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Your Leroy Jenkins moment


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I´ve got many of those, mainly because not paying attention or not caring enough. Mostly when playing Guild Wars 2 or any other mmo, when I´m playing alone I tend to be careful because then I´m not pissing anyone off ^^

When I play GW2, I´m not always paying attention, especially on easier dungeons and ESPECIALLY when playing my tank (cuz damage from the small fry won´t bother me that much), and sometimes someone wants to use a certain skill to stealth us through or wants to cool-down a skill or just writes "brb, wait please" and I don´t always read the chat. Ends with me running into the mobs and everyone standing there, some decide to help me and some don´t, which makes it even worse. At least I´m pretty tanky ^____^

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  • 3 weeks later...

LLLEEEEEERRRRROOOOOYYYY JJJJJEEEENNNNNNNNKKKKIINNS (my) way to defeat the fools whenever I go leroy.

Halo(any), Just run shoot,punch, rinch and repeat

MW3, Just run for it with type95 and throw mah grenades

GTA5, Car rush/slam people or trying tank to destroy a tank

War thunder, Just ram into a battaltion of planes (nobody stopes meeee)

Also always funny to do it with friends or strangers.

Edited by Cornerman
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  • 1 month later...

my most memorable Leeroy Jenkins moment (if you can call it that) was actually in World of Warcraft days... during the Burning Crusade expansion.

I played a protection-Paladin... which equals a tank.

We wiped on a boss in the raid Serpent Shrine Cavern (I don't remember which one), but after that wipe 2 of our members somehow got into a fight over TeamSpeak- who stood in a wrong position or whatever... (If I recall correctly those two haven't gone along well for a few days prior to that)

So we went to the boss again and tried to calm those two down so that we could continue and try again... they would completely ignore us, they didn't react to ingame-chat or to TeamSpeak call outs (maybe because they were so loud.

As the Main-Tank and Raid-LeaderI was like: "Ok guys short break - have smoke, go to the toilet, whatever... in 5 minutes we WILL start this boss! No matter what!"

5 minutes later me in chat "ReadyCheck - + into chat if your ready!" (because those two were still going shouting at each other...)

everyone was ready except those 2 who didn't keep attention to the chat.

Me in chat again - "Ok guys... you maybe want to turn down your TS volume for a few seconds..."

And with all my power I shouted:


finally overpowering those 2 in Teamspeak and ran into the boss... (luckily I was home alone at that time)

suddenly they were totally quite and like "The hell are you doing mate?"

and the other 22 people were laughing their asses off...

after a few minutes of laughing and utterly confusion, we explained them that they were halting our progress with their childish behaviour and all the things they didn't pay attention to... and if they want to come along raiding again, they should put their differences to rest BEFORE or AFTER the raid..."

We did manage to kill the boss in that try...

(oh I miss the good old days...)

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  • 2 weeks later...

On Nazi Zombies when Black Ops 1 was still a thing, I was the last one alive with nothing but a ballistic knife and a Wunderwaffe with one shot on round 38 Der Reise.

Instead of holding up in a corner and praying, I got Quick Revive and ran through the map trying to group the horde and revive my noob friends. Bought every gun off every wall I could see.

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Hence the topic. My leroy jenkins moment was in battlefield on ps4. Playing rush on siege shanghai, I decided to jump off and rush the A mcom. Guess what? I killed 7 defenders and succeeded arming and blowing up mcom A. Nowdays whenever I play payday 2 and on big oil job, I will play Leroy Jenkins.



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  • 1 month later...
  • 2 months later...

Well, recently I was playing URF and I was Eve. And I ran into the enemy team 1v4 despite getting repeatedly pinged to retreat. I came out with a double kill and got a beautiful "Oh" from the person who was pinging me owo

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When I'm in the Arathi Basin battleground in WoW and I'm on my mage, I can rarely resist the temptation of jumping off the cliff overlooking the mine and slowfalling, even when attacking from above doesn't give me even close to enough advantage to make up for the guards posted around the flag.

That said, a couple of times I have managed to polymorph the lone guard then ninja the flag after jumping like that. =p

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