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Under the Hill - Third Circle: Gluttony


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Ethic heard the screams as he was walking back, and then the ground trembled beneath him. Suddenly, a giant came running out of the shadows before him, closing the man in a dead end. When it saw Ethic, it stopped, and there stood glaring at him with a wrathfull expression.

The titan was nearly 15 meters tall, muscular and with the features of a man. It's mouth was unnaturally big, it's sharp teeth sharp as those of a carnivourous predator.

A moment passed in silence.

And then it roared, and rushed to the adventurer, trying to grab him in his huge hands.



"I'm with you, Rose." Ellaria said, walking over to her friend. Then she turned to the others. "I-I really want you guys to come together with us... But, if you don't want thanks a lot for all." she said, nervous.



"No, no master! This monster is evil! It eats us!" the speaker of the starving souls said, wide eyed with the situation. "Please, pretty please, stay with us, feed us!"

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Rose smiled softly, she had both girls back with her. Something just felt right, travelling with this psuedo-family of hers, though the girls weren't aware that she viewed them as sisters. "Well, if you all are coming," she spoke quickly, "then I guess you'd better move fast, because we won't waste time." With that, she began jogging down the path that Morris had come from, holding Ellaria and Enya's hands.

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Ethic ducked and rolled in between the Giant's two massive feet as it attempted to grab him, springing up behind the beast as his saber blazed to life in his hands, he spun and twirled it in his palm, casting an after image of the blade and being flashy with it... eerily reminiscent of how Scott had been flashy with the handling of his blade as well. He eventually ended the makeshift light show a few moments later by bringing the life saber to rest, holding it backhanded behind himself and taking an aggressive fighting stance. A cocky smirk spread on his face as he stared up at the colossus before him, holding his hand out, palm facing him, flexing his fingers back in a classic 'come at me' gesture. His eyes had a strange glint in them, as if they were glazed over with excitement... something that Ethic had never really felt while fighting before.

It was obvious that Death's Arcana was beginning to take a greater and greater root in his psyche. Even now, the link was starting to spread it's influence within him, starting to drive him to begin to relish the thought of possibly dealing out fates of mortality, no matter who or what he might be dealing it to. He figured that this new found fondness for the prospect of open hostility was related to the Issue he'd become aware of not long ago. But what the young man had no idea of, was that with each circle he passed through, it's hold would only get stronger and stronger, the problem would only become worse the further in he traveled. He was running out of time... but that wasn't what mattered right now. What mattered right now was the thing standing before him. What mattered right now was that it would be dead on the floor in a few minutes.

"Come on!!!!" Ethic shouted, trying to goad the thing into charging him again.

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"Enough!" Ixidor assert himself to the speaker of the gluttons. "None of in this room is evil, i only see lost, misguided creatures trap in this place, including me." the boy looks around the crowd. "don't worry, I'll keep my promise. But i'm afraid i can't stay here, you can still follow me and i'll give you food from time to time,but only if you discipline yourselves." Ixidor sighed. The boy put his spear behind his back and get on his bike.

"I'm sure mister Panik didn't mean it and there are other giants out there who isn't friendly as he is, I suggest we just get along if you want to live. so are you still with me?" The boy questions the chief of the gluttons.

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From a place that seemed like an eternity away, Annie heard Ethic shout something at someone.

Or some giant.

Racing towards the direction she heard it from, she dashed at a superhuman speed, breaking the stones beneath her and zooming past, before her mind - thinking of what Ethic was doing - came to a screeching stop as she remembered where the group was. She tried to instantly turn herself invisible, but it was only gradual, and she rounded the corner as a floating torso before the invisibility enveloped her. She hoped nobody had saw. That would give people nightmares. Creeping around the back of them slowly, she accidentally brushed against the old man's back, and her body tensed up before she bolted past him, running in the direction of Ethic's shout. After a while of running, she saw a long corridor and worked up her courage.


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Morris was sure to be ahead of the cleaning lady and the others, ready to intercept anything dangerous, his Browning prepared to fire. He assumed the child had some abilities that would justify bringing her for the battle, but he still didnt trust her in the matters of selfdefence. When they were nearing the spot where he heard the voice, he made clear that "The monster should be just ahead."

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Ethic cast a split second glance as a familiar voice echoed out, seeing Annie not far away. he immediately turned his attention back to the monstrosity standing before him.

"Stay back!" he snarled. "This bastard's mine!" It had happened again, his subconscious psyche had taken over his body and thoughts, pushing his usual self to the background, just like it had with the fight against Quincy and the dismemberment. And this side of Ethic, the monster of a person who was slowly growing more and more with each little episode, wanted nothing more than to tear this behemoth apart limb from limb... but it was different this time, this time, there was no morally related motivation for the violence he sought to inflict. This time... he just wanted to do it to prove that he could, a display of power, even if no one was around to see it, he'd know it himself... he'd prove it to himself... and himself alone.

And He'd prove it without the help of anyone else. though outwardly, none of these aspects was projected on his face except a deep set rage. Hell, if one were to look at the walls of this corridor, they might think that they know why he was angry, they might think it was because of the dead folks hanging on the wall. But that was far from the truth. Ethic could care less about those poor fools; he hadn't known those people, he had never seen their faces or heard their names or their voices, they had all probably entered this place looking for something, same as he and everyone else in the group did, and what they found instead had been this ugly guy, waiting for them, to gut them and hang them up. In the end, it had been their own stupidity that had killed them, and Ethic didn't have any pity for people who died because they were simply stupid. so long as no one from the group hung from any of those hooks, and from what Ethic could tell, no one did, he would not kill this thing simply for some type of vengeance. He was not angry because of these bodies...

He was angry because this ugly bastard wasn't charging at him like he wanted him to, he was angered because this Giant wasn't putting itself in a position that he could easily exploit it's size in.

"COME ON, COWARD!!!" He again roared with ferocity. "COME ON SO THAT I CAN PUT YOU DOWN!!"

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The giant took some time to realize where Ethic was once he slid beneath it's legs. Despite it's size, the monster was clearly not very clever...

Once it heard Ethic's voice calling for him though, it turned around quickly, roaring in blind rage. In the same motion, it threw a insanely strong kick towards the little man, aiming to smash him to pieces in the wall.



The starving souls started to act uneasy, looking to Ixidor with hungry -and at the same time scared- eyes. The speaker seemed about to agree when the roars and screams started being heard by the group.

"NO! Pleease master, give us food now before it's too late! They will kill us all, and then gut us and eat us! And then we'll be back, then we'll starve again and then they will do it all again!" he said, with crazed eyes, rushing to Ix and grabbing his arm, trying to drag him back into the hole. Others started to move to help him, and soon the boy would be surrounded by them.

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Ethic smiled as the Behemoth finally attacked, diving to the ground and front rolling out of the way, barely fast enough to avoid being killed by the monstrous punt that had been sent his way. He Sprinted towards the wall at top speed, not stopping when he reached it, but rather placing his foot on it, using the same trick he had used to get within range of Quincy, a spike made of his life force shooting out of the sole of his sneaker and anchoring him to the face of the wall as he placed his other foot then shot a new spike out and withdrew the old one, and repeated the cycle over and over again, being eerily silent as he ran vertically along the wall, skirting underneath the hooks with the dead hanging from them. He made sure to keep the giant in his sights. He stopped when reached a point where he'd be able to put his plan into action, slowing down to a Jog and then a halt, still anchoring himself to the wall with the spikes manifesting at the soles of his feet. The Glow of his saber dulled and faded as he withdrew it and lifted up one hand, pointing it like a gun at the giant. He willed a sphere of life force to flicker to life at his finger tip, then reeled his arm back and brought it around in an arc over his head, as if throwing a punch towards the sky. the moment he did, the small sphere fired from his finger tip, zipping through the air like a bullet, heading past the Titan's head and on a trajectory for the opposite wall. He seized control over it half-way through the flight path, willing it to curve around and fly back towards him, the trajectory now altered to fly at the side of the Titan's face.

The second that it was close enough, Ethic gave the mental command for the Sphere to burst with the energy he had condensed into it, watching as it exploded in a small burst of power on the side of the Titan's face that was not facing him. He could feel a familiar urging in his mind; the limit for his ability, but it was nothing he couldn't brush off for the most part. the point of that shot was to mislead the Titan, not to inflict serious damage. He again ignited his life saber, waiting for the Giant to turn it's back to him... he'd paralyze this bastard with a slash to the spinal cord, then finish it off with a slice across the jugular.

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"Alexander" jogged after the group, content to wait for an opportunity. I wonder what all this ruckus is about? Giants running around eating things, from what it sounds like. He eyed the other man, Morris. I don't trust this one. He doesn't strike me as so innocent.

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Mr. Taylor decided he would stay behind for the time being. He had made the decision that if Marcus was to travel with the rest of the group, then he most certainly wouldn't. They should have killed him where he stood. But, of course they didn't. They were good honest people. Just like he'd tried to be. But, it was that line of thinking that had gotten him killed in the first place. He thought he could talk to Marcus and deal with him that way. He thought he could be an honest archaeologist after dealing with the Soviets. He thought he could be a brave soldier, like the men in movies when he'd been shipped off to war. But, of course each time he'd tried to do the right thing he lost. Hell if there was anything Mr. Taylor had learned after his seventy odd years on this Earth, it was that nice guys do indeed finish last. And Mr. Taylor was tired of finishing last. But, it was too early to put his plan in to effect, Phantom was still afoot, for now he'd have to wait.

Mr. Taylor looked up at the masked man and began talking in his normal gentle voice, "Well, I'm not going with the man who killed me. But, what will you do? I suppose it's your choice really, you can travel with an old man or with a group of valiant warriors such as yourself. Just know though, that whatever your choice may be, I don't blame you and I still thank you for saving my life."

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"Well, I'm not going with the man who killed me. But, what will you do? I suppose it's your choice really, you can travel with an old man or with a group of valiant warriors such as yourself. Just know though, that whatever your choice may be, I don't blame you and I still thank you for saving my life."

Phantom turned to the older man. He was silent for a long while, perhaps thinking things over. He was also uncomfortable traveling with the man, though Mr. Taylor wouldn't know that. He hadn't been alive at the time. He wanted to stay with the man, the person who he might have the greatest chance at becoming a "friend" with, but at the same time, could he really leave all these people to the same potential fate that Mr. Taylor had gone through?

After a time, he spoke. These people would still have the advantage of numbers without him. Mr. Taylor, however, would be on his own. He would go with the man, for a time at least. He had already given the others the only warning he could, so there wasn't much left to say.

"I'll... acompany you..."

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Ixidor forcefully resisted as squirms around and make his way through the crowd, "Wait!" the boy felt a bit concern about their way of living with these giants, an endless loop of torment and suffering."Why do you think about food when there is a bigger problem in your hands?" Ixidor sighed and draws his spear.

"Look i'll try to fix this predicament you are in, but food isn't answer. learn to control yourselves, that's what got you here in the first place!" The boy tries to discipline these ravenous souls. "beside i think there are others here that is willing to help you guys. but first i got to find them, i can't do this alone."

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Hearing Morris say that they were almost there, Rose quickened her pace so that she and Ellaria passed him. Rounding the corner, she suppressed a sigh, seeing the artist attempting to negotiate with scrawny, sickly looking people and a giant. "Hey there!" she called, hoping to gain the artist's attention.

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((and a huge Giant Rose......Panik is still there.))

Panik turned after hearing another voice. "These your friends Funny man?" Panik said rubbing his head. "They look like you." Panik really wasn't paying too much attention to the sitaution otherwise as he was trying to ignore the souls. He didn't want to think about what he had been doing until this point.

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The condemned souls seemed to have stopped hearing - or caring for - what Ixidor said. They were into a frenzy trying to get a hold of the boy all at once, and bringing him slowly towards the hole...

Then one of them bit his arm.



The titan started punching around in fury as Ethic's shot hit his face. It still hadn't found the him, so it was trying all around, specially at the direction where the shot came from.

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Ethic grinned as the obviously less than intelligent titan began to lash out blindly in every direction. It's stupidity would almost make this too easy... he'd have to find something smarter to kill later on. that aside, he again focused another sphere at his fingertip, firing it off and preforming the same stunt as with the last one, aiming it at the opposite wall and then redirecting it to hit the Giant. The second sphere hit titan much as the first one had; on the side of the face facing away from Ethic's position. Hopefully this would help the big idiot to turn like he wanted him too... even though these burst were pretty small, Ethic didn't exactly have an infinite amount of energy to fire away at him...

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Panik's Fist came down into the group of the souls crushing a few of them. He then placed his hand over the tunnel hole to keep them from pouring out for now. "Funny man, Panik can no help you with that one, but Panik can keep others at bay. Get yourself free!"

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Just as Ixidor was about to greet Rose,the group of ravenous souls acted strange and bit him,"Son of b... !" the boy said struggling to escape. "Ahh.. a little help guys." he yelled and fought as much as he could with a spear at hand. Ixidor tries to use his ability to draw something but his hand was pretty occupied at that moment.

((I trusted you...))

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Rose took what Enya said and acted as she had with the shadows and the loving dead. "Teleport!" she shrieked, immediately closing her eyes as she felt the headache take hold of her. She crouched down, hoping that the creatures had been transported.

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Ixidor, Rose, Enya, Ellaria, Marcus & Morris

((Today's lesson: never trust the host :P .))

Rose's spell worked, and the man biting Ixidor suddenly disapeared. The boy was left with an ugly bleeding wound in the arm (although luckily it was not too deep) and lots of superficial scratches.

Ellaria, who followed the situation through the voices of her friends, was actually a bit scared because of the booming voice she heard talking to the boy. "Are you all right..." she tried to remember the boy's name from the first circle. "...Ixidor? And, uhmn, who's that was talking to you?"


Ethic & Annie

Finnaly the giant took notice of the direction the shots were coming and started punching the wall opposed to Ethic, so brutally that pieces of rock started falling to the ground, along with piles of the gutted corpses that were hanging on it. Now it finnaly showed it's back to him.

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"Ixidor, are you ok?" Rose asked quickly, placing Ellaria's hand in Enya's for a moment to tend to the artist. Quickly, she grabbed her sarong from her bag and tore a strip of cloth from it, tying it around the young boy's wound. She then refastened the sarong to her waist, motioning for the others to come closer while giving the giant a wary glance. "Who are you?" she started, "and why are you here?"

Rose then dropped to the ground, clutching her head as the headache more fully took place. "Gah," she moaned. "Why couldn't we have walked through the gates of heaven instead?" This place had done nothing but aggravate her.

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Ixidor winced and feels a pang after the girl apply the cloth in his injured arm. "Yeah, i'm ok, thanks to you guys", the boy pick himself up .

"I don't know, some creatures living in this place, i foolishly thought i could change them, i was wrong, all they wanted was food." Ixidor said a bit disappointed as he answered Elliaria.

"Cheer up miss Rose, this isn't bad as it seems, Panik here will help us. he's one of the giants living here. Isn't that right mister Panik?" the boy looks up to the Giant.

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