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I KNOW that I need to give all of you an "I'm sorry".


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*sigh* Hello there. I know, I really messed up this time. I would say "In my defense", but no. I don't have the right to a Phoenix Wright. In case you don't know... I lost a Nations battle because I missed with Rock Slide 3 or 4 times in a row... And I flipped out. It was... most likely the dumbest thing I ever said on the internet. And it could ruin that countdown "job" I'm planing for youtube. After all, what goes on the internet stays there forever. And to boot, I was a fool in my starting days on this site. But on my defense on that, This was my first forum site. But that's no excuse. A reason? Maybe... But there is no excuse for both of the the things I'm saying "sorry" for. So... I... I think it best that I leave. But I wanted to make it clear that I KNOW I'm a massive fool and a massive tool. So... I might stay, I might go. I don't really. But if I go I want to see what you guys have to say before I leave... So, good-bye, Pokemon Reborn... I'll most likely miss you in a weird way. That is all, Take it away Reborn.

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Dunno what you said, but if it was something pesonal, you owe an apology more to the person you offended. If you were just being an explosive dick, then IDGAF, everyone explodes and there ain't no reason to le it have such a daunting impact

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I think you´re kinda overreacting, so what if you said something? many people said bad and horrible things on the internet and don´t give a flying fuck about it, but like Dobby said, just ask an apology to the one you offended.

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Aye, don't be too hasty. That you recognize this means you are at least willing to learn from your mistakes and acknowledge that you make them and are in fact human. We all have incidents, especially with hax in pokemon, because it only take a bit of bad luck to make somebody snap. I am sure not everyone here hates you, in fact I have some respect for you for doing this, it takes a bit of courage do this in front of an entire community of people.

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Do whatever is in your best judgement. Personally I would just apologize as I am sure the friendly people here would forgive you for whatever insults you threw at them. If you do leave though may the odds ever be in your favor.

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