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Under the Hill - Third Circle: Gluttony


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"Maybe you're the killer and you just need a convenient excuse in front of all these people? It seems like you know a lot about how to kill people secretly, and they always say that the thief is the one who guards his purse the closest."

Phantom looked at the second newcomer. He was familiar, but not as much so as the others in the group. Still, he knew he had encountered this man, even if only once. He tried to think back to what Mr. Taylor had said. He had died... The memory came rushing back. Phantom had been there, he had seen the man's crumpled body pooled in blood. This man had been standing there, knife in hand. They had been about to battle when... the man had disappeared. Phantom stepped out from behind the others, putting himself in clear sight of the man. The masked man focused his gaze on the newcomer, drawing his sword from its sheathe and pointing it in his direction.. He wanted to give the others a warning, to tell them what had happened. But it was still hard for him to put the words together coherently. Instead, he gave the same message he had given the other two, a man and a boy who were not here right now.

"Don't... trust..."

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The Starving Souls started running all at once, apparently forgetting the deal they'd made with Ixidor. The one who talked to him earlier, however, managed to shout an advice towards the boy in his raspy voice.

"Run master, follow us! To the holes! To the walls!" he said, running and pointing to the rat holes were they were trying to get.



Ethic's blow cut clean through the dessert-like wall, opening a path through it. Once he did this, however, the whole structure lost it's stability and started to fall rapidly over the adventurer.

((your new path is still open))



Ellaria listened to the whole situation in awe. She couldn't understand all the others were saying clealry, and she worried Rose could be forcing herself too much, mantaining that spell. Also, she was feeling some weird vibrations on the ground, almost as something big walking in the distance. They needed to wrap things up soon.

"I-I trust Mr. Taylor too." she said. The old man had always struck her as a kind character, and not a liar. "But what should we do? I mean, you guys don't think in killing him right?" she asked, a little scared of the course things were taking.

((@ Sith: If Morris is going towards Ix, you can join the scene at any time.))

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Ixidor celebration soon comes to an end when he saw a titan appear down the hall that keep calling himself 'Panik'. The boy was horrified as he watch as the giant devour one of his followers, surely it was hungry. but there's no reason to kill and gulp down one of those skinny people. Everything happened so fast as the glutton people cower in fear and scattered like mice, running away from the giant. Ixidor should probably run too, if he wants to live.

He quickly steps down from the boulder and ride his bike, pedaling for his life, following the glutton's spoke person and enters the rat hole,

"I think we're safe for now" Ixidor catches his breath "Who was that? he keeps calling himself Panik. What's going on? Who are you people!?" Ixidor said to the starving soul from before.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Rose felt Ellaria's hand tremble in hers, and she immediately turned to the girl, forgetting about Marcus. "No, Ellaria," she stated strongly, voice quivering and eyes growing misty with the memory of Byron's death. "There will be no death right now, I swear." The woman had forgotten about keeping her concentration on Marcus, and had unwittingly let him loose.

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Subtlety. Marcus dusted himself off after whatever had held him in place dissipated. "Does this mean you've reached a decision and aren't going to just off me on the word of some old guy?" He took on a thoughtful expression for one moment. "You're not all telepathic or something, are you?"

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Rose cautiously answered, knowing that she had already outted her powers to this strange person. "Now I don't think that's a fair question, unless you were to respond in kind with your gift from hell," she uttered. "We won't kill you though. There's been too much death here, and we don't need more." Staring the man in the eyes, she added, "What's your name?" hoping that he would calm down and not attack them. The young woman quickly cast a glance at Mr. Taylor, hoping that he would stay silent for now.

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"Why Puny onessss always have to hide in holessss?" Panik grumbled. He shook the ground once one by walking over to the rat hole. He tried to peer into the little hole Ix and his followers went into by lying down on the ground. A Big Reptilian eye stared in at them. A vertical black slit made up the pupil. The pupil was surrounded by a storm of colours, mostly golds and yellows, but many blacks and blues were present as well. "I seesss you little ones, there are very many of you. Panik very hungry. He will get youssss soon."

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Morris came closer to where he thought he previously heard the noise. He had been hearing more along the way as well, but then he heard something else.

"...tle ones, there are very many of you. Panik very hungry. He will get youssss soon."

He halted on his tracks, being as such also able to hear the shifting of its gargantuan body. After having seen it a few times, he felt a bit annoyed, and a bit less thrilled, but it was still dreadful enough.

"Bloody hell, I just hope those pals of theirs were bright enough to hide away. Well this is just brilliant!" He mumbled to himself as he snuck back alongside the wall. He had to warn the group, if only to get more people to deal with the monster. And keep the cleaning lady safe.

Edited by SithBaker
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Enya kept her gaze steady on the Mister Alexander who'd just come by recently, and then turned it on Mister Taylor. "Did you all know that the last circle, the pit of liars and fibbers, is where the scariest punishments are held?" the child asked, as though reading from an interesting facts-book like an almanac, addressing everyone with an innocuous-looking wee lass' face.

After a profound pause of silence, she then pointed in the direction the first mister had taken off into earlier, smiling as she said in an almost sing-song tone: "He's coming, and he's very, very hungry. I wonder if he likes to eat people?"

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"I seesss you little ones, there are very many of you. Panik very hungry. He will get youssss soon."

Ixidor was frozen in fear as he gaze upon the giant's eye. The boy backs away still waiting for his for his question to be answer.One thing is for sure, this giant is a bully...and Ixidor hates bullies. Someone has to stand up to this monster, Ixidor somehow felt a sense of responsibility to these people, He must set an example of what a leader should do in this kind of situation. The boy gains courage to defend himself and protect this defenseless people.

Ixidor wave his hand and draws something in the air, his hand glow and with an instant, a harpoon cannon appears! it kinda resembles like a turret, Ixidor didn't know how to use it. but It was loaded with a big-ass spear, clearly all he has to do is point and shoot.

"Leave us alone!" the boy yelled as he pulls the trigger with all his might and fires the harpoon at the giant's peeking eye.

Edited by typhlosionrulez
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Rose stared at their youngest companion in curiosity. That bit about liars was... Placed interestingly, as was everything else the child said. The next words that came out of Enya's mouth frightened her. "Ok, Alex," she said, purposefully shortening the man's name as she picked Enya up and secured a grasp on Ellaria's hand like she had done so many times. "Let's be clear on this. If you're lying and try to harm anyone here, I will kill you, regardless of what's been said. Right now though, we don't have time to waste, we need to move." Looking at Enya, she urgently asked, "What is running around hungry? Why would it eat us?"

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Ethic didn't hesitate when he saw the wall falling apart. He Withdrew his saber and dashed through the hole in the wall, diving into a front roll and emerging just in time to avoid it collapsing atop him. he stood and dusted himself off, retrieving the Torch from his pocket and flicking the beam on once again, scanning the area ahead. He took a moment before moving on, staring back at the broken Blancmange wall. He made a mental note not to be surprised by the stuff he found down here anymore. with that done, He turned and headed off again, keeping the link at the ready in the back of his mind. Things looked like they were going to get weird down here...

Edited by Stratos
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"...Oh." Annie said. She blinked, and barely saw the hand coming down. She jumped, and landed over the hand like a skipping rope. She didn't hesitate. This would be fun. She bit her hand and turned her arm into elastic. It zoomed up to the ceiling, and swung forward while turning her elastic hands into hardened blades. Annie flew down its back, digging the blades into the giants back, before separating her hands and splitting it's back open.

She fixed her hood, and turned her back on it, looking back into the hall. If it wasn't dead, then she'd just cut it again. A giant thing like that can't keep up with her speed.

(i swear to god notus if you go there i will kick you)

Edited by Annie Leonhardt
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Panik saw the little harpoon flying towards his eye. In response he closed it quickly. The thick skin managed to protect it from the harpoon as it stuck into his eyelid only a little. "Ow, that hurt." Panik said as he plucked the little harpoon from his eyelid. He opened his eye again as he looked in at Ix. "Why funny man hurt Panik? Panik only do job he wassss told to do. Why funny man protect bad souls? Why funny man even here? You no look like the others funny man."

((he is talking directly to Ix here, as he noticed he looks quite a bit different that is why he is calling him that.))

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Ixidor was puzzled as he stands behind the cannon. The boy started to question himself whose right or wrong, but he was not about to let his guard down. after all the giant did threaten these people. The boy wave his magical hand and the cannon was reloaded with another harpoon. But this time it was different, its tip was dripping with poison.

"My name is Ixidor, and you're right mister giant, im not from here. I came from the living until i stumble upon in this hellhole." He adjusted his cannon pointing it at the Man-beast just to be safe. "I don't know who's right or wrong, but the way i see it you're the whose bad. they just wanted food, you on the other hand kills one of them." Ixidor said.

"Listen here mister giant, who sent you? explain yourself." Ixidor paused.

"and don't do anything funny or will fire this huge tranquilizer harpoon right at you." the young boy was talking big, after all he has the giant right at his range, all he has to do is pull the trigger.

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As Ethic keeps walking, the corridor got darker and colder. For some reason, the place where he now was did not have torches around.

Suddenly, the flashlight hit the wall. He seemed to be in a dead end... As he looked around, though, he noticed something hanging from the walls...

It was meat, hanged into hooks. The disturbing part was that, even after being beheaded, opened and gutted, those pieces of meat looked clearly human. The walls were filled with them, as if in a monstuous pantry.



The titan that Annie had knocked down managed to let go a gutural scream, which echoed all over the place, before his body laid still. As if in response, Annie started to hear other angry shouts in a cacophany of raspy and low tones and the ground itself started to tremble slightly. The corridor was still clear for the time being, though.



"Big hungry monster."

Ellaria shivered after hearing Enya. The little kid was extremely cute and innocent, but when she spoke this was the older girl couldn't help to find it creepy.

Almost as soon as Enya spoke that, all of them heard a scream echo through the place, soon followed by many others in angry tones. Although it was really faint, Ellaria could also distinguish the vibrations in the floor that were typical of something big on the move.

It seemed Enya was right again, but she didn't want to stay there to confirm it.

"W-what was that?" she asked nervous. "We'd better get out of here soon, I have a bad feeling..."

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"Panik not know who in charge, but Panik told to punish souls for their sins in life." the Giant said. "Big Snake Judge tell Giants, that it isss job to punish bad soulsssss." He said, blinking his eye. "Even if Panik leave these souls alone, other Giants will hunt themsss, and they may even hunt you funny man. It not Panik's job to hunt funny man, Panik not told to hunt ones that don't belong here, so Panik will not hunt them." He said. Panik now sat back, Ix could see a big reptilian foot outside the door but not much else. "Funny man best be careful, other Giants lay traps of food that smell like person's favourite food. It is intoxicating to souls, and probably you too funny man."

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Morris comes back rushing, with a worrisome look on his face. He has his Browning out and prepared should he need it. In a voice that is clearly held down, he announces:

"I am afraid one of your bloody pals might have got got into trouble with a nasty monster ahead!"

He sounded a bit angry perhaps.

"Don t panic, stay quiet so we can sneak up on it. I figured with you lot around, we could take it down. The freak is even worse than those undainty things. A real arse that runs around eating whoever is around in these tunners. The things included"

Morris was especially comteptful about the monster.

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Other giants? you mean there are more of them!? Ixidor though to himself and was alarm about the news. Luckily for the boy, this Giant is reasonable enough to talk to him and even care to warn him about this place. Ixidor decided to confront the Giant to settle things once and for all. He pulls out the huge spear from the cannon as a precaution and steps out from the door with a harpoon at hand.

The boy cautiously approach the sitting Man-beast. "Look, Mister Panik, it doesn't have to be like this, don't you ever get tired of punishing these poor defenseless souls, they're already in hell, what's the point?" Ixidor questions the giant. "You can choose what you want to be, you don't have to listen to that evil snake judge." Ixidor said.

"Also, they're others like me who's trap in this circle as well, seeing you that you didn't mean what you did, will you please help us get out of this place?" the boy tries to convince the giant.

((this kinda reminds of the Iron giant.))

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"Panik not know. Me be down here most life. Funny man make good point though." Panik said, scratching his head. "There are other funny people here too? This weird. But Panik tired of doing what he is told, Panik want to do what Panik wants to do. Panik will help funny man, and his friends."

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Rose tensed as screams echoed down the halls. "Look, I don't know what any of you plan on doing," she exclaimed, "All I know is that we need to get out of here and look after our own. I'm going to help whoever Morris saw." Taking a step forward, she stumbled, but quickly righted herself. "Ellaria, Enya, will you still come with me?" she questioned, looking at them both. "I understand if you don't want to."

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Ethic damn near dropped the flash light when he caught a glimpse of the walls, having to fumble to keep it from escaping his gasp as he collected himself. whatever the hell had hung these things... had to be a complete monster. he cast the beam of the light around again, confirming that in front of him was nothing but a dead end. This was a trap, it honestly had to be... the facts all pointed to such, a hall way that smells like someone cooking something good... that ends abruptly with a bunch a dead peeps hanging from hooks on the wall... and with his luck, the thing that had hung them there probably wasn't far away...

Yeah... Ethic was no expert in trap layouts and the like, but he had a pretty bad feeling about this area. Going forward was obviously out of the question, so that left one option... or did it?

"I'm getting the hell out of here," he said, intentionally being loud as he could as he turned around and walked back the way he came, making sure every foot echoed off of the walls. he had already killed a keeper, and so far, none of the things he'd found here had been anywhere near as Dangerous as one of them could be... well, maybe with the exception of the she-wolf from the library. He was sure that what ever hung these things, he'd be able to deal with it... hopefully...

alright, maybe. maybe was good, too, right?

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