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Under the Hill - Third Circle: Gluttony


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Ethic watched in complete silence as this guy below finished off the Giant like it was nothing more than absolute fodder. This definitely confirms it... He thought to himself. This guy can't be human...Actually...come to think of it, didn't I get warned by the Hermit Arcana about him a lot earlier? He took a moment and thought about it, realizing that he had indeed been given some warning vision of this guy back in the library... the face from them and now was definitely the same one. And to make it even worse, whatever the hell this guy might be, he was heading over towards the others. They would have enough trouble with Cerberus (Well, at least that's what the big ass, three headed mut over yonder looked like to Ethic from what bits and peices of Greek Mythos he knew), and if this guy got into the mix... it wouldn't end well at all. Looks like it was time to stop watching and step in... but he was gonna have a little fun with this. Might as well confuse the enemy

"I wonder if I can pull off an Obama voice?" he muttered to himself quietly. Only one to find out... "Now, stop...no, that's it... Now, uh...stop right there you...nah...still wrong..." he cleared his voice, pressing his hand against his mouth the muffle the sound. "Now uh... stop right there young man, this is your president speaking." Ethic smiled as he heard his impression of the president. And the best part about was that he had been more or less quiet about it; there was no way the guy below would've been able to hear anything; from what Ethic had seen so far; this fool only had super-strength and dexterity... not super hearing. time to roll.

"Now uh... Young Man, stop right there," he said in a voice that damn near perfectly mimicked Barak Obama's. Just like from before when he fought Longicus; the ceilings acoustics caused a reverberating echo that made it impossible to tell where he was up in the darkness. "This is your president speaking. Now... I've recently been informed that you've made a bit of a massive enterprise off of murdering others. Well, I am here to tell you: You didn't built that; Someone else made that happen!" Hopefully that bit of randomness would be enough to stale the guy... though he had no idea how long he keep this super powered psycho-path distracted with this shenanigan...

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Battle of the Third Circle

The left-most head perked its ears as it felt Edward grab onto its tail. "OOOH, I wanna play!" the head yelped with excitement. Taking control of the body, it began to chase its tail, yapping happily, trying to catch its tail and Edward, who was now having to hang on for dear life as the tail whipped around the room at a frenzied pace and paws crushed the clown parade that Enya had summoned.

Growling in pain and anger, the right-most head snapped, "You moron! That really hurt, I don't want metal in our paws." Stopping the fun, the right head lunged for the person closest, which happened to be Mr. Taylor. The left head whined, "You never want to have fun, loosen up a little!" as it dove toward Enya. The center head looked at both heads for a moment before sighing and going after Kenny.

Annie, Ixidor, Rose, Panik

Rose saw the giant fall and stuck her hand into her bag, wincing as she stabbed her hand with several loose knives. Pulling a couple out, she flung and hit the giant in its eyes. As it roared in pain, she stood still, freezing the giant so that it couldn't move. "Now," she called. "Hit it with everything guys!"

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"No! Bad dog!" screamed the little girl, as the train wreck zapped out of existence. The little girl was starting to get a tired; she wasn't used to using her powers heavily in succession, especially as she'd been pulling large objects for periods of time into this dimension. What sounded like rain came from another portal that opened directly over the left head, pouring sharp rain onto its face as the angry little girl (keeping a safe distance away from the water and rain, backpedaling) scolded the ugly, three-headed dog's leftmost head.

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Well, Edward got his few seconds of distraction. Unfortunately, no one seemed to do anything with it! Ugh, it was as frustrating as when he was put in charge of younger scouts for group activities. The little brats NEVER listened to him, even though he knew what he was doing while they didn't! Oh well, his plan didn't work (technically it did, but the point was missed), so it was time to ditch it. In the most spiteful way possible.

Ever seen an Alligator or a Crocodile do a "death roll"? Basically, after grabbing hold of its prey with its jaws, it spins around in place over and over again at superfast speeds. It twists up the prey like a Twizzler, and a split second later whatever part of the body's being held tears right off.

That's exactly what Edward did to the Beast's tail.

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Ixidor hands glow as he holds the cannon, reloading it with the biggest baddest rocket missile hell has to offer The boy aims at the frozen giant as he prepares to end this madness. the boy pulls the trigger as the SUPER MEGA DEATH ROCKET fires away at blazing speed and it was big enough to nuke the giant.The painter was thrown into a wall due the impact of the recoil.

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Marcus looked about, extremely confused for a moment. President Obama . . . ? There was nowhere the voice could have come from in the long hallway; it was empty save for the corpse of the titan, and the voice wasn't echoing from a long way off. He thought about ignoring it for a moment, but curiosity seized him. If it didn't come horizontally, and there's a floor below me. . . His eyes searched the ceiling. They quickly locked onto the only thing that could have made the sound; a man that appeared to be hanging there. "You know, you don't really look like the President."

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"And you aren't heading near my friends over there if I can help it," Ethic snarled at the man viciously. "They have enough trouble taking on that thing right now, and a psycho path going around and stabbing them all in the jugular really wouldn't be helpful." He cycled through the Arcane Links at his disposle as he spoke... so far he still had no idea Tempernce did, but Justice's effect popped right into his head when he asked...though, sadly it couldn't really be useful in combat, and He was still too out of it to fight this guy full force using Life Blades. But that didn't matter, one way or another, Ethic was gonna keep this bastard right where he was.

"And don't even try that 'Innocent bystander' horse shit from earlier!" He shouted down from the ceiling. "I know damn well that whoever the fuck you are, you probably really are the one that killed Mr.Taylor. Then couple that with the fact you killed me not long ago... look bub, I don't know how deceptive you fancy yourself, but I can guarantee you that after I get word to the others, they're not gonna fall for the horse shit." Even though he knew he could win no fight against this absolute freak of nature, he drew his black blade from his belt loop regardless. The hate in his stare was very real, but no where close to what it had once been back when the bloodlust of Death caressed his mind.

"You're staying right here, bucko" He said defiantly, gazing down at the fellow far below. "Because there's no way in hell you're getting over to the others while I'm still alive and able to fight. I saw how you handled that giant down there. I know damn well I can't win against you in open combat... But I'm still gonna serve as a wall to your advancement for as long as I can."

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The Battle of the Third Circle

...Edward thought he had a good idea, if it weren't for the sudden movements that the dog made, flinging him off the tail and into a nearby wall. As this happened, the left-most head yelped as water drizzled down on it from above. "Cold!" the head whimpered, shaking its fur desperately to try and dry off. The center-head stared at Enya and stopped what it was doing. "Not water, please," it said in a worried tone. "Master told us to eat and obey, but we can't eat you and obey you at the same time... Oh dear, what to do, what to do..." The right-most head looked at the other two with disdain. "Will you two just shut up and eat already?" it barked in agitation. "You're letting them get away!" "FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD!" exclaimed the left-head, going back to the task at hand.

Ellaria, still invisible in the passage from where the great beast had come from, quietly called out, "Enya, where are you?" Then, in a louder voice, she called to the creature, "Hey, your master said to keep us all alive. What will you do, disobey him?" The blind girl felt along the walls as she tried to get to Enya; she had told Rose that she would bring the young girl safe and wasn't about to break that promise. The center-head looked up, confused, as it heard her voice, and stopped, allowing Kenny to safely get underneath its large body.

Rose, Ixidor, Annie, Panik

(waiting on Annie to post before continuing this plot)

Marcus and Ethic

(letting you guys do your thing until you join with one of the groups)

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The portal closed, but as it did, another opened up as through following the ugly dog's worm-like head. Water burst from the static seams onto the dog, along with some.. sea lions? If one tasted the static-colored cold water, they would discover that it had a strong, salty taste to it. "You are a bad bad mister doggie," Enya snapped, allowing the seawater to flow onto the head and consequently the floor, though the portal closed before the room could be flooded. "Mister Judge will whip you!"

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Marcus laughed. "Well, you're not going to be doing a particularly good job at that unless you come down here and face me like a man. Unless you can somehow stop me from the ceiling, but, well, if you could do that, you would have done so already." He turned to walk down the hall toward where he assumed the others in this place were.

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Edward expected to feel like he was launched from a slingshot at a weird angle, after all he was emulating the Alligator's "death roll" technique. But halfway through, he realized he had let go of the tail, and before he could react, wall.

Even with superpowers, he was never any good at taking hits. He dropped to the floor and wondered if passing out was the best option. But no, he couldn't yet! He hadn't done anything of use in the battle (he WOULD have if everyone had listened)!

He dragged himself to his knees, and then to his feet, and then to his... Whatever part of him does the flying. He had one more plan to kill this thing, but he didn't like it. It was gross. Plus he didn't know if the thing couWHY IS ENYA RIGHT IN FRONT OF IT? And why does no one ever listen to him?

"Enya, I told you to stay put," He scolded her as he shot between Cerberus' legs to where she was standing. He hadn't "teleported" (he needed a name for that move), because there was no need and he wanted to conserve his energy as much as possible. "But, if you insist on fighting this guy, then fine, but I'm gonna cover you".

This meant he now had to focus on the head right in front of him- once the torrent of water is gone. He didn't like getting wet.

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The moment Marcus turned his back to Ethic and started walking away, to loud streaking sound echoed through the air followed by a small explosion. One of the giant torches that had been lining the wall fell down right in-front of the man, still burning as it lay there on the stones of the floor. Ethic lowered his finger, still holding it in the shape of a gun.

"What did I just fucking say!?" He snarled, his voice still echoing down from the ceiling... this time he was quite visibly pissed off. He lifted his hand again, congealing a bit of life force into his finger, forming another bullet out of the energy and firing it at another one of the Torches lining the wall. The shot hit the base of the giant burning length of wood, lodging itself deep inside. A moment later Ethic willed it to burst when he sensed it had gone far enough, breaking the giant Torch off from it's base and sending it toppling down through the air, this time headed straight for Marcus himself below.

He knelt down on the ceiling, breathing a little heavier. "I've already said I can't beat you in an open fight," He said as the Torch continued to plummet towards the other man. "I obviously fucking know that, Asshole; why the hell do you think I'm even up here? I'm not coming down there or anywhere near you." Those shots weren't as powerful as he could've mustered right now, but given his already fatigued state, coupled with the fact he had to keep at least some of his focus and Reservoir devoted to maintaining the life spikes on the base of his shoes, He was already beginning to feel the limit drawing closer and closer in his mind. A few more shots was probably all he'd be able to do before things got too dangerous for him to continue this little Stall Party.

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Marcus dodged backward with a backflip. He landed, pleasantly surprised with his own agility. "Normally, what you're doing would piss me off, but I'm enjoying this power way too much for some guy dropping torches on me to have an effect. I don't think you live down here, so that means you're human, which means you're going to get tired. That means you're going to die, and I'll be even stronger than before. Really, you would have been better off letting me go on my merry way."

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"Oh, my power, my power!" Ethic called in a mocking, disgusted tone. "You think I honestly give two shits about your power, buddy?" He forced himself to stand back up, holding out his palm before him and concentrating some energy there. A moment later his palm became engulfed in a blazing, multi-hued aura that crackled and snapped just like fire. "Because if so, I'll tell you something... I honestly don't. Really, everyone has them done here, get over it, you ain't so special, mister murderer. Everyone's got some awesome sauce craziness they can whip up. Take mine for example: you see this light cloaking my hand? I can turn this into pretty much any shape I want. I can shoot it at someone and make it explode on impact, just by wanting it to. Hell, I can even conjure a damn sword out of this stuff if I want. You ever see a Light Saber? yeah, think of one of those." He smiled menacingly as he tapped his head with his glowing finger, shaking it in a rather smug manner. There was another thing about the Death Link and his Life Force that he hadn't covered yet... that no one knew yet... because he'd never had a chance to demonstrate it until now...

Life Force could act as an accelerate to fire. Why the hell else would he have used valuable energy to bring down those two torches? This was all a set up... and this guy down below had no clue. Time to fry him...

"Oh, but the best part?" Ethic asked, extending his palm out towards the ground, the blazing light grew a little more intense. "There are many meta-physical traditions all across the globe that thinks of the human soul, life force, as being akin to the element of fire... to be that small, flickering blaze that animates and gives the breath of life to all things. And you know what? I think they might have been right..." a decent sized sphere formed in his hand, taking away the energy that was pulsing on it and adding it to it's own. Ethic had to pretty much force himself to keep standing, this sphere contained pretty much all that he could spare without losing control of the spikes. He looked at the killer below contemptuously, shouting as he drew his hand back and pitched the ball of life force through the air.

"They might have been right... Because I can use this stuff like GASOLINE IF I FUCKING WANT TO!" The sphere hurtled through the air, soaring over Marcus's head and landing in the wrekage of the Torch he had just dodged oh so nimbly...

And the moment it made contact with those flames, Ethic willed that little sphere to burst with everything he had packed into it and then he gave it the green light to be an accelerant, going down to his hands and knees and nearly blacking out as it exploded with a resounding shockwave, transmuting from Life Force, into fire as the blaze licked up the stuff as it detonated... and Surging right towards Marcus was the fiery explosion fueled by Ethic's final attack.

"This is my end game, buddy!" he shouted down from the cealing as the blast drew closer and closer to Marcus, panting heavily. "Tell you what, you manage to survive a fucking explosion like this, and I'll just let you go wherever you want! at least I'll still be able to say I gave it all I could!"

(( Anyone got an issue with the whole: "Life force and fire are closely related" Metaphysical theory and the way I just used the Death Link? because if so, speak up and I will go gather every single piece of evidence I can muster in order to prove myself right; There has been Culture after Culture in the past that's believed just that at some point in their religions/ philosophies. This is completely justifiable to ergo have it be used as a possible accelerant))

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Mr. Taylor quickly pulled out his gun and aimed a shot directly at the eye of the head nearest to him. "Enya, my dear it doesn't like water keep that up. Everyone else concentrate your efforts on the head to the left if we can take out that head perhaps the beast will calm down."

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The portal with all the water had closed, the (leftmost) head was still reeling, now was his chance. He leapt onto the dog's face, holding onto it by the ear. "Now, let's make sure you're not a regenerating cheater like the last guy." The snakes making up the beast's mane obviously went for him, but he had already taken off- with its ear.

Edited by Eagleby18
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Kenny heard Mr. Taylor speak, and immediately made Ice-cold Water start to materialize right above the left Head, and spoke to Cerberus.

"Cool it, Hothead!"

Edited by K_H
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Another static portal opened , revealing a firefighter's truck. Without wasting a breath Enya took hold of the huge fire hose, stumbling a bit, but managing to turn it on and spray it at the head, screaming, "Bad dog! Bad, bad Cerberus!" the whole while, with Ace tucked underneath her other arm. Ace doesn't like Cerberus and Cerberus tried to eat Ace and Enya... Cerberus really IS a bad maggoty doggy!

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Marcus's enhanced reflexes had saved him once, but they couldn't do so for much longer. The flames moved more quickly than he could, and Marcus was quickly engulfed in flames. Searing pain wracked his body as his flesh started to blacken and crack from the intense heat. "You're going to fucking pay for that!" Marcus snapped back into focus through the pain and sighted Ethic again. He knew his only chance at surviving the flames consuming him was another kill, so he threw the knife with deadly force at Ethic, then collapsed to the ground, weakly batting at his flaming clothing and skin.

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Ethic only saw one thing as Marcus burned up in the heat... The gleaming flash of a blade hurtling right towards him.

"Shit..." He cursed under his breath. the thing was moving far too fast to consider dodging it, and Ethic was too tired to even try... but he had no intention of letting this smuck kill him again. Didn't he say something about getting stronger as he killed more people? oh...yes, that's right, he had; Ethic had mocked him for it just moments ago.

"Only one thing to do..." He broke off the Death Link, right then and there, falling off of the ceiling and plummeting down towards the ground over 40 meters below. But he wasn't going to wait to go splat. hitting the ground would be far more painful than he liked. He had enough in him for one last shot though... and he knew who is target was....

It was himself.

"I don't suppose that the sin of suicide counts if we do it down here," he said as he brought up his right hand to his temple, calling up Death again as his hand began to glow in a very faint light. It was this or wait until impact; he was going to die either way, that much was inevitable in this situation. But at least this way, he could take his fate into his own hands... thankfully getting offed wasn't a permanent ailment around here. A final bullet of life energy formed at the point of his index finger, held out in the shape of a gun against his skull. And then without a sound, he fired it into his temple.

He was dead long before his body hit the floor with a sickening crunch, bones smashing and Organs rupturing as blood began to pool out beneath it. Then the fire of the blast passed over him... and he was gone, simply vaporized by the heat.

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The Battle of the Third Circle

Cerberus got really distracted by the water, allowing Mr.Taylor and Edward to hit the mark with their respective attacks. Both the right and left heads howled in pain, as the middle one looked from one side to the other with a frightened look.

However, that had a side effect. If up to now Cerberus´s movements were quite a bit out of sync, the rage that came up to the two side heads was enough to fix that. Now both looked down at the adventurers the same way - angry - as the monster used all it´s body to strike, spinning around to try and sweep it´s enemies with it´s huge tail.

...Ellaria happened to be in the way. She was very close to Enya at this point, following the little girl´s voice as she shouted at the monster as if it was a regular little dog. She heard the air whistling as the tail came towards them, and realized she had to get the kid out of the way... or get out herself.

Shouting the kid´s name aloud, Ellaria jumped and pushed Enya out of the tail´s range (hopefully-she couldn´t really see how long it was), getting knocked herself in the process and stopping only when she hit the wall. She was still alive, but judging by the cracking noises coming from her small body one could say she was surely not ok.


Rose, Ix, Annie & Panik

As all three adventurers attacked at the same time, the fight finally came to an end... A really messy one, considering Ixidor´s missile. Actually, this last hit from the painter almost got Annie, who was over Killer´s neck at the time, but luckily the girl´s super-human reflexes saved her.

Panik stood up slowly looking at the red mass of flesh and blood that once was his brother, a hint of sadness on his face. However, when he finally spoke, it was another mater that was brought up - trying to change the subject, maybe?

"Uhmn, what happened to the other little onessss? Maybe bro ate them?"

((Beautiful dance there, Stratos and Murdoc. really great fighting scene! ^_^ ))

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Enya fell face first on the floor when something or someone shoved her. That voice was--

BAM! Crack.

Miss Ellaria. Getting up and seeing the snaky tail, the little girl realized what had just happened. The big dog swung its long tail-- Miss Ellaria, out of nowhere, pushed her out of the way, sacrificing herself. "Miss-- Miss Ellaria--" she gasped, her eyes wider-- if that was even possible. Then slowly she looked at the three-headed beast.

And screamed in anger. The fatigue that the child's felt was replaced by a surge of rage. Miss Ellaria was nice. Ace liked her. Ace said that they should look out for her because she couldn't see. Ace liked her. Enya liked her. This... stupid... DOG... HURT HER!

If anybody knew Enya's power and the limits of her little body, they knew that the trick she was about to pull could surely knock her out for a really long while, as well as potentially harm everyone else-- evidently the child was acting out on blind anger. A static portal was beginning to form underneath the monstrous dog...

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Kenny was whacked into the Wall when the tail hit him, knocking the wind out of him. However, this angered him more than it hurt him, and all of a sudden, the Air tensed up, the walls and ceiling started to buckle, and the floor started to groan, as if a Fault Line ran through the room and a Magnitude 11 Earthquake was about to happen in said Fault. Anyone who knew Kenny well enough would know that this little stunt would cost him his life, but he'd had it with Cerberus, and it showed because his Aura was emitting a blindingly bright red light as his pent-up Rage turned into Auric Energy.

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Well, the thing doesn't regenerate, or at least as far as Edward can tell. So it seems his plan might work after all. The thing swung its tail, but it did so blindly and didn't even come close to hitting Edward (he was too high up). There was one more thing he had to do before trying out his plan to kill the thing- but before he could do anything else, he heard a sickening CRACK, one that he recognized as the sound of a human breaking.

He turned slowly, expecting and dreading to see Enya lying in a pool of her own blood. Nah, it was just some other girl lying in a pool of her own blood. Enya herself was lying over there- just out of reach of the tail. Wait, the position she was in suggests she was pushed out of the way at the last second... did this chick just sacrifice herself for Enya?! Ugh, what was wrong with him? If he had been paying more attention, he could have (probably) gotten both her and himself out of the way and avoided any sacrifice!

Now Enya was getting back up, and she looked pissed. Immediately afterward, another one of those static portals (which he had already figured to associate with her) opened up beneath Cerberus. And he was still next to Cerberus. And it was the biggest portal he'd seen so far. And judging by the cute girl's demeanor, he was sure that this particular portal would mean bad news to anyone near it. "Yeah, I think I'll just... go over here..." he said to no one in particular as he flew to the far side of the room. Now that he was out of the way, he needed to test Cerberus' blood. His plan to kill the beast would never work if, say, it had acidic blood. He rubbed the bloody end of the severed ear against the wall, smearing redness all over it. When it didn't seem to be eating away at the wall, he stuck his hand in just to make sure.

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