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Interest Check: Pokemon mystery dungeon-themed RP


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  On 8/21/2014 at 4:15 AM, ZephyrEnyalios said:


I love that spin-off game, most especially Explorers of Sky(haven't tried Gates to Infinity, I don't have a 3DS... yet)

Just sayin', Gates has a few cool featuers and the same awesome usic as the previous games.... But it doesn't stand up to it.

Anyways, I'm intrigued

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Ohkay, woah. Wasnt expecting this much people interested.

But I'll go ahead and post what I have right now. This is *probably* going to be the signup and chat thread later. The whole world is far from being done, and I still have to get permission to use a couple of characters and settings my friends made since i dont feel like making all of it..xc

Oh, and its mostly based of explorers of sky, with some characters included from lawless rescue team (fan comic I read, gotta love it), and some new settings a friend of mine created for her fanmade PMD game. Nearly zero elements from GTI, but every pokemon currently known, fusions, and mega-evos for every pokemon are going to be in it. >:3

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If you play a human-to-poke character, you have your pick of any basic nonlegendary, nonpsudeo, nonbaby, pokemon that is not rotom, larvesta, aron, annnd... I hate to say honege because its one of my favorites, but I think aegislash is pretty OP. Any opinions?

If you play a pokemon character (originally a poke), you have your choice of any nonlegendary.

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I assume Ditto would be like it was in the anime. Just because you can take something's form, doesn't mean you know how to be it. In Dungeons and Dragons some DMs (including me), have additional rules for SHapeshifting. One has to take considerable time to learn the intricacies of the form, or have the risk of bad thing s happening (the more complicated the beast, the harder it was to learn to be one.). Basically, anybody playing a ditto would have to limit themselves to not be OP, and actually play around such a notion. ((why isn't Ditto like this in the game? Simply because nobody would use the derpy little blob, and it would stop action for something like that when you already need to grind levels etc...)

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Good point. And so in the end Ditto ends up merely as a breeder... poor derpy blob(pretty adorable too though).

now to decide if I really want to stick as an Eevee or if I want to be something that flies--

Oh yeah, as another limitation to Ditto's potential OPness, it could also be like how it is in the PMD games. It transforms into any random Pokemon available on the floor(except for the Boss or Sub-Boss floors, apparently) and PP for the moves it obtains are reduced, It's actually challenging to be a Ditto if you follow these limitations... unless you've got a frikton of Max Elixirs on you all the time.

Ditto also remains a Normal-type even after transformation in PMD, if I recall.

Edited by ZephyrEnyalios
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oh if we're doing teams then I'd totally play Team Normal/Flying

Swellow, the charismatic and rather headstrong leader

Staraptor, the reserved, skillful fighter

Braviary, the stereotypical loud tough guy

Pidgeot, the calm, spiritual one

brb looking up tvtropes for the rest

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