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Apparently if you eat more than twelve bananas in a day you'll die, because the potassium in bananas is radioactivethe_more_you_know_banner.jpg

(It might not be exactly 12 bananas, because I heard this fact a while ago, but it's definitely +10 :P)

actually the radioactive dose is negligible. also it's near impossible to die from potassium poisoning because if you eat all the bananas necessary (which is a lot more than 12) either you will vomit because you ate too fast, or you will eat too slowly and at no given time will you reach a lethal concentration of potassium in your body.

that doesn't mean you cannot die from bananas! You can slip on one and fall off a cliff. You can also choke to death on one. You can also inject a syringe full of banana purée in your bloodstream and block your arteries, or extract all the potassium in the bananas and inject yourself a lethal dose. You can also mix your bananas with cyanide, or get crushed to death by a million bananas. The possibilities are endless for creative minds who want to go out in style!

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87% of statistics are made-up on the spot.

If we're still talking about deadly bananas... They're slightly radioactive, yes. Eating a banana will expose you to a dose of 0.005 millirems from the potassium-40 it contains. There's even a informal measurement of radioactivity based on the banana. It's called the Banana Equivalent Dose, and your average radiation exposure per day (from background sources) is 100 BED.

Living within 50 miles of a nuclear power plant adds to that, being radioactively equivalent to eating 1.64 bananas a year.

Living within 50 miles of a coal-burning plant adds the equivalent of eating 5.5 bananas a year, because burning coal gives off radioactive emissions.

A lethal dose of radiation would be~80 million BED, although in the case of a banana stampede the weight of eighty million bananas would probably crush you to death first.

Also? Banana plants walk up to 40 cm a lifetime.

Edited by Bakerlite
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Or it's a defence to people sneezing out their souls/expeling a demon from their body. Or because a sneeze was supposed to indicate good luck. Not sure about that one, though. The black death sounds the most likely, though. Sneezing isn't a symptom of the plague, but it was believed to be.

I don't think that the heart does stop, though. As in, the heart beats approximately once a second, so it not beating for a millisecond wouldn't do much. It does mess with the pressure in your chest (due to inhaling), which can alter your blood pressure and change the speed of your heartbeat if it's particularly violent, but that's about it.

Some people sneeze after looking at bright lights due to nervous signals getting mixed up. It may be hereditary. Those who are affected by this make up anywhere from 1/5 to 1/3 of the population, are mostly women, and are almost all white.

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About that thing when we yell or shout,

Its proven that we can endure longer being in Cold water if we repeatedly shout (was proven with loud cursing)

Drinking whisky can help you endure mentally being longer in cold but physically not.

Your body heat would drop at same spead if you didnt drink, It just sorta makes you less aware of the cold

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