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Just wanted to share my team with you guys ( I know it's not the best and that i lack in type coverage but it gets the job done) :D

Crobat lvl 70 Acrobatics, Cross Poison, Air Cutter, Air Slash

Gengar lvl 70 Hex, Shadow Ball, Dark Pulse, Sucker Punch

Greninja lvl 69 Hydro Pump, Extrasensory, Water Pulse, Cut

Arcanine lvl 70 Rock Smash, Strength, Flamethrower, Flame Burst

Tyrantrum lvl 70
Naughty nature
Rock Head ability
259 atk
Moveset: Crunch, Head Smash, Dragon Claw, Earthquake

Aand the newest addition to my team and still in training

Metagross lvl 55
Adamant nature
Clear Body ability
215 atk
Moveset: Zen Headbutt, Bullet Punch, Meteor Mash, Hammer Arm

I can't wait to unleash Gengar and Metagross on that Fairy Gym :D

And in rotation:
Eelektros lvl 63
Shiny Kadabra lvl 56 (still in training, waiting for ep 13 to get another link stoneand evolve it because i'm saving my current one for Scyther)
Shiny Pangoro lvl 66
Raticate lvl 63
Excadrill lvl 42 (still in training)

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Dis is gr8! Just remember.


Get an Hm pokemon for stuff like dat.

Liek poocheyena for your rock smashing and cutting...

Marill for your surfing, water falling, strengthing etc...

You posses a slight ground weakness but no matter.

Make sure to teach Greninja dark pulse if at all possible.

Teach gengar a status move such as toxic.

Crobat looks good.


The strength and rock smash Hm are technically ok coverage, plus the defense lowerage of rock smash.

You can keep that if you want...

Tyrantrum is simply great with the head smash.

Metagross is good.

And your rotations are pretty good.

This team is good for your in game needs, try to get a sweeper though.

Like, swords dance then dragon claw idk. Those will help.

Metagross is a fine tank, good choice!

This team looks good, I won't judge you for the basic flaws, since those are simple fixes. Nice work!

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Thanks for the reply :D I usually cover the ground pokemon with Greninja and i'm planing to teach Surf to it at some point. I'll fix Gengar definitley since i no longer have the use of that Hex and will probably replace it with Destiny Bond or some poison move. Aaand i got sword dance for my Excadrill, all i gotta do is level him and Metagross up :D

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Having 3 Flying moves is super redundant. You could breed Crobat with an Archen for U-Turn or with a HootHoot for Zen Headbutt.

You can use a Honckrow to breed Nasty Plot onto Crobat adn use a set like Air Slash, Dark Pulse/Shadow Ball and Hidden Power. If you do that, get a Scope Lens from the Obsidia Dept Store. With it, Air Slash will have a 50% chance to crit (12.5% for all other moves).

Level a male Stunfisk to level 45 to have it learn Thunderbolt, breed that with a female Grimer/Muk, you'll get a Grimer Egg with Tbolt. Level a male Grimer (which will have Tbolt) to level 26 to have it learn Sludge Bomb and breed that with a female Gastly. You'll get the egg of a Gastly with Sludge Bomb and Thunder Bolt. Shadow Ball and Destiny Bond works well with that.

At least until we get Surf, you can get Water Pledge from the circus. You can also breed it with a Remoraid for Ice Beam. And use that Dark Pulse TM, maybe learn Spikes for Protean against predicted Electric attacks.

Breed that Arcanine with a Primeape/Zangoose to get Close Combat. Level that new Growlithe to level 45 to get it Outrage and Flare Blitz. I'd recommend Agility as well, or Crunch/Extreme Speed if you don't want Agility.

Get an Altaria to Breed Dragon Dance to Tyrantrum. The Dept. Store also has 2 accuracy boosting items, one boosts by 10% always, another by 20% if your foe's faster. It would make Head Smash have 88% or 96% percent accuracy.

If you get one Agility, the priority from Bullet Punch wouldn't matter and you could use Meteor Mash, a 2 times stronger attack than Bullet Punch, instead of B-Punch.

For the Excadrill, you can use a Zangoose to breed Swords Dance and X-Scissor.

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  On 8/23/2014 at 1:39 PM, Sheep said:

Air slash has a regular crit rate, not a high one. You're thinking of air cutter, which is weak and you shouldn't even consider it.

My bad. But still, Air Cutter has a 50% chance to crit, thus having 90 Base Power....which gives it the same average power as Air Slash. Yeah, go for Air Slash and it's high flinch chance. Then you could give Crobat Black Sludge. I can't find an image of it's location, but check the big container in the bottom left at 11:57 here.

Also, Bibarel learns all HMs expect for Cut and Flash.

Edited by Etesian
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You're team looks pretty good, the only thing I would recommend is to use Common Candies. The level cap does not increase after defeating Samson, meaning that 4 of your 6 members will exceed the level cap early in the next episode maybe, but who knows for sure. There is a possibility of fighting a gym leader right off the bat in the next episode, but that's just my opinion.

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  On 8/23/2014 at 1:36 PM, Etesian said:

Having 3 Flying moves is super redundant. You could breed Crobat with an Archen for U-Turn or with a HootHoot for Zen Headbutt.

You can use a Honckrow to breed Nasty Plot onto Crobat adn use a set like Air Slash, Dark Pulse/Shadow Ball and Hidden Power. If you do that, get a Scope Lens from the Obsidia Dept Store. With it, Air Slash will have a 50% chance to crit (12.5% for all other moves).

Level a male Stunfisk to level 45 to have it learn Thunderbolt, breed that with a female Grimer/Muk, you'll get a Grimer Egg with Tbolt. Level a male Grimer (which will have Tbolt) to level 26 to have it learn Sludge Bomb and breed that with a female Gastly. You'll get the egg of a Gastly with Sludge Bomb and Thunder Bolt. Shadow Ball and Destiny Bond works well with that.

At least until we get Surf, you can get Water Pledge from the circus. You can also breed it with a Remoraid for Ice Beam. And use that Dark Pulse TM, maybe learn Spikes for Protean against predicted Electric attacks.

Breed that Arcanine with a Primeape/Zangoose to get Close Combat. Level that new Growlithe to level 45 to get it Outrage and Flare Blitz. I'd recommend Agility as well, or Crunch/Extreme Speed if you don't want Agility.

Get an Altaria to Breed Dragon Dance to Tyrantrum. The Dept. Store also has 2 accuracy boosting items, one boosts by 10% always, another by 20% if your foe's faster. It would make Head Smash have 88% or 96% percent accuracy.

If you get one Agility, the priority from Bullet Punch wouldn't matter and you could use Meteor Mash, a 2 times stronger attack than Bullet Punch, instead of B-Punch.

For the Excadrill, you can use a Zangoose to breed Swords Dance and X-Scissor.

I've already been planning on getting a better Gengar and i'm currently breeding. Crobat i won't really touch since all those moves don't mean too much to me ingame. Same for Arcanine i only really need him for fire moves although i am kinda missing that Flare Blitz. But i've been thinking about that Metagross sugestion and i gotta say that really makes sense and works better than Bullet Punch. Thanks :D

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