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Reborn Pronunciation Guide


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I think it might be important for all of the Reborn players to become familiarized with the pronunciation of Reborn-specific words, so I made this thread in the hopes that Amethyst would appear on her rainbow and educate us. I already have a decent idea of how each word is pronounced, but it doesn't hurt to get some confirmation from the creator herself, right?

EDIT: The great Creator has bestowed upon us the boon of knowledge, in the form of official pronunciations. From Amethyst herself:

rainbow clears ame appears

Peridot: Pe-ri-dot or Pe-ri-doe (French root)

Rhodocrine: ROAD-uh-cRIN

Aventurine: Uh-VEN-chur-EEN

Azurine: AH-zhur-IN

Apophyll: Ah-PAH-fill

Pyrous: PIE-rus

Byxbysion: BIKS-bi-SHUN

Chrysolia: KRIS-ohl-EE-uh

Spinel: spin-ELLE

Tanzan: TAN-zuhn

Agate: AA-git

Ametrine: AA-meh-TREEN

Celestinine: SEH-lest-IH-neen

Citrine: SIT-reen

Calcenon: KAL-seh-NAHN

Labradorra: LAA-bruh-DOOR-uh
Citae Arc d'Astrae: CIT-ey ARC de-AST-reh

(94% isn't bad, right? Pretty much all of my pronunciations were spot on, except I had been referring to "Agate" as "uh-GATE.")

Thank you as always, Ame!

Edited by Foamy
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A pet peeve of mine while watching Youtube walkthroughs is people's pronunciations of Byxbysion. Phonetically, it is pronounced "Biks-bizh-un".
Another error is not the pronunciation, but the name as a whole: Aventurine Region. Not ADventurine, Aventurine.

Lastly is the Rhodochrine Jungle region. I've heard "Rhidochrine" and even "Rhinochrine". Next up is Rhino Crime, but that may require dyslexic players.

(Region names taken from Reborn map)

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Basically, if I ever was to start a youtube channel, I would probably skip Reborn just because I wouldn't be able to pronounce a single of the freaking areas names correctly lol. (Na, it is more because people wouldn't want to see me bumble through it. I would have to learn it well enough that I could easily get through it no problem.)

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In all fairness though, 'Byxbysion" isn't the easiest word after seeing it the first time. I admit that even I stumbled on pronouncing it. It's simply that players just don't take the time to

learn how to pronounce them. Which is sad because if you really think about it... it's not really that difficult.

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Byxbysion is a weird word that takes time to figure out how to spell, let alone pronounce. I should expect people to butcher it.

Incidentally, it's not a pronunciation thing, but I thought Rhodochrine was "Rhondochrine" for a while. Kinda smacked myself in the face when I realized there was no N there. Whoops.

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rainbow clears ame appears

All of the place names are based off of crystals so this is going to be a learning experience for me too

For instance let's start with Peridot. For my entire life I've grown up pronouncing this 'Pe-ri-doe', but most people pronounce the 'dot' to rhyme with 'hot'. I've face-palmed at a lot of Let's Players for this, but apparently the latter is the way the dictionary suggests to pronounce it, and the way I grew up pronouncing it is actually based on the French root of the word. In short, either Pe-ri-dot or Pe-ri-doe is proper and I don't have to cringe when people youtubers start the game anymore.

so that's good.

Moving on:

Rhodocrine- ROAD-uh-cRIN

Aventurine: Uh-VEN-chur-EEN

Azurine: AH-zhur-IN

Apophyll: Ah-PAH-fill

Pyrous: PIE-rus

Byxbysion: BIKS-bi-SHUN

Chrysolia: KRIS-ohl-EE-uh

Spinel: spin-ELLE

Tanzan: TAN-zuhn

Agate: AA-git

Ametrine: AA-meh-TREEN

Celestinine: SEH-lest-IH-neen

Citrine: SIT-reen

Calcenon: KAL-seh-NAHN

Labradorra: LAA-bruh-DOOR-uh

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rainbow clears ame appears

All of the place names are based off of crystals so this is going to be a learning experience for me too

For instance let's start with Peridot. For my entire life I've grown up pronouncing this 'Pe-ri-doe', but most people pronounce the 'dot' to rhyme with 'hot'. I've face-palmed at a lot of Let's Players for this, but apparently the latter is the way the dictionary suggests to pronounce it, and the way I grew up pronouncing it is actually based on the French root of the word. In short, either Pe-ri-dot or Pe-ri-doe is proper and I don't have to cringe when people youtubers start the game anymore.

so that's good.

Moving on:

Rhodocrine- ROAD-uh-cRIN

Aventurine: Uh-VEN-chur-EEN

Azurine: AH-zhur-IN

Apophyll: Ah-PAH-fill

Pyrous: PIE-rus

Byxbysion: BIKS-bi-SHUN

Chrysolia: KRIS-ohl-EE-uh

Spinel: spin-ELLE

Tanzan: TAN-zuhn

Agate: AA-git

Ametrine: AA-meh-TREEN

Celestinine: SEH-lest-IH-neen

Citrine: SIT-reen

Calcenon: KAL-seh-NAHN

Labradorra: LAA-bruh-DOOR-uh

uh, do you mean rhodocrine's crine as in crime crine, or Lin rin?

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Moving on:

Rhodocrine- ROAD-uh-cRIN

Aventurine: Uh-VEN-chur-EEN

Azurine: AH-zhur-IN

Apophyll: Ah-PAH-fill

Pyrous: PIE-rus

Byxbysion: BIKS-bi-SHUN

Chrysolia: KRIS-ohl-EE-uh

Spinel: spin-ELLE

Tanzan: TAN-zuhn

Agate: AA-git

Ametrine: AA-meh-TREEN

Celestinine: SEH-lest-IH-neen

Citrine: SIT-reen

Calcenon: KAL-seh-NAHN

Labradorra: LAA-bruh-DOOR-uh

And now for the way this one Australian bloke had been saying them all:

Peridot: PE-ree-DOT

Rhodocrine- ROAD-a-CREEN

Aventurine: AA-VEN-chur-EEN

Azurine: AA-zhur-EEN

Apophyll: AA-POF-fill

Pyrous: PIE-rus

Byxbysion: BIKS-bi-see-ON (Can't believe I didn't catch at least this one)

Chrysolia: KRIS-ohl-EE-uh

Spinel: spin-ELLE

Tanzan: TAN-zan

Agate: AA-gate

Ametrine: AA-meh-TREEN

Celestinine: SEH-lest-UH-neen

Citrine: SIT-reen

Calcenon: KAL-seh-NON

Labradorra: LAA-bruh-DOOR-uh

Edited by Sheep
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