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Under the Hill - Third Circle: Gluttony


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With a big, biiiiig smile as though she thought the idea was fun too, she opened up tears in the ground between the rest of the group and Mister Taylor. Big, big walls rose, carrying everyone else up on it so that nobody could interfere. The child seemed calm as she smiled.

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Quincy and the Gang

Quincy grinned as walls separated him and Mr. Taylor from everyone else, including Edward who had just shown up, making it to where no one could interfere with the duel. "Alright gramps, since a good duel would be a lot of fun and no one has ever beat Quickshot Quincy in drawing a pistol, I say this sounds like fun!" Sliding a pistol across the ground to the older man, the slightly insane rat ran to the other side of the room, ready to have some gun slinging fun.

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"If this old guy really does lose, it's my turn next" Edward thought to himself. "I have to make a way down there." He could have just flown down, but he didn't want to show his super side just yet.

Instead, he looked through his backpack (the fact that this thing was still intact was a superpower in itself!) and pulled out a thick metal spike with a ring on the end. he then drove it into the ground/top of the wall he was standing on. This ended up requiring super strength, but it was pretty unlikley anyone would notice the difference. Pulling out a bungee cord next, he tied it to the ring. When the duel's over, he'd drop the rest of the cord over the side of the wall and repel down.

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Annie merely stared at the new face, traveling with her old group.

"Guess you could say that." Annie stated simply, before biting her hand once again, blood splashing onto the ground like paint. Dashing forwards, she held out her sword from her side, running right into the direction of Killer's heels, dashing past them and smashing her hands into the wall, gripping in and staying there, looking back to see if her attack worked. If it did, he's on the ground surprised. If it didn't, he's wondering what the hell just hit him.

At least, that's what she hoped.

((For clarity, she ran towards the direction of Killer's heels, holding her sword/stick/sharpy pokey thing out at high speed to cut his heels. Up to Rose or Notus to dictate if it worked.))

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Quincy & Mr.Taylor

"Now, now my friend. How can I be sure that you haven't given me a faulty pistol?"

Quincy, made a surprised face, giving the impression that he was offended by the question. "What gramps, you think I would even have a bad weapon? I take good care of my toys!" the rat man said. Then he smiled and put himself in fight stance, hands at ready to draw the Preacher. "Enough whining, Let´s start the fun! Have the kid varmint make the count for us."


Annie, Rose, Ix, Panik

Killer grinned when Annie recklessly started towards him. He was exactly expecting to be attacked.

When the girl approached his leg, the titan spun on the same direction over the other leg. While it did allow him to only take a superficial blow, the true reason behind the move was to keep spinning and finish the little kicking her to death against the wall. The giant was euphoric just imagining the blood splatting everywhere as he crushed her little body...

Only that it didn´t work that way. Suddenly, Panik grabbed him from behind, immobilizing him for a second. " No bro! Me won´t let you splat the little onesss!" He said, the fire from Killer´s burning skin lighting the decided look in his reptilian face.

Killer roared, grabbed the back of Panik´s neck and pulled the other giant over his back with all strenght, sending him flying to the floor. However, he had lost his chance of killing Annie and was pretty much open now.

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Morris looked down at the duo and returned his browning to his pouch whence he had pulled it before when Quincy was approaching. It was clearly of no use to him now. He looked around the group. Given how much he knew some of these people, it would have been best to ask Enya or Ellaria, but Ellaria had a clear handicap in satisfying his curiosity.

He approached the child instead.

"Who the hell is that bleeding sod? He doesn't look too human, but I he sure doesn't belong to this circle either."

Morris hit the floor with his heel, clearly displeased by his inability to interfere with the duel.

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Ellaria Enya & Morris

"This guy´s been trying to kill us since the first Circle." Ellaria answered to Morris, her voice visibly shaken. She was worried about Mr.Taylor. For more experienced that the kind old man was, she was afraid he might lack the speed to beat Quincy. "I don´t know why he does this though... I think he just finds it fun."

Morris looked down towards the duelists, despise in his eyes. "Tsk, this kind of person doesn´t deserve to live. If the old man doesn´t do it, I´ll kill this damned rat with pleasure." His voice was calm, but there was venom behind it. This is just the kind of bugger that goes rob banks shooting like crazy. The man thought, his anger building up inside him.

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Mr. Taylor grinned as he heard Quincy's response. The old man glared directly at his opponent, not taking his eyes off of him as he called out to the group on the wall. "All right then. Enya my dear I suppose our friend here would like you to to do the count down."

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Her eyes lit up as the giant hurled the one that had landed beside her over. Pushing herself off the wall, she landed on the titan with her spear, impaling it in the back, leaving herself dangling, her superhuman strength being the only reason she was still holding on - or even impaling the beast. She swung on it, eventually gaining enough momentum to land on top of the make-shift spear. She leaped up high into the air, extending her arms far more than an average human, swiftly taking the spear out. Now, she was high above the titan. She aimed at the neck. With all of her natural and superhuman strength, she threw the weapon down towards the neck.

Edited by Annie Leonhardt
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Edward sat cross-legged on top of the wall, watching the scene play out. He until the duel was over, and if the rat won, he'd throw the bungee cord over the side and repel down, and then... well, he actually hadn't planned that out yet. He guessed he would convince the thing to duel him next.

So it had a name- or rather an alias. Quickshot Quincy, huh? Edward thought he was beginning to understand this thing. And with this understanding came an idea on how to get it to duel him. Also, the pretty-eyes-cute-girl is Enya. He never was good at remembering people's names, but he'd make sure not to forget that one.

Normally, he was a patient guy. He had to be, otherwise he couldn't have gotten a Feebas in his Pokemon Emerald game when he was 10. Oh, and yeah the whole Scout thing helped too, but mostly the Feebas. But now he was getting impatient, not because of boredom, but because of tension. He was hoping they would just start already ((HINT HINT PEOPLE)

Edited by Eagleby18
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Quincy & Mr. Taylor

Quincy drawed The Preacher and shot in a lightning fast motion, at the same time jumping sideways. The old man was really quicker than he thought... But still to slo... Argh!

Not so slow. Blood sported from the side of Quincy's head as the rat's ear was blown off by Mr. Taylor's bullet. It was a close call, but with it's superhuman refllexes Quincy was still faster than the old shooter.

((Quincy will hit the mark unless you pull something real fast.))


Annie, Rose, Ix & Panik

Killer couldn't do anything against the blazing fast speed of Annie, and her weapon hit the mark. The giant fell to one knee, breathing heavily, and tried to grab the spear and pull it off, only to find it went all the way inside his lung. Then it looked up, and in a rage tried to grab the girl in his hand.

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Annie's eyes lit up in alarm as she saw the hand raise up towards her. Twisting in mid air, she kicked off against the hand, launching herself across the room. She crashed down onto the ground, and in an attempt to stand up, felt her ankle scream in protest as a blazing pain shot through her. Twisted ankle.

"Go! Now! Attack that thing! Sit there, die, attack it, live!" Annie yelled, trying to encourage the others to attack. She needed a diversion, some way to give herself time to launch a counterattack, time to heal her ankle. "What are you waiting for? It to roll over and die? Hurry!"

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Mr. Taylor's eyes widened. Of course the rat man was quick, but he wasn't quite quick enough. No, no one was quick enough to hit a target who could stop a bullet and that's exactly what the old man was able to do. His ability as he understood it was that he could return an object to a previous state and that's exactly what he had done. He took the bullet that Quincy had fired and shoved it back into his gun, as if the rat had never fired a shot at all.

Of course this came with a loss of memory, but Mr. Taylor knew what he was up against. He had prepared to lose a few seconds before the fight even begin and fortunately for him, the last thing he remembered was the young girl saying draw. So, the old man drew his weapon one more time and fired. He didn't stop firing until his gun was out of bullets, hoping that this time perhaps the rat would go down.

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Quincy & Mr.Taylor

Quincy still tried to dodge the shots from Mr.Taylor, but the wound in his ear, summed with how unexpected the old man's reaction was, made it impossible. All shots landed, and the rat-man fell to the ground still shooting in a pool of blood.

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This was the first time Edward saw a gun fired since he got super powers, and as such didn't know what bullets look like when shot. But even then, he couldn't help but feel suspicious about the old guy's win. He saw the first bullet barely miss, and the third and subsequent bullets hit, but it was the second bullet that caught his attention. It went straight to the old man, was about to hit-and it disappeared. Perhaps the old guy has super powers as well! Either object manipulation, time manipulation, or some kind of force field.

As glad as he was that he didn't have to watch an old man get shot to death, he was a little disappointed that he never got the chance to impress Enya. Perhaps he'd hide his superpowers for a bit longer. But now that the duel was over, it was time to get down from here. He tossed the bungee cord over the side of the wall, made a remark to the others along the lines of "If you guys need help getting down use this", and jumped. His fingers were circled around the cord, but not tightened around it. It slid through his hands as he fell, until he decided he was close enough to the ground to start slowing his fall. He tightened his grip and OW OW OW OW OW OW HE FORGOT TO WEAR THE GLOVES! Even with super powers, his hands felt like that one time his finger brushed against a hot glue gun while making a geography project. If he didn't have super powers, the skin on his hands might have been completely torn off!

Well, unlike the glue gun incident, his hands felt better after a couple of seconds. He walked over to the scene of the duel.

"Good job old timer, although you really should have let me take care of him. I'm much better suited for this kind of thing." This was true as far as Edward could tell, he had noticed the old guy visibly struggling despite the super powers. "Moving on to the spoils-Quincy's pretty loaded, don't you think? Since he won't be using any of these guns anymore, I suggest we don't leave them to waste."

He passed the old guy at roughly the distance the bullet was at when it disappeared-no force field, or at least not anymore-and picked up the abomination's handgun. Finally, he had a real weapon. Unfortunately, this was the rare case he would prefer a sword over a gun. With his super powers, he's (probably, never actually tried) faster than a bullet, but a blade can be as fast as the wielder.

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with Ifrit still unconscious, Ixidor has to act fast if he wants to take advantage of the situation, Killer was hurt from the girl's attack, as the continuous black flames was still in effect as it prevents the Giant from ever regenerating. the boy scribbles something in thin air and outcomes a turret.

Ixidor gains control this magical cannon and aims at the giant from a distance, without hesitation the boy fires the cannon as it recoils and shoots what seems to be a giant stapler pin at Killer, the Pin was coming in fast with great force and it was big enough to drive Killer to a wall as it hopes to immobilize the Giant.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Mr. Taylor watched as the boy passed boy him and took the gun off the rat. His generally cheery expression was absent from his face as he spoke to the boy, "I'm afraid I'm not okay with that lad. The spoils go to the victor and last I checked I was the one who gunned down the rat, not you." He quickly shook off the vigor in his voice and tried to return to his normal demeanor, "And besides lad, do you think it's really fair to leave an old man defenseless in this place? I'm afraid I have some ... soul searching to do after this and as such I can't just let you whisk away the chance to defend myself."

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"Calm down bro, you're making it sound like there isn't more than enough to go around. Like I just said, this guy's loaded. He's got more handguns, he's got a shotgun, he's got a... I actually dunno what kind of gun that is."

Edward kept digging through the rat's stuff, undeterred by the old man's demeanor (part of his philosophy is to treat everyone with the same amount of respect, no matter how they treat him back), but instead of putting it In his pockets or backpack, he tossed most of it over his shoulder, save for a few thingies of ammunition for the handgun he already picked up. Another reason he needed a sword instead of a gun-they don't run out of ammo.

"Anyway, the rest of your traveling buddies are probably gonna come down from there soon, and they'll undoubtably ask you to share. Meanwhile, I have to... Crap I never planned this far ahead. Now that Quincy's dead I have no idea what to do with myself..."

Edited by Eagleby18
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The giant was too surprised to close his eye at the right timing. The knife went right into it, along with Marcus´s arm. It looked like the eyeball was more tender than the killer first imagined...

The creature let out a scream and brought it´s hand to it´s face, trying to grab the little man.


Ixidor, Rose, Annie, Panik

Ix´s shot hit, and the arpoon went right through Killer´s shoulder. It failed to hold him in the wall, but judging by his slow movements it surely hurt.

...But it was not over. With roar and the noise of meat being ripped, the titan pulled the projectile out of it´s body and threw it back towards the painter.


((Mr. Taylor, Ellaria, Enya, Ed, Morris, & Phantom wait a bit, we have something special coming for you XD. Character interaction is ok though.))

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