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Interest Check: Pokemon mystery dungeon-themed RP


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If I have 15 or 16 people, I'll have to do away with the NPC partners. Okay with everyone?

There's going to be a limit of 2 other people who can take on human characters.

Oh, btw, Hukuna, can you lock topics? Because I'd like the RP post locked until everyone has their characters in.

Expect everything to be posted by wednesday.

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So, we can have a legit rp where we have other ppl as partners? Idk if it gonna take the explorers, or rescue type run, or something different, but this rp is going to explode with popularity. Guaranteed.

We have around 10 ppl now. Idk if we can get 16, but 10 is a great number. 5 teams is quite a few.

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>.> i believe I'm the most active.... Murdoc is derp........ Choose the guy that punches things all the time, it's logic!

So we can choose wut team we are? I'm lovin it.

XDDDDD grass=ultra derp guildmaster.

I miss rubyheart. She coulda done the derpy guildmaster part perfectly!

Btw, If we flip off the npc partners, who wants to join the annoying baddie team? : P

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I'm also on quite often, while doing other things I check in to this site so most of the time I'm on all day. Although that may change with school starting, I'd still be quite active.

Don't judge me, I'm a socially challenged teenager

Edited by Snap Crackle Pop
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  On 8/26/2014 at 2:54 AM, Snap Crackle Pop said:

I'm also on quite often, while doing other things I check in to this site so most of the time I'm on all day. Although that may change with school starting, I'd still be quite active.

...When does your school start? Mine started almost a month ago.

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  On 8/22/2014 at 5:02 AM, Hukuna said:

Skullkin.....is that you? Welcome back, haven't seen you in a long while.

Yeah, I've been busy. And now I'm in college. :P

Gratz on becoming RP sensi btw. =3

Hmm, just to mix things up, I want to be a swirlix...and maybe a shinx. Or a Mightyena! :3


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Younowut? I played a luxray last roleplay. Gimmee that swirlix. *grabs the cotton candy pokemon, making it squeak like a chew toy*

Just for kicks, I'm going to play a foul mouthed gangsta swirlix named DJ Swirlix who runs/DJ's at a pokemon only nightclub named "Sugar Rush" near the main village.

And maybe I could throw in his shy little sister, Echo the Ralts? Y'know, for adventuring.

Edit: Can I make Echo a shiny? I'd really appreciate it.

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Yeah. Ik that.

Grass hasn't given us a clear story yet.

She said it can be rescue and exploration teams. I asked about masters, and I guess none dem.

I just worry if she's gonna make us send a message to HAPPI. Who knows what kind of treachery goes on in a place like that.

If not, well yeah.

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