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Outcomes for protecting the kids' house?


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Just looking for videos (or if those aren't available, scripts or screenshots) of all four possible outcomes to protecting the kids' house from the crazy evil doctor and Sirius. I chose not to battle the doctor in Yuruya (quite by accident... I was trying to save first) and chose right in the house, and I've found a video of someone who chose to battle him earlier (and therefor battled Sirius in the house) selecting stay downstairs... I'm also assuming that the story afterwards changes for each; is this correct?

I really with I'd been able to find the save data like I tried to so I could have played at least two of the routes, but I've saved since so it's no good.

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Yeah there are 4 resolutions to that total. I've played through all 4 but now I can't remember which is which. Anyway, my favorite is the one where Dr. Sigmund Connel gets hyper beamed through the wall.

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I think that's the one I played. He deserved it...

But I think my Emolga could've done a better job (I still use that thing. Volt Switch is amazing.). Nice and slow... And electrifying. Eye for an eye, you know?

.... Would it be against the rules to start a "ways to kill "Doctor" Sigmund" thread?

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wait there are four? I thought there was only two, guess ill have to replay them again

There's two if you choose to fight Sigmund in the Yuruya factory, and two more if you don't (in which case you fight Sirius instead).

Basically, it only shows two options once you get there, but which two options you get depend entirely on an earlier event.

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Well in one you follow the doctor upstairs and see him shock Laura, Laura is then captured and you and Saphira go to rescue her. You get this one by fighting Sigmund in the Yureyu building and then going upstairs.

In a second you stay downstairs with the doctor and see Saphira come through the front door after which she releases her dragonite, which hyper beams the good doctor through the wall. Following that Sirius comes back downstairs after being beaten back by Laura (I think?) and he poisons Saphira with his Seviper when she's not looking. In this one you go with Laura to rescue Saphira, it also triggers some interesting back story about someone she knew as Lin (possibly the same person) told to you by Laura. You get this one by fighting Sirius in the Yureyu building and then opting to stay downstairs.

The third scenario has you preventing Sirius from going upstairs while Sigmund checks the kitchen. Sirius is then delayed by Saphira's arrival. Saphira basically scares Sirius into submission (kind of) but Sigmund gets away with Charlotte and Shelly. You give chase with Saphira, though I haven't done the rescue down this path. You get this one by fighting Sirius in the Yureyu building and then going upstairs.

In the fourth scenario you fight Sirius in the lounge room while Sigmund goes upstairs, shocks Laura, and then gets away with Anna and Noel. You then go to rescue them alongside Saphira. You get this one by fighting Sigmund in the Yureyu building and then staying downstairs.

Edited by Sheep
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