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Interest Check: Pokemon mystery dungeon-themed RP


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  On 8/23/2014 at 4:44 AM, grasssnake485 said:

Great, ten people so far.

That makes three teams even, and four people who get to be humans.

Temporarily closing registrations for now. If you still want to join.. welp, find three other people who also want to join.

Was not really planning more than three teams.

Anyway, in the beginning, you'll all be on your own, then you can recruit *one* npc pokemon per character, pokemon or human. And eventually I'll make all the teams merge.

Taken pokemon so far: (includes Evo. lines)

All dem NPCs






But but but I said Eevee ;;

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Uh, K_H...

  On 8/26/2014 at 1:19 AM, Snap Crackle Pop said:

^^ I don't even...

Riolu for me by the way perhaps a zoura for a partner

And this too...

  On 8/23/2014 at 4:44 AM, grasssnake485 said:

Great, ten people so far.

That makes three teams even, and four people who get to be humans.

Temporarily closing registrations for now. If you still want to join.. welp, find three other people who also want to join.

Was not really planning more than three teams.

Anyway, in the beginning, you'll all be on your own, then you can recruit *one* npc pokemon per character, pokemon or human. And eventually I'll make all the teams merge.

Taken pokemon so far: (includes Evo. lines)

All dem NPCs






I fear you can't join if you can't find yourself another two people.

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Taillow --murdoc

farfetchd -- hukuna

tropius --- personwithbananna

mudkip --grass

chimchar -- grass

riolu -- Snap Crackle Pop

absol -- Absol

Swablu Darklight

spritzee --Skullkin

Skorupi-- Chimchain

Gible -- ethic

Eevee zephyr

Timburr -- dobby

Bibs, Ark, Waiting on you

Snap, Zephyr, you need to change poke's

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NPC Lists:

Verdance Rescue castle:

Castle Leader: Riolu

Castle Elders: Sceptile, Celebi, Roserade

Castle Rookies: servine, charmander

Tempest Rescue Castle:

Castle Leader: Skarmory

Castle Elders: Honchkrow Volclarona, Salamence

Castle Rookies: Fletchling, Vibrava

Seacrest Exploration Castle

Castle Leader: Milotic

Castle Elders: Glaceon, Gyrados, Feebas

Castle Rookies: Marril, Piplup

Mystique Exploration castle

Castle Leader: Gothitelle

Castle Elders: Zoroark, Gardevoir, Gallade

Castle Rookies: Shuppet

I'll post the town residents in a moment
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Town residents: (Same in every town, except Merchant Meowth moves shop daily)

Kecleon x2 --- Kecleon Shop

Meowth ------ Merchant Meowth

Chansey ----- Chansey Day Care

Machamp --- Machamp Dojo

Munchlax --- Munchlax Recycle

Delcatty ----- Delcatty Bank

Khangastan - Khangastan Storage

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Taillow --murdoc

farfetchd -- hukuna

tropius --- personwithbananna

mudkip --grass

chimchar -- grass

Axew -- Snap Crackle Pop

absol -- Absol

Swablu Darklight

swirlix --Skullkin

Skorupi-- Chimchain

druddigon -- ethic

Espurr zephyr

Timburr -- dobby

Lillipup -- Bibs

Ark, Waiting on you

Edited by grasssnake485
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