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Singular Nidokings

Kaiser the great

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This is more of a 'help with a single team member' than the entire team. So after obtaining based Nidoboy and doing the typical workout of sit ups and things like that, it dawned on me - I don't have a life orb nor do I have access to Good TMs.

I don't want to drop him because how do you not like Nidoking? Guy reeks of pre-game victory and probably can steal yo girl and I don't want to lose that. So any tips as to what sort of build I can go for? Moves/Natures etc.

For clarification's sake, I'm at the end of episode [12?] whichever was the most recent.

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Timid with Sheer Force and the moves Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Sludge Wave and Earth Power should do it. Since it's in the Field Egg Group, for IceBeam and Thunderbolt, use this topic:http://www.pokemonreborn.com/forum/?showtopic=8566

Then just get Level-up Earth Power and TM Sludge Wave. If you're into EV training, just go for Speed and Special Attack.

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Meanwhile if you don't like breeding for moves I'd recommend still using earth power and sludge wave, but running 2 of megahorn, thrash, and toxic spikes for the other move slots. Sheer force is still the preferable ability.

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