a quick glance at him.

"What the hell...?"

"Listen here, you worthless little fuck!" Monty snarled at the Titan. "This man is mine to kill! you hear me? Mine, not yours, but mine! I will be the one to wipe him out! Understand? Good! Now go find someone else to kill so that I can get down to business!" With that said, The shield began to fall apart back into shards, bursting upward in a swarm of twinkling lights and blowing the Giant's foot back high into the air... so high that Ethic wouldn't be surprised if the dumb bastard lose his balance and fell... which, one had to admit, would've been quite amusing... the sight of that turtle shell titan struggling to get up.

"Don't you smirk, Ghalen!" The old man yelled, breaking his train of thought. He glanced at him, having forgotten he was even there for a moment. "Like I told him, I am only saving you right now so that I can strike you down myself!"

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Kenny smiled at the mention of pokemon.

"Actually, that's kinda accurate as to how i noticed you. It must've been the fluctuations in the Auric Field made by your usage of Aura that alerted me to your presence. And as for the Giant i was just fighting, he's not the Boss of this Circle, either. Oh, and i'm not even the first to call what we use 'Aura'! It actually is the term given to it by those who use Arcana called 'Keepers'. I'll explain what i'm talking about at a later time, but for right now, let's stock up on supplies."

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"Hmm. That guy looks pretty dangerous, with the magic and all. Shall we get him before Ethic?" Marcus started to circle around, looking for an opening. What he really wanted, however, was to land the finishing blow on that titan. He couldn't imagine the power he would absorb by bringing one of those beasts down.

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"Blah, blah boring backstory stuff, vibrations and meditation and I was clearly raised by Chinese monks and something about Keepers (wasn't 'Keepers', like the other name for the bosses down here? I don't remember I just call them the bosses) blah blah blah Let's stock up on supplies"

"Right, so it's settled! You use your portal powers to help find some food supplies, and once we're properly prepared, you can warp us back to that fight and I'll crush whoever it was you were up against." He flipped upside down in mid-air because why the Hell not and extended his hand for an upside down handshake. He had always wanted to do an upside down handshake. "My name's Edward Collier, Life Scout. Nice to meet you."

In truth, he probably could crush that turtle titan, albeit at the expense of most if not all of his energy. But he had no idea that Monty would require more than sheer force to take down. Up to this point, every thing he had fought tended to die when he tore it to shreds.

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... Aand it happened exactly like Ethic predicted. The Titan did loose his balance, but unlike one would expect, it was agile enough to use the momentum and roll back over his shell, getting on his feet again (though a little on the limit for not getting stuck.). It then got up again and stared towards the Hermit with a puzzled look.

"Whut? You crazy, little-old-man?" Someone watching the scene from an outsider's point of view would probably have wandered who, between the giant and the Keeper, was actually the dumb one.

"OKEY SO I'LL KILL YOU FIRST!" The titan screamed, changing course and charging at the Hermit like a mad bull.


Quincy & Marcus

As the titan lost it's balance, Quincy turned and answered to Marcus. "Okies, sounds good. The old bugger looks kinda annoying anyway."

While he was saying that, the titan started falling... almost over the rat man. Instead of dodging it, Quincy jumped towards the giant's neck and hang in there, by the end of the shell. Result: when it got back on it's feet, it had a gunslinger rat taking a free ride in it.

Quincy held fast when the giant rushed to the Hermit - a fun, fun ride! - and when it got near enough, he leapt again with super-human agility to pass over the old man. Still mid flight, he unlocked, aimed and fired the Preacher, sending a lightining bolt towards the Keeper's back.


Edward & Kenny

((Uhmn, actually, just go ahead, I've already described the pantry twice, it would be kinda redundant doing it again XD))

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Phantom pushed at the door Mr. Taylor had mentioned, but it was to no avail. It was simply too large for him to move. He paced around the room, finally stopping in the middle again near Mr. Taylor. It appeared that they would be stuck here until one of the titans returned or someone else came to get them.

(((Sorry for the short length, just not really sure what to do...)))

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Marcus swept toward Ethic with inhuman speed, easily outracing the fastest Olympic sprinter. He launched himself at Ethic's back, dropping his usual approach for a more direct, predatory one. He held a blade in his hand intended for the man's vitals, and had three more at the ready within his clothing.

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Halfway down the corridor, Edward and Kenny encountered at least some amount of food: a lopsided pile of whatever the hell "blancmange" is. It's a dessert that kinda seems like flan, But Edward didn't know that and actually mistook it for flan. He obviously did not pass up the oppritunity to fill his empty food containers. With this, he would have more than enough food to last him the trip, but he also wanted to see if he could get some variety farther down. And if all else failed, he could just resort to an all-flan diet. Up ahead was a dead end, with... Well, plenty of food, if you're into cannibalism. Slabs of meat hung on hooks all over the walls, and they were clearly human bodies despite being butchered and gutted. Most people would have retched at the sight, but not someone like Edward. That's another thing about Asperger's syndrome: It tends to make the person less sensitive to gore.

"Well, I should've been careful what I wished for. This seems to be where the giants store their food. THEIR food, as in not ours. The human food, like that pile of Flan back there, is probably used as bait. Which means we're standing in a giant's trap.... Which means there's probably a giant right behind us." He sidestepped to his right almost faster than the eye could see, expecting a tremendous blow from behind.

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Annie jumped, soaring over the titan that hadn't noticed her. She bared her wooden blade and landed on the creatures back, before breaking out into a run while attempting to stick the point it, to drag it along the creatures back up to the neck, to destroy it before it did too much harm.

"Die, you miserable pile of skin and blood!" She screamed, not noticing or registering who else was in the room.

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Edward & Kenny

Despite Edward's anxiety, there was no trace of titans around them (except for the bones if the one Ethic slew earlier).

That, however, didn't mean they were alone in the pantry.

Suddenly a chunk of meat - which upon closer inspection revealed to be an arm - fell from above right beside the scout boy.

When the duo looked up again, paying more attention to the sillouetes in the hooks, they realized some of them were actually moving. It was too dark in the room to have a clear view of those, but someone like Kenny, who had been in this Circle for some time, would obviously recognize them as the Starving Souls - feasting on their own dead fellows.


Annie, Ix, Rose & Panik

Killer felt the impact of the girl landing near his neck, and despite being caught by surprise, it's reaction was immediate.

Using the momentum of his own running, the Titan lept and went for a roll over, aiming to crush Annie against the floor and at the same time keeping speed towards Ifrit.

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There was barely any time at all for Ethic inbetween him hearing Monty's words and feeling a sharp, burning pain in his kidney, along with the force of another man tackling him to the ground. The wind was knocked out of his lungs, but a shit ton of anger got knocked into his head in exchange.

"Who the fuck..." he managed, still breathless. He managed to lift his head from the ground, glancing at the person on top of him. He saw an unexpected face there.

"YOU!!" he shouted in a growing fury. The horrible stabbing pain in his back faded from the front of his mind as Adrenaline flooded in. "The guy from the first circle! But why...?" He looked into the other man's eyes, knowing for a fact that he had been the same who had claimed to be a witness to Mr.Taylor's murder back in the library. Back then he had advocated that he was not the one who committed the crime... but something in Ethic's gut told him that had been complete Kuso. Mainly the fact that the Motherfucker was now pinning him on his stomach with a knife shoved into his kidney.

"It was you the whole fucking time, wasn't it?" he chuckled. "You the whole fucking time... and here I was, looking for the guy who did it. And now you've got me to, eh? Guess again, Asswipe, because we're both going out!" As he spoke his entire body began to blaze in a rainbow hue before quickly turning to a bright violet. There was no way Marcus would avoid this, not as close to the source as he was about to be. Not even superman could get away from an explosion without a headstart.

"Alalalalalalalalalala!!!!!!!!" Ethic hollered in a high pitch, reminiscent of something a stereotypical Terrorist of Islamic Jihadist doctrine might shout before detonating the charges in his suicide vest. A second later, He put every once of Life Force he had much, which was still considerable given that the lethal wound had only been inflicted a few moments ago and he hadn't lost too much blood yet, Into the strongest Burst he could muster, sending an immense blast outward and wrecking the ground and everything around him, unleashing so much force with his suicide attack that the very wall above him and Marcus began the crumble from the shock and fall down towards the epicenter of the explosion in large chunks. But Ethic was dead long before he could see the handiwork of his action, denying Marcus the chance to end him himself... and Monty, for that matter.

"FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!!!!!!" Monty roared as the Blast came to an end a few minutes later. His eyes blazed with a light salmon pink fire. He shattered into shards as Quincy's attack hit him, Re-materializing a little way out of the Titan's path, rendering himself safe from the incoming charge. He glared at both the Rat man and the Giant, eyes beginning to glaze over with hot fury.

"It was simple thing, really!" he shouted. "Did I not specifically state that Ethic was my prey and the prey of my colleagues; That he was our hunt!? Or perhaps I was speaking in Manderin Chinese rather than English!" He ground his teeth. A swarm of the Glow Shards encircled him, flowing into an elegant pair of pants and a black tunic over his nude and surprisingly toned and conditioned physique. more swarmed in and formed a Cloak of pure silver over top the clothing, his hood pulling up and covering his bald head of it's own accord. He held out his hand, a staff with a Oil Lantern chained to one end materialized in his palm. He slammed the walking end onto the ground, sending out a miniature Shock wave that kicked up a ring of dust around him and sent it flying. He grinned like a mad man as the strange lights under his beck and call assembled themselves in various formations all around him He was done playing this little game, having rendered himself fully visible to anyone in the area as he became clothed again.


"Took you long enough," a smug masculine voice echoed out. A series of tearing sounds could be heard as the three other Keepers who had made up the hunting party after the young black man entered the area, none of them visible except for Monty himself... and the party's leader...

A certain Roman Soldier named Longicus.

"Tell me," he continued, appearing behind Monty, the two of them now back to back. "Were you going to just expect us to watch and sit back as you carried on with this complete fiasco? Because let me tell you, you were wrong, we're stepping in now regardless of whether you call us or not. It is a simple task, you Damn Mountain Dweller; Kill him, drag him into Styx, and thats the end of it. seems You're too imcompetnet for the task." He turned to face Quincy and the Giant. He looked a bit intimidating, dressed in full Roman Legionary regalia, a golden cloak straddling his broad shoulders and his twin spears strapped across his back. He stood taller than Quincy by a good head, his arms like pythons and his calves the size of a professional sprinter's. His hair was a black mess, falling around his shoulders in loose strands. His jaw and chin were square and strongly set, his eyes blazing with a hot scarlet. The Older Keeper didn't even bother to turn around to face him.

"Well... Either way..." he began. "You're here now. Shall we initiate a classic beat down before we stop toying with them?" The younger man glanced at him, then turned to face the Rat and the Giant as well.

"We might as well..."he said.

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All of a sudden, Kenny's Aura Flared up in a Pillar of Blue Light as the Usage of Arcana for Ethic's Self-Destruct caused a Massive Surge in the Auric Field that both Edward and Kenny could easily sense. Kenny then spoke to Edward, his Voice extremely Corrupted by Auric Energy.

"Edward, I'm going to get us out of here before we end up like those guys on the Walls, so hold on tight!"

Kenny then Portaled himself over to the Source of the Disturbance. Kenny then got a Headache, but recovered from it. He was clearly Visible in the Room as he Portaled in, but that didn't matter to him, because he was very mad at the Keepers. that Rage fed back into his Aura, turning it a deep shade of Red, and Adrenaline stared coursing through his Blood, increasing his Power even further. When he spoke next, his voice was much different from what he had spoken like before, Anger clearly visible in his Voice.


Kenny then fired off two Beams of Red Light from his Aura at the Keepers from both of his Palms. he then got a Large Headache, but recovered from it. however, his Aura started to Overload form the Intense Interference, and his Aura started Arcing.

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It was really awkward fro Edward to suddenly jump in on this scene without any conxext going on. There were these weirdly dressed but human looking guys in the back, a pile of burning stuff that apparently used to be Kenny's friend, a and a big, bipedal rat over there in the corner standing behind an even BIGGER bipedal turtle person. He wondered what would happen if he flipped the turtle man on its back. He could do it pretty easily, but instead it seemed like the other weirdly dressed guys were their enemy, as Lucario man just yelled DIE and shot some lazers at them.

"If his powers are anything like mine, firing lazers FIRST is a stupid idea." He thought to himself. "Allow me to show him how it's done!"

At first he flew at normal running speed toward them. But about halfway through, he- oops, too late to describe it, he's already there. Before anyone, friend or foe could react, he threw a punch at Monty's gut. The fist connected, and went straight trough with suprising ease. He expected to tear this guy in half, but didn't think it would feel like he was made of glass! This is waaaaay to easy... or is there a catch?

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There was indeed a catch as Monty dissolved into shards and formed into being again behind Edward, completely unaffected by the Boy Scout's attack.

"Dear god..." the Keeper Sighed, Exasperated. "How many times must I explain to you neanderthals; Brute Physical force is worthless to me! You might as well be trying to tear down a tower with a gust of gentle wind!"

"Quiet, Monty." Longicus ordered calmly. He turned to look at Kenny, just as the laser hit him, bouncing right off and deflecting into the wall. "Are you sure you want to do this, Kid? All we want is Ethic, so why intervene like this? what is he to you? what, a friend, someone you can trust? Well I can tell you that he's not. He's only something that get you killed at the end of the day. But tell you what; I'm going to be lenient now and give you the chance to turn around and walk away from all this. Go on... easy as going back down the way you came." As he spoke however, he drew both his spears, lobing them both into the stone floor by the tip and letting them stay there. it may have seemed like a completely pointless action, but in truth, this was Kenny and Edward's Rubicon. If they didn't just turn and get out of here... well, Longicus would have no problem completing the Ritual he had just started...


"And here I am again..." Ethic sighed as he sat up in the dark space. It looked exactly the same as last time... things were kinda boring and bland here; he'd have to get around to sprucing things up by killing more of his pursuers. He stood up, the scenery changing to Scott's death scene. The Statue was not there... neither was the plaque.

"Looking for someone?" a voice chimed from behind him. He turned to see a man about his age. he wore a simple dark blue polo shirt and a pair of khakis. He wore oval rimmed glasses with silver frames and bronze detailing. He wasn't much taller than the black man, and Ethic recognized him instantly when he saw his face. his complexion was no where near as pale as before, and those eyes were a dark hazel instead of black... but he could never forget the facial structure.

"You..." he said simply. a slight glow issued forth from his fingers... how the hell he could still have life force when he was dead was beyond him, but hey, not important right now.

"Yeah, it's me..." Scott responded. His voice was different too, lower pitched, actually respectable, unlike how whinny it was before. he pulled an I-Phone4 out of his pocket, swiping his finger over the screen and unlocking it, not even looking up at Ethic. "And you don't need to start all that drama right now. I'm not the same Crazy Motherfucker you knew me before as."

"You got proof of that? because unless you do, I'm not dropping my guard."

"I gave you my story," Scott sighed, annoyed. he put away the I-Phone after checking the date and time. "That should be more than enough to show you that I don't want to kill you. it's that little sphere with the pretty rainbow light like the one you go around spamming at your enemies nowadays." Ethic checked the pocket of his Fatigue jacket. The thing was still there.

"Bring it here," Scott said. Ethic began slowly making his way over... still cautious.

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Edward heard Monty materialize behind him, and jumped into the air to dodge a blow from behind, but none came. Monty just stood there, gloating about how he's invincible. He saw Lucario guy's blast get deflected like it was nothing. "These. Guys. Are. CHEATERS!" he thought to himself. "How are we supposed to kill them if they just come back every time they take a hit?" He then saw leader throw the 2 spears. He had read played enough video games to notice that they had ritualistic significance. He knew those spears were gonna be part of this guy's "Special attack".

But what should he do about them. If he destroyed them, they might just reform together like the bald guy did. He could try moving them, but doing so by hand would probably make matters worse. So what were to happen if...

In a flash, he was next to them. Feet firmly planted on the ground this time, he put his hands out as if he were to fire a lazer from them. "KAMEHAMEHAAAA" he said it all at once, not daring to take as long as Goku usually took to say it. But instead of a beam of devastating energy, a powerful gust of what seemed like wind came from the general area around his hands. He had expelled a sizable amount of energy at the spears, not enough to break or cause damage to them, but enough to uproot both and send them flying down the corridor, out of sight.

The blast was not nearly as energy-consuming as a real lazer beam, but still did a number on Edward's stamina. If he wanted to avoid taking some kind of magic attack to the face, he needed go get out of the way right now. He pushed himself up into the air, almost all the way up into the ceiling, hoping he could stay here long enough to recover some stamina.

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Kenny spoke, his Voice heavily Corrupted by Auric Energy.

"I'm Sorry, But I'm Afraid I Can't Let You Do That."

Kenny then Opened a Portal beneath Longicus, preparing to move the End below Longicus up to his Midsection before he would start to close it again.

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"So you choose the fate of the fool, Do you?" Longicus asked. Edward couldn't have known it, but what he just did had been very stupid; both of the roman's spears had landed embedded in the floor after being blown away. Just as they had been when they were standing before him. The soldier snapped his fingers, a loud crack! was heard and the shafts of the weapons came flying back down the hallway, landing at his feet. they gleamed black and white in the light of the torches above. Twin roars sounded throughout the area a few seconds later. Two Sphinxes came bounding down the massive hallway, one pitch black with the face of a man, the other pure white with the face of a woman, Both of them stood at at least four feet tall on all fours. As they passed by him, Longicus reached up and pulled himself out of the portal Kenny had opened.

"Allow me to tell you a story," he said as he rode atop the back of the black sphinx. "The Fool embarks from his home with all his worldly possessions in a small pack, ready to wonder and explore the world. As to where the winds of fate will carry him, he knows not, only that he wants to fly upon their grace. So filled with wondrous visions, hopes, dreams, and questions, he walks towards the edge of the cliff, unaware of the faithful companion trying to divert his course back to safety. But he must learn to watch where he steps the hard way."

The Beast serving as his steed roared in agreement, shaking the ground itself.

"You are the Fool, Kenny, Edward." he continued. "You think yourself powerful enough to stand against the bearers of fate, think your future to be filled with naught but joy after this. You are wrong, and it is time you learn to watch your step." with that said, the White Sphinx launched a torrent of white flame back at Quincy, while the black one fired an inversely colored blast in the Direction of Kenny of Edward...

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Kenny's Voice was even more Corrupted now, and his Aura had started to turn into a Ball of Red Fire.

"Well, It Seems That You Won't go Down So Easily. So Be It."

Kenny then opened up a New Portal right behind Longicus and in front of himself, so that the Black Flames that were originally aimed at Kenny were now headed straight towards Longicus.

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Good thing Edward had that idea of jumping to the ceiling a second ago. The black fire didn't even reach him by a long shot (hopefully Kenny was okay). These guys were getting really annoying, thinking they were sooooooo cool with their regenerating powers. But they're nothing more than cheaters, like your little sister when you're winning a board game and she's like "Oh, you're almost at the end and I'm behind you, but I still win because I can skip straight to the end!" There had to be a way to take these guys down, and he was gonna find it. Starting with those Sphinxes.

"Hey, I wonder if your little pets can also regenerate?" He yelled aloud. "HOW ABOUT WE FIND OUT?" and like a meteor he shot down from above straight into the Black Sphinx (this was after Kenny had already redirected the Shpinx's first attack). The explosion that resulted was also similar to seeing a meteor strike the earth, and whatever stamina Edward had regained a second ago was definitely lost. But it was totally worth it, he probably looked awesome. "New attack learned! I'll name that one 'Meteor Strike'" he thought to himself. "Now, is that Sphinx gonna come back or what?" He knew the rider would, he was curious about the steed.

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