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Interest Check: Pokemon mystery dungeon-themed RP


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oh okay lol

Username: ZephyrEnyalios
Reserved Poke: Espurr (F) Name: Pulse
Human/Poke: Poke
Preferred specialty: Exploration (or is it possible to be in a team that does both?)

Personality: Based on what I've observed about myself, standoffish on the outside, but actually pretty... nice (different from tsun by the way)? XD wow this description is shallow

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Oh, and Absol, Skullkin, please tell me that you would prefer to be a rescue team, because I already have the perfect spot to put you two XD. Verdance isnt nicknamed "Lawless" for no reason..


User: Absol

Reserved: dat absol tho.

Race: poke

Specialty: idk... I guess... Res...cue?...


Oh you should know me by now! ; 3

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If a lot of people want to be a human, I will back down because it's not too much of a big deal for me. If not, here is my character.

Username: Snap Crackle PopReserved Poke: AxewHuman/Poke: Human Preferred specialty: Exploration Personality: Quiet, thoughtful, cautious, can be overly serious at times but can joke around given the right mood.Is generally reserved


Username: Snap Crackle Pop

Reserved Poke: Axew

Human/Poke: Poke (F)

Preferred specialty: Exploration

Personality: Very laid back and light hearted. Finds a lot of things amusing and is very curious.

I don't know how I messed that up...

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Ark, Bibs, I'm just gonna put down "Exploration Team" for our specialty for now. though I'll ultimately leave the choice up to you two.

Username: Stratos (or Ethic...either is fine)

Reserved Pokemon: Druddigon

Human/ Pokemon: Pokemon

Preferred Specialty: Exploration

Personality: comes of as A bit rough and curt at first, But upon warming up is a very loyal individual who is more than willing to go very far out of his way in order to help a friend in need. Doesn't like to back down from challenges, and has an adventurous spirit; sometimes so adventurous that it proves to be a bit foolhardy...

That should do for a basic over view of what I'm going for with the personality. Unto the Subject of a Co-mod, I can indeed serve as one for you. either PM me with details of things that need to be done in the Story if you ever need me, or simply keep me in the loop about things in general. Which ever way you decide will be fine.

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Username: DarkLight

Reserved Poke: Swablu (Female)

Human/Poke: Pokemon

Preferred specialty: Exploration

Personality: A bit of a loner. Clever and calculating in battle thanks to her very apparent disadvantages in size and strength, but can be seen as cold-hearted and serious as a result. If you manage to earn her respect (from intelligence, hard work, or she just gets used to you), she will eventually open up and be less distant.


Hey, I have to break that stereotypical soft, cute, and harmless little cloud bird, right?

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*groans* Fiiine. xP I'll be on a team with Absol.

Username: Skullkin

Reserved Poke: All of a sudden, I want a male frillish. Dunno why. x3 Gimmee dat cotton candy pokemon. *squeezes Swirlix*

Human/Poke: *pokes Grass* Does that answer your question? :3

Preferred specialty: Specializes in having swag and gettin pokebishes. ...I mean, exploration?

Personality: Gangsta cotton candy.


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User: Hukuna.

Reserved Poke: Farfetch'd Male, Name: Yojimbo

Human/poke: Pokemon

Preferred Specialty: eh, I don't really mind, though Exploration off the top of my head, I will go with whatever Murdoc implies though as we will be on a team, or at least we want to be.

Personlaity: Eccentric. Heavily believes in honor and will do nothing to besmirch his own. Loyal, tenacious, and a leadery type.

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  On 8/30/2014 at 2:55 AM, Skullkin said:

I thought Grass, Absol, and I were a team?

Correct. With Alina and Lamina, a sadisticish servine.

Exploration is currently all filled up.

Bibs, Ark, Ethic/Stratos (I will forever recognize you as Ethic) if you want to be in a team together.. welp, gotta be rescue.

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Currently waiting on Murdoc Bibs, Ark, Dobby, and Chimchain.

Still need 2 humans, one rescue, one exploration

Absol ----------- Rescue

Skullkin --------- Rescue

Darklight ------- Exploration

Zephyr --------- Exploration

Pop ------------- Exploration

Ethic ---------- Exploration?

Hukuna -------- Exploration?

PWB ----------- Exploration

Zephyr,already have a team for you.

Me(Merodi), Darklight, PWB

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